Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1250: excitation

Chapter 1250: Excitement

On top of the doomsday defense wall, a **** body covered with a chain of gods was placed on it, and a five-meter-high **** body was laid flat on the top of the wall.

Numerous research wizards took out the prepared rune pens and various precious materials and began to draw on the naked body of the **** of war.

Although these research wizards have their own responsibilities, they are like every part of a group of machines, connecting the patterns drawn by themselves with the patterns of other research wizards with great accuracy.

Abel also came to the doomsday defense wall at this time and looked at the great God of War. Now this God of War has been captured by believers and has become the least dangerous god.

Because this operation is related to the security of the entire world, the Wizarding Guild chose the safest solution, using this deity who is theoretically impossible to awaken without danger as a key to close the cracks in space.

This is the second time he has watched the God of War up close, but unlike the last time, the last time he watched, he had not yet acquired the knowledge of the inheritance system of the gods, and he had not received the stealing **** Milton.

And this time his understanding of the gods has deepened a lot, and he has a stronger understanding of the **** body.

As long as the body of the **** is seen on the surface, it can be seen whether it is strong or not.

Pirate God Milton had the blessing of divine power at that time, so that the god's body reached five meters, but that was a false **** body, and his real **** body was only about three meters. This is the combat power of Pirate God Milton. Are matched.

The body of God of War is five meters high. In addition to the countless years the Wizards ’Guild has extracted energy from its body, the five meter high body of God will definitely not be the body of God of War in its heyday, but even so, and Compared to Pirate God Milton, the strength of God of War is also crushing Pirate God Milton.

Coupled with the fighting ability of God of War, Pirate God Milton could not be compared with God of War in the age of gods.

"Everyone speeds up, and the magma outflow in the space cracks has increased. In order to prevent abnormal changes, the space cracks should be resolved as soon as possible!" Brennan Demigod shouted at this moment.

Abel turned to look at the sky, and the waterfall formed by the **** magma was wider and the flow speed was faster.

At this time, Johnson was moving with Jason, otherwise at the speed of Jason, he couldn't keep up with the speed of Hell Magma.

Aber frowned, he waved at will, and a figure appeared beside him. It was Downey Rule Wizard who had been summoned by him from the space beast ring. For this visit, he brought the contract with him. Material clan.

Just as Johnson contacted him through the soul chain, the space bags were full again.

When Aberco was not free to retrieve the minerals, he called down the Downey Wizard, and took another pile of space bags into the hands of Downey Rules Wizard.

Downey's rule wizard hangs a pile of space bags, and moves toward the front of the battlefield 'momentarily'.

Abel summoned Downey's rule sorcerer's actions, causing Brennan the demigod sorcerer to make a mistake. When did the rule sorcerer become a contract, but because this was what Abel did, the Wizarding Guild had something to ask Abel, Naturally there is not much to say.

The Brennan demigod wizard didn't say anything, and the other wizards naturally didn't say anything.

It's just that the legendary Myers wizard is a bit strange. I heard that Master Bennett has a rule wizard contract, but the rule wizard and the wizard association records just now are different.

This rule wizard obviously has a very strong breath of life, which is completely different from the rule wizard's contract matter that does not have a strong breath of life in intelligence.

Abel didn't bother what they thought. Give him some time. He can summon even the legendary wizard contract. What is the rule wizard contract?

At the speed of the Downey Rule Wizard, he soon came to Johnson, communicating with each other through the soul chain, quickly swapping a bunch of space bags on each other, and then the Downey Rule Wizard brought a full space. The bag returns.

A white light flashed around Abel. The Downey Rule Wizard had stood by his side. His mental strength was opened, and all the minerals in the space bag were transferred to the artifact space bag.

Downey's rule wizard didn't stop, with a bunch of empty space bags, and returned to Johnson and Jason again.

This time, instead of letting Johnson run with Jason, Downey Rules Wizard brought two giant stone giants 'momentary movement' to the next mining area.

Abel also didn't pay attention to Johnson and Jason. Although the minerals are extremely valuable, the most important thing now is to deal with spatial cracks.

The ore produced in the mining area, except for a small number of particularly pure and magic stones, needs to be processed by blacksmiths before they can be used.

He was going to have the opportunity to get help from the dwarves to process the ore into material.

On the body of the God of War, the original skin has been seen, and the body is densely covered with patterns, which make the breath in the body of the God of War even stronger.

Many research wizards have an ugly look. If they don't have Brennan demigod wizards standing on their side to suppress the God of War **** body, not many people can resist the pressure from the God of War **** body on this doomsday defense wall.

"Blue Dragon Abel, please come over!" Exclaimed Brennan the demigod wizard.

Aber flashed and appeared next to Brennan's demigod.

"Now trouble you, your actions will save the world!" Said Brennan the demi wizard, bowing.

"Brennan the demigod wizard, I don't know what I should do?" Abel asked, looking at the five-meter-high **** body and the chain of gods on it.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you take the god's body into the crack of space, remove the chain lock, activate the magic pattern on the god's body, and then you leave at the fastest speed!" Brennan Demi wizard He replied, and then he said, "There is a matching use method for the chain of locks, and I will give you the method of activating the pattern of the magic array on the body of the god!"

Talking about his spiritual power reaching Abel, Abel's mental power also stretched out. The spiritual power of the two came into contact, and a group of messages came over.

"I heard that you like ancient objects, this chain of gods is a small gift from the Wizarding Guild!" Said Abra, the Brennan demi wizard, smiling as he checked information.

Abel nodded, he was really interested in the chain of locks. This chain of locks was used to ban gods in ancient times, not to mention ordinary ancient ruins, and it was definitely the top item in ancient times.

