Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1320: Trace imprint

Chapter 1320: Trace Mark

Don't underestimate these half-seconds, this half-second is enough time for the mental power shield placed here to send a warning message to the master of mental power.

Then there was a scream of howl in the remaining mental power shield, and the sound was full of warning.

Bradford's divine wizard had long anticipated this result, and at this time he expressionlessly devoured the rest of the spiritual shield into the real world.

With a wave of his hand, a hurricane emerged from the real world, and this is the power of the god-like powerhouse.

In the case of not using the real world, he can only use two types of spells, the frozen system and the fire system. However, after using the real world, all the forces that can be simulated in the real world can be called from the real world. real world.

For example, the power of the wind he used at the moment is not the power that his own wizarding profession can master.

Only the Druid has the power to master the power of the wind.

The Bradford Wizard uses only a simulated wind power in his real world, but if he leads from the real world, it can have an impact on the real world.

Of course, the power of this wind in combat is very small, because without the support of the powerful master rule power in the real world, this simulated power can only affect lower-level professionals, or apply it to In some special circumstances.

This is what he does now. He uses the power of the wind to blow away the bird droppings on the entire island, and the small plants on the island and the bird nests on the plants cannot be preserved.

With the hurricane, all the cover on the island flew up, then fell into the sea and became food for fish.

Then revealed to him was a crystal-like transparent island body.

When the Bradford wizard saw the phantom coral itself, there was a hint of intoxication in his eyes. In fact, the number of phantom coral corpses that made up the island far exceeded his expectations.

These are simply priceless treasures. At the same time, he also understands why there are so many bird droppings and dwarf plants on this island, because the island composed of phantom coral corpses is so eye-catching.

However, he soon discovered a strange thing, that is, such a small island composed of phantom coral corpses, why its breath is still so weak.

Previously, he thought that the plants covered on the island and bird droppings together hidden the breath of phantom coral corpses, so that the breath of the island composed of phantom coral corpses would be so weak.

Now he is worried that the island composed of the phantom coral corpses in front of him will be a fake, because so many phantom coral corpses should have a very strong breath.

For this island of phantom coral corpses, he spent too much energy and time, he couldn't imagine a failure.

He lowered his body and approached the island of the phantom coral corpse, which dreamily existed. The closer he got to the island, the more calm his heart became.

Because he can already be sure that the island of the phantom coral corpse in front of him is real, and that psychedelic shape can only be displayed by the phantom coral corpse.

The island of phantom coral corpses in the sea water sometimes disappears as if it slaps with the waves.

This is the embodiment of the phantom coral corpse's combination of real and unreal. In the impression of Bradford **** wizard, no item has this form.

He reached out and touched the phantom coral corpse island. When his hand was a little far away from the phantom coral corpse island, he raised a new shield.

What surprised him was that the shield was dark golden, and this color signified that the owner of the shield was much stronger than him.

After being surprised, he felt it carefully, but he was relieved. I didn't know how many years this shield was installed. Although the owner of this shield was extremely powerful, but it took too long. The dark gold shield is not to be broken.

This shield is also hiding the breath of the phantom coral corpse at the same time, but a little breath came out.

In fact, this is a place of cultivation among the Hailong clan. With the guardianship of the Hailong clan, naturally no other sea beast will come to peek here.

Every time the sea dragons guard here, they can get the power to feel the breath of the phantom coral corpse island, which also gives the god-level sea dragon a chance to be stronger.

As god-like sea beasts in the sea, the sea dragons can't arrange too complicated defense arrays. They can only arrange such mental shields to monitor whether anyone is approaching the island.

The dark golden shield is from the most powerful sea dragon patriarch of the sea dragon family, which is the real world shield left by the sea dragon patriarch, and it is the real defense shield.

The Bradford Wizard also guessed something, and he knew what it meant to break the dark golden shield.

He inspired the real world again, carefully approaching the dark gold shield.

He had to be careful this time, because the phantom coral carcass wasn't solid, and accidentally it would break it.

His real world slowly approached the dark gold shield. When the real world was in contact with the dark gold shield, the soul of the Bradford wizard was as if being hit with a hammer. In his soul perception, a whole body belt The courageous Hailong glanced at him.

It was at this glance that his soul was severely hit, his face paled instantly, and then a spit of blood came out of his mouth.

In his space bag, a wooden sign obtained from the ancient ruins was instantly broken when his soul was about to be fatally attacked, and most of the attacks on the soul of the Bradford wizard were transferred to the wooden sign. on.

Bradford shouted a secret in the mind of the god-level wizard, such life-saving treasures are nowhere to buy, they are obtained in the expedition.

Whoever has such a life-saving treasure in his hand will leave it for his own use. Such a treasure is almost equivalent to a life.

But relative to death, compared to the phantom coral corpse island, the wooden sign that can block the deadly attack of the soul is nothing.

The real world of Bradford wizards easily broke the dark gold shield, because he knew that after the most powerful blow was taken by him, it would take some time for this dark gold shield to restore energy. .

Just when he completely broke the dark gold shield, but the fragments of the dark gold shield formed a strange dark golden energy pattern in the air, and then the dark golden pattern rushed towards him.

The Bradford Wizard did not even think about it, and directly activated the ‘momentary movement’ that was already prepared.

When his figure disappeared in situ, the dark golden energy pattern also disappeared. When his figure appeared from the air thousands of meters away, he saw the dark golden energy pattern that appeared at the same time.

At this time he was too late to escape, and the dark golden energy pattern rushed into his body.

