Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1346: return

Chapter 1346: Return

Abel and the Morton Wizard walk in the wizarding circle, and to a certain position, Abel will summon a treeman from the space beast ring.

"Shepherd, always waiting for your order!" Said the Shenren immediately when she was tall.

At the same time, the appearance of the Shuren also opened the mouth of the Wizards of Morton and the wizards passing by.

"Treeman, your mission is to guard here, to kill anyone who dares to invade, and at the same time obey my order of Tallinn Flavi!" Abel watched the treeman command.

"Yes, the shepherd!" The Shuren answered in a deep voice.

Its huge legs quickly turned into roots and burrowed into the ground. If it were not with a human-like face and arms, this would be an ordinary tree.

Abel then placed four treemen in the entire wizarding circle.

It's not that he doesn't want to arrange more, but these treemen also need magic environment. If more treemen are arranged, the magic power consumed will affect the practice of the wizard here.

However, if you want to have five people who have reached the legendary level, and they can continue to recover their ability as long as they touch the ground, as long as they don't encounter too strong perverts, they can ensure the safety here.

And once there is that kind of Xeon who comes here, as long as Abel is given a little time, he can also come back to support through the super teleportation circle.

"Abel, where did these Shuren come from? How about their strength?" The wizard of Morton could only see that the Shuren were as tall as the ancient giants, but did not know their strength. Now he saw that Abel was busy. After that, I asked.

"They're all legendary, the tree of life helped me summon!" Abel explained with a smile.

Of course, these tree people are not the tree of life in this world to help him summon himself. For the safety of his family, he chose some tens of thousands of ancient trees from the dark world and summoned them.

"Then these are the five legendary ranks?" The Wizard of Morton suddenly felt like he didn't know how to deal with these Treants, he mumbled.

"Teacher, these five tree people don't need to ask you questions. They only need to absorb magic to survive!" Abel explained with a smile.

If it weren't for his enemies who are now god-level, a legendary rank would be able to guard any medium or large organization, let alone a small subcontinental family.

"That's good!" The wizard Morton looked back at these ancient Shuren who were taller than some magic towers, and settled in his heart.

"Teacher, this time I bring back a magic tower, and I am going to place it next to my original magic tower!" Abel turned to the Wizard of Morton.

"Abel, whose magic tower have you demolished again?" The wizard Morton asked Abel with a speechless look.

"A few days ago, a god-level wizard of the Wizarding Guild went crazy, and the Wizarding Guild asked me to take a shot. This magic tower is my trophy!" Abel replied with a smile.

The Wizard of Morton did not answer this time. He felt that the excitement of Abel's return this time was a little big, and he needed time to slowly relax.

Abel came to the war fortress in the center of the wizarding circle. This is the forbidden area of ​​the entire wizarding circle. Except for a few wizards who are very close to Abel, no one can reach here.

In the elven garden on the fortress of war, there is the ‘Three Goddess Statue’, an artifact that stabilizes the kingdom of St. Elis. The food crisis was alleviated by the spring here.

The spring of the "Three Goddess Statues" can accelerate the growth of various plants. Once discovered, this will inevitably become a treasure for all organizations.

Although Abel's current strength and treasure are not afraid of people grabbing it, but this is his family, living with his relatives, he does not want to bring trouble here.

Above the fortress of war, he found a place that did not affect the scenery of the elven garden too much, and he put out the magic tower on the eighteenth floor.

The war fortress automatically changes, placing the magic tower firmly on it.

"Teacher, let's go in and take a look together!" Abel invited a gift to the Wizard of Morton.

"Haha, I have never seen the magic tower of a magical wizard!" The wizard Morton looked at the magic tower in front of him, and said with excitement in his eyes.

Every continent wizard has a magic tower dream, whether it is Abel or Morton.

Abel took the wizard from the first floor, but from the first floor to the seventeenth floor, along with some books and the special weapons and equipment displayed on the Central Continent, the wizard paid more attention. Nothing strange was felt.

Just when he was disappointed, Abel took him to the top.

The garden in front of him surprised him, and the magic tower could be built like this!

"Teacher, when you need to practice in the future, come here to practice!" Abo said, pointing to the three-story building made of Yuehua wood in front.

This magic tower was prepared for himself by the Bradford deity wizard, especially the small building on the top floor. Although the help to the deity wizard is not great in practice, it is to the Morton wizard. It has a very strong effect.

The Morton Wizard did not refuse, he knew Abel didn't need these.

He and Abel came to the third floor of Yuehua Wooden Building, and when they arrived, he felt different.

The magic here is very active, and meditation here will promote you very quickly.

"Taling, add Morton Wizard and Flavia Tallin to your authority, you have to accept Flavia Tallin's management!" Abel commanded to the Taal body on the third floor.

With the flash of light on the towering spirit, the permissions of the wizards of Morton and Flavitaling have been recorded.

Although this is for the Morton Wizard, it is not just these functions.

As a magic tower of a magical wizard, Abel has also seen firsthand how powerful this magic tower made of ancient materials is.

If it is said that his original magic tower is the best magic tower in the Holy Land, its materials are regarded as treasures in the Holy Land.

That magic tower is the top magic tower of the central continent. Its materials are from ancient times, and the magic tower was built by a powerful god.

So he planned to arrange a space to isolate magic here, in case the clan suffered a crisis, he could teleport here and wait for his rescue.

These arrangements are not complicated at all, as long as you arrange an isolated law formation, and then clear the magic of the isolated law formation.

Then arrange a short-distance teleportation circle among the isolated circle, and the related matters are left to the Morton Wizard.

The powerful defense of this magic tower, coupled with the ability to stealth and take off from the war fortress below, can be said to be extremely safe.

He will not forget the most important purpose of returning this time.

