Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1321: Confrontation

Chapter 1321 Confrontation

The central mainland is offshore. In the sky, a bipedal dragon is flying at high altitude.

The two-footed dragon is a pseudo-dragon of the dragon family and an assistant to the dragons. Especially for the vast ocean area around the central continent, the number of dragons cannot be guarded.

Therefore, the pseudo-dragons participate in daily patrols. Of course, the pseudo-dragons are far less intelligent than the dragons and their combat effectiveness is not high. Therefore, they are only responsible for investigating tasks and will report when they find out.

Today, the biped dragon is patrolling in the sky as usual, but soon the biped dragon sees the waves at a distance of tens of meters.

What surprised him even more was that the waves seemed to be controlled. Among the waves that were tens of meters high, there were countless sea beasts.

And after this wave, there are more waves that are tens of meters high, and in each wave are countless sea beasts.

In the farther sky, hundreds of powerful sea beasts are flying.

An instinctive fear rises in the heart of the two-footed dragon, a feeling that should not appear in the dragon family.

Even if it is just a two-footed dragon, except for the natural blood pressure suppression when facing the dragon, the two-footed dragon rarely feels afraid.

It didn't escape, but spit out a lot of effort, which is the purest bit of dragon blood in its body.

After this mouth blood was sprayed out, it formed a blood-red pattern in the air. It called a few times towards the blood-red pattern, and the blood-red pattern continued to flash.

After a few breaths, the blood-red pattern suddenly became large, and then a blue dragon was rushed out of the blood-red pattern.

As soon as the blue dragon appeared, he saw a distant sight, and a sense of horror appeared in a pair of dragons.

He turned his head to glance at the extremely debilitating biped dragon at this moment, and threw a drop of his own blood into the biped dragon's mouth.

The two-footed flying dragon used the taboo dragon spell to consume the power of its precious bloodline, and sent an alert to the dragon, and this magic circle formed by a little of its bloodline has its own teleportation ability.

With this painstaking effort, the life of the two-footed flying dragon was directly eliminated.

And this blood-thirsty matrix with its own teleporting ability can only teleport nearby dragons, too far to do nothing.

The two-footed dragon knows that there is a dragon guarding here all year round, and it uses its brainpower array naturally for a purpose.

When the blue dragon saw a distant situation, even if the situation was endangered, he gave the two-footed dragon first a drop of dragon's blood to save the two-footed dragon's life.

This is the rule of the Dragons. As long as they contribute to the Dragons, in any case, the contributors must be given priority.

After giving a drop of dragon blood to the two-footed dragon, the blue dragon turned his head and looked away again.

"God-level!" The blue dragon exclaimed when he felt the breath of countless sea beasts in the distance, one of which was farther away.

He didn't even think about it. He took out a contact circle from the space object, and then focused a spirit on it.

After doing this, the blue dragon put away the contact circle, and then issued a dragon yin to the distance.

Dragon Yin with strong dragon power rushed to the sea beast group, but the sea beast that Long Wei could suppress in the past was not suppressed by Long Wei. Their red eyes had a strange power to resist Long Wei.

Even larger numbers of marine creatures with weak combat effectiveness were not affected by Longwei.

Of course, the blue dragon did not think that he could use the sea monsters led by the god-level sea monsters to rely on him. He could suppress them only by using Longwei.

All he wanted to do was warn him to let the other party know that this was Dragon's territory.

"Stop it all!" A low voice came out, and then the countless waves seemed to freeze, completely violating the rules of the water, and stopped on the surface of the sea.

The sea beast in the huge waves did not move, just looked forward with red eyes, waiting for orders at any time.

Then from behind the giant waves, a group of flying sea beasts appeared.

Among the sea beasts, a huge sea dragon is particularly noticeable, coming from Cornelius sea dragon.

Although Cornelius Sea Dragon is confident, it does not have the idea of ​​fighting without warning. All it needs is to oppress the Dragon and let it hand over the treasure of the Sea Dragon.

A war is only the last step and a necessary step.

Once a big war really happens, it can't conceal its duty of duty.

