Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1368: filled

Chapter 1368: Full

On the morning of the third day when Elder Eugene and Elder Mumford visited Abel, Abel returned from the dark world very early. At this time, he was only a short distance from the full state of level 30. He did not stay in the dark world. Reached full, but returned to the central continent.

The higher the level, the more he attaches importance to this fundamental promotion of himself, and he is afraid of any unexpected situation because of the different world rules.

As for the turtle shell from the god-level turtle, after trying the real world of the **** kingdom placed in the war gods and several god-level contracts, he finally found that the turtle shell can be collected 'Crystal angel statue' in the shadow space.

The "Crystal Angel Statue" phantom space can only be used to energetic items. This extremely hard turtle shell is, in essence, also a 100% energetic item.

However, in order to make the turtle shell truly usable, according to his estimation, it is impossible for the turtle shell to be eroded by the energy in the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ phantom without slowly transforming for more than ten years.

This is still he compared the real world transformation speed of several god-level covenants, and found that only in the "crystal angel statue" phantom transformation speed is the fastest.

The time required for transformation is considered to be the time difference between him and the dark world. At least it will take two or three years. This tortoise shell will be able to be used if it is extremely powerful.

After returning from the dark world, Abel didn't even have breakfast and went directly to the training room. With his control over his own body, he knew that as long as he practiced again, he could reach a full state.

He does n’t need to command too much. The security here will be four god-level combat powers after he releases the second **** body of the war god, the second god, the first god, the second god, and the third god. There is no need to worry about the defense of the war gods in the kingdom of God and the defense of the Golden Castle, the advantage of the place of faith.

He served two ‘wisdom fruits’, the magic circle in the practice room opened, and he entered a state of meditation practice.

Following the three rules of the "wisdom fruit", he naturally entered into the patterns of three 30th-level wizards, supplementing the three rules.

The three rules are just like the building to be capped. After the power of these rules enters, the three rules in the patterns of the three thirty wizards glow differently.

Thirty levels of fullness is an important process for the wizard to practice, because at this time, the rules and mana in the wizard's body have reached the extreme of the current body, and at the same time, the power of the ultimate rule will feed the body at this time.

This is also the last chance for an ordinary legendary wizard to get five percent of the body's energy most quickly. After this, it will be a long time to energy the body.

Many of the legendary wizards in their full 30 levels are stuck in the process of energizing the body, and have been unable to make the body reach 90% of the energy level of the promotion of the demigod, and thus die because of the exhaustion of life.

This is a very sad thing, seeing the immortal hope, but stopped at the final end.

At the Wizarding Guild, any 30-level legendary wizard who has reached the full state will enter the retreat, no longer care about any business, and the Wizarding Guild will provide them with sufficient resources for their use.

Unless it is a legendary Miles wizard like the Lightning series, it has reached the extreme of fullness, no need to retreat, only an opportunity for promotion.

If Abel didn't have the energy-enhancing process of doubling the ascension energy of ordinary legendary wizards, he would be troubled at this time because there is no inheritance and no corresponding help.

You need to know that once the thirtieth level of fullness is reached, there is an endless process of energizing the body. At that time, the body can hardly move, let alone acquire resources.

However, his physical energy reached 95% at this time, which had already exceeded the 90% promotion demigod requirement.

As long as he reaches fullness, then his body can directly reach 100% energy, even if it does not become a demigod, it also reaches the immortality of the body.

In the training room, three rays of light appeared above Abel's head, blue, red, and bright white. These three rays ran straight into the sky.

These are the three rules in his body that have reached the extreme and began to feed his body back, at this time communicating the power of heaven and earth.

In fact, there is basically no wizard who practice three rules at the same time as Abel. Even if there is a legendary wizard who has dual cultivation, he can only take the power of one rule as his major.

Abel is different. Because he has no related inheritance, the tree of life of the non-wizard system has laid the foundation for his multi-witch pattern.

This made him have to practice the three mastered rules simultaneously in later practice.

The wizarding path he took was never before.

Had it not been for the 'wisdom tree' and the convenience of extracting rules directly from the 'wisdom fruit', he would not have been promoted so quickly.

You need to know that his practice is three times as difficult as other legendary wizards. Mana is easy to repair, but the rules require a little accumulation.

The three rays of blue, red, and white represent the rules of freezing, flame, and lightning. These three rays ignored the Golden Castle, directly through the top of the training room, through the upper layers, and finally through the 'Starlight'. Defensive array. '

As the three rays of light appeared in the sky, they immediately stirred up the energy between heaven and earth. Between the various energy tumbles, the three strange energy were attracted by the three rays of light.

After each ultimate rule is generated, heaven and earth will reward the bred life. This strange energy is such a reward.

In the process, other legendary wizards can only get a strange energy.

Abel's three rules reached the extreme at the same time. Although the cost was a little bit bigger, they also got three times the strange energy of other legendary wizards.

Sitting in the practice room, he felt a warm energy rushing from the top of his head to the whole body. Under this energy wash, his physical energy began to accelerate.

Perhaps it is the reason that this strange energy is too much. Just one energy wash, his body has reached 100% energy.

Before he could come to celebrate his immortality, he felt that energy continued.

How strong his body is, he can't tell for himself, but one thing is certain, his body is inherently ill.

In principle, his body has undergone a number of strengthenings before and after. When he received the fusion of the blue dragon dragon crystal from the beginning, the body received strengthening.

