Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1249: Perception

Chapter 1249: Perception

After leaving the ocean of space power, Abel activated the 'moment of movement' and returned to the Brennan demigod wizard. He was greeted by the Brennan demigod wizard and the legendary Miles wizard, and other wizard guilds. The sorcerer's eyes were extremely surprised.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you can enter the power of space without being harmed!" Although Brennan Demi wizard knew that it was inappropriate to say such words, this should be Abel's secret, but he still could not bear it. live.

"Brennan the demigod, that's just a little trick!" Abel didn't explain anything, just smiled and said.

"Vice President Brennan, since His Excellency the Blue Dragon Abel has the ability to enter space, then did he ask him to bring the body of God into the space crack to close the space crack?" Master Braton then proposed After his suggestion.

"Blue Dragon Abel, I'm asking for your help on behalf of the Wizarding Guild!" Brennan the demigod wizard just wanted Abel to help. With the beginning of Master Braton, he bowed to Abel and saluted him. .

In the end, Abel was not a member of the Wizards Guild and was a member of the Dragon clan. He could not order Abel to take a shot, but could only rely on a previous agreement to ask Abel to take a shot.

"Brennan demigod wizard, I want to know if there is any danger in placing the **** body and activating the magic circle on the **** body, please give me a clear explanation!" Abel did not immediately agree, he did not have to worry about the power of space, But the divine body, especially the powerful divine body, is activated, and he will not shoot until he knows how much danger is.

"Blue Dragon Abel, the law array we researched can let the power inside the body of God perform an explosion. This law array takes about 100 seconds to start, and it will erupt in three seconds after you start it. Move to a safe place within seconds, and you will not be threatened! "Brennan the demi-wizard gestured to Master Braton, and Master Braton bowed and explained.

Judgment began in Abel's head, and the stone fragments of the world were also opened at the same time, although it took one hundred seconds to open the magic circle on the body of the god, and then there were three seconds to evacuate.

However, in the ocean of space force, he cannot use 'momentary movement', that is, in three seconds, it is difficult to say whether he can leave the ocean of space force.

In this short period of time, the flight just passing through the ocean of space force was analyzed by his brain and the debris of the world stone. He also calculated the fastest situation without affecting his own safety, from the space crack to the departure. The force of space, ocean, takes at least two seconds.

In the ocean of space power, he did not dare to move too fast. Who knows that those space forces will not be as safe when he speeds up.

In other words, the real escape time is only one second, and the space crack is forcibly excited in the air, and the range of influence must be very broad. He cannot guarantee that after the space crack erupts, those forces affected by the explosion will not be affected. Will hurt him.

"Blue Dragon Abel, the Wizarding Guild has collected forty suspended fortresses. These will be used as your reward. In addition, I will add 50,000 primary 'light stones' in exchange for your help!" However, he directly proposed his own conditions. He saw Abel's hesitation and immediately added the sincerity of the Wizarding Guild.

"I agree to take a shot!" Abel nodded, and he wasn't all for remuneration. He even knew what kind of existence was opposite the crack in space, and what would happen if the opposite existence was allowed to enter this world.

"Order, immediately send the body of the God of War here, Master Braton, you are also ready to draw the materials required by the magic circle!" Brennan demigod sorcerer was overjoyed and turned to the wizards' congregation and ordered.

At this time, Abel felt the power of the space in his soul shining with a dark golden arc. Unfortunately, there were too many people here, otherwise he really wanted to try the power of this weird space.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you just seem to have been injured in the cracks in space. Can you know what happened?" Brennan the demon wizard asked Abel again after the matter was over.

He was very clear, however, that Abel's injury was not caused by the power of space, and this question had been left in his heart just now.

"Brennan Demigod Wizard, I have the ability to communicate with the power of space!" Abel thought or explained.

Regarding his ability, Brennan Demi wizard had no surprise look, because he also had this speculation, although it is difficult to understand how this ability is, but this is also the only explainable result.

"I was a little curious about space cracks, so I tried to let my perception pass through the space cracks!" Abel continued.

He didn't want to conceal it. He wanted to tell the Wizarding Guild what kind of enemies it was outside, and through the Brennan demi wizard, he could judge the strength of the opponent.

When Brennan Demi Wizards heard this, they focused their attention all at once, and he knew that he would then know who their enemies were!

"I only came and saw a pair of eyes. They were huge blood-red eyes, and then I felt that the whole world was suppressing me. My perception was interrupted at that moment, and my soul and body were damaged at the same time! "Abel had felt a palpitation in those eyes until now.

"Blue Dragon Abel, are you saying that you feel a kind of repression from the world, is this accurate?" Brennan's demigod's face changed greatly, he asked in a hurry.

"Of course, although it was only a little perception through the cracks in space, but I really felt the suppression from the whole world!" Abel nodded, affirming.

The Brennan demigod wizard looked around and said to the legendary wizard Abel and Myers, "Let's talk somewhere else!"

With that said, he enveloped the legendary wizards of Abel and Miles with spiritual power, activated 'momentary movement', and came to an empty space outside the doomsday defense wall, away from those busy wizard guild wizards.

"Myers, you go all out to stimulate your own breath, and set your goal on the blue dragon Abel!" Brennan the demon wizard first commanded the legendary Myers wizard, then turned to Abel and said: " Blue Dragon Abel, feel the power of repression from Miles and see how far it is from the coercion you encountered! "

This is indeed a good way. In order to know Abel's repression ability in general, the Brennan demigod needs this test because the strong man he heard from Abel's mouth was far beyond his imagination. He needs a definite proof.

