Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1298: In the middle

Chapter 1298

Vulcan is very angry. The accidental loss of the flame elf makes him extremely distressed. This time, the fifty "crystals of **** power" obtained from Abel and the power of faith stored for so many years, in addition to the consumption of the kingdom flight , Almost all invested in the copy of the flame elf.

He can be said to be desperate to put all the power of faith into the preparation for this kingdom war. Once he fails, even if Abel let him go, he cannot afford the consumption of so many flame elves.

After the war **** and the second **** body have inspired the ‘mad warrior’ skill, he can no longer use the ability of the incarnation flame to ignore the attack of the two.

He was also very depressed, how could a **** master the skills of a professional.

It is important to know that in addition to the divine powers that are formed when the gods become normal, they have to pay a huge price to master any new power.

Not to mention mastering all the skills of a barbarian profession, it was unbelievable to him.

But now the dove and the second **** body use the barbarian professional skills in front of his eyes, making him have to believe this.

Vulcan kept retreating. After seeing Abel's sacrificial curse, he also wanted to distance himself from Abel.

At the same time, he needs to move the battlefield into his kingdom, not in the middle.

Vulcan's body is constantly changing in various shapes to avoid the attacks of the priest and the second **** body, but he also knows that such evasion is getting more and more difficult.

At this moment, the priests and the second **** body were also uncomfortable. The fire of the fire **** was so powerful that they suffered fire damage in many places.

However, they don't care about this injury, or they often attack regardless of the flame, even if only to dispel a little flame of Vulcan body, dare to resist an attack from Vulcan.

Vulcan's body receded, and the scattered flames spread out. Most of the flames turned into his substitute and attacked.

What no one has ever seen is that the igniter fell to the ground and did not completely extinguish, but flashed a faint light.

Vulcan soon introduced his battle with the war gods and the second **** body into his own kingdom of God. Although this would damage the environment of the kingdom of God, he still did.

He carried out his strongest fire attack without any worries, and did not care about the life and death of his followers below.

On the ground of the kingdom of God, those believers rushed towards the intersection of the two kingdoms without fear of life and death, but fell under the influence of the flame attack of Vulcan.

In his kingdom of God, the battle of Vulcan also became easier. He continued to teleport, while teleporting to avoid the attack of the priest, while using the flame in his hand to fight back.

Although Astoria is powerful, even with the second body, he cannot catch an enemy that is constantly transmitting.

At this time, the second **** body was hit by a huge flame, which contained divine power, and the second **** body was severely damaged under this blow.

If this kind of injury is at the intersection of two kingdoms of God, it can still be affected by your own kingdom of God and quickly recover the injury at the expense of the power of faith.

However, the place where they fought with Vulcan is already the Vulcan kingdom, which prevents the second body of the **** from enjoying the restoration bonus of his own kingdom.

The second **** body took out a bottle of purple potion from the space object, and even opened the bottle cap, and threw it directly into the mouth.

In a flash of purple light, the damage that Vulcan had just caused to the second **** body was restored instantly.

Abel looked at the battle scene and also understood Doffer's shortcomings today. He has the most powerful melee attack, but lacks a long-range attack. Although he has the ability to "transport" to make up for the lack of speed, there is no means of range attack. Live enemies that can also teleport.

The battle really fell into the anxiety, but he was not worried, because the battle was in the direction of the two **** kingdoms intersecting in the direction of the kingdom of Vulcan. Did not endanger this newly acquired kingdom of God behind him.

More importantly, he saw that in the kingdom of Vulcan God, due to the continuation of the war, a lot of the power of faith was consumed, and the power of faith in that kingdom of God was less and less.

Especially the flame mountain, its flame is obviously much weaker.

He also understood that this Vulcan **** did not seem to have prepared much faith power, which affected his kingdom of God.

Abel can see it, Vulcan himself can see it, but he can't help it. For the five hundred flame elves, he consumes too much faith.

Vulcan saw the second god's body that he could easily hurt, and quickly recovered the injury using a strange potion, and understood the trouble this time.

Originally, he wanted to come, even if the new god, even the best talent, can not be compared with his old-fashioned god, especially in the battle experience in the kingdom of God.

However, his plan failed, and the current situation is that as long as he does not consume the potion in his hands, he cannot defeat him.

Vulcan didn't want to fight for consumption. While fighting Vulcan, he watched Abel with anxiety in his heart.

After ten minutes of fighting, some of the flames on Vulcan's body had faded. This was where the assassin and the second god's body hit him.

His god's body was damaged, but he didn't recover immediately, which showed that his faith was weak.

There was a fierce look in his eyes, and he grabbed his hands toward the ground below him.

Under him is the ground of his kingdom of God, where there are a large number of blacksmith shops. His scratches, the blacksmith shop on the ground and all the items turned into the purest force of faith.

It can be said that his behavior is depleting the potential of the kingdom of God. These blacksmith shops are the homes of believers. Demolition of the homes of believers will greatly reduce their faith.

Even in his kingdom, he can't do too much, and losing believers' homes is one of them.

The gods take great care of the devout believers in the kingdom of God, because as long as the gods pay a little care, they can always have a steady stream of faith.

In general, as long as you don't do anything to disappoint the believer, believers in the kingdom of God will keep the faith forever.

Such behaviors as Vulcan will likely cause some believers to deviate, and once these believers' beliefs have fallen to a certain level, they will disappear from the kingdom of God.

But Vulcan did it as a last resort, because he no longer gains the power of faith, and he can't even repair the body of the god, let alone continue fighting with the doffer.

On the other side, the repair of the flame elf's body also slowed down, and this time the flame elf appeared dead again.

