Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1355: Fight

Chapter 1355 Fight

Abel sensed that the vitality of the two ancient Shurens dropped a lot instantly, and he almost had to let the druid's soul use the ‘full rejuvenation potion’ to help the ancient Shurens recover.

In fact, under this intensive attack, if the target is not the ancient Shuren, but other professionals, almost no professional at the same level can forcibly block such a fierce attack.

If it was a divine wizard facing such an attack, ‘momentary movement’ had long since gone away.

Anyway, the fist of Heaven's attack speed is not too fast, most of the gods can come and dodge.

No god-level will go against the real world of the god-level paladin to strengthen the 'fist of heaven' attack.

Gushuren is a special life. If you want to talk about the vitality of life, who can compare with tens of thousands of ancient trees.

The predecessors of the one hundred ancient trees lived in the magical environment of the dark world for tens of thousands of years, and their vitality was not much comparable.

Even if Keynes's divine paladin's powerful attack did not instantly kill the ancient tree man.

The characteristic of Gushuren is that if you can't kill him in seconds, then he has time to recover himself.

Just as the light of the one hundred "Fist of Heaven" spread, Keynes's holy knight saw that the broken trunks and branches of the two ancient tree men had recovered more than half.

In other words, when they were just attacked, the ancient tree people were being damaged by the attack, but they were constantly repairing themselves.

Keynes's divine paladin couldn't help but know that, how could he surround a hundred ancient Shuren.

At the speed of the god-level paladin, even if the 'charge' is not turned on, they will not be surrounded by a hundred ancient Shuren.

They are too careless, thinking that one hundred legendary ancient Shuren can't have much influence on them.

They came to kill Abel. Since these legendary ancient Shuren are Abel's combat power, it is necessary to kill all of them.

"Lancelot, we join forces and can't give them time to recover!" Keynes's holy paladin said to his companions around him.

Just as they were about to join forces, a roaring roar came, and then a second **** of war flashed in the air, and then his body skyrocketed to ten meters.

In his body, the ‘strength’, ‘combat instinct’ and ‘god of war’ capabilities are all turned on.

The weapon in his hand has been replaced with a runeword ‘Remorse’ sword, wearing a runeword ‘Fortitude’ armor, and his attack power has reached a horrible level.

In addition to the addition of the three **** abilities: 'Strength', 'Battle Instinct' and 'God of War', when he just wielded the 'Remorse' sword, the air around him was distorted.

At that time, the power reached an extreme manifestation. At the same time, in order to deal with the real world, a golden divine power was attached to his sword of regret.

Behind the second body of God of War, God Level One also appeared. He was faster than the second body of God of War. He inspired ten 'frozen balls' from his real world to fly to Cain. Divine Paladin.

This is that his strength has not been fully restored, his grasp of the real world, still relying on combat instincts, and no actual combat experience.

So in the real world, you can only activate ten 'Frozen Ball' spells at the same time.

The second **** of war shouted, and a golden light spread around.

Keynes ’s divine paladin was taken aback. After performing his 'charge' to clear most of the 'frozen balls', he blocked the remaining 'frozen balls' attacks with the real world.

Without knowing what the golden light was, he and the Lancelot divine paladin both guarded the real world.

After this golden light flashed, the shout of defense blessings appeared on the second body of God of War, the goddess one, and one hundred ancient Shuren.

The God of War, the second body of God, then continued to yell, and blessed ‘combat system’ and ‘combat command’ for everyone.

Keynes's divine paladin did not expect that the second body of the **** of war did not attack the first time, and he thought that this kind of combat **** should start fighting directly.

He didn't even think that the second **** body of the war **** Doom still possessed the skills of the barbarian profession, which is too difficult for a **** to imagine.

This is the most important reason for his misjudgment with the Lancelot divine paladin, and it makes it more difficult for them to break the siege of the ancient Shuren.

You need to know that the one hundred ancient Shuren who were blessed by the second **** body of the **** of war. At this time, the vitality and defense power increased almost several times. At this time, the difficulty in killing the ancient Shuren increased to two gods. Level Paladins are somewhat desperate.

"Kill this **** first!" Cried Keynes' holy paladin.

‘Holy Frozen’ flashes continuously in his real world, and he mobilizes the ‘Holy Frozen’ Aura Aura attack from the real world.

The ‘Holy Frozen’ Aura Aura attack that was once every second turned into a continuous attack like a ripple of water, rushing towards the second **** body of the war god.

This is an attack that can't be avoided at all, and the second **** body of the war **** doom didn't want to avoid it. He put the rune language 'spirit' shield in front of him, and then the divine power continued to flow above the shield, forming on top of the original shield. A giant shield composed of divine power.

Divine power is the most powerful weapon for fighting divine spirits. As long as there is divine power, it is difficult to defeat the divine.

Of course, if the deities themselves are too weak to be attacked to fight back, the consumption of divine power will also be very scary.

This block of the second **** body of the God of War, gave the God-level No. 1 behind him more time, and he continued to inspire ten 'ice balls', and then 'momentarily moved' to leave the ancient Shuren Surrounded by.

Abel asked God-level One to participate in this kind of battle, just to let him restore his fighting ability through the battle, not to ask him to die hard.

Just as Lancelot's divine paladin was mobilizing dozens of sacred impact aura attacks from the real world, the **** of war and the second **** of war were moving.

His figure disappeared, and all attacks passed through his shadow.

And his figure has already reached the side of Keynes's divine paladin, and the rune word ‘remorse’ in his hand is chopped down at him.

This hack uses the "slam" of the barbarian's professional skills, and the Keynesian Paladin never knew the fighting ability of the warlord and doom, but at this time it was impossible to come and wink.

