Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1307: Challenge ancient

Chapter 1307 Challenge Ancient

In the dark world, in the caves of ancient roads, Abel and his fighting squad are fighting the Fear Fear, a **** creature composed of frozen elements.

Dozens of Fear Fears were constantly approaching the battle squad, and the pattern of the pattern in the hands of Abel, Frankenstein, and Downey Wizards continued to appear, and flame spells flew into the Fear Fear.

The Bruce Faith Knight, Will's Legendary Paladin, and Demigod One. The three Paladins are at the forefront of the team. Their defense and aura of aura are enough to block the cold attacks of the Fear Fear.

Behind them are the twelve "Ghost Guardian Knights" and the twelve "Ghost Guardian Wizards", and then the "Grizzly Bear" stands in front of Abel's contract with the other two wizards.

The danger here is extremely high, and Abel dare not care about it.

Due to the suppression of the strong by the dark world, this makes the power of demigods such as demigod one here not to be much higher than Will ’s legendary paladin, at most it is the power of various skills Stronger, higher attack.

Abel also did not release the second body of the Assassin. The height of the second body of the Assassin, which is five or six meters high, somewhat hindered the battle.

Especially in the way of fighting with Astoria, he couldn't show his strength at all.

Countless battles with **** creatures have made this squad extremely rich in experience. The paladins slowed down. The lightning attack of ‘Ghost Guardian Wizard’ had a paralyzing effect, and the powerful removal of three wizards.

The entire combat team's fighting style is very efficient, and the Fear Fear is killed before it is completely close.

Of course, the first time I met the Fear of Frost, I was not so safe. If I had n’t used the ‘full rejuvenation potion’, the “Ghost Guardian Knight” would have lost a few.

"Keep the team!" Hundreds of fire spells were cast, which finally killed all the Fear Fearers, Abel ordered loudly.

These Fear Fears don't have any loot, they will be turned into ice water as soon as they are killed.

The combat team walked for another distance, but Abel didn't find any **** creature, and he couldn't help it.

Countless experiences have told him that he should be close to the exit, and this situation only occurs near the exit.

Sure enough, after turning around a corner, he saw the upward hole.

After passing a long passage, there are obvious artificial traces here, but they are very old.

Finally he saw the sunlight and felt the cold.

When he walked out of the passage, there was a noise behind the passage, and when he looked back, the passage was closed.

He stands on the very top of a mountain. From here, you can see the city of Harragas and the highlands outside Harrogas. It is higher than all the highlands. This is the highest point of the area.

He already knew where it was. This was the peak of Mount Arrett, the place guarded by three ancient people.

In the dark world, there are many legends about the identity of these three ancient people, but the most commonly said is that the ancients were the gods of all living beings in the dark world.

The three ancient peoples existed for a longer time than the extinct Dark Ages. Long before the peak of Mount Arret seen by Abel, the original temple had long been destroyed.

What remained were only the stone pillars that have stood here since ancient times. These stone pillars showed him that the ancient civilization had existed.

Abel stepped on the ice and snow under his feet and made a creaking sound. These snow and snow are part of the peak of Mount Arrett. From the exposed part of the snow and snow, the stone ground under the snow and snow can be seen.

Passing through a stone door that has lost its function, the badge on the top of the door has long lost its former glory.

However, after passing through the door, he saw a complete huge round stone circle.

In the center of the circle, there is an altar, and three statues are distributed around the circle.

Instead of activating the altar, Abel came to the first statue, on the base of the statue, there was a name ‘Talik’.

‘Tarik’ is strong with a sword and a shield, his body is extremely fine, and the statue is extremely fine. Even each muscle shows its powerful internal force.

He then went to the second statue, which was called 'Madok', and was a warrior with two tomahawks in each hand.

The third statue is called "Klick" and holds a two-handed axe.

Abel checked the surrounding environment again, there was no place to hide except some stone pillars.

Deeper, he saw an entrance carved out of huge stones, and the entrance was closed.

Abel tried to take out a long sword and slashed the iron gate towards the entrance.

When he thought about it, it had been so long, maybe he didn't have to challenge the three ancient people to enter this entrance.

No matter how strong the iron gate, the sword in his hand, plus his strength, can be broken a little bit.

But when his sword slashed over the iron gate, a rune flashed on the iron gate.

This is the rune of ‘33 #Zod Sad ’. When he sees this rune, he knows that the door is indestructible.

'33 #Zod Sade 'rune. After this rune is inlaid, the item can get the wear and tear attribute that will never wear out. This attribute can make the item made from the original ordinary material into the strongest in the world. Items, nothing can destroy them, this is the power of runes.

Looking for a loophole is not feasible, he took a long breath and came to the central altar again, using his spiritual power to start activating the altar.

However, he immediately discovered that he could not activate the altar, and he couldn't help wondering. Is there something wrong with the altar here, or the law circle?

If it is really a problem, then it is troublesome, because it means that he cannot enter that entrance, he cannot defeat the last demon, and he cannot get the last piece of the world stone.

"No, just activated the altar, the altar has reacted, there should be no problem with the altar!" Abel tried to activate the altar again. He felt the change of the altar with his heart, and soon made a new discovery.

Is it a matter of contract?

This contract of soul chains is not from the dark world, but a soul contract of another world, which is likely to be not recognized by this altar.

Thinking of this, he put away all the indentures, leaving only 'Grizzly Bear', 'Ghost Guardian Knight', and 'Ghost Guardian Wizard'.

He again used spiritual power to activate the altar, and this time the altar responded.

