Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1369: Achievement demigod

Chapter 1369: Achieving Demigods

It has been five days since Abel was full. In these five days, he still sat on the top platform and drank fruit juice according to his previous experience, waiting for the promotion opportunity to come automatically.

But after five days, he was still full and showed no sign of promotion.

This caused him some anxiety, and he felt that these five days were simply a waste of time.

In order to wait for the promotion of the demigod, he stopped entering the dark world to fight and cultivate.

If a wizard knows what he thinks, he will definitely yell at his nose. You must know which legendary wizard in full condition is not the one who has experienced hundreds of years of hardship and endured unimaginable loneliness. Frontline hope of promotion, and Abel felt too long for five days.

Abel put down the juice in his hand, and he felt that the method he used did not seem feasible.

Letting go of himself is the method he thought of. Many of his previous promotions came automatically, and he didn't need much worry at all.

"Demigod No.1, come out!" His spiritual power entered the space beast ring, and summoned Demigod No.1 from it.

Demigod No.1 stepped out of the black hole inspired by the Space Beast Ring, and stood in front of him.

"Release your rule field!" Abel ordered.

Demigod One is a Gallup semi-sacred knight formerly known as the kingdom of gods. It possesses a mutant 'charge' ability, and its domain has a special stealth effect.

Demigod No. 1 released his own rule field, and his rule field was pure white, all of which was pure divine power.

Since Abel was the master of Demigod No. 1, his rule field had no effect on Abel.

Abel can see every detail in his rule field, just because of the professional differences between Paladins and wizards. The rule fields of the two do not have much reference value.

When Abel thought of resurrecting God Level One, God Level One started from the wizard's pattern, and then came to the generation of the rule field. Then he thought of the process of generating the rule fields of God Level 2 and God Level 3.

Thinking about it, he seems to have touched the essence of the rule field.

Other wizards, even the relationship between teachers and disciples, cannot open the field of rules for others to study, let alone expose the formation process of their own rule fields.

You should know that if your rule area is studied by others and found to be shortcomings, it may be used in battle.

Every professional is selfish, and long-term cultivation alone makes it difficult for them to completely trust other professionals except themselves.

After reaching the demi-god stage, life has reached immortality, but friendship may not have reached immortality, and it is likely that it will eventually be out of focus at a certain time because of benefits, or slowly accumulated in countless years of small conflicts.

So no one dares to let others know their own rules, which is understandable.

The opportunity for Abel's promotion came, and it was related to his mentality. He didn't believe that he could not be promoted to demigod, and even he always believed that he could be promoted quickly.

In addition, his physical energy has reached 100%, instead of the 90% required for ordinary legendary wizards to promote demigods, which also makes his promotion difficult.

Therefore, it was only after he studied the field of others' rules that he entered a sense of perception.

"The rule field is the projection of the wizard pattern!" Abel said suddenly.

He had no eyes when he spoke, and all his mind was concentrated on the wizard pattern in his body, but there were three patterns in his wizard pattern, did he want to project three rule areas?

But at this time he was in a state of self-awareness, and did not think much, but began to operate based on what he thought.

One of the projection rules he chose was the lightning rule, which was his instinct, because he had seen the dragon rule field of King Dragon Kenbour, the kind of rule field that was so powerful that he could almost swallow any enemy in an instant.

The Lightning Rule is also the fastest type of rule. With this rule field, in the rule field, anyone moves at a speed that he never wants to hurt him.

After possessing many powerful contracts, his requirement for himself is more to protect himself.

The field of lightning rules also meets this requirement, and he instinctively chose the lightning rules.

He thought to himself that among the three 30th-level wizard patterns in the soul, the wizard pattern with lightning rules emitted a dazzling light. Most of the lightning rules were out of the wizard patterns and headed outside. .

In the process, he figured out why this step can only be performed after the body has reached 90% energy.

Because after the lightning rule leaves the wizard pattern, a horrible sphere is formed. This sphere does not harm the energy body, but it is extremely destructive to non-energy bodies.

Since he usually wore a noble robe on the Golden Castle, the Lightning Rule did not hurt his energetic body, but instantly struck his noble robe into flying ash.

So he stood naked on the top platform, standing at a height of thousands of meters.

Fortunately, he can not be seen from below, and there is no one nearby, and it has no effect.

He couldn't care less about it now. The Lightning Rule left the body, but had some connection with the Thirty-level Wizard pattern in his soul, allowing him to control the Lightning Rule.

As the lightning rule was exposed to the air, a wizard pattern shell immediately appeared on its surface. This layer of wizard pattern shell was directly projected from the wizard pattern in his soul.

This wizard pattern shell and the lightning rules in it form a very small rule field. He can perceive that the lightning rules in this wizard pattern shell constantly generate electric arcs and collide with each other in the pattern shell.

"This is the field of rules!" He thought, and in his hand he continued to draw frozen rules from the wizard's pattern in the soul.

This time soon, with the last experience, there was no hesitation, and there was another frozen rule field beside him.

Then the flame rules were also extracted, and a flame rule field was formed around him.

These three rule fields are very small, the size can just wrap him in it, and at the same time, because of the same origin, they can be combined together.

Abel saw only a round wizard pattern shell outside him at this time, but in fact there were three overlapping wizard pattern shells, and three rules were in it. Under his control, three The different effects of the rules did not affect each other.

The arc in the field of lightning rules, the ice in the field of frozen rules, and the flame in the field of flame rules are as if they are in different spaces and do not affect each other.