Later, he practiced the road of knights, reaching the length of the big knight, and his body continued to strengthen.

And each time the wizard's promotion, there will be a promotion of the air, although the promotion of the air to strengthen the body is limited, but it is constantly improving.

Then he was transformed by the power of the dragon in the Dragon Temple in the small world of Dragon Island. At that time, he was strengthened by the transformed dragon, but his body should also be affected by the strengthening.

But for a long time, his power has almost reached an extreme, and it is difficult to improve.

He also understood that this should be related to his cultivation of the wizarding profession, which was not inherently based on strength.

And the knight road he practiced before, because the knight's own professional level is too low, it has little effect on the wizard's body.

It is estimated that only by practicing a melee career will the body break this kind of trance.

It ’s just that he has no energy to practice the melee profession. Although he is known as the dual cultivation, the wizard and the druid profession, he knows very well that he has only practiced the wizard profession, and the druid profession is helped by the tree of life. .

Now in his body, the strange energy coming from the sky is breaking this kind of trance.

With the shock of his body, he felt that something was broken in the body, and his body felt the pure power flowing in the body.

This power is so powerful that he could not imagine before, although it is not as good as the angel's body, but it has already reached half the strength of the angel's body.

What is this concept? If you don't talk about professional combat skills, his pure power at the moment can completely suppress the melee professionals at the same level.

He doesn't know what happened, but his body is very different from before.

His situation, even the **** level of the Wizarding Guild, is difficult to explain.

His body was 95% energized before being nurtured by extreme rules.

His three extreme rules can generate three backfeeding bizarre energies to transform his body.

And a strange energy of nurturing can increase the energy of the body by 5%.

Then he has two extra singular energies in this situation. These two are a kind of reward that Heaven and Earth gave birth to the ultimate rule. This kind of reward is only once in a lifetime.

Since these two back-feeding singular energies cannot be applied to the energeticization of the body, but heaven and earth have already rewarded them, these two singular energies will not disappear, but continue to strengthen his body.

Abel's body is very special. His body has been strengthened many times, and it has already reached the extreme of the wizard's body. His body is 100% energized. Under the strengthening of these two strange energies, he has broken the shackled wizard's body. the rule of.

When the three rays in the sky disappeared, Abel opened his eyes and he couldn't help looking at his body.

His body has a sense of transparency. Of course, it is not that the body is transparent, but that there are no impurities in the body, and every cell is transformed into energy.

Cells used to age, they would die, and new cells appeared to replace them, but now they are different. After the cells are energized, they will never age again.

"Immortal!" He murmured.

Since then, life will not be his obstacle, as long as his body is not destroyed, it will always exist.

And after being 100% energized, he can survive without food or water at all.

Replaced by energy, the foundation of this immortal existence is energy.

But no demi-god or god-level would really not eat or drink water, and doing so would only make them forget that they were alive.

Therefore, the demigods and gods who came to visit the Golden Castle did not refuse to dine, but it was a must before and now it is an experience.

He stood up, but just by this strength, his body suddenly flew out and hit the top of the training room.

With his current strength, of course, there will be no head-on. His mental strength is released, and he quickly controls the body.

He opened his hand and squeezed it hard, and there was a boom in the air.

He understood that this was because the power he had just added exceeded his imagination, and he had made a mistake in his grasp of the body.

This is almost impossible to see in a legendary powerhouse. It really appeared. There was only one result, that is, the power increased too much this time.

He turned on the ability of the World Stone Fragment, then gently moved his hands and feet, descended from the air to the ground, and stepped out.

When his feet were in contact with the ground, a defensive shield appeared on the ground. He knew that this step had just been taken out, and the power was too great, which triggered the defense of the Golden Castle.

After a few minutes of familiarity, he grasped the power in his body.

In the future, if you are close to the enemy, you can use the two types of melee skills: 'Charge' and 'Shield Shield'.

He thought with pride that these two melee skills were also mastered by him when he was practicing the knighthood in Paladin.

However, his power has not been able to increase, and coupled with the lack of cultivation of melee classes, it is rarely used.

"The legendary stage is full, what to do afterwards?" After adapting to the strength, he thought about the problem of later cultivation.

After the thirteenth level is full, it is the opportunity to wait for the promotion of the demi wizard, but what this opportunity is, has never been mentioned in any book.

There is no relevant knowledge in the inheritance of Lightning.

He didn't feel much about it before, and when he really got to this point, he only considered these things.

However, it should be impossible to describe this opportunity, otherwise the legendary Miles Wizard of the Lightning Department will not stay in a full state and still look for opportunities for promotion.

"Looks like it needs your own search!" Abel said helplessly.

If he is still in the Wizarding Guild, or has a good relationship with the Wizarding Guild, he wants to find out this related knowledge, it should still be feasible.

But he is very clear that although there is no major contradiction between him and the Wizarding Guild, the Wizarding Guild will never want to improve his strength.

He already has several god-level contracts, and his weakness is his biggest weakness.

If his strength improves, then his weakness will become smaller and smaller, which the Wizarding Guild does not want to see at all.

The lack of inheritance and systematic knowledge is the trouble he is currently experiencing and the inevitable result of his involvement in the Dragon race.

The practice of the Dragons is completely different from the wizard's profession. In this respect, he cannot provide him with the help he deserves, but he does not regret his decision and stays at the Wizards Guild. He is estimated to have been swallowed up by those greedy wizards. Already.

(End of this chapter)

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