Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1217: visitor

Chapter 1217: Visitor

On July 1st, Abel appeared in the restaurant in the morning and had a hearty breakfast with the ten guests who came to dine.

His presence also showed the entire Central Continent that his retreat was over.

He knew that his promotion to the legend could not be avoided. He needed to contact his friendly forces. His sudden increase in strength made him must redefine his status with these forces.

Whether he wants to do this or not, it needs to be done.

Just as he ran out of breakfast, three distinguished guests came to him.

Abel met three distinguished guests in the parlor.

"Legend of Bennett, the last time you were separated from you, you have just been promoted to Grand Druid. How long has it passed before you have become a legend!" Dylan's legendary wizard said to Abel with a smile.

His voice was full of sighs. He had never seen such a speed of cultivation in his long life.

If it hadn't been for the reason for the promotion of the Wizarding Guild's intelligence system, even the Wizarding Guild would have caught Abel for research.

You know, but in just a few years, from high-level druids to the legendary druids.

The Wizarding Guild knows that it wants the Tree of Life to help, and it is estimated that the only person in the entire Central Continent that can move the Tree of Life is the one in front of it.

"Dylan's legendary wizard, I just became a legendary druid. I still haven't mastered the legendary fighting methods yet, so it's up to you to mention more!" Abel said with a smile.

"The three of us today came to congratulate you on behalf of the Wizarding Guild, and will also tell you some things that the legend should know. As for the legendary fighting method, I do n’t know much about the legendary druid's fighting method, but it is possible. Discuss with you! "Dylan's legendary wizard sat upright and said with a smile.

"Dylan the Legendary Wizard, please say it!" Abel also sat upright and said.

"First of all, since all legends have been legendary wizards for thousands of years, and no legendary druids have appeared, so the Wizarding Guild ’s requirements for legends are aimed at legendary wizards, and the Wizarding Guild ’s situation is also yours. I did some research, and I need to discuss with you in advance! "The legendary wizard of Dylan continued.

In fact, it was precisely because their three legendary wizards had the best relationship with Abel, that made them come to meet Abel. Among the three legends, Dylan's legendary wizard was the closest to Abel. Let him explain to Abel.

"Legends are the strongest combat power on the continent, so every legend is not allowed to shoot at will, especially in cities. Of course, if anyone dares to offend the legend, you can kill it anywhere!" The legendary wizard said again.

Abel nodded. This is understandable. Once the legend spreads, the weaker professionals will be killed directly, let alone in the city.

However, in this regard, most professionals have such requirements. Raising this point against the legend should be the damage caused by the legend!

"The legend accepts the offerings of the entire continent, and you can receive a 'crystal of divine power' every 100 years!"

The words of the legendary wizard of Dylan surprised Abel. Every hundred years of offerings turned out to be ‘crystals of divine power’, which greatly surprised him.

"Dylan's legendary wizard, what is" the power of crystals "?" Abel asked, pretending not to know about the power of crystals.

In fact, although he has obtained some knowledge of the inheritance system of the gods, although there are some usefulness of the "divine power crystal", there is nothing related to the wizard.

Of course, based on the relationship between the deities and wizards, it is impossible to mention the effect of ‘Divine Power Crystals’ on wizards.

"The legend of Bennett, although you haven't seen the" Crystal Power ", but you have appeared around you many times. Every time the evil country is dispatched, it will block the teleportation circle at the cost of consuming the" Crystal Power. To isolate the attacked target!

If you want to know what the "Divine Power Crystal" is, you must know the two major cultivation systems in this world. The first is the professional cultivation system. Like the wizard profession, druid occupation, and sacrificial occupation are all professional cultivation systems.

The other is the deity cultivation system. At present, there are still some deities in the central continent. Most of these deities are friendly deities who have good friendship with the wizarding guild. In addition to improving their own capabilities, the deity cultivation system also needs to have faith. Power supply. "Explained Dylan's legendary wizard.