With a taller magic tower, all the magic arrays of this magic tower are more powerful than the original magic tower, even by many times.

So he reconfirmed this magic wizard's magic tower as the center magic tower of the wizard circle, supporting the huge defense circle of the wizard circle.

This defensive array, which originally had only five miles of range, expanded to ten miles after having eighteen layers of magic towers.

Within ten miles, Tallinn Flavi's ability has also been improved, and it can teleport combat puppets to any location within ten miles at any time.

This also gives the Super Teleportation Matrix a spatial arrangement. The position of Abel ’s Super Teleportion Matrix is ​​exactly in the same line as the Wizarding Circle and Harry Castle.

With the energy fluctuations of the super teleportation circle, the wizards in the wizarding circle or the great knights who came to enhance their strength would not care about these energy fluctuations.

However, the ordinary people in Harry Castle could not resist the impact of energy fluctuations. With the wizarding circle's blocking, it completely prevented Harry Castle from the energy fluctuation impact when the Super Teleportation Matrix was turned on.

"War commander, start installing the Super Teleportation Matrix!" Abel said in a deep voice, watching a mountain in front of him.

Beside him, there were two thousand engineering puppets. These engineering puppets were all engineering puppets used by the dwarves, and more delicate than the engineering puppets used by the dwarves.

After getting the wealth of the kingdom of Vulcan, he arranged for the 32,000 dwarf blacksmiths to work and asked them to make a batch of engineering puppets.

This is not because the number of engineering puppets in Abel's hands is small. On the one hand, it is to make the 32,000 dwarf blacksmiths have something to do. Now the custom orders he has received can not meet the 27,000 blacksmith masters and 5,000 blacksmiths. The great productivity of the guru.

On the other hand, the engineering puppet in his hands was not the best among the dwarves, and he understood that.

Just like him, of course, he doesn't sell the best things to others, but leaves them for his own use.

In addition, these puppets are made by master blacksmiths and master blacksmiths, and their performance will far exceed all the engineering puppets he currently uses.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" With the response of the war commander, two thousand projects stood up flexibly and began to level the mountain.

First, the soil is used to transport the space items from a distance, and then compacted. These average heights are about 5 meters in height. They are made of steel and do not need any tools at all. They can be changed into robots with their own robots. Many tools.

On the compacted ground, the engineering puppet began to lay a block of stone bricks prepared on the flat ground.

Abel looked aside, but lamented the control power of the war commander in his heart. These stone bricks are specially made. Each piece has a strict size and flatness, and a complex pattern is drawn on it.

These stone bricks are now laid on the ground. If you don't look closely, this is almost a flat stone floor.

The Wizard of Morton was not beside Abel at the moment. He couldn't wait to try the Huamu Tower that month. No wizard could resist this temptation for the treasure land that could enhance his cultivation speed.

Naturally, this kind of project does not require him to stay. In fact, as long as he is within the range of Harry Castle, he can't see it.

The control distance of the war commander is ten miles. As long as it is within this range, it can perfectly control these projects.

Two hours later, the mountain turned into a flat, clean ground made of stone bricks.

On the surface of the stone above the ground, a lot of pattern patterns were formed.

Then, the engineering team will install the super teleportation array accessories side by side here.

It was not until dark that as many as two thousand engineering puppets completed this complex task under the precise command of the war commander.

After saying goodbye to his teacher Morton Wizard and Duke Marshall, Abel stood in the newly-arranged Super Teleportation Matrix and started activating the Super Teleportation Matrix.

Numerous auxiliary law circles that are densely packed outside the core of the Super Transmission Law Array begin to gather energy, and intense energy fluctuations continue to radiate around.

This caused confusion throughout the wizarding circle, and many wizards did not know what was happening.

"Quiet, this is Her Majesty Abel's opening of the Super Teleportation Matrix, and the Harry family of the Kingdom of St. Ellis has its own Super Teleportation Matrix!" The wizard of Morton's voice sounded in the wizarding circle.

"We have a super teleportation circle!" The wizard continued to exclaim.

Enjoying the training resources of the Harry family, even under the influence of Abel, a powerful wizard, the wizards in the wizarding circle of the Harry family all regarded themselves as wizards of the Harry family as their pride.

It is learned that this pride has strengthened once again with the Super Teleportation Matrix.

There are also some wizards who hope to become senior wizards, and they are even more delighted. In the future, they can directly enjoy Abel's asylum without going to the central mainland without aimlessness.

"What, Your Majesty is back?" In the Sorcerer's Guild of Riante, the senior wizard of Lorenzo finally got the exact news. He thought of the sudden legend, and hesitated to pass the news over. .

However, after hearing that Abel had built a super teleportation circle at Harry Castle, he knew that the news about Abel could not be concealed.

The influence of the Super Teleportation Matrix is ​​very large. Only the top forces can arrange it, and this kind of thing cannot be concealed.

To this end, he immediately turned on the liaison function of the Wizards Guild Super Teleportation Matrix, and passed on the fact that Abel returned to the Holy Land and built a Super Teleportion Matrix in his family.

He didn't make him wait long, just a few minutes later, he received a reply from the Central Continental Wizards Association headquarters.

"The Holy Consorts of Wizards must not interfere in anything related to Blue Dragon Abel, and everything is deemed to be invisible!"

Lorenzo, the senior wizard, looked at this reply, he did not understand why the Wizarding Guild headquarters had such a response.

Do the senior members at the headquarters of the Central Continental Wizards Association know Abel ’s identity on the Holy Land, and if you let the Holy Continental Wizards Association not interfere in anything related to a powerful empire, then it is equivalent to let the Wizardry Association no longer participate in the entire Holy Mainland affairs.

Of course, he also saw the title of the blue dragon before Abel, even more puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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