Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1218: crisis

Chapter 1218: Crisis

The Glen Legendary Wizard and Doreen Legendary Wizards left before the Dylan Legendary Wizards said they wanted to have dinner at the Golden Castle, so they stayed.

"Legend of Bennet, what do you not understand about the legend, despite asking, I can tell you what I can answer!" In the small restaurant, the legendary wizard of Dylan who was waiting for the cloth meal smiled at Ya Bo said.

He didn't just stay for meals. He owed Abel a lot, so he stayed to dispel Abel as much as possible.

"Dylan's legendary wizard, what's after the legend? Is the god?" Abel was not polite, and first asked what he cared about most.

Although the wizard training system in his hands can still be cultivated, whether it is the inheritance of the lightning series, the inheritance of the ice wind system, or the flame inheritance he exchanged, after the legend, there are only cultivation methods and wizards. Picture pattern, no more description.

Of course, in the Lightning Wizard lineage of the Lightning series, it is likely that the lineage related to the legend was not in the lineage given to him because his level was too low at the time.

As for the other two inheritances, those two forces should have never had a legendary wizard, so there is no related record.

"I know you have to ask this. In fact, there are many names after legends. Among them, legendary wizards are called domain wizards. They are named after the legendary wizards have strengthened the rules they have mastered into the realm. The legendary druids are called after nature Druid is said to have truly mastered the power of nature, but in the Central Continent, this level is actually called a demigod, which is also a hierarchical name style passed down from ancient times! "The legendary wizard of Dylan explained with a smile.

"Demi-god, does the professional finally want to be a god?" Abel asked again, incomprehensible.

"No, demigod is just a way to call a god-level professional from a legend to a higher existence. Whether it is a demigod or a god-level professional, it has nothing to do with the gods. It ’s just a division!

There is a huge difference between a professional and a deity. Professionals rely on themselves and cultivate themselves. Their most powerful strength comes from their mastery of the world, and they use spell skills to display a number of times their combat power.

The gods depend on the existence of believers. Once the believers disappear, the gods will fall asleep.

The power of the gods comes from the power of the gods, and the power of the gods comes from the power of the believers. These are not the power of the gods themselves.

When our pros grow up to the level of gods, their combat power is far more than ordinary gods. Except for some gods known for fighting, the power of the gods is far superior to the gods.

It is precisely because of this that we can ban the gods in the divine war and make this world a professional world! "Dylan introduced it proudly.

Abel nodded. The gods he had seen digitally. The goddess of the moon was definitely the most powerful of them. Even if Shenjiang did not show its true strength, it was enough to show the horror of its combat power.

Thief Milton is a weak chicken in the gods. Compared with the goddess of the moon, although the two are the same gods, they are truly different.

The other is the God of War. This deity, who has a lot of relationship with Abel, has a powerful **** body in the air. Now it is just a corpse confined by the Wizarding Guild.

He didn't understand the God of War, but he knew the Goddess of the Moon and Milton Pirate, why there was a huge gap between the two gods.

Although there should be a moon goddess who has the ability to fight, and Thieves Milton has no difference in the ability to fight, it should be more the difference in the number of believers between the two.

If the **** of stealing Milton has the believer base of the moon goddess, he will be able to use his divine power to enhance his power for such a long time, and he will not have to call his divine power in battle, but will lose his fighting power due to the excessive consumption of divine power .

The professional is completely different. Abel has never seen a demigod and a god-level professional, but a legendary professional like him, as long as he does n’t consume too much, he will hardly fight in ordinary intensity because of excessive energy consumption. Lost combat effectiveness.

Professionals are not too sad that they need some outside help to survive and fight.

"Legend of Bennett, you are too fast to become a legend, even if there is a tree of life in it, but recently you'd better keep a low profile and better not leave the Golden Castle!" Said the legendary wizard of Dylan softly .

"Why, does anyone want to deal with me?" Abel was shocked in his mind. He is already a legend. Does anyone dare to make his idea.

"Although our legend is already the strongest combat power exposed in the Wizarding Guild, and it is also a force that maintains the balance of the world, some old legends in the Wizarding Guild are much stronger than our new legends. They retreat all year round. Some of them have already encountered bottlenecks, and they are very interested in your speed of promotion.

If it is not because you have the status of Alchemist Grand Master and is associated with the Goddess of the Moon, plus the Golden Castle is close to the Temple of the Goddess, so that they have deep scruples, then they have not acted on you.

But you must not let them take the opportunity, some old legends will see you as a possibility to break the promotion! "The legendary wizard of Dylan still whispered carefully.

"Will there be demigods and god-level strong men looking for me?" Abel was even more worried when he heard this, and he asked again.

"That wouldn't be true. The two gods of the Wizarding Guild were seriously injured. They have never been seen for thousands of years, but the demi wizards are not at all legendary. Do n’t worry about these strong men. Come to you! "Dylan's legendary wizard comforted with a chuckle.

Abel also relaxed a bit, as long as he was not a demigod and a god-level wizard to trouble him, then he should be able to deal with his hole cards.

However, once his hole cards were revealed, he could no longer stay as Bennett in the Elves.

"Thank you, the legendary wizard of Dylan!" Abel bowed sincerely to the legendary wizard of Dylan.

When Dylan's legendary wizard said these things, he definitely took some risks. No matter which veteran legend is, it is not the 26th-level legendary wizard of Dylan's legendary wizard.

"Don't thank me, I know this, but I can't help you, but I'm incompetent!" Dylan's legendary wizard waved.

To Abel, a life-saving benefactor, who also fought with his life and death, has been given priority by Abel ’s potion. This made him know that several legendary wizards in the Wizarding Guild had a peep at Abel. It is also extremely anxious.