As long as he is willing, these three types of rules that do not affect each other can be combined at will to erupt different powers.

Just after the formation of the three simplest areas of rules, there was a sense of promotion in him.

With the advent of promotion, he didn't need to command him at all, and the God of War in the kingdom of God controlled a lot of magic to flow to him immediately.

As long as needed, in the place of faith, the war gods can always play the role of magic gathering, even more powerful than any magic gathering.

Of course, no wizard can ask the gods to gather magic in the place of faith during the promotion process.

First of all, they are not assured of each other. In fact, it is impossible for the wizard to determine his own promotion time, and it is impossible to stay in the place of god's belief for a long time.

This promotion is just like the formation of a watercourse, redrawing the three wizard patterns, the original thirty-level wizard pattern has been transformed into the thirty-first wizard pattern, and the pattern on the shell of the ruled area outside his body is also The same has changed.

The spirit of promotion is also improving his sensitivity and resistance to various elements, and of course, improving some physique and strength.

"I became a demigod wizard!" Abel opened his eyes and looked at the strange field of rules outside, wondering to himself whether he was happy or upset.

It is naturally very happy to be happy. After achieving the demigod wizard, he is closer to the **** level, and he is one step closer to the strength of the demon outside the sky.

The trouble is that his rule field is too weird. There is only one rule field in other people's home. Even if it has the power of two rules, it is only based on the two rules appearing in the same rule field.

But what does he count? There are three rule areas, and each rule area has a rule as its foundation.

He doesn't know the consequences of his doing this, but he has no retreat, and can only go black.

The big question right now is, how is this rule field used?

He tried to expand his rule field, and soon the rule field became larger and larger, and with his mental strength he could reach a radius of six kilometers.

It's just that the power generated by the power of the rule is too small. After reaching a radius of six kilometers, the power of the rule cannot kill an ant.

To improve the power in the rule field, you still need to improve the energy in your own wizard pattern. At the same time, you need to complete the rules in the wizard pattern, and then continue to strengthen the rules in the rule field.

Abel could not help but smile and shook his head. Each step of the wizard was not easy. It would take a long time for the rule field to reach the level where it could meet the enemy.

His rule field today is not enough to scare people. The biggest advantage is that with his overall improvement, the suppression of the demi-god's breath in the future has no effect on him.

In other words, he no longer has no power to fight back in front of the demigod, of course, this is in the context of his own being.

He finally became a demigod sorcerer, and he decided to go for a walk, of course, first of all to the small world of Long Island.

This time it was not a battle, and he did not bring the Golden Castle, but only took the gods No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 and the second **** of war, and the second **** body of War God, and then went through the large teleportation array to the teleportation outside the small world of Dragon Island. Law Array.

The four god-levels did not hide their breath and naturally shocked the dragons in Long Island.

"Elder Abel, your battle was a bit big!" Elder Eugene was the first to appear. After seeing Abel, he looked at the god-level covenants behind Abel a little bit.

"Elder Eugene, I've just been promoted, my strength is unstable, and I can't fight people at this moment, so I took them with me!" Abel explained with a bowed smile.

"Have you been promoted?" Elder Eugene hurriedly observed Abel's breath and found a difference.

This is not that Elder Eugene's perception is not good, but that the breath of Abel is completely covered by the four gods, and he can't find it without paying attention.

"I have been retreating recently, and I have taken it a step further!" Abel said with a smile.

Elder Eugene knows how difficult it is for legends to achieve demigods. This stage from ordinary to immortal is so good to spend.

Even some of the amazing and talented dragon geniuses have fallen at this step, not to mention the more legendary proportions of the wizarding guilds.

Why only a small part of the Wizarding Guild's large number of legends appear, most of the peak legends are in the deadlock, or fall in the deadlock.

It can be said that after entering the demi-god stage, a genius is truly grown up.

"You're progressing too fast!" There was more helplessness on Elder Eugene's face.

If possible, he hoped that this dragon genius would practice the dragon's cultivation method and achieve demigods, but now there is no possibility of change.

"Elder Eugene, I came to ask for help. I was promoted to the demigod level, but the rule field cannot be used for battle!" Abel said distressed.

"Haha, Elder Abel, you have a hard time!" Elder Eugene rarely laughed when he saw this.

All along, Abel gave him a sense of omnipotence. Although his combat strength was not strong, the contract objects behind him were god-level and more and more.

Coupled with the alchemy master's identity, the ‘super healing potion’, which is equally useful to dragons, can be crafted, and super offensive war weapons like super cannons can be forged.

Now that Elder Eugene saw the distress of Abel, he did not raise sympathy, but instead had the expression that should be a normal young man.

"Elder Eugene, don't laugh at me, my rule field can only wrap my body!" Abel looked at Elder Eugene with a smile and shook his head.

"Sit down with me, I will tell you about cultivation!" Elder Eugene asked with a smile.

Abel nodded, and was ready to fly with the four god-level covenants.

"Elder Abel, you can put them away. Once inside Dragon Island, they will be severely suppressed if they enter the **** level of his tribe!" Elder Eugene looked at the four god-level contracts and reminded him.

"I forgot!" Abel patted his head and said.

The Dragon Island Small World is the exclusive world of the Dragons. The rules in it will suppress the power of any life without the blood of the Dragons. The stronger the power, the stronger the suppression.

And in the small island of Long Island, there is no problem in security, he also collected four god-level contracts into the space animal ring, and flew into the small island of Dragon Island with Elder Eugene.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 400 starting coins! !! Thank you "Gun Zhi Xia Xia" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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