"We are the souls of Nefarne, the ancients. We have been chosen to guard the sacred Mount Arrett, where the stone of the world is. Not many of us have been able to stand until now; and we can Realizing it is even less effective. Before you enter, you must defeat us. "Voices from ancient times rang from the altar.

Then there was a surge of energy in the altar, and this energy gathered along the huge round matrix under Abel's feet, and gathered toward the three statues.

The three original stone statues emitted golden light. In the golden light, the ancient people awakened.

After the three ancient men were resurrected, they immediately jumped off their respective bases, and "Madao Ke" holding two tomahawks made a howl, and then a golden light wave centered on his body and rushed around. .

Almost immediately, Abel saw the light from the three ancient people, which was the light after the yelling spell increased the defense.

This "Madok" actually used the "scream" spell, and Abel immediately used the fastest spell "Chain Lightning" to attack "Madok".

With the effect of 'Chain Lightning', although it only attacks 'Madok', it also amounts to attacking 'Tarik' and 'Klik' at the same time.

At the same time as 'Chain Lightning' struck out, 'Talik' body turned into a fiery red whirlwind. 'Chain Lightning' struck him from 'Madao Ke', but passed through his body, and Did not hit him.

This is the 'Whirlwind' combat technique of the barbarians, a powerful combat technique which can obtain a short invincible state when using 'Whirlwind'.

Another ancient man, 'Klick', jumped up and also avoided subsequent attacks from 'Chain Lightning'.

And this jump came towards Abel. The two-handed tomahawk in the air in the hand of 'Klick' brought a glimmer of light, and Abel instinctively flashed aside using 'momentary movement'.

"Klick" shifted the target in the air to the "Ghost Guardian Knight" closest to Abel. This "Ghost Guardian Knight" erected the shield and blocked it in front of him.

Now that there is no Paladin contract, for this kind of enemy that can jump and attack from a distance, Abel needs someone to stop in front and drag ‘Klick’ ’s pursuit attack.

Just after Abel showed up, ‘Madock’, attacked by ‘Chain Lightning’, was not affected by Lightning Paralysis, and threw the tomahawk in his hand continuously.

This "Madok" is a long-range flying axe attack and masters the barbarian's "two-handed throwing" skills. The two tomahawks in his hands should be special magic weapons that can continuously generate and restore flying axe.

The throwing flying axe in 'Madao Ke' almost formed a continuous straight line. Abel had to dodge again, but no matter how he avoided, the flying axe was targeting him.

Fortunately, 'Grizzly Bear' had now reached Abel's side, blocking the attack direction of 'Madock', and all flying axes were blocked by it.

Just as Abel took a breath, he suddenly heard the sound of broken bones, and then he felt what was lost in his soul.

He looked not far away. The 'Ghost Guardian Knight' attacked by 'Klick' had died, and only the equipment left on it fell to the ground.

In such a short period of time, 'Colic' killed a 'Ghost Guardian Knight', which forced Abel to be more careful.

You need to know that although the "Ghost Guardian Knight" today is not very strong in attack, its defense is very high.

With level 31 'Dominate Skull', level 31 'Skull Rebirth', and rune language equipment bonus on 'Ghost Guardian Knight', its defense can block most **** creatures from attacking for a short time. .

However, Abel was only in a moment of "momentary movement", and "Klick" killed a "Ghost Guardian Knight". You can imagine the high attack power of "Klick".

Abel looked at 'Klick' again and attacked another 'Ghost Guardian Knight'. In the first strike, he knocked out the life force of 'Ghost Guardian Knight' by two-thirds.

The druid's soul quickly refilled a bottle of ‘full rejuvenation potion’, and then asked the “ghost guardian knight” not to be close to him, which did not let the “ghost guard knight” die again.

The previous "Ghost Guardian Knight" was because his druid's soul could not pay attention to the "Ghost Guardian Knight" during his "momentary movement", which would cause casualties.

Just when Abel thought that as long as he was careful, he would not find any more casualties, his soul once again felt the death of the two "Ghost Guardian Knights".

He saw ‘Talic’ who was using ‘Whirlwind’ skills and swept through two ‘Ghost Guardian Knights’. The shield in ‘Ghost Guardian Knight’ ’s hands could n’t stop him at all.

At the same time, he saw a strange red light on the long sword in the hand of ‘Tarik’. He knew almost immediately what the attack was.

"Damn it, that's the flame strengthening!" When he thought about this, he saw 'Talik' killed the third 'Ghost Guardian Knight' and turned towards him.

He doesn't want to be close to 'Tarik', and 'Tarik' with the ability of 'fire strengthening' can kill all nearby enemies in seconds.

At this time, the battle had just begun for only a few seconds. Abel had lost four 'Ghost Guardian Knights'. This was the worst battle he had encountered since fighting in the dark world.

He used ‘momentary movement’ again, releasing ‘fire wall’ at the same time, releasing a long flame above the ground.

With the increase of his level in the dark world, the restraint on him is getting greater and greater. In the dark world, he can no longer continuously cast spells with his hands as in the central continent.

This has also greatly affected his combat power, or he must obey the rules of the dark world to fight.

Of course, this is also useful for **** creatures. The strength of **** creatures is also greatly restricted, which allows him to fight against them.

In the battlefield, both Abel, the Ghost Guardian Knight, and the Ghost Guardian Witch are constantly transmitting. When Abel is using Instant Moment, he must also bring the Grizzly, or even if It was the defensive 'Grizzly' that couldn't stop the attack of 'Tarik'.

The three ancients formed an ideal team. 'Madock' had a long-range attack, 'Talik' could be invincible for a short time, and 'Whirlwind' was used for continuous close-up attacks. Attack 'achieves medium to short range attack coverage.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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