Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1328: near

Chapter 1328

Elder Eugene's eyes were shocked, and his heart was rejoicing. Although the fighting power of the stealing **** Milton was not strong, but this was also a god, a god-level existence, a **** belonging to the dragon system.

Most importantly, Pirate Milton is a deity recognized by the Wizarding Guild, and will not need to negotiate conditions with the Wizarding Guild because of his status.

"Blue Dragon Abel, do you want to let the stealing **** Milton sneak into the magic tower?" Elder Eugene felt the stealing **** Milton without any breath in front of him. He probably knew Abel's idea, but he still Asked.

"Yes, Pirate God Milton should be able to enter the magic tower without being found." Abel nodded and said.

"As far as I know, Milton, the stealing power, is not high enough. His ability to play is not enough compared to Bradford Wizards. Even sneak attacks cannot stop Bradford Wizards!" Elder Eugene said with some concern.

"So I will let the war fighters enter the space beast, and then be brought in by the stealing **** Milton. As long as the war fighters have a chance to get close, they want a god-level wizard and a war-powered **** to get close. The success rate Very high! "Abel explained with a smile.

Pirate God Milton has repeatedly demonstrated his excellent assassin talent. Although his strength is not very powerful, he has special abilities that allow him to enter any tightly closed place without any fear.

Cooperating with God of War is the best combination.

Elder Eugene shook his head with a bitter smile and shook his head. It is estimated that such a thing as letting a **** enter the space beast can only be done by the master of the war godhood.

This is not only a question of the dignity and decentness of the gods themselves. More importantly, the space beast bag is a special space. Once the **** enters the space beast bag, it is tantamount to handing over his own safety to the space beast bag. People hands.

As long as the space beast bag is destroyed by the person holding the space beast bag, even if the gods in it are not killed by the torn space, they will flow into the space turbulence and it will be difficult to survive.

To put their own safety in the hands of others, when the strength is low, professionals will trust each other.

But when the strength is extremely high, few people will put their own safety in the hands of others.

Especially at the **** level, at this level, it is already the top level of the continent, and its influence and status are very important. It is difficult to trust other people, let alone trust the **** level of the same level.

The gods have devoured the gods and become stronger, which has not been interrupted in history.

It is just that whether it is a war **** or a stealing **** Milton, it is Abel's contract, and the relationship between them is very close, it can be said that they live and die together.

At this time, the inner wizard of God was thinking of another thing, that is, the legendary wizard of Juul who suddenly disappeared in the Wizarding Guild.

A legendary wizard of the 28th level disappeared inexplicably in the headquarters of the Wizarding Guild. Although there was speculation afterwards that it might have been killed by Master Bennett, the Wizarding Guild had no evidence.

So the Wizarding Guild has always defined this matter as the legendary Juulian wizard, who had avoided it because he was afraid of revenge from Master Bennett.

At this time, seeing that the stealing **** Milton was Abel's contract, how could he never imagine the end of the legendary wizard of Juul.

It is estimated that the legendary wizard of Juul was stolen by the stolen **** Milton, but it was not killed on the spot, and no 'Legendary Light' appeared. At that time, the headquarters of the Wizarding Guild was not found.

Just thinking about the horrible ability of the pirate **** Milton, there was a bitter chill in the mind of the inner wizard of the Smith.

Why Milton the Pirate was not valued by the Wizarding Guild before, it was because Milton the Pirate was inherently timid. Of course, this is not a disadvantage.

In the days of the gods, those gods that were extremely powerful and maddened have now either disappeared or been imprisoned in this world.

And because of his timidity, Pirate God Milton was able to completely avoid incurring anything that might make him dangerous, and could always exist in the central continent managed by the Wizarding Guild.

But now Milton, the stealing god, has changed. He dares to enter the kingdom of God that no one can enter, stealing the "crystal of the divine power" in the central temple, he can enter the wizarding guild headquarters, and capture the 28th-level legend. wizard.

These changes are precisely due to the blue dragon Abel in front of him, the Pirate Lord Milton began to change after having a master.

However, Neith Smith ’s god-level wizards did not intend to say anything about the legendary wizards of Juul. Today, the identity and status of the blue dragon Abel is no longer the only master Bennett who was only oppressed by the Wizards Guild at that time. .

With the success of the God of War and the killing of Vulcan, Abel has basically replaced the position of the former Vulcan, and even because the war of the Astronaut is more powerful, making Abel's status on the central continent even higher.

Just looking at this time the Dragon clan needs god-level combat power, the first thing that comes to mind is Abel, and we can know its status.

"Blue Dragon Abel, do we need to cooperate?" Inner Smith asked the wizard.

"Nesmith ’s God-level wizards, of course, need your cooperation. Please block this place and keep talking to Bradford God-level wizards to share his heart. Although Milton the Pirate has the ability to enter it, With the full attention of the Radford Wizard, it is still possible to be found! "Abel said with a smile.

"This is of course, we must cooperate with all our strength!" Although the inner wizard of God Smith thought that it would be a good thing if Milton could be discovered by the Bradford wizard, and if Milton was killed, It is just that the threat of the sea dragons is greater. At this time, it is not the time to use the mind. He nodded.

Besides, there was Elder Eugene present, and the Necrosmith wizard could also deceive young Abel, but he really used the means to overthrow Milton, how could Elder Eugene not see it.

Once this happens, the Dragons will not need to take any action, and the Dragons will start a war with the Wizarding Guild.

So these can only be thought in the mind of the inner wizard of God, he dare not easily provoke the war between the two forces.

At this time, Abel took the second body of the war **** Dow into an empty space beast bag and handed it to the hand of the stealing **** Milton.