Keynes's divine paladin did not expect that the second deity of the war **** Dove had the ability to teleport. This ability is too rare, otherwise where would the wizard master the entire world.

The knight's shield above his left hand flashed a pure white light, and at that moment he blessed himself with the ‘Holy Shield’.

Just as the knight's shield intersects with the sword of regret in the hands of the **** of war, the second **** of war, Keynes's paladin's body is as if struck by lightning, spitting blood while backing.

The power contained in this blow far exceeded his imagination.

This is why he introduced most of his attack power into the real world. At this time, there was a chaos in his real world. At least for the next ten seconds, he was unable to mobilize the power in the real world. Already.

If it is an ordinary attack, no matter how strong the force is, he will be able to calm down within a second if he enters the real world with confidence.

But the hit just now has a divine power, which is one of the most difficult to cope with.

Lancelot's divine paladin saw bad results, and dozens of "fist of heaven" attacks were inspired from the real world, and rushed to the second body of the **** of war as a torrent.

The God of War, the second body of God, did not want to forcibly resist this kind of attack, but his reaction was more direct. Instantly he used a 'whirlwind'. The body continued to rotate and turned into a storm towards Keynes. Divine Paladin chased away.

All the Lightning Lightballs transformed by the "Fist of Heaven" pass through his rotating body, and the "Whirlwind" combat skills have an invincible effect in a short time.

Keynes ’s holy knights are also very rich in combat experience. When they saw the second **** body of the God of War, the second torso of the warrior displayed his whirlwind skill, the body did not advance and retreat.

At the same time, the 'Charging' skill was turned on, making it faster to retreat.

Because they had just received a blow from the second **** body of the war god, the two god-level paladins knew that the power of the second **** body of the war god, was unmatched.

This also caused the two divine paladins to change their fighting methods. Keynes's divine paladins retreated and opened their 'prayer' aura to recover themselves.

At this time, he had no idea of ​​fighting with the second God of War Godfather, and he was very clear that as long as he was continuously hit by the Second God of War Godfather, when the real world could not take the attack for him, he would be subject to Wrecked.

The most bizarre situation occurred in the battle. With each teleportation and attack of the second **** of war, the **** of war, a god-level paladin was injured, but he was attacked by another god-level paladin.

In the battlefield, there was a dramatic scene in the battle between the second **** body of the war **** and the two god-level paladins.

The second **** body of the War Godfather is chasing two divine paladins at this time, while the two divine paladins attacking Abel are constantly avoiding, and there is no appearance of melee professionals.

On the top platform of the Golden Castle, the two wizard wizards and the elder Eugene watched the battle in the distance, both of them were extremely shocked.

Although it is said that the warlords 'fighting method is naturally restraining two god-level paladins, this also reflects the powerful warlords' fighting ability.

It must be known that this is only the second **** body of the war god, and is not the body of the war god, the second **** body is at most 70% to 80% of the fighting power of the war god.

"Combatant deity, this is combatant deity!" Exclaimed Neith Smith.

He did not participate in the battle of the gods that year, so it was not until then that he understood how powerful the true devotion **** was.

At this time in his mind, Abel's combat power was recalculated. Originally, he equaled the combat ability of war gods to a god-level war power. Now he finds that this idea is simply wrong.

"That god-level one's combat power doesn't seem to work!" McFay's god-level wizard on the side reminded softly.

God No. 1 just behaved like a wizard who had just been promoted to God, and seemed unfamiliar with how to use real-world combat.

McPhee's God-level wizard reassured Nesmith's God-level wizard, so that God-Number One would not be considered a powerful God-level combat power.

Just as he thought about it, God Level One entered the battle circle again.

Divine One called up 20 "Frozen Balls" from the real world at one time, and attacked the Holy Paladin of Keynes.

After using ‘mote move’ to dodge an attack by Lancelot ’s divine paladin, he responded to the Lancelot ’s divine paladin again with twenty “frozen balls” spells.

The addition of the god-level No. 1 caused some confusion between the two god-level paladins.

But in the end they experienced countless battles, and soon the two divine paladins approached, forming a simple two-man battle.

Although the two men's battlefields are not strong in improving their own strength, they can only increase their defense ability and attack ability by about 20% at the most. At the same time, the two divine paladins must be made to advance and retreat in exactly the same way. The battlefield is not chaotic.

However, the two divine paladins still displayed the two men in battle, and they had lost the idea of ​​killing Abel.

All they need to do now is to stay alive and find a chance to escape the siege.

The real world of the two divine paladins blocked them in the middle, and at the same time in the real world, they called out the Lightning Lightball of “Fist of Heaven” and attacked all around.

For a while, the second **** body of the war **** Doom couldn't get close to the two god-level paladins.

And God-level No. 1 was forced to ‘momentarily move’ out of the encirclement again.

At least until the God-level fighting method is fully adapted, the combat power of God-level one cannot be truly exerted.

But even so, the two wizard-level wizards of the Guild of Wizards watching on the top platform of the Golden Castle blinked.

They can see that God-Class One is quickly recovering combat effectiveness, which is simply not a normal increase in combat capabilities.

The top-level spells in the real world, from strengthening ten 'Frozen Balls' to strengthening '20 Frozen Balls' at the same time, it only took a while to improve.

If it wasn't for God-level One's intentional concealment of strength at the beginning, then God-level One originally had this combat ability, but I didn't know what the problem was, affecting his combat power, and he was quickly recovering. In.

In their eyes, when they saw God-level No. 1 re-entering the battle circle, they called 30 times from the real world one-time after the 'Frozen Ball' method, and this idea was even more certain.

The battle was at a deadlock at this time. Although it was fierce, neither party could quickly resolve the battle.

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(End of this chapter)

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