Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1345: arrangement

Chapter 1345: Arrangement

"Uncle Marshall, you arrange a knight you can trust. I need to test one thing!" Abel said with a smile.

What he needed were family knights, completely unobtrusive knights. Although there were many knights in the kingdom of St. Ellis, what he needed to test was completely confidential.

"Then look for the Dudley Knight. He is the second son of the butler Lindsey. It can be trusted, but it will not be dangerous, right?" Said Duke Marshall for a moment.

"There is no danger, except that I now have a place of faith in the Central Continent, which belongs to the God of War. In that place of faith, there is a barbarian race. The barbarian race has a special occupation, which is parallel to the wizard occupation. Wizards have powerful professions, but each has its own characteristics! "Abel explained with a smile.

His words once again silenced both elders, and they could imagine the extent to which Abel's power in the Central Continent has reached today.

It is estimated that those who had seen Abel throw the throne down and went to the central continent to laugh at him. If he knew Abel ’s achievements, he would be ashamed.

Abel was so powerful on the Holy Land that he could not unify the continent just because of the restrictions of the Wizarding Guild, otherwise he would have unified the Holy Land already.

When he was most successful, he stepped out and went to the Central Continent. The courage he needed was unimaginable for others.

When the two elders listened to what Abel said, he also owned a piece of land in the Central Continent. Although not a kingdom, he was a place of racial survival and a separate occupation.

The Wizard of Morton knew about the barbarian profession, and although wizards generally despised the barbarian profession, it did not mean that it was not desirable.

Any professional person will have a life expectancy that is far beyond that of ordinary people, and at the same time also possesses combat power that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The difference between the wizard profession and the barbarian profession is just the different directions.

The wizarding profession focuses on elemental attacks, powerful attacks and fast movements, ensuring that the wizarding profession's combat effectiveness is powerful.

However, the barbarian profession focuses on defense and melee, which makes the barbarian profession naturally restrained by the wizard profession. However, when encountering danger and being unable to avoid, the barbarian profession can better save his life.

Besides, the group blessing status of the barbarian profession is enough to enhance the defense of a group of professionals, which is unmatched by any other profession.

"Abel, I heard that the barbarian profession can only be cultivated by barbarians, and other races cannot be cultivated!" Said the wizard Morton with some doubts.

"God of War has the ability to enlighten, and it can make people who do n’t have the barbarian cultivation qualification have the cultivation qualification, but I have never tested it on humans, so I need a trusted knight to test it!" Abel explained with a smile.

"Lince, let the Dudley Knights come!" Said Duke Marshall, turning to the old butler, Linsie, at the same time.

The inquiries he had just asked Abel were actually explaining to the old butler Linser, and reassuring him.

"Yes, master!" The old butler Lin Sai bowed down.

Needless to say, the old housekeeper Lindsey's loyalty to Harry Castle, his other son, Xiao Linsai, also serves the Harry family in another industry.

The Duke of Marshall also promoted Dudley with the talent of knights. If Dudley grows up, he can become a member of the nobility in the future.

Lin Sai, the old housekeeper, naturally knew that such confidential matters should be borne by his own family.

Soon he came to the hall with the Dudley Knight. The Dudley Knight was an intermediate knight, aged 25. At this age, he became an intermediate knight, and his talent was very good.

"Meet Your Highness Abel!" Knight Dudley landed on one knee, and a knight's armour made a metal collision and said loudly.

Abel stood up, walked up to the Knight of Deli, and helped him up.

"Here is home, no need to give a big gift. I have something to help you. I wonder what you want?" Abe asked, looking at the Dudley Knight in front of him.

"Serve to your Majesty!" The Dudley Knight said again.

Abel had to help him again.

In fact, on the Holy Land, the name Abel Harry is a true legend, a great name.

From the nobles and knights to the civilians, there is endless worship of Abel.

What Dudley Cavaliers said was to die for Abel, but it wasn't just about his mouth that he thought so.

