Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1201: sneak into

Chapter 1201 Infiltrating

Pirate God Milton suddenly got a meal during the flight. In his perception, as many as fifty believers in the city of Perth where he lived died.

"Perth is over!" He said silently.

He was almost annihilated as a deity, but he still had some emotions in Perth City, which had lived for decades.

There he had neighbors, familiar people, strangers who greeted every day, pubs he frequented, memories of him, but now all this is gone.

With the madness of the kingdom of God, he knew that the missing items in the central temple of the kingdom of God should be very precious, so precious that the kingdom of God followed him.

He began to think of details he didn't expect, and suddenly he thought of a possibility.

Could it be the trouble caused by his artifact, someone used his artifact to do it, and then dumped the black pot on him.

The more he thought about it, the more likely he could enter the temple of the living spirit in stealth. In addition to his ability, his artifact can be combined with some special conditions.

Thinking of this, he almost immediately began to find his artifact information, as long as he used his artifact, then he can get some clues.

At the same time as long as he needs, he can take back his artifact at any time.

He doesn't have many artifacts, only three, one is his dagger, one is a mask, and one is a cape.

Among them, his dagger and cloak have a stealth effect, and the mask has a blur effect.

He began to inspire his own spiritual power and connected his artifact.

Information on the dagger and mask was found, and he could retrieve it at any time.

But the cloak's message was as if it had been suppressed. He could only judge its approximate location, but could not retrieve it.

His cloak is an artifact. In order to make his artifact cloak unrecoverable, he either has a stronger **** power than him, forcibly suppresses the cloak, or he has an artifact space higher than his artifact level, allowing the artifact cloak. Cannot be recalled.

Although he did not get the feedback information of the cloak, he was sure that the cloak was related to the theft of the central temple of the kingdom of God.

How could there be such a coincidence that the central temple of the kingdom of gods was stolen, and his artifact cloak was suppressed by people with stronger artifact space, and only those who possess such an artifact space would be able to find the central temple of the kingdom of gods? trouble.

"Would you like to see it?" Pirate God Milton hesitated, thinking to himself.

He has always followed the principle of safety first, which is why he can survive.

Those who can steal the central temple of the kingdom of God must not be at a low level of danger, even if he has analyzed so much before, he wants to retaliate against the person who has made him a scapegoat, but he hesitates again and again.

"Go and see, let's talk about the strength of the other side!" He made a decision in his heart, then turned his direction and flew towards the position he felt.

Thief Milton didn't turn on the maximum speed. He didn't want to waste the power which was not much. Besides, this time it was dangerous. He still needed some power to prepare for escape.

He flew for the whole day, and by noon the next day, he felt he was getting closer and closer to the perceived position.

It's just that he was weird. At night, his cloak had disappeared as if in this world, so that he could not perceive it.

When he thought it was discovered by the other party, the cloak reappeared the next morning, or it was suppressed by the artifact space as it was yesterday.

The curiosity in his heart was growing, and he wondered what happened.

You should know that God's inspiration should be based on his own artifact ability, even if the artifact is on the subcontinent, he cannot escape the induction of the gods.

What is the reason to make him unable to perceive his artifact cloak!

His curiosity became more and more gloomy as the direction of his flight became clearer.

Because he found that he was flying in the direction of the Temple of the Moon Goddess.

The goddess of the moon is one of the few gods that has survived from the age of the gods. It does not need to say much about its strength. It can pinch a demigod like him with one hand.

Of course, Milton is a demigod just because he doesn't have a kingdom.

Thief Milton wants to stop flying like this. He doesn't want to enter the Temple of the Moon Goddess, which is a temple of a particularly active god. He dares to enter it and will definitely be found.

But there was a voice in his heart all the time, confirm it, make sure that it didn't give him up halfway.

The most important reason for this was the breath of the artifact cloak that completely disappeared that night, which completely raised his curiosity.

Even if the goddess of the moon shoots, it should not be able to isolate the connection between his artifact cloak and him.

Finally he flew to the Harden Mountains, and finally confirmed that his target was not the Temple of the Goddess, but a castle made of gold.

His news is not closed, he knows the legendary alchemist master Bennett, but he does not want to have an intersection with this hot alchemist master.

Because Master Bennett has nothing to do with him whether it is refining pharmaceutical agents or metallurgy.

He is a deity. He does not need a potion for professionals. He does not need metallurgy. As long as he has sufficient divine power, he can do better than this master Bennett.

He found that the artifact cloak was in the Golden Castle, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as it was not in the Temple of the Moon Goddess, an alchemist.

Although Master Alchemist has a high status in the Central Continent, it is nothing in his eyes.

If it wasn't near the Temple of the Moon Goddess, he wanted to break into it directly, grab Master Bennett and force him to ask what he wanted to know.

"It's been many years and I haven't shot it myself. It's time to let this thief know who is the thief's ancestor!" Pirate God Milton said with pride, his body was invisible and his breath was locked in his body.

He descended from the air and came next to the Golden Castle.

He looked at the Golden Castle in front of him, and even if he was a god, he could not help twitching. He saw what most professionals did not see.

This gold castle's gold incorporates some particularly precious materials, these materials are more precious than gold, so although this is a gold castle, its value far exceeds the significance of gold.

At the same time, every inch of space in the Golden Castle is densely covered with French pattern, and various large and small French arrays are hidden in the golden light.

He looked at the sky of the Golden Castle again. In fact, when he flew here, he felt the huge defensive array in the sky of the Golden Castle, which is a more powerful defensive method than the ordinary defensive array. Array.

