Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1308: change

Chapter 1308: Transformation

Just as Abel kept using ‘mote move’ to avoid the attack, ‘Korick’ waved his two-handed axe in the direction of him, and a cloud of curse appeared over his head.

The scope of this cursed cloud was so large that it almost covered the entire Yarit Mountain peak, and there was no room for him to hide.

Then the dark red cursed rain fell, and Abel felt that his defense had dropped significantly.

His face changed, because he knew very well that he could not stop a blow from the 'Fire Enhancement' of 'Talik'. At this time, the defense was reduced, and it is estimated that even 'Klick' was suspected to be a 'ghost' One shot's charged blow, he couldn't stop at this moment.

In the absence of contractual support, his combat effectiveness was greatly affected.

Each of these three ancient people has two kinds of **** abilities. From the short battle, what he can see is the 'Fire Enhancement' and 'Special Strongness' of 'Talik', and 'Klick' 'Special Curse: Damage Amplification' and 'Ghost Strike' ability, and 'Madock''s 'Special Fast' ability.

As for what other abilities he hasn't seen yet, it's just that these abilities that are currently exposed have already made him very headache.

His spells did not hurt these three ancients. The three ancients had significantly stronger elemental resistance than any **** creature.

At present, he can only slowly spell spells with the ancients. As for melee, he doesn't even have to think about it. The ancient people attending the ‘Flame Enhancement’ and ‘Ghost Strike’ melee battles are between one or two strikes.

Although he didn't know what would happen when the angel's body was summoned at the moment, he originally wanted to use the angel's body as a battle card, but his thinking changed at this moment.

Even if the challenge fails, he forcibly returns using the ‘City Teleport Scroll’, and will not summon the angel ’s body to fight.

Because the angel's body has the most powerful melee ability, it is very likely that he will be spiked in the melee. He will not let the angel body take this risk.

He changed the way of fighting. First, he summoned a 'Clay Stone Demon' and attracted Madang's long-range flying axe attack, although the 'Clay Stone Demon' could not stop several attacks of 'Madock' .

However, as soon as the "Clay Stone Demon" appeared, it slowed down the figures of "Kelick" and "Talik". This is because the slowdown effect of the "Clay Stone Demon" played a role.

But this is only a very short period of time. The powerful ‘Colick’ and ‘Tarlick’ adapt to this deceleration effect in one second and restore speed again.

Abel just needs this little time, he needs to get rid of the hunting of three ancient people, so that he can have time to cast spells.

The dark white spell pattern appeared in his hand, and a 'bone wall' lined several 'bone walls' between him and the three ancient people.

Although 'Colic' and 'Talik' can advance a speed of destroying a 'bone wall' with almost one blow, they are blocking their attack.

At this time, the eight "ghost guard knights" replaced bows and arrows and began to join in long-range attacks. Of course, their attacks were very weak, but they also worked.

The twelve 'ghost guarding wizards' 'chain lightning' issued power at this time, and an electric arc continuously appeared on the ancients. Due to the influence of the 'bone wall', the 'whirlwind' of 'Talik' targeted Concentrated on the 'bone wall', once stopped it will be attacked by the 'ghost guardian wizard'.

"Leap Attack" of "Klick" also distanced himself from Abra, and also chose the nearest "Bone Wall", which was also attacked by "Ghost Guardian Wizard".

Abel did not join the attack, he summoned again, summoning five 'undead crows'. At this time, this almost immortal combat power was very useful.

‘Undead Crow’ ’s attack power is not high, but it has a blinding effect. This is what Abel needs.

His next step is to cast the curse of aging. This spell has a very small casting range. With the previous pursuits of Kolik and Tarik, he had no chance to cast it.

At this time, he had the opportunity to perform. A white cursing light appeared on the two ancient people, and their movements slowed down significantly.

Abel added dozens of 'bone walls' and trapped two ancient people in them.

After doing this, he took "Grizzly Bear", "Momentary Move" to "Madok", and just then, "Clay Stone Demon" was killed.

It only took a few seconds from the summoning of the "Clay Stone Demon" to the time when Abel trapped two ancient people and approached "Madok".

And in the meantime, the druid's soul has been supplementing the 'clay stone demon' with a 'full rejuvenation potion'. This super-recovery potion with regular power allows the 'clay stone demon' to survive this A few seconds.

Just because Abel used 'momentary movement' once, 'clay stone demon' was killed by 'Madok'.

As soon as Abel appeared beside 'Madock', he immediately blocked 'Grizzly' in front of him. 'Grizzly' growled and rushed towards 'Madock', and also attracted 'Madock''s axe attack .

With the "Grizzly" strong defense force, as long as it is not the "Fire Enhancement" attack of "Tarik", even if it is the "Ghost Strike" of "Klick", the "Grizzly Bear" is cursed by the "Darkening Damage" curse, It can also block 'Colic' several hits.

After putting down the "Grizzly Bear", Abel immediately used "Momentary Move" to go in the other direction, and at the same time used the "blizzard" powerful spell with slowing and freezing damage, and began to attack "Kelik" and "Tarik" Launch an attack.

‘Undead Crow’ is constantly harassing the two ancients, but it ’s different from Abel ’s judgment. ‘Tarik’ is constantly performing a 'Whirlwind ’so that‘ Undead Crow ’cannot attack them.

On the other hand, "Klick" used several "jumping attacks" to fly several "undead crows". Although "undead crows" could not be killed, in a short period of time, "undead crows" would not be able to fight.

"These ancients have a strong sense of fighting!" Abel now understood that the three ancients in front of him were not the previous **** creatures. They had no consciousness and only relied on instinct to fight. These ancients could target their opponents. Situation, make the most correct judgment at any time to change the fighting style.

