Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1329: enter

Chapter 1329 Enter

Abel manipulating the **** of stealing Milton has reached the side of the magic tower. He didn't dare to scan it with his mental power, but only looked with the naked eye.

This magic tower is eighteen stories high. In terms of the structure of a normal magic tower, a Bradford wizard should be on top of the magic tower.

Bradford God-level wizards are at least 36-level god-level wizards. According to the wizard's level, this magic tower should be more than 36 floors high.

However, Abel is also very clear that the ancient materials used to build the magic tower, even if it is a god-level wizard, will not be obtained indefinitely.

It is estimated that eighteen-story magic towers can be built, which have been accumulated by Bradford deity wizards for countless years.

Immediately after seeing this magic tower, Abel's heart rose to his heart.

Any holy continent wizard has the dream of owning a magic tower. He is not a wizard growing up in the central continent. The wizards here do not have much affection for the magic tower.

The wizard of the Holy Land, almost from the beginning of becoming a formal wizard, worked hard to have his own magic tower.

This is almost a kind of instinct of the wizard of the Holy Land. Only a wizard who has his own magic tower can be considered a complete wizard in the Holy Land.

Just looking at Abel's existence on the Holy Land, even if it was troublesome, he brought the huge magic tower loot back to Harry Castle.

Although he couldn't make it public, even using it by himself made him feel very cool.

At first glance at the magic tower, he liked the magic tower, and at the same time he regarded the magic tower as his own.

As long as you kill the Bradford Wizard, this is the booty.

Thinking of this, Abel manipulated Milton the Pirate faster.

The reason why several gods are attracting the attention of Bradford Wizards is to prevent Bradford Wizards from having time to scan around with mental power.

If fighting in flat ground, the Bradford Wizards will of course use mental scanning from time to time.

But here is his magic tower. The magic tower has a lot of scanning arrays. It is constantly scanning, and it does not require him to scan mentally.

The most important point is that several god-level confrontations lasted more than a day. In this day and time, the three **** levels of the Wizarding Guild did not behave abnormally.

At the same time, the Bradford Wizard has great confidence in his magic tower, which has too many functions beyond the ordinary magic tower.

It can be said that he used the magic tower as his training room, home, safe haven, etc., so he put a lot of resources into it.

He has a cool nature and does not want to train his disciples, so he is the only one in the magic tower.

Even the food is delivered daily from designated cities.

Pirate God Milton's body was attached to the outer wall of the magic tower, and he flew up. When he reached the sixteenth floor, he chose a window.

The reason why he did not go to a higher level was that he did not want to let the possible energy fluctuations cause the Bradford **** wizard to doubt.

The windows of the magic tower are actually opened by the magic array. When ventilation is needed, the windows will be opened by the tower spirit.

There are many law formations in the windows. These law formations protect no one from entering even if the windows are open.

But Milton, the thief who came today, was the ancestor of the thief. He came to the window and gently pressed his hand toward the window.

The atmosphere of the normal array is completely simulated. While the transmission of information to the tower spirit is suspended, the normal array that controls the opening and closing of the window is activated.

Nesmith Smith, who was embarrassingly talking to Bradford Wizards in the distance, almost disturbed his relationship with Bradford Wizards when he saw the window on the sixteenth floor of the Tower of Magic suddenly opened. dialogue.

Not just him, other **** wizards, and Elder Eugene were stunned and staring at everything in front of them.

It was the magic tower of a god-level wizard, known as one of the strongest buildings in the world, but it was opened silently in front of their eyes.

The act of opening the window has not been known to the Bradford wizards. This is known from the fact that they are still talking to the inner wizard of the Smiths.

"Horror! It's terrible!" Several gods had the feeling of being cold all over.

The Mosley divine wizard recalled the conversation he had just had with Abel. Is there any way to reveal his earlier dissatisfaction with Abel, and after a good reflection, he feels fairly good, and then he takes a long breath of relief.

It is indeed a very bad experience to be hostile to such people.

A powerful enemy is not terrible. It is as powerful as a demon outside the sky. It has not been besieged by the Wizards Guild and has slept for thousands of years.

This silent enemy is the most terrible. I may find you quietly one day.

Abel didn't know these god-level thoughts. He controlled Milton, the thief, into the magic tower, and then closed the window.

He didn't want to have a problem with the windows because the Bradford wizard was looking at the state of the magic tower.

Successfully entered the magic tower, this operation is even half done.

There are countless legal arrays in the magic tower. There are various legal arrays that enhance the magic environment, strengthen internal defenses, have the authority to investigate internal personnel, and so on. Almost every inch of the tower wall, There are all kinds of law formations.

The entire magic tower is a complete array, and this array is in operation. This environment is a nightmare for any invader.

The stealing **** Milton is just the opposite. In this environment, he is like a fish, and all the magic circles are his amulets, obeying his instructions.

In the magic tower, he has even more control over the magic circle than the tower spirit.

That time, Abel encountered this situation when the Pirate God Milton invaded the Golden Castle. It was known as the masterpiece of the dwarves, a great engineering gold castle, but the Pirate God Milton easily invaded.

You should know that the various exploration methods of the Golden Castle are no less than the magic tower, and there are three spirits monitoring everything.

Among them, the intelligence of the Array Spirit and the Research Spirit is not comparable to that of ordinary spirits, but when they encounter Milton, the pirate god, they completely lose their ability.

Abel controlled the thief Milton on the sixteenth floor toward the staircase, where he could continue upwards.

As he floated, he looked at the magic tower.

The sixteenth floor is the second most important one among the eighteenth-level magic towers.

Everything he saw here made him understand that the Bradford wizards didn't pay much attention to it because there was almost no real function here.

