Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1347: massacre

Chapter 1347 Massacre

The roaring fortress on the front line of battlefields. On top of the fortress, a huge fireball is forming, and then the fireball flies towards the 'guardian sky wing' of the kingdom of God.

This is the daily schedule of Howler Castle, and it is not much different today.

Malthus Rule Wizard is the strongest guardian of Roaring Fortress. He has replaced the Guardian Wizard here at level 25, with twenty rule wizards ranging from level 22 to level 24, and Four hundred senior wizards are guarding here.

Today's Howler Fortress has become the only left-behind battlefield in the first-line battlefield because of the contraction of both sides in the first-line battlefield.

Without resources in the battlefield, there is no corresponding value.

Coupled with the known awakening of the demons outside the world within a hundred years, the plan to cultivate new combat power does not need to continue, so it is completely unnecessary for the two sides to deploy combat power in the front-line battlefield.

Just because of the peculiarities of Roaring Castle, Roaring Castle still maintains the frequency of constant attack on the Kingdom of God 'Guardian Skywing' in order to consume the power of the Kingdom of God.

Especially after learning that the pirate **** Milton had stolen all the ‘divine power’ from the central temple of the kingdom of God, this task of consuming the power of the kingdom ’s faith became even more important.

Of course, the Wizarding Guild also knows that the location of Howler Castle is very dangerous, so there are ten legendary wizards and three demigod wizards stationed at the doomsday defense wall, which can support the Howler Castle at any time.

In addition, the Wizarding Guild Headquarters can also be supported by god-level wizards at any time, so as long as Roaring Fort can support for a few minutes, you can get strong support.

The Malthusian Rule Wizard didn't know what was going on today. He looked at the kingdom of God in the distance and had a dangerous feeling in his heart.

The kingdom of God, which seems to be the same as usual, feels like a monster ready to eat people at this time.

"Today's rest is all canceled, and all wizards are at their respective positions, and they are fully motivating Roaring Castle!" He couldn't explain his perception, but could only do the best response in case, but couldn't explain anything to other wizards.

Although puzzled by orders like the Malthusian rule wizard, all wizards entered their respective positions.

Under normal circumstances, the operation of this roaring fortress can be automatic. It is only because of the recent order of the wizarding guild to increase the frequency of attack on the kingdom of God 'Guardian Skywing'. This allows all the wizards to be divided into two classes for uninterrupted use. Respective mental and mana speed up the speed of Roaring Castle.

All wizards are involved in the operation of Roaring Castle. It can increase the battle speed of Roaring Castle and increase the defense of Roaring Castle. However, after 12 hours, the shift wizard is missing.

It's just that the Malthus Rule Wizard is the highest person in charge of Howler Castle, and its strength is also the strongest, so there is no objection.

The Malthusian rule wizard watched a huge fireball fly to the kingdom of God, and the danger in his heart reached the extreme.

"The Dexon Rule Wizard, open the contact circle, ready to call for reinforcements at any time!" He turned to the Dexson Rule Wizard next to him and ordered.

"Okay!" The Dexon Rule Wizard left the contact circle in front of him.

Just as the huge fireball was about to collide with the energy shield of the Kingdom of God, Guardian Skywing, a figure flew out of the Kingdom of God, Guardian Skywing.

As soon as this figure appeared, the knight's sword in his hand turned into a bright white giant sword, swept across the huge fireball.

The huge fireball instantly turned into a piece of Mars, scattered around.

The figure didn't stop, even the sword just hitting the huge fireball seemed to be casual, and didn't stop his flight forward a little.

"Dexon Rule Wizard, warn!" Roared the Malthus Rule Wizard.

His voice was hoarse because of his hard work.

As a level twenty-five rule wizard, he is only one step away from the legend, but the figures rushing over give him an unmatched feeling.

His soul had the idea of ​​immediately bowing his head to the other side, which was the consequence of a glance at him from such a long distance.

He couldn't determine the strength of the opponent, because the strength of the opponent was not something he could estimate. All he knew was that without the support, all the wizards in Howler Fortress could not resist.