The 100,000 knights of the kingdom of St. Ellis, if ordered by Abel, these knights can die for Abel.

"Dudley Knight, if my test is successful, you can no longer appear in public in the future, you can only stay in Harry Castle, of course, if it fails, there is no danger, let alone death, I will arrange you Anywhere you want to go! "Abel said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, it's all up to you!" Dudley's knight didn't waver, he exclaimed.

He is a true knight, a knight of the Harry family. His honor is closely linked to the Harry family. The Harry family now needs him, and he can give everything.

Abel looked at the loyal knight, thinking about the intrigue of the central continent. Without the knight in the central continent, there would be no chivalry.

This is not good or bad for the central continent. As an outsider on the central continent, Abel prefers the atmosphere of the holy continent.

He concentrated his mind, and began to connect the war gods in the distant central mainland Warsong Plateau Sky God Kingdom through the soul chain.

The soul chain crosses the space, connecting the God of War and the soul of him.

He began to call upon the power of the war gods, and in the distant kingdom of God, the ‘ancient totems’ in the hands of war gods began to glow with golden light.

The ‘Enlightenment Blessing’ ability on ‘Ancient Totem’ was activated. After burning a bit of faith, this strange energy of ‘Enlightenment Blessing’ was transmitted to Abel ’s side through the soul chain.

Abel's face was serious at this time. Although he did not use his own breath, the Morton Wizard, Duke Marshall, veteran butler Lindsay and the Dudley Cavaliers all felt a kind of natural suppression.

This is how humans feel when facing the deities. Although only the magical power of ‘Enlightenment and Blessing’ is passed from the other side of the soul chain, because it is a **** of war, the priest himself, has a unique spirit breath.

A golden light flashed above Abel's right hand, and the Dudley Knight knelt on one knee involuntarily, and Abel's right hand rested on his head.

Suddenly, the golden light of Abel's right hand suddenly became large and wrapped the Dudley Cavaliers. The Dudley Cavaliers felt the whole body torn, and it seemed that the entire body was distorted by great force.

At the same time, a lot of knowledge appeared in his soul, those are the inherited knowledge of the barbarian profession.

The metal armor on Dudley's knight made a rattling noise, as if the metal armor was under tremendous pressure.

Aber frowned, and as soon as his mental strength moved, the armor of the Dudley Knight left the Dudley Knight's body.

The exposed muscles of the Dudley Cavalier are rapidly growing. In just one minute, the Dudley Cavalier's body has increased in size from a relatively strong ordinary knight to a muscular full body. Chinese.

Just before the last golden light of the "Blessing of Enlightenment" disappeared, there was a subtle change in the momentum of the Dudley Knight.

A joy in Abel ’s heart, ‘Blessing of Enlightenment’ was successful!

In fact, he doesn't need to worry at all. A powerful deity such as War Godfather himself shots himself. If the enlightenment and blessing cannot succeed, the ability of God of War Godfather is really a problem.

It was only because this was the first human barbarian professional that it would make Abel more nervous.

"Knight Dudley, how do you feel?" Abel asked, looking at what the Dudley Knight was feeling with his eyes closed.

"Your Majesty, I feel very good, my strength has increased a lot, and at the same time I have a lot of knowledge in my head. I think I can practice the barbarian profession!" Dudley Knight opened his eyes, his eyes flashed Surprised, he bowed.

"Knight Dudley, this power is very powerful, so powerful that only wizards can compete with it on the Holy Land, and you also have a life span comparable to that of wizards of the same level. Today your fate has changed and you should cultivate well!" Abel Shen Sheng said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Dudley Knight replied loudly.

"Uncle Marshall, teacher, go to the side fort!" Abe bowed to the two elders, and then said to the Dudley Cavaliers, "Come with me!"

Out of the hall, the side castle of Harry Castle, where Abel had previously lived.

