Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1251: solve

Chapter 1251 Settle

Divine power is one of the most terrifying powers in the world. At least Abel has experienced several divine attacks. He knows that relying only on his body and equipment to defend can not resist the divine attacks.

Fortunately, he has a golden castle, so he can be safe under several divine attacks.

In the perspective that the fragments of the world stone are slowing down many times, the body of the **** of war has turned into countless divine attacks, and the cracks in space have withstood most of the divine attacks.

How much energy is contained in a god's body up to five meters in height, and this energy is ignited in an instant, and how powerful it is to imagine.

Stable space cracks are constantly trembling under the impact of the divine power, and those magma from **** are also flying around, and there is a space crack like a sun in the sky.

Space cracks are solidified by countless forces of space. Under the full force of the body of the God of War, these space forces have changed from solidification to a very unstable state. At this moment, they were inwardly trapped. The two worlds The barriers trembled.

After the end of the depression, the cracks in the space suddenly exploded outwards, and Abel seemed to hear a roar from the opposite world. This roar stopped his body that was still able to escape the force of space.

This time, his injuries were even more serious. His soul was almost smashed into fragments, and his body was completely cracked, his bones were mostly broken, and his internal organs were shaken into powder.

This kind of injury is the worst injury he has ever suffered. In this case, the druid's soul is re-energized, and the continuous ‘full rejuvenation potion’ is continuously used.

At this time, the outbreak of the God of War body was over, and the original God of War body had only a small piece of nail-sized crystals left.

The nail-sized crystals flew at the speed of Abel in the direction of the explosion. Along with this crystal, there were countless space force fragments. These space force fragments were not the space forces that did not harm Abel.

Because the explosion gathered some of the powers of the two world barriers, making the explosion more powerful.

Abel felt the breath of death, especially the super-slow watching of the stone fragments of the world, he almost watched as the fragments of the space force approaching him approaching him.

As the space force debris flew, the entire space was shredded.

"No, I can't die!" Abel yelled.

Just as the power of space fragments approached him, the power of space flashing with a dark golden arc in his soul suddenly burst out. Originally, there was only a very thin trace of space power in his soul, stretching out his After the soul, he was surrounded by the force of a large space like an arm.

The power of space flashing a dark golden arc completely wrapped his body, but the force of this space can only block the cutting force of the space force fragments, but the violent impact force of the space force cannot be blocked.

All these forces hit Abel, and his body was immediately hit by a huge force directly into a flesh, but he was instantly rescued by the ‘full rejuvenation potion’ and was restored to its original state.

In just a few breaths, his body was destroyed more than ten times, and he was rescued more than ten times. Druid ’s soul almost used dozens of bottles of the "full rejuvenation potion" in one's brain. Lost.

Only in this way did he keep his body. In a few breaths, the power of the space, which was as thick as an arm shining with a dark golden arc, was only the thickness of his fingers. It seems that in the recent explosion, the space Great loss of power.

Abel's body was also struck from the air into a stone in the first-line battlefield, and the stones around him became powder.

The explosion finally came to an end, and he breathed a sigh of relief. This time he was almost killed by the wizards of the Wizarding Guild.

Just as he was about to get up, he found a nail-sized crystal sticking to his brain, which he recognized as the last thing left by the God of War body.

But at this time he didn't have the heart to study these, and put them into the artifact space bag.

He was trying to use 'momentary movement', but found that due to the explosion of space cracks, the force in the space nearby was very unstable, and the 'momentary movement' spell could not be cast.

He first looked at the sky. The place where the space cracks originally existed had no waterfall of **** magma, and there was no breath of space cracks in his perception.

"Success!" He almost wanted to yell.

Although ‘momentary movement’ cannot be used, he can still fly, and he flies towards the sky.

At the same time, he contacted Johnson, Jason, and Downey Rules Wizard through the soul chain, and found that their soul chains still existed and were in good condition.

At the moment of the explosion, Johnson, Jason, and Downey's Rule Wizard were far away from the explosion, thanks to the speed of Hell's Magma spreading.

And as the aftermath of the explosion passed, Johnson and Jason formed a steel defensive wall, blocking all the aftermath, and the Downey Rule Wizard was protected without any major injuries, but suffered some shock.

His covenants were okay, and the big rock in Abel's heart was put down. When he looked at the doomsday defense wall, there was another scene.

The cracks in space and the explosion caused by the body of the God of War are beyond the imagination of all wizards.

In their calculations, the energy of the fissures in the space and the body of the God of War can be neutralized, and the ultimate explosive power is within 5 kilometers at most.

So at the beginning of the explosion, all the wizards on the doomsday defense wall did not evade, but watched this rare experience.

Almost before the danger came, the Brennan demi wizard was only able to leave with three legendary wizards and enter the doomsday defense wall.

For this reason, the Brennan demi-wizard detonated the lightning rule he had formed at a great cost. This was the moment when the power of space exploded, using 'momentary movement' to take away three legendary wizards.

In fact, without the Brennan Demi Wizards' detonation rules, three legendary wizards, including the legendary Miles wizards, would not be able to survive such a close crack in space.

When Abel flew over the doomsday defense wall, he saw the group of research wizards cut into pieces, and among the pieces, he also found fragments of the robes belonging to Master Braton.

This made him want to find these research wizards out of ideas, and suddenly lost his goal.

The power of the explosion also made the Doomsday defense wall full of cuts. With countless precious materials and countless years of enhancement, the Doomsday Defense Wall was not defeated by the power of the explosion.

Of course, this is also because most of the explosive power is consumed in the process of outward impact, and the explosive power reaching the doomsday defense wall is only a small part.

"Blue Dragon Abel, are you all right?" The legendary Myers wizard and Brennan demigod flew out of the doomsday defense wall. The legendary Myers wizard cried in surprise when he saw Abel.