As soon as the mental power of the Dexson Rule Wizard is moved, the contact circle is connected.

In the doomsday defense wall, an alarm array is flashing frantically.

"God enters the battlefield!" Exclaimed Larkin's legendary wizard.

The contact matrix in front of Luke's legendary wizard was also turned on, but there was no sound from the other side, and a dead silence made him feel very bad.

The wizarding guild began to spin at a high speed, and the state **** of the opposite **** entered the first-line battlefield, and this matter was quickly delivered to the wizarding guild headquarters.

The three demigods of the Doomsday Defense Wall did not dare to teleport into Roaring Fort until there was no god-level support at the headquarters.

Demigod facing the divine level, that would be a disaster.

"I hope they can support for a little longer!" Said the legendary Larkin wizard, looking at Luke's legendary wizard, Shen Sheng.

Luke's legendary wizard was expressionless. He was listening to the sound that might come from the contact circle. At this time, the contact circle was connected. This was the only way to get to know Roaring Fortress.

In Howler's Roar, all wizards' movements stopped.

Two kilometers from Howler Fort, the figure from the Kingdom of God was standing in the air, with a black sphere above his head.

At a distance of two kilometers, he relied on the god-like breath to suppress all the wizards in the entire Howler Fortress, and the energy shield was instantly destroyed under his god-like breath.

Regardless of whether it is a rule wizard or a senior wizard, it is the same for him.

"My lord, Keynes dedicates the blood of the enemy to you!" Keynes mumbled in his mouth.

Later, in the real world above his head, the ‘Holy Frozen’ Aura of Aura began to emerge, and blessed by the power of the rules of the real world, its power has long reached a horrible degree.

Keynes's divine paladin didn't want to crush these little bugs with his breath. He liked a more violent way.

With a wave of his hand, the "Holy Frozen" aura aura energy prepared in the real world was drawn from the real world and came to the real world.

With his body as the center, a freezing storm formed instantly and swept away.

The freezing storm hit the surface of Roaring Castle, making a creak.

Roaring Fort is full of complex patterns. One is that the magic circle cannot achieve the maximum effect because it has lost the support of the wizard, and the other is because the strength of the Keynesian Paladin is too strong, far exceeding Designed for maximum defense in Howler Fort.

Under the impact of freezing energy, the wall of Roaring Fortress was first formed into blue by the freezing energy, and then was impacted by subsequent freezing storms, breaking like glass.

The pride of the Wizarding Guild, which has been attacking the mighty fortress of the kingdom of God for thousands of years, was suddenly opened under the raid of the God-level Paladin of Keynes.

The Malthusian rule wizard constantly wanted to resist the mountain-like breath, but even the soul began to slow down.

He knew in his heart that the only thing that could cause the defensive power of Roaring Castle to be instantly defeated was God.

He saw the outer wall of Roaring Castle shattered, saw the white ice mist rushing, and saw his men, one by one, turned into blood mist in the ice mist.

It was also at this instant that a roar rang out in his heart, and he hated his inability and incompetence. A strange feeling rose from his soul, and his soul was restored in this strange feeling. Mobility.

Then the ascension of his body gave rise to the spirit of promotion, and the strong spirit of promotion counteracted the depressive breath of Keynes ’divine paladin.

The Malthusian rule wizard did not consider other things. After recovering his activity ability, he did not escape, and he tried to burn the pattern of the twenty-fifth level wizard in his soul.

His eyes flashed with madness, and he knew very well that even if he wanted to escape, he could not escape in the face of the divine paladin.

It is unlikely that the breath of ascension resisted the breath of God. This is mainly because the Keynesian Paladin did not care about the existence of these lower levels, which are only rule wizards. Therefore, they did not use too strong breath to suppress.

Of course, the most important reason is that Keynes's paladin didn't want to kill these wizards at once, so his fun would be gone.

