Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1299: Reveal

Chapter 1299 Revealed

Vulcan is an old monster that has survived from the age of the gods. Although his actions look rash, he has been counting Abel.

Even the lack of faith he showed was an illusion, even for the death of many Fire Elves.

It was because of seeing this that Abel really believed that Vulcan had no power of faith, so he moved the dwarven knight to the front to end the war sooner.

When Vulcan rushed to Abel, Abel was not afraid, his body was indeed suppressed by the spirit of Vulcan.

This is also inevitable. As long as you think about the gap between Abel and Vulcan, this breath suppression can't be stopped at all.

Even the Demigod No.1 around Abel was also suppressed by the breath of the gods, and the body of Demigod No.1 could not have any movement, let alone to help Abel stop Vulcan.

Only the "Grizzly Bear" made a roar, it was also suppressed by the powerful breath, but it opened its body and stopped in front of Abel.

Vulcan gave a palm of his hand, and the Grizzly was on fire, sending a tragic flight, and in mid-air, because the vitality reached the critical point of life protection, it turned into a ray into Aber's space beast ring. in.

However, Vulcan still had a little less calculation. Although Abel was suppressed, it was only that Abel's human being was suppressed.

Among Abel's bodies, the angelic body is truly godly.

Just as Vulcan struck ‘Grizzly’ with one hand, a figure flew from Abel ’s body, from nothingness to reality.

When Vulcan saw this figure, he could not help moving.

Everyone who came from that war with the demon of heaven and earth would see this reaction when they saw the angel's body.

Vulcan's instinct's eyes flashed with terrible light, that was the fear of the great war in history, the fear of powerful life.

After the body of the angel was substantiated, the four wings behind it suddenly blasted away. The power of faith in the 'Crystal Angel Statue' continued to enter the angel's body. The angel's body grew rapidly from a body the size of Abel. It will soon reach a height of five meters.

Under this change, the equipment on his body also automatically adapts to changes in the body, and at the same time becomes larger.

Although the angel's body was controlled by Abel, he did not expect that this body had this ability, which was the fighting instinct inherited in the power of the body's light.

When encountering such a powerful life as Vulcan, the body is automatically adjusted to the size of the battle with Vulcan.

"Heavenly demon, no, you are not a heavenly demon!" Vulcan looked at the angel's body, screaming in his mouth.

He also awakened from the horror of the angel's body from the beginning. After sensing the strength of the angel's body, he also knew that this was not the outer demon of the year.

But he didn't underestimate the angel's body at all, because he saw the four wings behind the angel's body.

You must know that the outer demon of the year was just two wings. Even if the angel's body in front was not as good as the outer demon, its status in this group must be more honorable than the outer demon.

The angel's body did not immediately attack. He stretched out his hand, grabbed Abel's ring of space beasts, and then put Abel into the ring of space beasts.

The legendary strength of the human race is so close to Vulcan, and even the movements suppressed by the breath of the gods cannot move, and they have no ability to protect themselves.

"Of course I'm not a demon in the sky, I'm Abel, angel Abel!" Abel said in a deep voice.

This is the battle of the kingdom of God. If no party is destroyed, then it is impossible to escape. This kind of rule made him say this without any fear.

"You are a traitor to this world, you will be cast aside by this world!" Vulcan replied loudly.

"No, in this world, no one hurts the evil country more than I. I once entered the evil country, invaded the central temple, and robbed the country of a lot of treasures and 'crystals of divine power'. You should know The sword and shield in my hand. Even the armor and artifact space bag of the demon in the sky are here. When the demon in the sky wakes up, he can only fight empty-handed. Who can make the contribution I have made? Abel said aloud what he did. After he did these things, he never told anyone. At this time, he was more and more powerful.

"No, you must have been sent by a demon from the sky!" Vulcan's voice was no longer loud. He looked at the sword and shield in the angel's body, his eyes hesitated.

Of course, he knew this sword and the shield, how many strong men this sword had killed in that year, almost swept everything, and how many strong men the shield once blocked.

"Vulcan, don't say anything more, fight!" Abel no longer had the idea of ​​talking to Vulcan, his eyes seemed to kill.

Vulcan didn't attack, but backed away instantly. He remembered the way the demon attacked from the sky. Any enemy that was too close to the demon from the sky would be attacked by a storm.

Vulcan retreated fast. The speed of the angel's body was faster than him. The speed of the angel's body, plus the ‘charge 'skill, allowed him to reach Vulcan ’s speed almost instantly.

A huge fireball appeared in front of Vulcan's hands, blocking his body, while his body turned into flames again.

The attack of the angel's body is a feature that is direct and efficient. The sword of the holy angel is a sword against the huge fireball. When the sword is split, the power of light on the sword of the holy angel turns the entire sword into Lightsaber.

The huge fireball has long exceeded the definition of fire due to the divine power, but when it encounters the "Sword of the Holy Angel" that blesses the power of light, it is as if snowflakes fell on the red-hot iron. The fireball did not even explode, it was cut open and dissipated.

This level of light power far surpasses any power Abel sees, and it is the purest ultimate power.

If there is a power that can be countered, only the power of **** can fight against it.

In this regard, as long as it can be seen from the druid soul of the angel's body, although the druid and sacrifice ability are empty, it cannot be exhibited at all. Any natural force and vitality can only be obtained from the druid. When Izi rises in his soul, he will be forcibly melted by the power of light.

This was also shown in the battle with Vulcan. Vulcan immediately saw that his fireball was broken, and almost thought about it, and immediately used teleport to disappear.

Of course, he will not enter the kingdom of God on Abel's side, because as long as he enters the kingdom of God on this side, he will lose the ability to teleport.

What he did was return to his kingdom, and in his kingdom, he used the power of the kingdom to trap the angel's body. This was his only chance.