"Blue Dragon Abel, please be careful, I'm starting!" Myers the legendary wizard reminded Abel, and then inspired himself.

By the side of Abel, the stones on the ground were silently pressed into the soil by a horrible force, and the arcs of light flashed above the ground.

Abel's feeling was quite normal, although he had a lot of arcs in his body at this time, but he was also a wizard with the rules of lightning. This arc's effect on him was almost equal to nothing.

He just felt some level of repression, just because his body and soul were not ordinary 26th-level legendary wizards. The repressive power of natural Miles legendary wizards only made him a bit awkward, Not as flexible as before.

The Brennan demigod sorcerer was surprised when he saw this place. The legendary Miles Wizard is not a simple legendary wizard. It can be said that the legendary Miles wizard is the first strongest in the world. Too.

The repressive force that Myers legendary wizard fully exerted, had too little influence on Abel, so small that it could be almost ignored.

This reflects that Abel's own strength is absolutely beyond the surface of the 26th-level legendary wizard, but it is easy to explain that he is still a blue dragon.

"Myers, take it back!" He turned to Myers, the legendary wizard, and ordered again.

The legendary Miles sorcerer nodded and withdrew the revealed breath, and the air around him became lighter in an instant.

"Blue Dragon Abel, your strength is very strong. Below I let go of my breath and suppress you. How much difference is there between my suppressing power and the coercion outside the cracks in space?" Brennan Demi wizard He turned to Abel again.

He did not ask how much difference is there between the repression power of the legendary Myers wizard and the coercion outside the cracks in space, because as far as Abel's performance is concerned, it can be known that the two are simply not comparable.

The breath of the Brennan demigod let out, and Abel's body was heavy, and then his feet sank into the ground.

He felt his breathing start to be tense at this time. If it was a face-to-face battle, it was just enough to make him unable to fight the Brennan demi wizard.

He had a feeling that at the moment when the breath of the Brennan demigod was released, the body of the Brennan demigod was centered, and the space within a few kilometers was all pressed on his body. In the wizard's breath, he could not even sense the external energy.

This feeling he felt on the oak tree in the dark world, that is the space under the oak tree, just like an independent space.

He persisted in resisting this repressive force, but his body was slowly sinking into the ground, and if it was a while later, he would probably go underground.

This is the existence of demigods. For the first time, he knew that there was such a big difference between his own strength and demigods.

Just then, he felt loose.

"Blue Dragon Abel, how much difference do you feel between the oppression I give you and that coercion?" Brennan the demi wizard recovered his breath and asked.

In fact, you don't need to ask him to know that the gap is still very large, because although he completely suppressed Abel, he could not hurt Abel by relying only on the power of suppression.

You need to know that according to Abel's words, it was only a little perception that passed through the cracks in the space, and that coercion only put pressure on Abel's perception, which caused Abel to be seriously injured.

"Brennan demigod, how good you are!" Abel breathed heavily twice and praised, then he said: "I feel your power is like a mountain, so the power outside the cracks in space Pressure is the whole world! "

Although Abel has said from now until now that the coercion outside the cracks in space is like the coercion of the entire world, it was a feeling before, but this time it has a comparative judgment.

"Blue Dragon Abel, thank you very much for letting us know what our enemies are!" Brennan the demon wizard looked very unsightly, but he bowed to Abel Shee.

"Brennan demigod, can I ask the other party's strength?" Abel inquired.

"In ancient times, the high-end strength was divided into legend, demigod, and **** level. God level is a pinnacle, but there is still a huge gap between **** levels. This gap is as large as the gap between a trainee wizard and a rule wizard. , The strength of the other world power you perceive is the top existence in the **** class! "A breath erupted from the Brennan demigod sorcerer, this breath wrapped around the three, and he said .

It seems that the Brennan demigod wizard does not want others to hear what he said. The top existence of a **** class is definitely a desperate existence.

"Blue Dragon Abel, I'm going to remind them to get their bodies ready as soon as possible!" Brennan demigod sorcerer finished this, and was a little anxious, explained to Abel, and immediately 'momentarily moved' left.

"Blue Dragon Abel, in fact, according to what you said, the entire world suppresses you, that means that the other party is a powerful man who has mastered a world, or is more likely to be an invincible power who has integrated a world into himself. "Myers legendary wizard explained softly.

These knowledge can not be found in the Wizarding Guild, only a very few of the Wizarding Guild can know.

However, Abel is also from the lightning department. Naturally, the legendary Miles wizard does not have much confidentiality to him. Since Abel came into contact with such a strong person today, it is necessary for the legendary Miles wizard to tell him some of them. know how.

"Myers the legendary wizard, do you mean that there is a kingdom of gods just like the gods?" Abel asked curiously.

"It's not the same. The gods own the kingdom of God. It's just the world created by the gods themselves. It's not a real world. The conditions for wanting a real world are very harsh. What are the conditions, even the wizard? The guild didn't research it! "Myers's legendary sorcerer's voice became lighter.

It is also difficult to imagine in Abel's heart. Although he has not really seen the kingdom of the gods, if he wants to build it, it is not impossible.

He has knowledge of the system of inheritance of the gods, and has a lot of "crystals of divine power". At least on the prerequisites, he has already satisfied the foundation of building the kingdom of God.

But the thought of holding a real world completely in your hands, or even merging into your own body, just results in a trembling feeling of scalp.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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