The layout here is still the same as before, but no one comes to live here, it is like a holy place on the entire holy continent.

On the second floor, in the study room on the second floor, Abel swept away and pushed a bookcase aside.

Then he took out a **** of war statue from the artifact space bag and placed it in the original bookcase.

"Flavy, here is blocked. No one is allowed to enter here except Uncle Marshall and Teacher Morton!" He ordered to the sky.

This is completely within the scope of Flavi's surveillance. Although he told Flavi that he could not answer, he heard it.

The Duke of Marshall, the Wizard of Morton, and the Dudley Knight looked at the idol in front of them. This idol is completely different from the statues seen on weekdays. This idol has a terrifying atmosphere, which makes people feel involuntary.

"This is the **** of war gods. If anyone needs to become a barbarian professional in the future, as long as I pray in front of the idol, I will judge whether to agree to the" blessing of enlightenment ". In addition, if anyone in the family needs to live forever in the kingdom of God, then You can also pray to the idols! "Abel said, looking at Duke Marshall.

"Abel, I will let the Duke Bennett have time to come and ask his opinion, as well as your mother Nora, elder brother Zach, as for me, I will try my best to believe in God of War!" Said Duke Marshall with a smile.

Even if he guessed that Abel was talking about his resurrected wife Effie for the sake of eternal life, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, he didn't want to give up.

Abel grew fast, and he believed that day would not be far away.

"Knight Dudley, this is the God of War that gives you the barbarian profession, whether you choose to believe in God of War is whatever you want!" Abel said with a smile to the Knight Dudley.

"Your Majesty, will faith change my loyalty to the Harry family?" The Dudley Knight looked at the statue of the war fighter with a daunt, and hesitantly asked.

In the education he received, believers in the gods could influence their own judgments and might do unexpected things.

He feared the gods even more because he was a knight, he was loyal to the Harry family and Abel.

"Haha, God of War is also a member of the Harry family, so I will say that your choice doesn't matter!" Abel said with a laugh.

"My Majesty, I choose to believe in you and become your barbarian knight!" Said Dudley, without hesitation, bowing.

Abel patted Dudley on the shoulder with a smile. He didn't care much about how the family would treat faith.

In fact, as long as the people in the family have a little faith in the war priest, Abel can consume his faith to insert his soul into the kingdom of God when he dies.

Of course, ordinary gods will not do this, and gods will not consume precious faith for the sake of false believers.

The wizard Morton had been looking at the statue of the war fighter, and it was difficult for him to imagine that such a powerful deity was just a contract of Abel.

And this idol obviously has some captivating abilities. After being watched for a long time, it will unknowingly trigger a sense of worship for the **** of war. It is estimated that if you contact for a long time, some belief will naturally occur.

Since he is a professional, he has strong resistance to this belief in order to be able to perceive these.

He didn't say it. He knew it was impossible for Abel to harm the Harry family, let alone Duke Marshall.

"Teacher, I'm going to the Magic Tower. Come with you!" Abel saw the expression of Wizard Morton, naturally knowing what he was thinking, so he said with a smile.

Farewell to the Duke of Marshall, the two directly use 'momentary movement' to the magic tower group of the back mountain of Harry Castle.

He didn't immediately return to his magic tower. Abel looked at the surrounding environment. Due to the large magic circle arranged here, the richness of magic reached a level comparable to that of the central mainland wizarding organization.

No wonder there are many formal wizards here, and the number of magic towers has increased a lot since he returned last time.

"Teacher, I'm not assured of the safety here. I brought a little defensive force this time!" Abel said looking at the wizard Morton next to him.

"Defensive power? You want to leave some combat power here? Will it affect your security in the Central Continent?" The wizard Morton asked in a row.

In his mind, if Abel left some combat power, he would inevitably reduce some combat power in the Central Continent. According to Abel ’s return this time because of the chaos, he can imagine that Abel ’s situation on the Central Continent is not too it is good.

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(End of this chapter)

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