Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1309: Terrible child soul

Chapter 1309: Terrifying Child Soul

Fighting with three ancients, Abel challenged three powerful ancients alone, which was his rare crazy behavior.

‘Korick’ and ‘Tarlick’ have been dragged back and forth by him, constantly using powerful combat techniques that have no effect.

In this mode of operation, only the long-range attack of 'Madok' will pose some threats to Abel.

However, compared to the attacks of 'Collick' and 'Tarik', he didn't care much about the attack of 'Madock', because the attack of 'Madock''s axe could not kill him in seconds.

Of course, under the judgment of the World Stone Fragment battle, Abel will not be hit by any attack as long as he is fully absorbed.

Since the beginning of the battle, it has been maintained in a strange atmosphere.

Abel uses a variety of spells. In a straight line, he uses 'momentary movement' to pull 'Colic' and 'Talik' back and forth.

Most of the spells he cast are aimed at 'Madok', plus the previous 'Madok' hit two 'static force fields', losing a lot of vitality.

The vitality of 'Madao Ke' has kept declining slowly. Even if 'Koli Ke' and 'Talik' keep screaming madly and constantly using powerful combat skills, they can only watch 'Ma Da Ke' constantly being beaten by Asia. Bo hit.

For one hour, two hours, and three hours, Abel drank five bottles of ‘full rejuvenation potion’ to maintain the fighting state under this intensity of battle, and then reduced the vitality of ‘Madok’ to a low point.

And these three hours passed, the three ancient people did not seem to be affected in any way, and even the combat skills were used all the time without being tired.

"This is cheating!" Abel murmured in his heart, and was not anxious to immediately use the spell to resolve "Madok".

He is very clear that in this dangerous battle, there is no precise judgment of the debris of the world stone, and if he makes any unnecessary actions, he will likely be killed in seconds.

He went back and forth in a straight line three times again, and as a 'chain lightning' hit 'Madock', he made an unwilling roar, turned his body into a golden light, flew to his original statue, and then his statue appearing again.

Abel used 'momentary movement' to distance himself from the two ancient people who were rushing, while watching where Madoka was killed.

There is no soul, no golden light, nothing, which made him hard to kill 'Madao Ke', but there is no gain. Without a soul, there is no 'soul potion', and without golden light, there is no potion '.

But think of it as an ancient man, not a **** creature, so I understand.

For the next 'Klick' and 'Tarik', the battle will be easier.

As long as they kept their distance, the two ancient men without long-range attacks did not pose any threat to him.

It's just that the bodies of the two ancients were too strong, and their resistance to the elements was too horrible. Coupled with the short-term invincibility of the 'Whirlwind' combat technique, and the detached spell attack of the 'jump attack', they were all subject to spell attacks. Relatively less.

A little bit of time passed, and after 12 hours of fighting, even Apocalypse could not keep Abel in shape.

You should know that Abel ’s consumption in battle is not just physical strength, but also soul consumption. Although ‘All-around Recovery Potion’ can replenish the energy of his body and soul, it cannot supplement his soul ’s fatigue.

Look at the situation of 'Kelick' and 'Tallick'. 'Kelick' still has a quarter of its vitality. Because of its ability to be 'especially strong', 'Tarlick' still has one third of its vitality.

In this case, Abel didn't know if he could stick to it. He had to fight for a long time before, but there was no danger of such a battle on the front line.

Always stay at the point of life and death, so that he does not dare to be distracted, any distraction can let him die here.

At this time, he didn't want to break away from the battle. He spent so much time and died of four "Ghost Guardian Knights". The "Grizzly Bear" was wounded and recuperated. He couldn't bear to leave.

At this time he chose to believe in the stone fragments of the world, and believe in the druid's soul. The druid's soul and the stone fragments of the world took over his body together.

His master soul has entered a state of rest, which only takes a few minutes to restore his exhaustion in the soul.

He knew very well that once the fatigue of his soul affected the required casting time of the Stone Fragment of the World, as long as he took a slow shot, he would fall into death.

This is not the first time he has completely given his body to the druid's soul. The druid's soul does not have any feelings, no fear, no fear, and no human emotion.

While Abel's main soul was resting, the druid's soul's fighting style changed.

When 'Klick' attacked with 'Jump Attack', the druid's soul, with the help of the Stone Fragment of the World, used a 'Chain Lightning' to hit 'Klick' in the air.

However, due to this attack, he also lost the opportunity to use 'momentary movement' to avoid 'Tarik' 'Whirlwind' attack.

You know that without the cooperation of the main soul, under the suppression of the dark world, he can only use one spell at the same time.

"Klick" was hit by "Chain Lightning" in the air, and did not complete the "jump attack" and dropped to the ground.

The second combo of 'Chain Lightning' was missed, because at this time 'Tarik' was performing a 'Whirlwind' combat technique in a short time invincible state.

Tarik's 'Whirlwind' combat skills have already attacked Abel's body. At this time, Abel's body is twisting rapidly. If time can be slowed down, you can clearly see the 'Tarik' long sword. With a fiery red light, it is constantly spinning.

But Abel's body was twisting, and Tarik's long sword swept past his body. When these attacks were closest to him, he almost swept across his clothes.

This is how the druid's soul is controlling. If it was Abel, how could he dare to use his body and whirlwind combat skills to make such an evasive action.

We must know that the 'Whirlwind' combat technique is the top-level combat technique. Any accident at any point will be the consequence of being killed.