He took advantage of this opportunity to remind Abel for his own peace of mind.

After the legendary wizard of Dylan left, Abel was secretly helpless in his heart. He originally wanted to restore his identity as a wizard after becoming a legendary wizard.

When he wanted to come, he became a legendary wizard, and with the ability to protect himself, those influences on the stone giant would not be produced again.

But where did he think that he was too wrong to improve his strength too fast, and that it is not a safe level to reach the legend, unless he opens up all the hidden combat power, it is possible to fight against a more advanced legend.

The central continent is not a dark world. In the dark world, let alone a legend below level 30, or a demigod above level 30, he also has the confidence to fight.

In the central shrine of the kingdom of gods, the **** Qi is listening to the report of the Maum fanaticism knight. This is a daily intelligence report. It is only due to the diminished influence of the divine power in the recent period. It became once every ten days.

This is also a measure of the Kingdom of God to reduce the consumption of divine power. The information of the Kingdom of God's intelligence network is not very important for the timeliness unless it is in a major operation of the Kingdom of God.

"Master Shenqi, the most important information we have received is that Master Bennet has become a legend!" Maum fancied the knight and reported.

"What? Master Bennet has made a legend?" Shen Qi sat upright and said incredulously.

What is the legendary combat power, that is already the bottom line of the battle between the Kingdom of God and the Wizards Guild. The highest level of battle between them is the battle of legends, and it is not a particularly fierce battle of legends. It just plays a role of containment. .

Legend in the first-line battlefield is more like a final balance, so that each other must not send too high combat power to appear in the first-line battlefield, to ensure that the battlefield power balance in the first-line battlefield.

Those scanning methods that are densely distributed in the battlefield on the front line, as long as any legend enters, it will be immediately known to both sides, and the legend of the other party will soon go.

In fact, both the kingdom of gods and the wizarding guilds understand that wars in the battlefields on the front lines are only a way to train talents, and the combat power there is nothing.

The final battle between the kingdom of gods and the wizarding guild was a war between demigods and gods, and the battlefield battlefield powers did not work at all.

But this is not to say that legends are not important, but legends are extremely important. Every strong person who can enter the realm of legends has the potential to enter the demigod and the **** level.

"Master Shenqi, it is now said in the Central Continent that Master Bennett is favored by the tree of life, forcibly elevating him to the strength of the legendary Druid!" Replied the knight Maum fanatic.

"The favor of the tree of life can be promoted to legend, just kidding!" Shen Qi could not help but said sarcastically, his expression was not to Abel, but to those who spread the news.

If the favor of the tree of life can become a legend, then why hasn't the elven tribe had a legend for thousands of years, and even the moon goddess has not cultivated a legendary druid from her temple.

Where can the outside world help with this ascension of the realm, people like Shenqi who have seen a lot of hidden information naturally know more than others.

Legend is a threshold. Skipping this threshold is to change the form of life. This leap is the essence of life and the evolution of life. This promotion must come from itself.

"Maum, I remember Master Bennett being very young in the Elf clan?" Shenqi's eyes flashed dangerously, and he asked Maum a fanatic knight.

"Yes, Lord Shenqi. It is said that Master Bennett is from the subcontinent, but judging by his life, he is at most just an elf!" Maum crazily knight replied.

Many thoughts flashed through the heart of God, and this genius, coupled with the name of his alchemist master, was enough to make God's kingdom value.

Assassinate the Bennett before, sent a legendary paladin, and that legendary paladin turned into a `` legendary light '' outside the golden castle.

After the assassination failed, Shen Qi considered that the cost of the assassination was too high and gave up the idea of ​​continuing the assassination.

But now he was very regretful. He knew that a higher-level legendary paladin should be sent at that time. If he wanted to come to Master Bennett, he couldn't stop it. Then there was no current legendary druid.

But now it costs more to assassinate Master Bennett.

He began to figure out whether it was worth the divine power consumed and at this time to spend a huge price to kill a genius who has the potential to become a demigod.

The most important thing is that the paladin sent by him cannot be strong enough to shock the temple of the moon goddess, and it must be enough to kill Master Bennett in a short time.

Think of Master Bennett killing the legendary Paladin while in Grand Druid. Although there was a legendary intervention of the Wizarding Guild at the time, it also showed that he could block the attack of the Legendary Paladin in a short time.

"Order, in the last month, stop all activities that consume the gods, and send three 29th-level legendary Paladins one month later. You must kill one hit!" Shen Qi Shensheng ordered.

"Yes, Lord God!" One of his own heralds passed on his order.

The Maum fanatics also understood that this was an assault on Master Bennett.

Three 29th-level legendary paladins. This is the most powerful paladin ever sent.

You must know that the legendary paladins at level 30 are the seeds of semi-sacred knights. Each of them is extremely important. Their time is spent in retreats, and it is impossible to go out to perform tasks.

Although the 29th-level legendary paladin is not as good as the 30th-level legendary paladin, it is only one step away from the demigod rank, but it is also the demigod seed that is only second to the 30th-level legendary paladin. Killing heart.

"Maum, after one month, the intelligence network must guarantee that it will give an accurate message that Master Bennett is in his castle, and we must not let our Paladin hit the air!" Shen Qi watched Maum's fanatic knight command.

The last time I consumed a lot of divine power in order to hunt down the pirate **** Milton, this time has not been replaced, this time it will consume a lot of divine power, he must not allow any mistakes.

He knew very well that a young legend, even the druid with the worst combat effectiveness, was the existence of a demigod, and killing such a demigod was the most important task of the kingdom of God.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thanks to Fengyun Yang for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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