Of course, if you can't find the treasure in the clan, then a big war will be inevitable.

"Little guy, call the Dragon God's God to talk, you are not qualified!" Cornelius Sea Dragon came to the forefront of the sea beast tide, said Shen Shen, watching the blue dragon.

The blue dragon is just a legendary dragon. Facing god-level sea beasts like Cornelius Sea Dragon, it is naturally too different.

"First of all, I'm not a little guy, I'm Blue Dragon Buckel, and my strong dragon race will come right away!" Blue Dragon Buckel didn't get frightened by the momentum of the opponent, but calmly responded.

There was a killer in the eyes of Cornelius Sea Dragon, but it didn't do anything. Here is the territory of the Dragons. Here, killing the Dragons by hand, then the only possibility is that it will directly trigger the crazy revenge of the Dragons.

By then, let alone the treasure of the clan, even the dragon will be chased down by the dragon clan.

Blue Dragon Buckle was also secretly crying, how could the rescue not come.

You need to know that the group of flying sea beasts opposite each other has a powerful existence above the legendary level. Among them, there are as many as five demi-gods.

Few sea beasts can fly, and those that can fly are basically sea beasts above the legendary level.

He also sensed the killing of Cornelius Sea Dragon just now. The killing of a god-level sea beast was enough to make him feel an extreme crisis.

For the dignity of the Dragons, he could only hold strong.

"Cornelius sea dragon, what do you want to bring so many sea beasts?" Just as the blue dragon Buckel was in a hurry, a voice came, and then a figure flew quickly from a distance.

Because of the need to control the entire offshore, the Dragons set up many teleportation arrays in the offshore, which is why reinforcements can come so quickly.

When the blue dragon Buckel saw the coming dragon, he couldn't help but rejoice and felt relieved.

"Meet Elder Eugene!" Blue Dragon Buckel said respectfully.

"Baker, you did a good job!" Elder Eugene stopped next to Blue Dragon Bucker, looked at him and nodded, then looked at the two-footed dragon that had eased, and said, "After you go back, Get a potion to boost your blood! "

The two-footed dragon could not speak, but knew what it meant, and nodded his thanks in a hurry.

The blood-boosting medicament is a special medicament of the Dragons. This medicament is only refinable by the Dragons. At the same time, it is prohibited for any foreign clan to make this medicament.

Because this potion requires dragon's blood to be refined, it has no effect on dragons and only has effect on pseudo dragons.

This is also a major reward for the dragons that have contributed to the dragons. Even some pseudo dragons have been given blood vessels to improve their blood vessels and become young dragon-level dragons.

This is the same effect that Abel gave to Feiyan's synthetic blood at that time, but if the dragon pharmacist saw Able taking that kind of dragon blood directly to Feiyan, he would scold him for violent heaven.

The most important reason why the blood-boosting medicament cannot be used for dragons is that the best blood that dragons can get today is dragon blood.

If you want to refine the potion that can enhance the dragon's blood, the raw material must be holy dragon blood that is more pure than the dragon's blood.

"Cornelius Sea Dragon, let's say, what makes you do this?" Elder Eugene then turned to look at Cornelius Sea Dragon again.

"Eugene, a tribal god-level wizard has stolen important items from my sea dragon family. The dragon family gave me the people and returned the stolen items to me!" Cornelius Sea Dragon said directly.

"Cornelius Sea Dragon, what if my dragons don't make it?" Elder Eugene asked in a deep voice when he heard this tone.

"Eugene, the thing stolen by the tribal god-level wizard is my tribe. This time, I brought this sea beast to find it. If this time is not successful, then you will wait for my sea dragon to take all the sea beasts. , To start a full-scale war with the Dragons, or let the Dragons open a passage, let's go directly to the god-level wizard! "Cornelius Hailong said with a sneer.

"Cornelius Sea Dragon, how can you be sure that it was the deity wizard of the human race?" Elder Eugene asked again.

"When the god-level wizard stole my tribe's treasure, he traced the tracer's mark, which had been personally laid by the tribe's own, and this tracer's mark had reached the central continent!" Cornelius Sea Dragon answered in a deep voice.