Abel saw the dawn of victory in the war, and the other side began to demolish the kingdom of God to increase the power of faith, then it means that his power of faith is about to run out.

But when he saw Vulcan demolishing those smithy, Abel's heart was very reluctant.

Although things in the kingdom of God can be made at will, that kind of manufacture does not come out of nothing. When building the kingdom of God, the material formed at the beginning of the kingdom of God is the original material for making things.

These original materials are countless for the kingdom of God, and they are not infinitely generated, nor can they be transformed by the power of faith, but only slowly generated over time.

Once the original material is transformed into the power of faith, it reduces the items that the kingdom of God can change.

You must know that the items that change the kingdom of God include the earth, as well as all the buildings on the earth, the objects in the buildings, and so on.

For transformations like Vulcan, each transformation permanently loses that piece of original material.

In other words, these actions of Vulcan directly reduced Abel's gains from victory, which forced Abel to consider quickly ending this kingdom war.

Thinking of this, with a wave of Abel's hand, a battle line of 5,000 dwarven knights rushed towards the flame elves, and only the 'Grizzly' was in front of him.

As the 5,000 dwarven knights charged, they lifted the sledgehammer in their hands, and the power of lightning gathered on it, and then a large force of lightning swept over the flame elves. Several flame elves did not come and dodged. A thick lightning force swept over.

The bodies of these flame elves have been severely damaged and paralyzed. Of course, this paralysis is only a momentary thing for the divine life.

But at this moment, the three giants also seized the opportunity, and his body spun past several flame elves, leaving the flame elves swept into two sections.

The flame elves also found the dwarven knight battlefield. Part of the fire attack flew to the dwarven knight battlefield, but was blocked by the battlefield shield. Although some of the flame damage passed into the battlefield, Will The 'rescue' aura of aura opened by the legendary paladin has greatly reduced the damage of these fires.

The last point of harm is to restore the injury through the power of faith.

At this time, the most inconspicuous poisonous mouse had turned an area into a green mist, and at least fifty flame elves were trapped in it.

The flames of more than fifty flame elves were burning with green mist, and they wanted to stop the gas from approaching in this way.

However, the flames of more than fifty flame elves are getting dim. The poisonous mouse is the most inconspicuous of all divine life, but in fact it has the most special attack power. Once hit by a poisonous attack, it is also the most troublesome. of.

If the faith of the Vulcan kingdom is still sufficient at this moment, more than fifty flame elves can still struggle for some more time.

But at this moment, due to the large consumption of the power of faith, the power of Vulcan's own faith is not enough, and there is no excess of the power of faith consumed by the flame elves.

The green poisonous mist flooded more than fifty flame elves just like the tide. In the poisonous mist, only the flames of the flames flickered, and finally all went out.

This is also the Fire Elf who has died the most at one time since the battle.

Abel was weird at this moment, because the flame elf was fighting with his four **** slaves, and the dwarven knight battle.

He can see that as long as some time passes, the flame elves will be killed less and less until they are all destroyed.

He believes that Vulcan can also be seen, but why Vulcan is still fighting like a game with Astoria and the second body of Astoria.

Why fighting is like a game, it is because the three gods are constantly transmitting in the air. Except for the fire attack that Vulcan accidentally makes two strikes and has little effect, it is almost like catching hide and seek.

At this time, Vulcan should have no advantage, the power of faith is insufficient, and the flame elves are constantly being killed, and his followers are not considered combat power at all.

It is impossible to make a group of dwarf blacksmiths into combat power.

"What else is there for Vulcan?" Abel thought as he watched the battle on both sides.

At this moment, an inconspicuous small flame on the ground was rapidly growing, but Vulcan, who was hiding with Dow and the second **** body, disappeared instantly, and a heavy blow from Dow hit the air.

This is a special ability of Vulcan. The flame substitute can transfer between the body and the flame divided by the body.

The faint flame that Vulcan seemed to drop unintentionally from the beginning was what he had prepared for the flame substitute ability.

When countless flames spread, a faint flame could not attract attention at all. That flame had no attack power, and even its own flame could not be maintained for a long time.

But this is the true killer of Vulcan. He introduced the second **** body of Astoria and Astoria into his kingdom of God, and used the original materials of his kingdom to make Abel want to speed up the war and transferred his guardian. Dwarven knights battle in front of Abel.

For those 5,000 dwarven knight battles, Abel's time was too short, and he did not really master the power of the knight battles.

The 5,000 dwarven knight battle is very powerful. They can share their own attacks. It can be said that if you cannot kill the 5,000 dwarven knights at the same time, you cannot kill any dwarven knight.

There is a reason for the full set of equipment on the dwarven knights. All the dwarven knights have added artifact materials. The equipment of five thousand dwarven knights, when used together, is a complete artifact.

These five thousand dwarven knights were carefully selected from believers. Unlike divine life, they not only can rely on the power of faith to repair themselves, but also have the ability to resurrect infinitely.

It can be said that although the five thousand dwarven knights only reached the attack of the weak gods, their defensive power was the most powerful in the kingdom of God.

Before, there were 5,000 dwarven knights guarding Abel. Vulcan couldn't quickly disperse the battle formed by 5,000 dwarven knights, and approached Abel.

You need to know that as long as Abel is given time, then the doffer and the second body of the doffer will return, blocking Abel from his attack.

"Blue Dragon Abel, die!" Vulcan roared, rushed towards Abel, and the spirit breath on his body was first suppressed toward Abel.

He knew that the war priest was a contract of Abel. As long as he caught Abel, the war of the kingdom of God would be over.

(End of this chapter)

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