"Dylan's legendary wizard, the **** you said improved his ability, which means that it is not necessarily an increase in combat effectiveness?" Abel interrupted Dylan's legendary wizard and asked.

When he heard this sentence from the legendary wizard of Dylan, the first thing he thought of was the stealing **** Milton, who was not a fighting god.

You should know that this is the wizard ’s evaluation of the deities, which should be more objective, and in the knowledge of the inheritance system of the gods, he exaggerated the power of the gods infinitely, making him not believe.

"Hehe, the legend of Bennett captures the focus of the cultivation of the gods. Indeed, the gods do not necessarily cultivate the combat ability. Many of the gods obtain the power of faith through various abilities that can help believers Only after you have completed the body of the **** can you be considered to have combat power!

I just mentioned that the gods need the power of faith. These belief forces are stored and compressed by a special method, which is ‘the crystal of divine power’. For the deities, the power of the divine spirit is just as important as the effect of cultivation potions on professionals.

In the battle of the gods in the Qing Dynasty, the Wizarding Guild obtained a lot of "divine power crystals" from the captured gods. After a long exploration, it was found that the "divine power crystals" can greatly enhance the wizard's meditation effect. Of course, due to the "divine powers" The crystal is precious, and only the legendary professionals can get a crystal of divine power every 100 years! "The legendary wizard of Dylan continued.

"Dylan's legendary wizard, I'm a legendary druid. Does 'Crystal Power' work?" Abel interrupted Dylan's legendary wizard again with a voice.

"Legend of Bennett, I do n’t know if the" Crystal Power "has effect on the cultivation of the legendary druid. This is the enshrinement of the wizarding guild to the legendary professional. If you do n’t need it, then you can completely exchange with me. I You can pay for your satisfaction! "Dylan's legendary wizard replied with a smile.

But his answer immediately dissatisfied the two legendary wizards who had not spoken next to him.

"Dylan, how can you do this, can we not afford the price of the exchange?" The legendary wizard of Glenn smiled and said to the legendary wizard of Dylan.

"Legend of Bennett, don't bother them. 'Divine Power Crystals' are very precious and have many magical effects. Even if they are not used for cultivation, they can also be used for other purposes. Besides, you need to exchange 'Divine Power Crystals' to get the maximum gain. It's better to trade with the gods, and based on your relationship with the moon goddess, a 'divine power crystal' is enough to make the moon goddess pay a lot! "The legendary wizard of Doreen looked a little bit, she explained to Abel.

Abel naturally knew that the two legendary wizards were joking. In the matter of this precious resource, he could not hide him for a long time.

"Can the wizarding guild produce miracles of magic?" He asked inadvertently.

"Nature is not possible, but there are many" Divine Power Crystals "in the Wizards Guild loot. In addition to opening up faith to some gods, at the same time harvesting some" Divine Power Crystals "from the gods, these are enough to supply the legendary offerings! Di The legendary wizard of Lan did not hide it, and answered with a smile.

Abel thought of the elves, but the control of the elves by the goddess of the moon should not be a belief opened by the wizarding guild.

He also thought of some churches that were seen in the world, those churches targeted at ordinary people, and sometimes used holy water, and ‘healing’ to treat sick and injured people.

Of course, these holy water and ‘healing’ are only effective for ordinary people, they ca n’t affect the professional at all, which makes him pay less attention to this aspect.

Regardless of this seemingly ordinary church, he always thought it was deceiving.

But now I think, these are the so-called open faith of the wizarding guild, and the gods they worship are also true gods, but these beliefs are only targeted at ordinary people, and the power of faith is also shared with the wizarding guild.

"The legend of Bennett. The Wizarding Guild originally required every legend to have to serve the Wizarding Guild for every 30 years to ensure that there are enough legends to suppress the evil country, but considering that you are an alchemist, , He has always made outstanding contributions to the Wizarding Guild in terms of pharmacy refining, so your service is offset! "Said the legendary wizard of Dylan with some envy.

