Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1356: Kill

Chapter 1356: Kill

As the battle has continued, the combat power of God One has continued to increase, the fighting methods have also changed more and more, various spells have been continuously cast, and the second **** body of God of War and the Assassin has also begun to become very good. Cooperate.

Although the second **** body and the god-level one of the war priests have achieved the suppression of the two god-level paladins, Abel is not satisfied.

Constrained in a limited space, the God of War, the second body of God and the God No. 1 were unable to make a one-shot kill.

Of course, this is just his opinion, but the two wizard wizards and Elder Eugene of the Wizarding Guild did not think so.

In fact, it is very difficult to kill the **** level. It is necessary to achieve the most suitable situation in order to kill the **** level.

In this two-on-two battle, it is extremely difficult to kill the divine paladin directly.

Among the professionals, Paladins and Wizards are professions with very high survival rates.

A wizard can use ‘momentary movement’ to constantly open up the space. He can easily get rid of the enemy ’s attacks, leave the battlefield, and quickly return to the battlefield to attack the enemy.

Like the current environment on the battlefield, in fact, it is not too advantageous for the god-level one, the god-level wizard, but the more space it has, the more it can be used.

A battle circle of one hundred ancient Shurens, although restricting the movement of two god-level Paladins, also restricted the distance of God-level one. God-level one needed to attack and had to enter the ancient tree-people. Only in the war circle can you attack.

The Paladin profession, because it has the most comprehensive ability, and has strong melee skills, so that it can withstand the most attacks in the battlefield, as long as it has time to recover, then the battle will be caught in the glue.

This is the current battle. A successful attack on the second **** body of War Godfather will lead to a crazy outbreak of another god-level paladin in order to get the recovery time of the injured god-level paladin.

"Adolf, try to solve them!" Abel contacted the body of the war **** Doom in the kingdom of God and ordered.

Although doing this will cause the **** pattern recently drawn by the war fighters to be scrapped, Abel can't control so much. Solving the enemy early can just show the powerful fighting power of Warsong Plateau in front of the two wizard-level wizards of the Wizarding Guild.

After his order was issued, Keynes's divine paladin was using 'Charge' to distance himself from the God of War and the second deity of the War God, and at the same time inspired multiple prepared 'Holy Frozen' in the real world to attack the **** Number one.

Suddenly he felt an extreme danger, he didn't even think about it, his body dropped suddenly and he got out of the double battle.

The Lancelot Paladin on the side was wondering why the Keynes God Paladin was so. The moment he felt the danger, he also felt the danger.

However, due to a little difference this night, the first goal of the God of War was the Lancelot Paladin when he came out of the kingdom of God and teleported to the battlefield.

Different from the second **** body's fighting style, as soon as the war **** doom holding the 'Totem of the Ancients' appeared, a strong golden light burst into his body.

He consumed a lot of divine power almost instantaneously, and such extravagant behavior was enough to make any deity dumbfounded.

The golden light of the divine power is not only for flashing light, its biggest role is to bless him with power.

Of course, the glittering golden light also had an effect. The golden light not only affected the sight of the Lancelot Divine Paladin, but also burned the spirit of the Lancelot Divine Paladin.

Lancelot's divine paladin was stricken by this divine light. Divine divine power forcibly prevented the divine light from continuing to burn, but it also slowed his movement.

"Dead!" The war **** doffer stretched out in a very comfortable power-strength posture, and the ‘ancient totem’ in his hand slammed into the Lancelot divine paladin.

At the same time as this blow, the suppressive power sent by the kingdom of God hidden in the Warsong Plateau suddenly increased against the Lancelot divine paladin.

This series of moves is to make Lancelot's divine paladin inevitably fight this attack of the Shinto, so that he can not escape at all.

It can be said that the God of War has prepared a series of combined attacks from the beginning of the kingdom of God, and it is only effective for the first strike.

"The deities are real!" The Neith Smith, the sorcerer watching, couldn't help it, saying unbelievably.