He didn't want to fight the angel's body at all, because he didn't dare to contact the light power used by the angel's body. Even if his **** body was injured by the light power, it would be difficult to recover by the power of faith.

In the battle that year, he only hit a sword and recovered for hundreds of years before he was able to slowly wear away the power of light.

So after seeing the angel's body, his first action was to escape. It was because of the war that year that he could not face the angel's body, which was also an angel.

The angel's body didn't move momentarily, but Abel was moving in his heart at this time. Since the equipment can grow with the growth of the angel's body, if the angel's body uses the mount, will its mount also grow together.

Thinking of this, when his heart moved, the angel's body became smaller instantly, then the black wind came out of the space animal ring, and the angel's body sat on the back of the black wind.

The angel's body changed once, and Abel naturally mastered this change, and then the angel's body became larger. Before that, the angel's body maintained the "charge" skill. This is the Holy Land version of the "charge" skill. Mounts are used in conjunction.

As the angel's body grows larger, the black wind also grows larger, and the light power of the angel's body also spreads to the black wind. A protective cover of light power appears on the surface of the black wind's body.

This protective cover can make the black wind ignore any breath that can't suppress the angel's body, block any attack to the black wind, and the damage to the black wind will be transferred to the angel's body.

Abel did not know if other angels had used the mount, but as he sat in the black wind, everything was done naturally.

In the dark world, because of the severe suppression of the strength, the angel's body sat in the black wind, but there was no such great response.

"Vulcan, where do you run!" Albert said with a smile.

He remembered the days of fighting in the Holy Land, when he was riding the black wind to fight the orcs in the battlefield.

Black Wind was also delighted. Although the angel's body was on his back, the perception of the soul told Black Wind that this was the master.

Fighting with the master is what Heifeng wants to do most, but because his strength is too low, he can't keep up with his master.

Today it is discovered that it can still fight with its master and face the most powerful enemy together.

Black Wind and Abel are as human and horse as they were then. The angel's body is just an idea. Black Wind has inspired 'momentary movement' and teleported to the position where Vulcan appeared.

Vulcan is another huge fireball flying out, the body teleports again, and enters his own kingdom of God.

The battle was fierce here, but Abel wasn't fully absorbed, because half of his intelligence was manipulating the stealing **** Milton.

At this time, Milton, the thief, had entered the kingdom of Vulcan and was approaching the Flame Mountain. In Abel's judgment, this flame mountain was most likely to be the main temple.

The Flame Mountain is actually a large array arranged with divine patterns. Of course, Abel does not have this technology. At least all the knowledge he has mastered does not use the content of the large array.

Of course, in the study room of the God of the Hill God, the Lord of the Hills, he did not know whether there was any inheritance of this knowledge, because he had not yet come to see it.

However, as long as it is arranged by the divine pattern, it is a complicated complex, and it is not a problem for the pirate **** Milton.

In this respect, Milton's "Breaking the Territory" is almost an unreasonable way to assimilate himself, so that any legal array will recognize the Milton as a part of the array.

As for the flames on the Flame Mountain, after the Pirate God Milton turned his breath into a part of the circle, he stopped attacking him.

His body was submerged in the Flame Mountain, and the middle of the Flame Mountain was empty. Inside was a block of French cards, arranged in a strange way.

"There is a special array here!" He thought as he looked.

It's very strange here, because the atmosphere of the Flame Mountain is not the same as the atmosphere of the Flame Array here, which means that the **** pattern hidden in the Flame Mountain has nothing to do with the Flame Mountain outside.

He counted it, and there were six hundred French array cards here, forming a huge six-mount French array, and every six French array cards were arranged into a small six-mount French array.

These six-mountain arrays depend on each other and are interlocked, and their materials are made of light wind iron.

The breeze iron is an artifact material, and the **** pattern is drawn on it. He can already guess how powerful this magic array is.

Or you can look at each of the magic array cards as an artifact, here is a whole six hundred artifacts.

Abel is also quite knowledgeable, and he has never seen so many artifacts appear in the same place.

At this moment, the magic pattern array was not activated, so Abel could see the franchise card through the eyes of the stealing **** Milton.

Once the law formation is opened, what he sees is completely different.

Just like this flame mountain, if it is not activated, it is a special magic pattern array, but after activation, everyone sees a flame mountain.

Abel was hesitant. This must be Vulcan's big killer, the most powerful backhand. If he takes a shot at this moment, he should be able to destroy this unopened magic circle.

However, this is very likely to be discovered by Vulcan.

This is the **** kingdom of Vulcan. As long as Vulcan pays a little attention, you can find the abnormality here.

"Then don't allow him time to pay attention to other things!" Abel thought here, riding the black wind on the other side of the angel's body, constantly 'momentarily moving', and the sword angel appeared on the 'sword of the Holy Angel' As long as Vulcan appears from the teleport, he will immediately catch up and attack.

The Dove and the Second Body wanted to come to help, but Abel stopped him. Abel ordered them to kill all the Fire Elves first.

For this kind of **** that can use teleportation, no amount of pursuit is useless. Without suppressing it into a limited space, it is impossible to grasp its shape.

The Dove and the Second Body of God were just a dozen or so teleportations and entered the Fire Elf.

Their arrival immediately speeded up the destruction of the Fire Elves. Each attack of the Dove killed several Fire Elves, and the second body had the same attack effect.

They have the ability to teleport, and the Flame Elves cannot escape their attacks at all, which is almost the slaughter of the Flame Elves.

The other half of Abel's intelligence controlled the Pirate God of Milton, and stretched out his hand in the corner of the huge Six-Man Fang in the Flame Mountain. At the same time, the breath of that hand was the same as that of the Great Six-Man.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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