Thief Milton fastened the space beast bag around his waist, and immediately the breath of the space beast bag disappeared.

Seeing the Thief Milton carrying a space beast with a war fighter, there was also no breath at all.

Even the few gods who knew this before could not help but feel a chill in their hearts.

Nesmith's god-level wizards were somewhat fortunate that the resentment between him and Abel had been settled under the coordination of Elder Eugene.

Of course, he had to reconcile with the strength of the Dragons at that time, but now he needs to consider the strength of Abel himself.

Abel is constantly exposing new methods. What kind of methods are he hiding, and even if there are no other methods, the ability exposed now is enough to make any **** level have to pay attention.

No matter which **** class exists, it is impossible to guard against attacks that may suddenly come from behind.

If the Thieves Miton is not strong, then you can add the God of War, the true god-killer, no one at the level of God can guarantee that he will fight with a close-up God of War without preparation. You can also save your life.

"Please start, I will let Pirate God Milton be ready to do it!" Abel said to Shen Sheng who was present.

With his words, Pirates of the Milton turned on the ‘hiding technique’ and also turned on the ‘stealth’ technique.

His figure disappeared in front of several god-levels. As long as the god-level did not actively release mental power, continuous scanning could not find it.

Of course, once the **** of stealing Milton showed his intention to kill, the **** level would naturally know.

The difficulty of sneaking into the **** level is very high. Every person who can reach the **** level has grown up in countless battles.

The few god-level wizards present were more worried about the combination of the stealing **** Milton and the war fighter.

Neith Smith, McPhee, and Mosley, all began to judge the threat of stealing the Milton stealth and how to crack it.

However, the stealth of Milton, a stealing power, is a kind of divine ability. There is no other way except for the same level of mental power scan.

They glanced at each other, and they both showed anxiety.

It is impossible for these gods to start the mental power scan all day long. The mental power scan needs to consume mental power. Although not many, it is impossible to support it.

However, they need to cultivate. It is unrealistic to use mental scanning all the time. The power of Pirate Milton makes them all feel a great threat.

However, at this moment, they have confidence in solving the big trouble of Bradford Wizard. As long as it is successfully solved, as for the threat of Pirate Milton, as long as they have a good relationship with Blue Dragon Abel.

There is no interest between each other. The Dragon and the Wizarding Guild have always been fairly good. The Blue Dragon Abel will not really go to assassinate the wizard level of the Wizarding Guild.

Abel recovered the quarantine, and the stealing **** Milton left silently.

"Bradford, you can't think about it again, but this is a major event related to the safety and security of the entire Central Continent!" Neith Smith, the wizard, exclaimed to Radford the wizard.

He worked hard to attract the attention of Bradford wizards. Of course, persuasion had no effect. If it worked, he would have persuaded Bradford wizards a day ago.

"Inner Smith, you are one less god, do you want to drag time again, and ask God to come over, don't worry, as long as someone is close, I will directly destroy that thing!" Bradford God Wizard The real world noticed the disappearance of the war fighter, he said in a deep voice.

As for saying that the **** level was put into the space beast bag, he didn't even think about it, because it was too unrealistic.

"Bradford, you don't have to think about it. If the sea beast tide attacks the mainland, your juniors will be threatened as well!" Neith Smith, a wizard-level wizard again persuaded.

"Haha, juniors, how many juniors are those, do you care about the juniors who have been separated by countless generations?" Bradford the wizard replied with a laugh.

The life of wizards differs too much from that of ordinary people, which makes it difficult for wizards to have too much affection for ordinary people.

Because no matter what wizard does not want to continue to leave and die with the juniors who have already developed feelings, watching the familiar juniors die with their own eyes, the feeling is not good.

Therefore, wizards normally deal with the relationship in the world coldly, this is not the cold blood of the wizard, but just do not want to keep separating.

Neith Smith is not unaware of this, but he is constantly talking to attract the attention of Bradford.

At this time, Abel's half of his wisdom entered the soul of Milton theft through the soul chain, and began to manipulate the action of the stealing **** Milton.

This critical action, of course, he will not let Milton, a less intelligent thief, handle it.

In fact, he has mastered the method of increasing the intelligence of Pirate God Milton. As long as he builds a kingdom for Pirate God Milton, he can greatly improve the thinking and computing ability of Pirate God Milton, and his wisdom will also be greatly improved. .

But doing so would bind Milton, the thief, to the kingdom of God.

At least Abel still needs the help of Pirate God Mill. Until he hasn't achieved enough strength, he won't build a kingdom for Pirate God Milton and let Pirate God Milton stay in the kingdom forever.

Abel controlled Milton the Pirate, and approached the magic tower in a very slow way of flying on the ground.

Abel, who has many magic towers, is very familiar with the functions of magic towers.

Even if the magic tower in front of it is owned by a powerful god-level wizard, its main functions are similar, but the difference is more powerful.

The scanning array of the magic tower is mainly two aspects, one is the sky scanning, the other is the ground scanning, and the scanning of the area between the sky and the ground. Instead, there will be mutual influences, and the scanning is not detailed.

Abe didn't know how good the tower's scanning ability was, so he chose the relatively easiest way to break through.

Of course, the **** of stealth Milton opened the "breaking field", has merged his breath with the scan array, and in two different scan array breaths, constantly changing with the different scan arrays. .

He was very careful, he didn't want to have irreparable consequences due to a little mistake.

As he got closer and closer to the magic tower, he also saw it clearly.

He is very familiar with the materials of this magic tower. These materials are ancient materials. Although slightly worse than the materials used to make war fortresses, they are often seen in ancient buildings.

At least he himself never got this ancient material, but the entire magic tower used this ancient material.

(End of this chapter)

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