According to the records in the Wizarding Guild, in order to let the gods leave the kingdom of God and fight with the wizards, the Wizarding Guild almost wiped out the place where the gods believed. They also cleared everything outside the gods and gods before they forced them to leave The kingdom and the wizards are fighting fiercely.

The kingdom of gods is the best place for the gods to live, but if there is no place for faith, then the gods can no longer enhance their own strength and can only slowly weaken.

But most of the time, the gods will not leave the kingdom of God.

Especially this time is not the age of the gods. The spirit of the gods is still very high.

The gods at the time could not bear the actions of the Wizarding Guild, so there were so many gods using the real body together to fight the Wizarding Guild.

In fact, when the gods of the wizarding age rarely left the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God hidden above the land of faith, as long as it was not exposed to death, the kingdom of God could still protect the gods to a great extent.

So when the inner Smith god-level wizard saw the War God Astronaut appearing on the battlefield, his heart was very surprised.

Among the many ways in which the gods use combat power in the world, the fighting of the gods is the last resort.

The gods will more often use this method to fight against the enemy. Even if the battle fails when the gods descend, they will at best lose a world spokesperson. The gods can completely cultivate new spokespersons and continue to accept the gods' surrender.

God can guarantee that the gods will not be killed, and the gods themselves participate in the battle. Once they are injured or even seriously injured, the price is tens of thousands of years or even permanent sleep.

If the **** itself is asleep, then everything in the folk of the **** may be taken away, and the possibility of awakening is very low.

Although the **** claims that as long as the godhead is immortal, he will not really die.

But so many sleeping gods in history can really wake up a few more.

Soon the Smith **** wizard thought of the difference between War God and other gods. War God is just a contract of Abel.

Just like another covenant deity level one, there is no fear of death like the gods today.

As long as the command of the master Abel, the war godhood itself will naturally participate in the battle.

"Boom!" The ‘ancient totem’ of the War God Doom ’s body slammed heavily on the shield above which Lancelot ’s divine paladin blocked his head.

This piece is based on the rank of the dark world. It has a golden-quality knight shield. After being hit by the ‘ancient totem’, the knight shield is dim and then broken into pieces.

The left arm of Lancelot's divine paladin appeared in an extremely awkward shape, which was the result of the left arm being twisted and broken by great force.

His real world also suddenly increased in a circle, and the energy in it was chaotic. He felt that he had temporarily lost control of the real world.

His body had multiple broken bones, and his inner abdomen was also severely injured.

His body flew down involuntarily, and beneath him was the Keynesian Paladin.

After seeing the tragic situation of Lancelot's Divine Paladin, Keynes's Holy Paladin immediately opened the 'Prayer' Reiki Aura and wanted to heal him.

It's just that War God Doom has made so many preparations, where can I miss this opportunity.

The second **** body had already exerted the teleportation ability when the War God doom made this attack, and appeared next to the fallen Paladin of Lancelot.

As soon as the second **** body appeared, he immediately used the 'Whirlwind' skill, and this 'Whirlwind' skill was being used, and at the same time consumed a part of the divine power, the golden storm rose beside him, toward the **** Lancelot. The knight rushed.

Keynes's Paladin has two choices at this time, and walk away on his own, regardless of Lancelot's Holy Paladin, or fight against the second god's body to protect Lancelot's Holy Paladin.

"Keynes, escape!" Lancelot's divine Paladin yelled.

During the talk, a ‘Crystal of Crystals’ appeared in front of him, and the ‘Crystal of Crystals’ turned into a golden light curtain that enveloped him.

But his real world left him and rushed towards the green barrier lined by the ancient Shuren.

"Solution!" The War God Astronaut saw that Lancelot ’s divine paladin used ‘Divine Power Crystals’, and he also took out two ‘Divine Power Crystals’ and called out directly.

As the two "crystals of divine power" in his hand turned into golden light, they directly broke up the divine power barrier outside the Lancelot divine paladin.