Some decorative ornaments are distributed in the sixteenth floor, dotted with this almost empty space.

Normally, the space of a magic tower is not enough for a wizard.

Wizards have disciples, and each disciple needs a layer, which is a must.

In addition, the laboratory must have a separate layer, some biological materials must also have a layer, and the prison also needs a layer, etc. Each function requires almost a separate space to arrange.

This is why as long as the wizard in the Holy Land has reached the level, he can't wait to increase the number of magic towers.

Although he couldn't see anything below the sixteenth floor, the situation here clearly shows that there are very few users of this magic tower.

You should know that on the sixteenth floor, if the Bradford wizard has disciples, the most concerned disciples should live here.

As he floated, he was thinking. As for the change of breath, the running ‘breaking the field’ and ‘hiding technique’ will be handled automatically without him having to worry too much.

Fly up through the stairs. There is a short-range teleportation circle here. He did not use it. The short-range teleportation circle is connected to the towering spirit. When teleporting, its energy fluctuations cannot conceal the Bradford wizard.

Entering the seventeenth floor, this is the first floor without partition walls, which is completely a separate collection room.

There are a variety of weapons and equipment here, some special treasures, many items, neatly placed on the display rack.

He just glanced and stopped paying attention.

The things here can only be regarded as novelty for him today.

In his opinion, the things here are estimated to be some of Bradford's own wizard-related items. Those weapons and equipment are likely to be owned by the enemies killed by him and collected by him as loot.

Silently came to the upward staircase, the law formation here is more complex and changeable.

Of course, for Milton Pirate, there is no effect at all, because he is one with the circle.

On the eighteenth floor, which was the level of the Bradford deity wizard he had guessed, he stopped before reaching the last circle before the eighteenth floor.

This time he blended his breath into the scanning matrix of the magic tower. Instead of actively operating the scanning matrix, he waited for the time for the scanning matrix to run automatically.

The internal scanning method scanned the entire magic tower, but staggered him with the same atmosphere as the method, but marked the position of the Bradford **** wizard.

Sure enough, the Bradford Sorcerer was on the eighteenth floor, and its location was some distance from the upward entrance.

However, under the scan of the scanning matrix, the space of the eighteen layers is obviously wrong, because the space of the eighteen layers under the scan is very huge.

With curiosity, Pirate God Milton passed the last circle and entered the eighteenth floor.

Suddenly open front, the special space matrix was used here, making the space here huge.

The height of this floor reaches 50 meters, and the area around it forms an amazing circular space with a diameter of three kilometers.

At the top there is a particularly huge lighting array as a light source, which illuminates everything below.

It doesn't look like the top floor of a magic tower, it should be seen as a garden.

Yes, Bradford wizards have arranged it into a garden, a garden inside the magic tower.

The walls of the magic tower are made of special materials, showing everything around the magic tower, just like the garden inside the magic tower is a garden floating in the sky.

A small river is flowing, and the river is obviously magical, which makes the plants in this garden grow very flourishing.

Abel took control of Pirate God Milton and flew up, so that he could see the whole view of this floor from a higher perspective.

He saw that in the garden, a wooden three-story building was built, relying on the feedback of the previous scanning circle, where the Bradford wizard was.

"It's so thoughtful!" Abel couldn't help lamenting the whimsy of Bradford's divine wizard.

Even a person like Abel who is not bad at money thinks that his imagination is affected by previous lives. No one in this world can compare, but he never thought of building a garden in a magic tower.

He didn't look at the plants, sculptures, fountains, etc. in the garden at this moment. He focused his attention on the wooden building and began to approach carefully.

The wood used in the building is very strange. The closer it is to Abel, the more he feels that the pirate **** Milton is more and more peaceful. This wood itself should be a precious material.

Abel was also an alchemist, but he didn't recognize what kind of tree this wood came from, which shows that this wood must be extremely rare.

Where did he know that the Bradford wizard knew his weaknesses, and his mentality had always been problematic, so he arranged this garden, including this kind of moonflower wood, which he had paid for a lot of money, to build this Building.

The purpose is to minimize the negative impact of mind, but crazy people have their own crazy behavior.

This is not to say that some foreign objects can be changed. If other god-level wizards are approached by a number of wizard-level wizards, they will find a step down to discuss the conditions to hand over the phantom coral island.

But unlike Bradford's god-level wizard, he can spend hundreds of years in the open sea, not practice or move, only to plan the treasures of the sea dragon. The madness in this is far from the arrangement that can be changed.

Thieves Milton moved more slowly, flying an inch by inch.

And his eyes did not look in the direction of the Bradford deity wizard. At this distance, looking at a deity wizard with his right eye, his powerful mental power immediately found him.

Because it was Abel's remote control of the stealing **** Milton, Abel, who had no burden in killing, was naturally well controlled under the protection of Elder Eugene.

Even if he had manipulated the stealing **** Milton to come to kill the Bradford **** witch, nothing was revealed.

Yuehua's wooden building is extremely exquisite. At first glance, it is known that this is a craft of the elves.

It seems that this is the place where the Bradford wizards live. There are a lot of magic circles here. Except for a few reinforced wooden magic circles and a moonlight wooden atmosphere, defense, scanning, etc. are commonly used. There are no French arrays.

At this time, he had heard the voice of the Bradford Wizard, and the voice of the Bradford Wizard was put outside the magic tower through the sound reinforcement array set beside him.

Neith Smith ’s demon wizard has done a very good job of attracting his attention. As the vice president of the wizarding guild that is the same as Bradford ’s wizard, he has a deep understanding of Bradford ’s wizard and knows what to use. The topic can attract the attention of Bradford **** wizards.

Thank you "Infinite Fantasy 00" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !! Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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