Malthus' ruler's body swelled quickly, and the moment the freezing storm reached him, he used the last spell 'momentary movement'. This spell was his activated 'momentary movement' spell pattern. He was igniting the soul. After the wizard pattern, the only thing that can be used is a little mental power.

By the time the freezing storm passed through his phantom, his figure had appeared in front of Keynes's divine paladin.

But the second ‘Holy Frozen’ passed through his body, freezing his body in mid-air, he himself did not reach the legendary level, and his body had not been transformed by the spirit of promotion, and it was naturally impossible to stay in the air.

Just as his body fell down, the energy in his body reached the extreme, and with a bang, his body exploded.

Keynes ’divine paladin blocked the left-handed shield, and the real world above his head was absorbing the power of the explosion.

"Damn little bug!" But because of an accident, there was still a little blood on his armor, which made him very angry.

As a divine paladin, he is much more powerful than the wizard in Roaring Castle, but he is also tarnished with armor.

Angry Keynes God-level paladin sent out more than a dozen "Holy Frozen" shock waves in a row, and Roaring Fort collapsed.

More than 400 "Soul Lights" went straight to the sky, lighting up a sky.

Luke's legendary wizard silently listened to the sound from Roaring Castle, the sound of the freezing storm, the absolutely self-destructive sound, and the fury of the Keynesian divine knight.

Then the contact matrix was suddenly disconnected, and there was no sound at all.

"The Roaring Fort is over!" He said in a deep voice.

At this moment, the breath of the god-level wizard appeared continuously on the doomsday defense wall, and three god-level wizards came from the headquarters of the wizarding guild.

"We're late!" Neith Smith, a sorcerer, said in a deep voice as he watched more than 400 "lights of soul" rise in the distance.

"Hurry up and see, maybe the god-level is still there!" Said the McFay God-level wizard, his body had activated 'momentary movement' and disappeared in place.

Neith Smith and Moseley nodded to each other, and activated 'momentary movement' to teleport towards Roaring Fort.

The three demigods in the doomsday defense wall also subsequently ‘momented’. They carefully distanced themselves from the three god-level wizards. Once the god-level war started, they were not allowed to participate.

Their task is to check the situation to see if there are any wizards in need of rescue.

"Play with you later!" Keynes's paladin sensed the distant breath, wiped the blood on the armor with his fingers, and put the **** fingers in his mouth, saying coldly.

He turned and returned in the direction of the kingdom of God, and did not want to start a war with the wizard wizards of the Wizarding Guild at this time.

If the other party is a god-level wizard, he may start the god-level war in advance, but the other party obviously has multiple god-levels. Although he is violent but not a fool, how could he stay in this situation and wait for the enemy? .

McPhee Wizard was the first to reach Roaring Castle. What he saw was a broken wall after being impacted by frozen elements.

A total of 421 "Soul Lights", of which 21 large "Soul Lights" show that this is the imprint of the rule wizard's death.

Such a large loss is rarely seen by Macpherd's **** wizards.

You should know that under normal circumstances, God will not take action against lower-level professionals, because this kind of shot is not necessary at all.

In fact, the battle between the Kingdom of God and the Wizarding Guild against the mainland has never been a matter of these legendary professionals, and the number of these professionals can't play a role.

The war between the kingdom of gods and the wizarding guild will ultimately depend on the gods and demigods to die.

Of course, even these god-levels are secondary. The god-level near the top and the outer demon are the main battlefields.

The situation in Roaring Castle is not a fight at all, but a massacre, a massacre that starts from a high level to a low level that cannot fight back.

"The evil country **** level appeared, and this **** level also did such a thing, it should be the Kaiins **** level paladin out!" Neith Smith wizard and Mosley **** wizard also came to the scene Shen Shen, a god-level sorcerer from within the Smith period.

Among all the gods, it is possible to slaughter the lower gods in this way, this completely shameless behavior, to their knowledge, that is, the Keynes divine knights can do this kind of thing.

It was a bloodthirsty divine paladin. He believed that only the blood of the enemy could express his devotion to the gods, so whenever the divine paladin went out, he would be slaughtered.

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(End of this chapter)

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