This is another kind of extravagant behavior, using the double "Divine Power Crystal" to offset the other "Divine Power Crystal" effect, and almost no one will use it in actual combat.

In order to eliminate the opponent ’s “Divine Power Crystal” effect and lose twice the “Divine Power Crystal” effect, the most important thing is that this method of use does not have an attack power, it is only a way to eliminate the opponent ’s blessing effect.

Despair flashed in the eyes of Lancelot's divine paladin, his mind thought of his life, from the first time he took up the knight's sword in the kingdom of god, promoted to the official paladin, was counted by countless people He is a genius, breaking the bottleneck again and again.

"My lord! My life belongs to you, and I dedicate everything to you!" He muttered in his heart, but shouted in his mouth, "Boom!"

He flew towards the real world of the ancient Shuren's green barrier, which burst out instantly. It was his real world composed of countless days and nights of energy. The power of bursting in an instant will be extremely scary.

At the same time, the 'Whirlwind' of the second body of God had swept over his body, and the body of the Lancelot's divine paladin was immobile, and then the vital parts of his body appeared dozens of deadly. wound.

His soul was also stirred by the golden divine power, and lost control of the real world at the moment when the real world exploded.

But even so, the power of the real world explosion also tore a gap in the ancient Shuren green barrier.

Ten of the ancient Shurens suffered half of their physical damage and continued to recover in green energy.

Keynes ’s Paladin was full of resentment and resentment, but he did not let Lancelot ’s Divine Paladin die in vain, and Lancelot ’s Divine Paladin opened the way for him before he died. That gap, after he forcibly endured the number one method of God-level No. 1, rushed out.

"Ah!" Keynes's divine paladin screamed like a wolf howling, his body wrapped around the real world, and he continued to strengthen the 'charge' skill from the real world, and then used it for himself.

"Chasing, you must not let him be slaughtered in the Warsong Plateau!" Abel ordered to the **** of war, the second goddess and god-level one through the soul chain.

God of War's second body and God-level No. 1 disappeared at the same place at the same time, chasing toward the figure of the God-level Paladin of Keynes.

"Adolf, return to the kingdom of God, and consume my faith to suppress him!" Abel continued to order.

He was annoyed, he has been building the safest place to live.

To this end he consumed a lot of resources and used all means available.

In his opinion, his Golden Castle is definitely a god-level assailant that can leave less than three.

From the place of faith in the Warsong Plateau, the kingdom of God began to suppress the **** level, to one hundred ancient Shuren, the second **** body of the war god, the **** one, the super cannon, and so on.

Although the two god-level paladins who came this time, Abel did not send all the combat power and did not use super cannons, but he even used the War God doom himself that was not ready to be dispatched at the beginning, still in a situation full of advantages Let the other side escape.

It was the god-level who escaped. As long as the god-level passed through any city, he would lose a large number of believers.

This is something he must not allow, so he keeps giving orders.

The God of War's body flickered, disappeared in place, and then appeared in the kingdom of God.

Massive force of faith is consumed, and the barrier of faith is covered between the gods of Keynes and the city of Warsong.

It is not that he does not want to directly suppress Keynes ’divine knights, but that Keynes ’s divine knights are using the real world to protect his whole body, and are burning the power of the rules of the real world against the suppression of the kingdom force.

In this way, the real world of Keynes's divine paladin is continuously consumed, but the fastest escape speed can be achieved.

Keynes's holy knights really wanted to go crazy and go to the nearest city to kill people in the city with breath.

But he had to turn his head at this time, because whether the power of faith became a barrier of faith like a golden wall, or the second body of God of War and the pursuit of God and the first god, were preventing him from rushing towards city.

He took out a ‘crystal of divine power’ from the space objects, threw it violently, and turned into a golden light curtain behind him. He turned in the other direction and flew at full speed.

The second body of God of War, the God of War, directly used 'Whirlwind' to cut the golden light curtain. In just one second, the golden light curtain was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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