He quickly sensed his body, but found nothing abnormal.

But he knew that the dark golden energy pattern could not have any effect. He thought about it, untied his clothes, but saw the dark golden energy pattern on his chest.

At this time, the dark golden energy pattern appeared on his chest like a colored tattoo.

The Bradford wizard touched the skin of the chest with his hands and did not feel any difference in the skin. If he had not seen the pattern on the chest with his own eyes, he would not have believed that the pattern would appear on the chest.

Curse, mark or something?

He thought to himself, no matter what kind of thing, it must be a big trouble.

At this point he had no retreat, or he didn't think of any retreat at all. He pulled his clothes and looked at the phantom coral corpse in front of him.

He released his mental power completely, completely enveloping the phantom coral corpse island, and then fully absorbed into his real world.

There was no obstacle this time, and the phantom coral corpse island was successfully taken into the real world by him.

As soon as the phantom coral corpse island entered his real world, he felt some differences. There was a slight change in his real world. The phantom coral corpse island was steadily emitting an energy that affected him. Real world.

Although this process is very slow, God level doesn't need to consider life issues, as long as it has effect, it doesn't matter even thousands of years.

This slight improvement in the real world has given him a feeling of tears, and his real world has not improved for thousands of years.

Hundreds of years of waiting, the danger before, are now nothing.

"Oh!" Far away, with a howl, a huge sea dragon was flying in the sky.

The Bradford wizard was awake at this moment. He looked at the sea dragon approaching in the distance, and smiled sneerly, who can stop the wizard in this world.

His figure disappeared in situ, and ‘momentary movement’ was continuously excited, making his figure disappear and disappear in the air, and soon disappeared.

The rushed sea dragon was the guardian here, he just went to a small gathering of several god-level sea beasts.

For example, the gathering between god-level sea beasts will only take place once every hundreds of years. At the same time, the god-level sea beasts will trade the resources obtained during these hundreds of years.

For god-level sea beasts, this gathering is an important way to obtain resources, so sea dragons will attend.

Of course, the most important reason why Hailong would go to the party with confidence is that it has been here for thousands of years, and it has never had any problems. Now he just left half a day, how could it be so coincident? Something went wrong!

However, Hailong never thought of it. At this time when it attended the party, someone really took away the cultivation treasure of the Hailong tribe.

Hailong looked at the disappearing figure in the distance, and it naturally knew what it was.

"I Cornelius swears that even if you escape to the sky, you can't escape the pursuit of my sea dragons!" Cornelius sea dragon shouted at the disappearing phantom coral corpse island and shouted at the disappearing figure in the distance. Road.

In its perception, the god-like wizard with the traces of traces of his tribe was moving away in a strangely fast way.

That speed is not what it can catch up with. In fact, in the entire world, the wizard ’s “momentary movement” is the top few speeds of movement.

Except for some creatures with natural teleport ability, they can compete with the wizard ’s “momentary movement”, and the rest of the life, no matter how fast, cannot be compared with “momentary movement”.

The Cornelius sea dragon stood on the surface of the sea, and began to make a low sound in his mouth. With its sound, the marine life in the whole sea area moved.

The eyes of these marine creatures showed a strange red color, and they swam towards the central continent.

Cornelius sea dragon flew in the sky, and it did not stop the deep voice in his mouth.

At first there were not many marine creatures in the ocean, but as Cornelius sea dragons flew a certain distance, the creatures in the ocean had filled a large area of ​​the sea.

Among these red-eyed marine life, sea beasts have appeared.

The emergence of these sea beasts automatically became the leader of marine life. The marine life with the leader is not as chaotic as it was just now. The sea beasts have some wisdom. They control the marine life according to their respective abilities.

This team is getting larger and larger, and among them the sea monsters of the legendary ranks can also fly.

Cornelius Sea Dragon can clearly perceive the breath of the tracking mark, which cannot be hidden at all. That is the real world breath of the sea dragon's patriarch. Unless there are several times stronger than the sea dragon's patriarch, it can track The imprint is released.

At least as far as Cornelius Sea Dragons know, no one in the world can unlock the mark except the dragon **** in the legend of the Dragons, or the nine-headed sea snake of the ancestors of the Dragons.

Therefore, it is not in a hurry, it must gather enough sea beasts, so that the guy who dares to challenge the sea dragon family to pay the price, while recovering the highest treasure in the family.

It is still in the open sea and has not entered the dragon's territory. Before entering the dragon's territory, it intends to gather the number of marine life and sea beasts to a quantity sufficient to impact the dragon's defense line.

Cornelius sea dragon is a genius of the sea dragon family. It is not ready to report to the family immediately. This is its failure and it needs to recover the middle treasure by its own means.

This is its pride and its responsibility.

Of course, it also has full confidence, because this time it is the Central Mainland side that violated the agreement. If the Dragons dare to shelter the wizard who stole the most precious treasure from their family, then it is equivalent to fighting with the Hailongs.

It is a determination to reason first, and then to use force. Numerous years have passed. Perhaps the sea beasts are too low-key to make human wizards dare to steal the treasures of the sea dragon family.

As more and more sea beasts joined, the number of legendary sea beasts reached one hundred, and the number of remaining sea beasts was almost uncountable.

The area of ​​the ocean is larger than that of the land. There are more abundant resources here, and because of the particularity of the ocean, the blood of the sea beasts has never been cut off since ancient times.

This made the number of powerful sea beasts in the ocean very large. At this time, these sea beasts heard the call of Cornelius sea dragon, and they all entered this team.

(End of this chapter)

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