At this time, the druid's soul still had time to exhibit the 'static force field'. The two consecutive 'static force fields' directly reduced the vitality of 'Talik' to the same level as 'Klick'.

At this time, 'Klick' also rushed over again, but it had just 'jumped' and was hit by a 'chain lightning' of Druid's soul again, and fell to the ground again.

Then Abel's body was constantly flashing lightning flashes of ‘nova’. The fastest lightning spell of this kind, centering on him, sent a wave of lightning strikes around him.

This spell is rarely used by Abel, as it requires him to stand within close range of the enemy before he can cast it.

But the druid's soul is constantly performing with the rhythm of the 'nova' spell twice a second, while the body is constantly twisting, sometimes it will step forward or step back, avoiding 'Tarik' s attack.

At this time, 'Tarik' was like the same bull, and Abel was like the best bullfighter, easily playing with the bull in the palm of his hand.

After many efforts, ‘Korick’ has finally approached Abel. After approaching Abel, he no longer acts as a ‘jump attack’, but instead uses a two-handed axe to hack at Abel.

Aber's body twisted a bit more, and the 'nova' spell didn't stop.

The powerful ancient people, 'Kelick' and 'Tallick', were surrounded by Abel as a wizard, and the weapons in their hands made bursts of air from time to time, especially the 'Tallick' was constantly displayed. With 'Whirlwind' combat skills, it is even more impressive.

In contrast, Abel has always kept the best distance from the two ancients. At this distance, any attack will be staggered by him in a relaxed and comfortable way.

Abel's main soul rested for ten minutes, and he finally recovered his spirit, and the fatigue that made him unsupportable disappeared.

He did not immediately take back control of the body. He did not want to be attacked by the ancients at the same time that he took over control of the body, causing the worst consequences.

So he took a look at the situation and looked at the current situation.

Just as he was looking around in a side-by-side manner, he was shocked to take over the body almost immediately, because he was standing within three meters of 'Klick' and 'Tarik' at this moment.

‘Talik’ fiery red sword and ‘Korick’ ’s huge two-handed tomahawk just passed by his side.

However, he still controlled the impulse, and he believed that the cooperation between the druid's soul and the debris of the world stone would not cause an accident.

After calming down, he saw another way of fighting, a way of fighting he had never imagined.

When did the wizard use the stump to fight close melees, and now he has this scene.

The druid soul without any feelings excels in his combat power than he himself. At the same time, the druid soul uses the power of the stone fragments of the world to the fullest extent.

It's just that this way of fighting requires that the combatant must maintain absolute calmness. Abel knows very well that he can hardly do this.

He couldn't do what Druid's soul did, and turned a blind eye to the weapon that was enough to threaten his life.

In the face of this situation, let alone other things, his consciousness will report to the police madly, which is enough to make him involuntarily perform 'momentary movement' out of danger.

The battle that Abel thought had taken five or six hours to end, ended in twenty minutes.

The druid's soul will save the time that he needs to avoid the attack, and he is almost constantly playing the attack spell.

The first to be killed was 'Colic'. He gave a loud roar, then turned into golden light and returned to the base, turning back into a statue.

The last person to be killed was 'Talik'. At the moment of his killing, he looked at Abel. At that moment, Abel had a feeling that 'Talik' was still alive.

The three ancient people did not leave any objects, so they turned into statues.

Abel then regained control of the body. He looked at the three statues and lamented the power of the ancients.

At this moment, the huge circle-shaped array under his feet emitted a burst of light. He felt the whole body tightened, and then he was restrained by the circle-shaped array. His body was pulled off the ground by this binding force and suspended in a circle On the altar in the center of the shape formation.

Strangely, he didn't feel any danger at this moment, and his keen sense did not issue a warning.

He wanted to struggle, but the restraint generated by this ancient law formation far exceeded his power.

The statue of Madoka in the round matrix was glowing with gold throughout the body, and then the golden light passed from the statue of Madoka to the round matrix, and then the round matrix was floating towards the center of Abel. Gush.

Abel sensed a strange energy entering the body from the round matrix under him.

This strange energy has the power of strong rules and some energies he cannot understand. These energies have ancient breath and are extremely pure.

Energy entered his body, and immediately rushed to the 26th-level wizard pattern in his soul. He had three 26th-level wizard patterns, and energy was also divided into three parts and poured into it.

Abel was shocked. The wizard pattern is the foundation of a wizard. If it is damaged, it is impossible to repair the potion of full rejuvenation.

This is also a part of his body that can't be repaired by the ‘full rejuvenation potion’.

However, at this time, he did not even have the ability to struggle and refuse, the restraining force issued by the round circle under his feet made him unable to resist.

He felt a roar in his soul, and that strange energy poured into the three 26th-level wizard patterns, and the lightning, freezing and the three 26th-level wizard patterns The power of the 'three rules of flame' is increasing madly.

The power of rules contained in this strange energy automatically differentiates into the power of the three rules he needs, and is exactly the same as the power of his own rules. When entering the 26th level wizard pattern, his The three rules were quickly filled.

You need to know that even if he has resources that other wizards cannot imagine, it will take years to fill the power of the rules in this rule.

Just after the rules in his three 26th-level wizard patterns were full, the energy with ancient flavor in the strange energy quickly transformed into the mana needed for the 26th-level wizard patterns.

Spiritual power watched Abel, who was changing in the soul, and he almost heard the sound of the tide, which was the sound of the massive mana transformed by ancient breath energy flowing in the wizard pattern.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thanks for "Tianyaqing" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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