Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1202: Find

Chapter 1202: Discovery

Pirate God Milton enters the practice room, and at first glance he sees the natural force gathering law team prepared for druid practice, and his mouth can't help but twitch again.

Too extravagant. Each of these legal arrays specially prepared for druid cultivation requires extremely rare special materials to make them. According to legend, there is only one in the royal family of elves.

Of course, he had no interest in this law formation, but just felt the wealth of Master Bennett, and his gaze continued to glance elsewhere.

He didn't know that such a law group that gathered the power of nature was just prepared by Abel in disguise. Abel didn't have time to cultivate the power of nature.

This training room was small, and Pirate God Milton glanced at it and found nothing special.

"It's impossible!" He thought to himself, the normal training room is where the professional stays for the longest time, and naturally places some important items here.

But the practice room in front of him had no other items besides the magic circle that gathered the power of nature, which was completely different from what he thought.

He guessed that there should be some hidden organs or special secrets.

Therefore, he carefully released his mental power. After entering the Golden Castle, he has not used mental power to release, all of which are the special abilities of his deities. The most convenient and fastest way.

As a thief and has extensive experience, he naturally knows that there is an accident that may occur if the mental power is released.

He carefully controlled that the spiritual power only swept through the cultivation room, but found nothing.

Just as he swept the spiritual force outwards across the wall of the training room, an accident happened.

Suddenly his mental strength seemed to be bitten by something. Because of his strong mental strength, he just felt the feeling of being bitten from his mental strength, but his mental strength was not harmful.

In fact, he used spiritual power to trigger the counterattack of the black spirit. Unfamiliar mental power appeared, and he was still in the most important training room of the Golden Castle, which made the black spirit attack on the strange spiritual power.

At the same time, the Black Spirit also fed this information back to the Fajin Spirit and the Research Spirit.

The black spirit showed its horror at this time. In the underground control room, the energy in several top magic stones was absorbed by it, and bursts of black mist emanated from its spirit body.

The Fajin spirit immediately blocked the door of the cultivation room, and used the most rude method to suppress the cultivation room by using all the legal arrays in the entire Golden Castle.

This method is normally the method often adopted by the urban defense team to suppress the professionals with low combat ability.

But here is the Golden Castle. The dwarves spent countless resources and manpower to build a defensive fortress for Abel. All the legal formations suppressed it, especially now that the fortress of war has been expanded to forty 'Starlight Defense Arrays'. The oppressive force generated is absolutely no problem to block a small practice room.

Thieves Milton found that it was wrong, and rushed to the door of the practice room, but found that the door of the practice room was covered with various patterns of law.

His breath began to change, and he wanted to use his special ability to open the door.

However, the situation at this time is very different from the situation when he sneaked in. Now he is equal to confrontation with Falun Spirit and Research Spirit. At this time, he uses special abilities and the Falun Spirit immediately responds.

The pattern of the pattern on the door and the wall of the practice room began to change constantly, making it very troublesome for Pirate God Milton to synchronize with the pattern of the pattern.

If the pattern of the regular array does not change, Pirate God Milton only needs to adjust it once, but the constantly changing pattern of the regular array makes him wonder how to control his breath for a while.

At this time he also knew that his whereabouts were exposed, and he no longer needed to hide himself.

This golden castle without legendary power is just a little trouble for his deity.

He let go of his spirit, and at the same time let go of his breath. He wanted to use his powerful breath to suppress all life in the entire golden castle, so as not to be found in the nearby Temple of the Moon Goddess and attract the attention of the Moon Goddess.

When the breath of Thieves Milton rushed towards the wall, a thick black mist appeared, swallowing his breath directly.

Naturally this black mist devouring the breath of the **** of stealing Milton was not without cost, the black mist began to roll and keep consuming.

But at the same time, there is a steady stream of black mist passed from the basement through the circle to the training room. The black mist of the black spirit is far inferior to the breath and spiritual power of the thief Milton, but this is an invisible confrontation.

The black spirit is hidden in the basement, with ample top-level magic stones to provide energy, and the black mist it transforms is almost endless.

Although the breath and spiritual power of Pirate God Milton are extremely powerful, the magic circle around the cultivation room is also resisting his spiritual power and breath. With the black mist of the Black Spirit, the Pirate God Mill is suddenly The breath and mental power of Dun were locked in the cultivation room.

Abel also knew about the break-in of the cultivation room. As the owner of the Golden Castle, he naturally observed the situation in the cultivation room through the magic circle spirit.

First of all, he didn't see any figure, but the strong breath was sent out from the cultivation room, so there is only one conclusion that the other party can be invisible.

He couldn't help but have a strange feeling in his heart. Only a few months ago, he used this stealth method to enter the central temple of the kingdom of God, but now he has been invaded in the same way.

If it weren't for the special ability of the Black Spirit, and he had an extraordinary sense of strange spiritual power, he wouldn't find this person sneaking in this time.

"No, this breath!" Suddenly he felt the breath through the magic array on the wall of the training room, and was shocked in his heart. The breath was more powerful than several legends he encountered, and in this breath, he felt Existence of divine power.

This is a god!

"Falun spirit, teleport everyone from the Golden Castle to the Elven Palace!" He ordered almost immediately.

At the same time he ordered, the trapped thief Milton shot.

Thieves Milton stretched out his left hand. At this moment, his left hand was covered with golden light. He struck the door of the training room with his left hand.

There was a scorn of contempt in his eyes. Although the black mist and the power of the golden castle's spirit surprised him, he really showed some of the power of the gods, and the practice room couldn't stop him at all.