"Damn guy!" Elder Eugene scolded.

What he scolded was of course the deity-level wizard of the human race. After a fierce battle between the Hai and the Dragon, he signed a peace contract.

This kind of human-level deity wizard may cause the entire central continent to fall into a war with the sea tribe.

Under normal circumstances, those who have nothing in the ocean belong to anyone who sees it, and Shanghai Beasts will not bother about it.

But stealing and robbing items of powerful sea beasts violated the contract of that year.

"Elder Eugene, according to the contract, also asked the Dragon family to give it to me. To be honest, if the treasure is not found, even if my family summons the nine head ancestors, it will be recovered!" Neelius Sea Dragon continued.

"Cornelius Sea Dragon, I do n’t care what the treasure is, but it can be obtained by the deity wizard of the human race. There are also problems with your own carelessness. I can only ask the **** wizard to return the treasure to God. The wizard gave it to you, can you say it is possible? "Elder Eugene said in a deep voice.

"Three days, there are only three days. After three days, I ca n’t see my family ’s treasure. Then I will bring the sea beasts to find it by myself. Even if I die, I will pull up a few god-level sacrifice. Back to Zhibao, I have no face to return to this family! "Said Cornelius Hydra, flashing viciously in his eyes.

"Three days is too short. Ten days, I have ten days to give you an explanation!" Elder Eugene demanded.

"Three days, I only wait for three days, and after three days I will not see the treasure, then either I die or the entire central continent will die!" Cornelius Hailong said firmly.

Elder Eugene looked at Cornelius Sea Dragon and knew he couldn't say more.

Although he did not ask what the treasure was, in the attitude of Cornelius Sea Dragon, this treasure must be very important to the Sea Dragon family.

The sea dragon family is the top bloodline family among the sea beasts, and their status among the sea beasts is extremely revered. Once a war breaks out with the sea dragons, it is very likely that they will start a war with all the sea beasts.

There will be no winners in this kind of war. Although the dragons are extremely powerful, the number of dragons is limited, especially at the moment when the dragons are the weakest.

Recently, with the help of Blue Dragon Abel and the role of the Golden Castle, the fertility problem of the Dragons will be improved, but at this time, this situation makes him very difficult.

At present, only one of the dragon gods can operate, and the rest are either traveling far away or sleeping.

If you want to awaken the sleeping dragon, it may not be enough for three days.

This is mainly because the dragons have been peaceful for too long, and the long dragons have a slack heart.

The dragons have no enemies for too long, so that the gods of the dragons are free to get used to it without restriction.

"In three days, I will find the Wizarding Guild to deal with this, but I need to find the god-level wizard!" Elder Eugene nodded helplessly.

"This is the breath that traces the mark. Based on this breath, you can find him!" Cornelius Sea Dragon threw a ball of energy and said.

"In three days, if your sea beasts dare to step into the dragon clan for half a step, then there is no need to talk, we will go to war!" Elder Eugene looked at Cornelius Sea Dragon, and looked at the numerous sea beasts behind him , And the powerful sea beasts above the legendary level in the sky, Shen Sheng said.

While talking, Elder Eugene's claws waved on the water below.

A frozen air spewed out of it, but this frozen air was used by the outside world after he increased the power by many times by using the freezing rules from the real world in his body.

Suddenly, an ice field appeared on the surface of the ocean opposite the countless huge waves.

The frozen air of Elder Eugene instantly formed the entire surface of the ocean into thick ice.

In particular, because of the powerful freezing rules, this layer of ice is harder than steel, and it can be guaranteed that it will not melt for ten days.

Cornelius Sea Dragon watched the freezing of Elder Eugene's hand, turning a sea into ice, and he was not surprised. This powerful control over frozen elements is not weaker than it.

"Elder Eugene, I said I would only wait for three days, and my men would never enter the Dragon Race for half a day!" Said Cornelius Hailong Shen Sheng.

Elder Eugene nodded, but he was thinking that after he left here, there was no strong man watching, and he couldn't be relieved.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thanks to "Liu Zhangjun" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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