At this moment, he opened the stone fragments of the world, so whether he used the method of locking the chain or activated the pattern of the magic pattern on the body of the god, he could grasp it in a short time.

After mastering the method, he wrapped the body of God of War with his spiritual power, and then a ‘moment move’ spell pattern appeared, and he and the body of God ’s body disappeared instantly.

Abel with the figure of the God of War flashed in the sky several times before stopping beside the ocean of space power.

One of his hands was caught on the chain of the God of War God's body. In the ocean of space power below, although he would not be injured, he was afraid to let it go, especially to surround the God of War body.

If the force of space attacks the body of the God of War, by the way, he attacks along with his mental power.

Just as he stopped, the power of space in his soul flashing a dark golden arc stretched out of his soul, and came into contact with the ocean of space power, the ocean of space power and his familiarity Sense again.

Abel grasped the body of the five-meter-high God of War in one hand and flew into the ocean of space power.

Almost as soon as he entered the space force ocean, the body of the God of War was like a drop of water dropped into hot oil, and immediately reacted fiercely with the space force ocean around him.

On the body of the God of War, countless forces of space are cutting the body of the God of War, and the body of the God of War constantly flashes golden patterns, constantly blocking the threat of the force of space.

Although from time to time, the skin of the God of War God's body is broken open, the super recovery ability of the God of War God body can be recovered soon.

Abel's eyes glanced at the God of War God's body. In his estimation, at least a few minutes, the God of War God's body would not have any major problems.

The magic pattern on the body of the God of War that he was most worried about did not appear to be damaged. Those legal pattern did not seem to be drawn on the surface of the god's body, but had a strange connection with the god's body. .

Once the skin of the **** of war is broken, the pattern of the pattern is also destroyed. As the skin heals automatically, the pattern of the pattern is also automatically restored to a complete pattern.

Abel carried the body of the God of War, controlled his speed, and advanced towards the cracks in space.

On the doomsday defense wall, the wizards of the Wizarding Guild all stared at Abel's actions. Since Abel safely brought the God of War into the cracks of space, all the wizards breathed a sigh of relief.

At least this initial first step has been successful, and everything is proceeding as expected.

Abel was annoyed by the power of the space that was constantly cutting the body of the God of War. These space forces created a very loud sound on the body of the God of War. The sound of cutting and friction was constantly heard.

Just as he showed this emotion, something magical happened. The force of space ocean seemed to feel his emotion through the force of space flashing a dark golden arc, and the action of the force of space to attack the body of the **** of war stopped.

This move almost made Abel think that the power of the space near the cracks in the space had life and could think on its own.

However, his perception once again entered the space force ocean, but he understood that this was what he had thought about, it was just that the space force in his soul affected the behavior of the space force ocean.

Especially after the force of space in his soul became the force of space shining with a dark golden arc, his influence on the ocean of space force was greater.

Next he calmly took the God of War **** body to the crack in the space and put the God of War **** body down.

The body of the God of War did not fall after he left his hand. Although this body of God was heavy in his hands, it was able to levitate himself. This is the basic ability of the body of God.

Abel's hand was placed on the chain of chains, a strange pattern appeared in his hands, and then white light began to appear on the entire chain of chains.

The chain of gods of God came out of the body of the **** of war like a spirit snake and turned into a thin black chain.

If he hadn't taken the chain of God from the body of the God of War himself, he wouldn't believe that the black chain like an ordinary necklace was just the chain of God.

Putting the lock chain into the artifact space bag, he did not immediately start inspiring the pattern on the body of the God of War, but took the mysterious headband from the artifact space bag and put it on his head.

After doing this, he began to activate the pattern of the pattern on the body of the God of War.

This matrix pattern is divided into six activation points, which correspond to the limbs, head, and trunk of the **** body.

A trace of mana was injected in a certain order with his fingers on the patterns in each place, and each pattern was lit, the pattern there was lit.

Each time the pattern is lit, the energy in the body of the God of War will increase by one point.

With the passage of time from one second to the next, Abel's activation pattern also became more and more, all four activation points of the limbs had been activated, and he began to activate the activation points of the head.

At this time, the body of the God of War was like a volcano that would erupt at any time, and Abel's consciousness issued a frantic alarm.

Abel also knows that this method of activating the magic circle is estimated that even those wizards who studied the wizards have only passed in theory and have not actually performed it.

He understands the dangers, but he has already reached this point. If he does not continue, the cracks in space may be broken by the **** world.

Standing next to the space crack, he felt more clearly than anyone else that the space crack was being eroded by the breath of hell. Maybe no longer ask, this space crack will become the portal of the **** world.

At the end of the torso of the god's body, he can see the gaps in the god's body. In the gaps, horrible energy is flowing.

His hallucination alert was almost in a line, a danger alert like never before.

A flash of light flashed on his left arm, and next to him appeared Abel, exactly like him, an ancient mirror device.

He injected a mana into his own mirror, and his real body began to retreat at full speed, and at the same time, his soul was thinking about not to attack the mirror.

The power of the space that just flickered on the mirror stopped before it had shown its power. Mirror Abel continued to inject mana into the body of the God of War, just as he himself had just injected into the mirror.

It was precisely because of the psychic alarm that he exposed his body mirror device in front of many wizards in the Wizarding Guild, an ancient object that can save his life at the most critical moment.

Just before Abel rushed to the ocean one meter away from the power of space, and just one step away from danger, the body of the **** of war behind him was fully excited.

He turned on the stone fragments of the world. Although the whole process of the outbreak was only a moment, he was fully aware of it.

The entire body of God of War turned into divine power in an instant, violently impacted around, and the closest space crack was the first to bear the brunt.

(End of this chapter)

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