However, something unexpected happened to him, just as his left hand was about to come into contact with the gate of the cultivation room, in the sky of the Golden Castle, the forty war fortresses that formed the 'Starlight Defense Array' were lit up at the same time.

"Is that starlight?" A professional who was watching 'Legendary Light' on the top platform pointed to the little starlight that suddenly appeared above his head.

Even when other guests found an abnormality above their heads, the space suppression capability of the forty war fortresses was turned on at the same time, which directly acted on the Milton, a thief who was about to attack.

The stealing of Milton ’s body was involuntary. Even if he was a deity, he had become the body of the gods. After being stimulated by a total of forty ancient war fortresses, he had to be suppressed for a short time.

All this does not require Abel's command, but the Array Spirit and Research Spirit are making the most correct decision.

When the spirit of the array and the research spirit revealed the stealing spirit Milton, he raised his strength to a highest level, the highest is infinitely high, which is the degree that the Golden Castle cannot be suppressed.

What is needed at this time is to turn the big trouble that Pirate God Milton can cause into a manageable trouble.

In the short span of time, Fajin Spirit and Research Spirit made the most appropriate treatment method.

When the simultaneous space suppression of forty war fortresses occurred, a short-range teleportation array was activated at the feet of the **** of stealth Milton. The controlled and unable to move the stealth **** Milton felt only a light body, and then was teleported out of the training room .

When he appeared again, he found that he was surrounded by walls made of steel, all of which were special materials only available in ancient times.

He felt the physical suppression of the body disappear, but the anger in his heart was about to erupt.

He was suppressed and unable to move, then teleported, and trapped in this strange land made of ancient steel.

Even if he is not a good thief, but it is also a god, how can a **** be so fooled by small mortals.

He slammed his left hand on the ancient iron and steel, the iron and steel sunken inward for a full metre, but was not penetrated, but recovered at a surprisingly fast speed.

It was also when he hit the ancient steel that the entire Golden Castle was shocked. When the guests and the people in the castle didn't know what was happening, their feet kept flashing and transmitting light.

"Don't resist, everyone, there is an unexpected situation at the Golden Castle, and you are being teleported to the Elven Palace, please keep calm!" The voice of the research spirit came out.

The people who were a little surprised were also aware of the accident at this time. They respected the host here and allowed the short-range teleportation circle to transfer them to the large teleportation circle, and then they were teleported out of the Golden Castle.

Including the servants in the castle, butlers of Meyer and three followers, all were involuntarily transmitted to the elven palace.

Just as all the guests were teleported away, the Golden Castle trembled again, and it was Pirates Milton's crazy attack.

Abel was not far away from Milton the Pirate at this moment, but it was only 500 meters apart, but Milton the Pirate was in the 'Star Defence Array' while Abel was looking outside.

Yes, just now, the Array Spirit used the space suppression capability of forty war fortresses at the same time to teleport the immovable Thieves Milton into the `` Starlight Defense Array ''.

Only here is the strongest place in the entire Golden Castle. The ancient defenses are so strong that even the Array Spirit cannot give the most accurate analysis results.

The ancient steel wall surrounding Milton the Pirate God is actually a cage with a wall of about ten meters formed by forty war fortresses.

The attack of Pirate God Milton is very terrible. Each hit can transform the wall transformed by the war fortress, but as long as the war fortress has enough energy to provide it, as long as it is not the core part of the damage, it will not affect.

At the same time, each strike of the Thieves Milton will be transmitted to the Golden Castle by the 'Starlight Defense Array', from the 'Starlight Defense Array' and the entire Golden Castle Array larger than the 'Starlight Defense Array'. Share his attacks together.

Thieves Milton released his stealth ability at this time. His attacks became heavier and less effective.

His mental power wants to look around, but the black mist transformed by the black spirit continues to erode his mental power. The "Star Defence Array" brings together the defenses of the forty war fortresses, and also gives him his mental power. Inaccessible.

This was a dilemma he had never encountered in thousands of years, and he was trapped in a mortal castle.

He knew that the surroundings should be excavated objects from ancient ruins, but he had never heard of anyone who could use ancient objects in such a way.

After stopping the attack for no less than a hundred hits, he stopped the attack. He knew that this attack would not cause much damage to the surrounding ancient steel.

"Leave me, I won't come here again!" Pirates Milton exclaimed.

When he said this, he could easily imagine the torment in his heart. The **** bowed his head to the mortal, making his face a little warm.

This feeling hasn't happened for a long time. The name of Pirate God is famously thick-skinned. He can immediately run away when he encounters a little danger, and he can do anything without restraint.

But those were made for the stronger, he knew that the master here was just an alchemist, not the true strong.

Abel heard the pirate **** Milton, with a look of extreme surprise in his eyes. This is a god, how could this be the case.

"Who are you?" He asked loudly.

His voice passed into the ears of Pirate God Milton through the "Star Defence Array". This kind of respectless question should have made Pirate God Milton angry, but as long as he can talk, Pirate God Milton We think that there is consultation.

"My name is Milton. I'm just curious here. I'm willing to pay for what I have done!" Pirate God Milton replied quickly.

"Milton?" Abel secretly remembered the name in his heart, and also connected spiritual power to the research spirit, and transmitted the name to the research spirit.

The research spirit began to quickly find the information related to this name, but it may be that the wizard organization where the research spirit was originally located is too low, and the relevant information was not found.

However, Abel opened the exchange network of the Wizarding Guild to Research Spirit, where he has more information to query, especially after he became the honorable elder of the Wizarding Guild, he has the power to query some important information.

Pirate God Milton was so cold in his heart that the other party didn't even have a voice. Did the other party have any other thoughts?

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thank you for your strength and reward for 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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