Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1370: Long Island

Chapter 1370

The dragon island world is still so lively, not only has dragons, but also pseudo dragons responsible for taking care of the lives of dragons.

Elder Eugene's home is on a mountain near the Dragon Temple. The whole mountain has only one cave, which is his dragon's nest.

Because they are all humanoids, when they enter the dragon's nest, people have a particularly small feeling.

"Elder Eugene, are you so simple here?" Abel asked blurtly after seeing the huge cave.

Compared with the dragon nests of several demigod dragons he had visited before, Elder Eugene's dragon nests have few special decorations. Native stones and wood have become the main body of the dragon nests.

What is precious is the big bed composed of various gems and gold coins in the Dragon's Nest, but there are no top-level magic stones, only some intermediate-level magic stones, which do not match the elder Eugene's identity.

"Elder Abel, I don't need any treasures. I have lived long enough to see all the things outside of me. The gems were collected from my childhood. Only with some feelings will I stay!" Elder Eugene replied with a smile.

Abel glanced at Elder Eugene, and he was sure that Elder Eugene's wealth from adventures would not be small, but those wealth was not here, and could only be used by Elder Eugene in the Dragon family.

Thinking of all the dragons' respect for Elder Eugene, and thinking that once something happened to the elder dragon, elder Eugene always returned the fastest god-level dragon, and we can know that elder Eugene is the dragon first.

"Elder Eugene, I have some top-level magic stones in my hand, this is the reward for asking you for your knowledge!" Abel thought of this, and smiled and transferred the top of the frozen, flame and lightning class from the artifact space bag. Two hundred magic stones were placed in a separate space bag and passed over.

"Elder Abel, these top magic stones you gave, I will tell everyone the Dragons who benefit from them, and let them know that you are paying for the Dragons!" Elder Eugene took the space bag and swept away his spirits. Take it down and bow down.

He did not refuse, because the demand for the top magic stones from the Dragons was huge, and even the lack of top magic stones had affected the reproduction of the Dragons.

Although the ocean resources are very many, the dragons can only explore the offshore. In the deep ocean, if you want to get the resources, you need to **** with the sea beasts. The dangers and difficulties make it extremely difficult for the dragons to obtain the top magic stones.

Of course, he knew that Abel didn't really pay for his knowledge. These were just excuses for Abel to help the Dragons in this way.

Abel has a lot of wealth, which is very famous among the Dragons, because he can trade with the Wizards Guild and the potions of the continents.

But Abel's wealth was his own, not owned by the Dragons, and Elder Eugene could not require that all Dragons elders, like him, pay for nothing.

Abel's behavior gained great favor from Elder Eugene.

"Elder Abel, you release your field of rules, and I will advise you after reading it." Elder Eugene wanted to help Abel as best he could, so he said with a smile.

Abel didn't hide anything either, he first released the lightning rule realm, then the frozen rule realm, and finally the flame rule realm.

With every rule field he releases, Elder Eugene's face changes.

"Well, do you have three rule areas?" Elder Eugene confirmed with some incredulity.

Even if Abel released three rule areas before him, he couldn't believe it was true.

"Yes, I have three rule areas!" Abel nodded.

"Elder Abel, where did your wizarding heritage come from?" Elder Eugene asked, though it wasn't good to know that.

"My shaman heritage is from the lightning department!" Abel replied directly.

"Impossible, wouldn't the Lightning lineage be like this?" Elder Eugene shook his head.

"I left the Lightning department very early, and the inheritance was only the cultivation system, and some other knowledge was not complete!" Abel explained.

"Elder Abel, how did you cultivate the three rule areas?" Elder Eugene continued to ask.

This has already involved the core secret of Abel's cultivation. Elder Eugene really wanted to help Abel, so he continued to ask questions.

"I was originally a fellow of Lightning and Freezing. When I was promoted to the rule wizard, because of the lack of knowledge of inheritance, the tree of life copied the pattern of the wizard in my soul for me, and after practicing the rule of fire, the same A separate wizard pattern was copied! "Abel replied.

It can be said that his situation cannot be copied at all, without the help of the tree of life, it is estimated that it is impossible to draw a second wizard pattern in the soul, let alone a third wizard pattern.

Elder Eugene felt big for the first time, and in his long life, he had never even heard of it.

Even in the Dragon records, there have never been three cases of rule areas.

At the same time, he is also very clear that the special life of the tree of life does not endanger the contract of equality, that is to say, the act of copying the wizard's pattern should be harmless in principle.

However, Abel's use of the three rule areas is entirely up to him, and no one can help him.

"Elder Abel, your situation is too complicated. I can only introduce you to the relevant knowledge in the rule field, and you can study it yourself based on your knowledge!" Elder Eugene said helplessly.

"Elder Eugene, that's bothering you!" Abel bowed, thanking him.

In fact, he also thought of his special situation. He saw so many demigods, and no demigod possessed more than two rules.

"Elder Abel, at the time of the demigod, there were generally two forms of cultivation, one was specialized in the field of rules, and the other was the field of combined rules.

Specializing in the rule field means that there is only one type of rule in a rule field. This kind of rule field allows the rule field to achieve pure energy and more prominent energy characteristics.

Like Kemper, he is specialized in the field of rules. He is specialized in the rules of lightning. In his field of rules, pure lightning power can clear all non-lightning forces, and embody the paralysis and rapid attack of the lightning rules.

The combination rule field is a rule field formed based on multiple rules. This rule field can make the attributes in the field more diverse.