"Blue Dragon Abel, the Wizarding Guild owes you a great deal!" Brennan Demigod Wizard also bowed.

The attitude of the two wizards made Abel unable to burst into anger for a while. To be honest, if this action was not his keen sense, he forced the use of an ancient mirror device, and let the mirror complete the final activation instead of him. He chose to leave, and he might have turned into a powder when the body of God of War and the cracks in space first erupted.

"Brennan Demigod, please send the reward of this operation to the Golden Castle. I'm a little tired before I leave!" Abe said slightly, his face was not good-looking, no matter who it was, he was almost How could it keep a smile if the other party killed him.

Without waiting for Brennan's demigod sorcerer to respond, he flew to the front line of the battlefield, and he needed to pick up his three covenants before leaving.

"We really owe Blue Dragon Abel, Myers, Blue Dragon Abe is from the Lightning Department, and find a way to restore his relationship. Anything he wants in the Witch Guild warehouse can be given to him!" Brennan the demigod said with emotion.

Although he knew there was danger in this operation, he didn't expect it to be a dead end.

No matter what method Abel used to survive, but it must have paid a great price, and this Brennan demi wizard is also well aware of it.

In order to protect himself and save the three legendary wizards, he had to explode the lightning rules, which further delayed his time indefinitely.

He does not possess the lightning talent, so when mastering the lightning rules, it took a lot of talents to complete the establishment of the lightning rules.

But he did not regret it, as long as he saw the disappearing space crack in the sky, he was very happy.

It is just these costs that avoid a war that may be another kingdom of God, or even more powerful than the kingdom of God. These costs are really nothing.

"Yes, I'll contact the Blue Dragon Abel!" Myers legend wizard nodded.

Abel had found Johnson, Jason, and Downey Rule Wizards at this moment, and then gave Downey Rule Wizards a bottle of "full rejuvenation potion" to recover their injuries and put them all into the space beast. In the ring.

Then he flew towards the distance, and after leaving Brennan's demigod's sense range, he took out the Firefang War Bastion.

This time, he did not turn on full-speed flight. That flight mode puts too much pressure on the flying components of the Firefang War Fortress. If it is not necessary, he will not turn on.

The more he used the Firefang War Fortress, the more he knew the value of the Firefang War Fortress.

Today he finds many war fortresses, and he owns as many as 64 in the central continent, of which only the Firefang War Fortress is a full version.

With the Firefang War Bastion, he can get rid of the shackles of the Wizarding Guild's teleportation network. Although it is not as fast as the Teleportation Array, it can be concealed anytime and anywhere, completely out of the Wizarding Guild's surveillance.

It took a long time for the return to return to the Golden Castle on the Warsong Plateau.

Wandering on the edge of life and death, the first thing he thought of when he arrived at the Golden Castle was to eat, on the one hand, to fill his stomach, and on the other, to prove that he was alive.

"Brother Abel, why is your complexion so bad and the breath very unstable?" Jinlong Kenbul, who was having a meal, screamed as soon as he arrived at the restaurant.

In addition to the Golden Dragon Kemper, Golden Dragon April, Black Dragon Prague and Black Dragon King West are also in the restaurant. There are also two dragons who have attended the wedding.

"Don't mention it!" Abel shook his head at Jinlong Kenble first, and then commanded the ancient elders on the side: "Give me some dishes first, then another juice!"

The ancient ravioli was fast, and a dish was quickly delivered.

In this regard, the ancient chef 傀儡 is incomparable with his original elven chef. The ancient chef 傀儡 can stand by all day, and the cooking speed is extremely fast, and no mistakes can be made.

Alberta took a few sips and felt the taste of the food in his mouth. For a while, the matter of life and death was left behind.

"Tell me what's going on, or if I can help!" King Long Kenbul asked again after waiting for Abel to take a few bites.

"No need to help, things are done!" Abel said, spreading his hands, and then he told what happened.

Anyway, he is also a member of the Dragon clan, and this information should also be shared with the Dragon clan.

This incident is too big. It is estimated that it happened too quickly and did not come and spread. We must know that the highest alarm was triggered at that time.

"You got the space crack?" Jinlong Kenble stared at Abel in surprise, then shouted, "Are you crazy? That ’s the space crack. Although the wizard guilds want to study the space crack, they haven't. Closed, but there are also reasons why the cracks in the space cannot be closed! "

Looking at the yelling of Golden Dragon Kemp, Abel had a warm current in his heart, and only those who really cared about him would talk to him like this.

"Fortunately, I'm dead, otherwise I won't be able to return!" Abel said with a slight smile.

Although he did not say how dangerous he experienced, King Dragon Kenbour knew that the Doomsday defensive wall had been partially damaged, and it was conceivable how dangerous Abel was closest to the space crack at that time.

"Brother Abel, you are a genius, but a living genius is a genius, protect yourself!" Jinlong Kemble warned in a deep voice.

"Abel, you said that you sensed a horrible existence, how horrible, is it better than me?" Black Dragon Prague asked at this time.

"Prague, I can be sure that the horror of that other world exists, and you can pinch you with one hand!" Abel replied with a smile.

"Abel, you probably don't know how strong I am, but I'm strong!" Black Dragon Prague jumped from his seat and shouted.

"Brennan the demon wizard judged that the strength should be at the top of the **** level, you really have the confidence to get him?" Abe asked with a smile while watching Black Dragon Prague.

"Never mind, wait for my strength to improve a bit more!" Black Dragon Prague suddenly lost the excitement just now, sat back in the chair, and picked up the knife and fork again.

Thanks for the "White Hot" reward of 200 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 300 starting coins! !! Thank you "495771428" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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