Thinking of this, he immediately thought of the "Grizzly Bear" who had just stayed beside "Madock".

At this moment, the "Grizzly Bear" and "Ma Dao Ke" are attacking each other with your palm and axe. Because "Ma Da Ke" has lost the ability of long-range attack, this greatly affects his attack ability, and the "Grey" The Bear's maintained a balanced fight.

‘Korick’ jumped up again. His goal was no longer the ‘Bone Wall’ in front of him, but the ‘Bone Wall’ in the direction of ‘Madao Ke’ and ‘Grizzly’.

In that direction, Abel did not arrange a few 'bone walls', a large number of 'bone walls' were arranged between him and two ancient people.

'Tarik' also performed 'Whirlwind' and rushed behind, no longer impacting Abel. The two ancients should have seen 'Madok' blocked by long-range attacks, so they had reinforcements in the past.

Due to the distance between the three ancient people, it has always been very good. This backward impact instantly broke a few 'bone walls'.

"No!" Abel yelled in his heart, he wanted to rescue the "Grizzly Bear", but at this moment the two ancient people's attack from the "Grizzly Bear" was only an attack distance, if he casts the "momentary moment" ', Then it's most likely to even get in.

The druid's soul did not even come to use the "full rejuvenation potion", and the "grizzly bear" was hit by "Taric" a "whirlwind" into a state of life protection, turned into a light and returned to the space animal ring .

In the test of the ancients, his own strength is the most important. He has no available summons, and the "Ghost Guardian Knight" can't do much damage to the ancients, even affecting them.

The "Chain Lightning" attack power of the "Ghost Guardian Wizard" is also unsatisfactory and cannot play the role of attracting ancient people.

Since he had powerful covenants and summons, he seemed to be affected by these forces, and he had forgotten the battle he had entered into the dark world.

At that time he was totally relying on his own power to fight **** creatures.

In the central continent, because of the cross-level repression, he was unable to fight with the more powerful strong, but the dark world here, even the strongest here is just a little more attacking and defensive.

"I'm a wizard! I'll use the wizard's fighting style to end the test!" Abel said, looking at the three ancient men.

He stowed away the "Ghost Guardian Knight" and the "Ghost Guardian Wizard", and then he turned on the ability of the Stone Fragment of the World.

He gave the command of the battle to the judgment of the stone fragments of the world, and then he and the druid soul cast spells separately.

Just when 'Colick' and 'Talik' rushed towards him again, he threw a 'frozen ball' in his left hand, and when the 'frozen ball' excited, his right hand was in the soul of Druid's soul. Under the command, the cast exhibited 'momentary movement' and disappeared in place.

A series of flying axes happened to hit his phantom at this time, without actually attacking him.

The direction of Abel's "momentary movement" is exactly the opposite direction of 'Kelick' and 'Tallick'. Under the judgment of the World Stone Fragment, it takes half a second for 'Kelick' and 'Tallick' to turn back and attack. time.

At this time, he had appeared in front of 'Madok', and at the same time, a 'Wall of Fire' had been thrown on 'Madok'.

Under the cover of the 'Wall of Fire', Abel slightly leaned to the side and let off a string of axe attacks from 'Madock'. The left and right hands were controlled by the main soul and the druid's soul to control two 'static force fields'. Reduced the life of 'Madok' by a third.

At this time, 'Kelik' and 'Talik' returned, using their respective combat skills to attack, they were extremely fast.

Abel casts ‘Meteorite’ in his left hand and ‘Momentary Move’ in his right hand. If someone else is watching, he will find that he ’s like a fate at this time, and once again let two ancient people hit his phantom and hit the air again.

You must know that with his physical and defensive power, any blow from ‘Korick’ or ‘Tarlick’ will kill him.

But after turning on the stone fragments of the world, Abel's judgment on his own strength became very calm. The whole world slowed down in his eyes, and he had enough confidence to avoid any attack.

It is important to know that none of the three ancients had a range attack, which was difficult for Abel, commanded by the debris of the world stone, to really pose a threat.

Abel has always cherished his life. He rarely uses dangerous fighting methods in the dark world.

But he knows that he must accept dangerous close-ups, and must overcome his own fears. He has conditions that others cannot reach, and even in close-up combat, he can exert a powerful power.

After 'Klick' and 'Tarik' hit the air, the 'Whirlwind' and 'Jump Attack' ended, and at this time, the 'Meteorite' in the sky fell down and hit the two ancient people heavily. Body.

'Meteorite' smashed the two ancient people and gave them a body meal. At this time, Abel activated the 'Thunderstorm' spell. This spell will automatically attack anyone with lightning at an attack speed of once per second. Approaching his enemy.

Then he activated the 'frozen ball' and 'momentary movement' with both hands, respectively. Attacked.

Just when Abel gave up his position, the three ancients were already together.

In the attack direction of this 'frozen ball', all three ancients were on the attack line.

'Colic' and 'Talik' were hit by several ice bombs separated by 'Frozen Balls', and then rushed towards Abel.

But this time they have n’t waited for them to rush in. ‘Madock’ ’s axe first hit Abel ’s shadow, and Abel just used ‘Momentary Move’ to disappear.

He appeared in a straight line with 'Kelick', 'Tallick' and 'Madock'. 'Kelick' and 'Tallick' used fighting skills to his initial position. In the middle of 'Colic' and 'Talik'.

At this time, "Madock" was turning around, and "Korick" and "Tarik" were looking for Abel because they were blocked by "Madock".

Abel used 'Chained Lightning' in both hands and hit 'Madock'. His 'Chained Lightning' level was not comparable to the 'Ghost Guardian Wizard'. With this blow, 'Madock' was slightly shaken, so that Its turn was slow.

'Colic' and 'Talic' also found his place after using mana, and they came again.

(End of this chapter)

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