In his perception, even if other gods come to this golden castle and want to enter this castle, it is impossible to enter it without much effort.

But that's all about other gods. Who he is, he is a thief. The **** whose name is stealing has a special way of cracking various law formations.

He knew the law formations on the walls of the Golden Castle, which were the dwarven ones, and he had all studied.

Even the huge defensive circle he saw for the first time in the sky, he could easily enter and exit.

Pirate God Milton stretched out his hand and gently pressed it against the wall of the Golden Castle. The breath on his hand was transformed into the same atmosphere as the Golden Castle's formation. The array is one.

His body in stealth flew up, over the walls of the Golden Castle, and entered the Golden Castle without any obstruction.

As soon as he entered the Golden Castle, he unexpectedly experienced the excitement. How could an Alchemist's castle be so active?

His assimilated body with the Golden Castle, through the scanning array of the Golden Castle, he sensed the guests who were dining in the Chinese restaurant in the castle, and there were some guests in the lobby, even on the top platform of the Golden Castle, and there were some guests.

He soon thought of the "Legendary Light" not far from the Golden Castle, and it was the best observation point to come here.

Shaking his head, he did not understand why an alchemist had to open his residence castle, but this did not affect his continued inward.

He flew low in the castle with his feet on the ground. Stealth and the disregard of all the magic circles of the Golden Castle made him all the way.

He first came to the warehouse on the first floor. The warehouse door was closed tightly, but with a slight wave of his hand, the warehouse door opened automatically.

He entered the warehouse door and saw everything in the warehouse.

Among them are the druid cultivation resources that will make the outer druids crazy, various medicaments made by Master Bennett, and some valuable materials.

These things in the warehouse, if you let other professionals come, they will surely pack into the space and take them away.

But entering the warehouse was Pirates of Milton. For a deity, these things can be exchanged for up to no matter how precious these resources are. Where can the real deity resources be exchanged?

He was a little disappointed, and at the same time knew that it was impossible to put really good things here.

He came out of the warehouse, and the warehouse door closed automatically.

He sensed other important places through the scanning array of the Golden Castle, and he found that there are three most important places in the Golden Castle.

One is the basement, where the spirits are normally placed, and the defense is inevitable.

The second is the Alchemy Room, which is an important place for Master Bennett's refining of pharmaceutical agents, and many defenses are normal.

The third is the practice room, where the isolation and defensive arrays are turned on normally, which is not normal.

When using the scanning array of Golden Castle, he carefully controlled a degree, that is, a rough scan, not scanning the interior of the room.

He didn't want too many movements for the spirit to discover. In a building like his experience, the spirit of management is extremely powerful.

So he put the basement on the last target and the alchemy room on the second target.

Putting the practice room on the first goal is because he has great confidence in the gains in this goal, because the normal practice room, where will use the isolated circle.

He flew up again and flew towards the training room.

Abel also knew that the Golden Castle had come in, and he always thought that the Golden Castle's defensive ability, no one could sneak into it, not even the gods.

At this moment he was drinking Shuiling fruit juice leisurely, thinking about the sword technique in the heritage of angels.

His angel inherits swordsmanship, reaching a very strong close-up on the angel's body, but not to mention the long-range, even the middle and short range can not make an attack.

The angel's body still has to rely on the "Sword of the Holy Angel" to attack, and the range is also within the attack range of the "Sword of the Holy Angel", although there is a dark golden crossbow made by "Brisa-Do Kenan" Some supplements have been made, but that is not an angel heritage. Bullying the weak is not a problem. In the face of the true strong, you still have to rely on the angel heritage.

The power of light cannot leave the "Sword of the Holy Angel", and this is the biggest problem he currently encounters.

The use of his main soul with the druid's soul, and the opening of the Stone Fragment of the World, made him feel many times stronger than in the previous epiphany, but various possibilities were constantly being ruled out.

The strength of the angel's body has entered a bottleneck period. According to his current guess, it will take at least fifty years for the angel's body to go further.

By then, there is a great possibility of having mid-range and short-range attack capabilities, which is still the result of the angel's body with four wings.

If it is an ordinary angel, this process takes several times to reach.

Abel is also very depressed. What he is missing now is time. If it wasn't for the centuries' awakening of the demon in the kingdom of God, he had to quickly improve his strength, and his strength could be continuously improved as long as time.

As long as he himself, he can promote himself to the legend, and there is no difficulty even above the legend.

His angelic body can be ascended all the time, and the existence of ordinary gods is not a problem.

After a while, Beamon's beast, it's almost necessary to become a god.

Feiyan itself is a dragon family. As long as it is given time, with the help of Abel, its strength can be increased to the Millennium Dragon, even the 10,000-year-old dragon is not a problem.

Some of his paladins and wizards' covenants are undoubtedly stronger over time with his unlimited supply of resources.

All of his powerful paths are based on time.

Just as he thought about it, a sudden move came to his mind, and his training room was entered.

Pirate God Milton has always been very smooth, and his ability to integrate himself into the same atmosphere as the law formation is one of his most powerful abilities.

It is with this ability that he almost ignores all the legal arrays. This is the ability of the gods, which is far higher than the level of the legal arrays.

His first goal was set in the training room of Abel, and he went easily to the door of the training room all the way.

The isolated and defensive arrays of the practice room are not troublesome. The pirate **** Milton opened the door of the practice room without any trouble.

He entered the practice room, fearing that others in the castle would find the practice room open, so after he entered, the door of the practice room was closed again by him.

(End of this chapter)

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