Abel didn't know how much this preferential treatment envied the three legendary wizards. Despite this rule, some powerful legendary wizards used their resources to exchange their services with wizards who are new to the legend. .

The five legendary wizards that Abel knew have served the Wizarding Guild for hundreds of years, accumulating resources for retreat in the future.

They use their time to exchange resources with other legendary wizards who want to retreat. These resources can help them improve their strength after they retreat.

Abel, because he was an alchemist, provided a lot of potions to the wizarding guild, so that the most powerful master of the wizarding guild made such a decision for him.

Of course, there are reasons why Abel is not a member of the Wizarding Society at all, and even the title of Honorary Elder of the Wizarding Society is a reward, not a responsibility.

The Supreme Master of the Wizarding Guild also took into account these legendary requirements. The legendary wizards of the Wizarding Guild were all targeted at the time of the proposal, and did not expect such things as the legendary Druid, plus Abel did With great contributions, the service was cancelled.

"Legend of Bennett, although the service has been cancelled, if a legendary battle with the evil country takes place, you must participate when it comes to battle, not because of the Wizards Guild, but for the entire continent, the entire world!" Lan legend sorcerer solemnly said.

"This is natural. As a member of the Central Continent, when I need my help, I should go all out!" Said Abel Shensheng.

Under the cover of the nest, An You finished the egg, he still knows this principle, plus his hatred against the demon in the sky, he does not need to put forward the wizard guild, when necessary, he will go to participate in the battle.

"Legend of Bennett, rest assured, at this point, if it is not the final war, the Wizarding Guild will not let you participate in the battle, your role in the potion is more important than the battle!" Di Lan legend sorcerer said with a smile.

At this point, the legendary wizard of Dylan himself is telling the truth, even if the druid's combat power reaches the legendary level, it is really limited.

"Dylan, it's almost the same thing. I'll discuss it with Legendary Bennett!" Said the legendary Dorian Wizard.

Abel looked at this rare female legend.

"The legend of Bennett, you have been retreating after you helped Dylan refine the 'Delay Elixir.' But I finally had to wait until you leave the customs. Would you also consider refining a 'Delay Elixir' for me, too? Will give you what you deserve! "Said Dorian the legendary wizard with a smile.

The legendary wizard of Dylan took a potion of life extension in front of them before taking it, which made her and the legendary wizard of Glenn almost join forces to get a meal of Dylan's legendary wizard.

For a long time, I didn't get a chance to find Abel. Abel was always in retreat.

You must know that among the three legendary wizards, only the legendary wizard of Dylan can enter and leave the Golden Castle freely. The relationship between the two of them and Abel is only ordinary. In the state of Abel retreat, they did not disturb Abel, mainly because of fear of evil. Relationship to each other.

"Dorin, the legendary wizard, it would not be a problem for me to make the" Deferred Elixir ", but that requires fresh blood of the gods as the main material. Are you ready?" Abel did not refuse, although the "Deferred Elixir" was a little trouble, But as long as the materials are complete, it only takes some time, he asked.

"What, you need fresh blood of the gods?" Upon hearing this condition, the legendary wizard of Doreen could not help but look at the legendary wizard of Dylan who was stealing music, and then asked him, "Dylan, did you take it?" Blood of God of War? "

"Yeah, the legendary Bennett said that the fresher the blood of the gods, the better the effect of the" extended potion ", so I took the Bennett to the basement of the headquarters, where I took the blood of the God of War, the nearest Refined a "life extension potion!" Dylan's legendary wizard said with a little pride.

"Dammit, it will take another ten years before we can invite Legend of Bennett to refining the" extending potion "!" The legendary wizard Dorian glared at the legendary wizard of Dylan and complained.

In fact, they still have a long life. The refining 'life extension potion' is just prepared in advance. According to the friendship between the three legends, if any one is going to run out of life, the legendary wizard of Dylan will never take the bottle in advance. 'Delay potion'.

Abel also understood that the sleeping God of War could not take blood at any time, and it would take ten years after the next blood was taken.

(End of this chapter)

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