The more common rule field is the combination of the freezing rule and the flame rule. Due to the inherent opposition between the freezing rule and the flame rule, in this rule field, the two rule forces collide with each other to produce more than the separate flame rule and freezing rule. Powerful offensive.

Neither of these two rule areas is better, it just depends on who is more suitable for which rule area.

Demigods with lightning rules generally practice specialization rules because lightning rules can only achieve the most effective results through insemination.

You have three rule areas, in fact, they can be regarded as three specialization rule areas. If you can try to cooperate with each other, maybe you can go out of the third rule field, both specialization and combination effects! "Elder Eugene thought.

Having said that, he took two more books out of the space bag and passed them.

"Elder Abel, this is what I have learned about the field of wizard rules, you can refer to it!" He passed over and said with a smile.

Abel didn't want to know how Elder Eugene had books of knowledge in the field of wizarding rules. There must be a lot of things going on for a long time.

"Elder Eugene, thank you!" He took the book and thanked him bowed.

"Elder Abel, in fact, I should be sorry. Your joining the Dragons has been very helpful to the Dragons, but the Dragons cannot help you in cultivation!" Elder Eugene said with a grin.

This is why it is a pity that Abel became a demigod because he did not practice the Dragon training method, because the Dragon could not help Abel at all.

"Elder Abel, in fact, you should have your own mountain peaks and dragon nests in Long Island. Now you have reached the demigod level, and you should have your own mountain peaks and dragon nests in Long Island. Look at these. Which mountain do you like? ”Elder Eugene said with a smile and a map spread out.

To tell the truth, as Abel's identity as a dragon elder, he has never owned his own dragon nest in the small world of Dragon Island, which is justified.

Before that, Abel's time to join the Dragon was too short, and his strength was all in the contract, and those contracts were non-Dragon god-level combat power, and could not appear in the small island world.

But now it is different. Abel's own strength has reached the demigod. If he does not arrange a corresponding dragon nest, he will not be able to explain to other dragons of the dragon family.

"Elder Eugene, I'm afraid I rarely come to live!" Abel said, glancing at the map.

Topographic maps of the entire Long Island Small World are distributed on the map. The Long Island Small World is active and wide, and most of the mountain peaks are vacant.

"Elder Abel, this is just a symbolic meaning. You are an elder of the Dragon clan, and you have reached the demigod. In any case, you should have your own dragon nest on Long Island!" Elder Eugene explained with a smile. .

"Then here!" Abel casually picked a mountain not far from the acquaintance dragons such as Golden Dragon Kempl and Black Dragon Prague.

"Elder Abel, come with me!" Elder Eugene glanced at Aber's determined position and said.

Abe followed behind Elder Eugene, flew out of his dragon nest, and entered the nearby Dragon Temple.

On one wall of the Dragon Temple, Elder Eugene swept through the spirits, and the walls parted, exposing the room inside.

Although it is a room, but for the dragon, Elder Eugene also used the humanoid shape to take care of Abel. Naturally, this room seemed particularly huge.

In the room, a golden light ball hovered.

"This is the central control spirit of Dragon Island. You can call it Dragon Spirit. I will take you here to register your elder identity with Dragon Spirit!" Elder Eugene introduced with a smile.

Abel looked at the Dragon Spirit. Because it is inside the Dragon Temple, there are restrictions on airspace, and he can only look at it by standing on the ground.

He can be sure that this dragon spirit is definitely not an ordinary spirit, or that it is different from all the spirits nowadays, and different from the ancient spirits. This seems to be a condensation of some spiritual body.

He had many spirits and knew all kinds of spirits.

"Dragon Spirit, please register the identity of Elder Abel and grant the corresponding power in Dragon Island!" Elder Eugene bowed to Dragon Spirit.

"Identify the identity of the Abel Dragon tribe, and ask Elder Abel to release his mental strength for identification!" Long Ling's voice was not a mechanical voice, but a solemn male voice, letting people hear a sense of inexplicable oppression.

Abel released his spiritual power in accordance with the instructions of the dragon spirit, and extended towards the dragon spirit.

He soon sensed that the dragon spirit sent out a wave of energy and swept his mental power.

"Longling, we're leaving!" Elder Eugene said immediately after seeing the registration over.

Abel saw Elder Eugene's attitude very respectful, and he bowed down and saluted.

Afterwards, Elder Eugene went to another place and took a control card for him, and then left the dragon temple with Abel.

"Elder Eugene, isn't that dragon spirit the real spirit?" After leaving the dragon temple, Abel finally couldn't help asking.

"That is a spirit evolved from the spiritual power of Lord Dragon God. It was born to manage the operation of the world of Dragon Island. Before, you did not have a dragon nest in Dragon Island, and you do not need to register. Now that you have a dragon nest, , You have to register! "Elder Eugene said, handing the control card to Abel, and continued:" This is the control card of the dragon's nest, I'll take you there! "

Abel secretly rejoiced that just now there was no bad sign. Although the Dragon Spirit was just an evolution of the spiritual power of the Dragon God, the respect for the Xeon was still necessary.

Elder Eugene took Abel to the peak on the map. The peak was not high, but it was lush and full of plants.

In particular, there is a spring eye at the top of the mountain, which leads to a stream from the top to the foot of the mountain, and a small waterfall is formed in the middle.

This makes this mountain a rare beauty, or the scenery here is in line with Abel's aesthetic.

In the middle of the peak, there is a hole next to the waterfall, which is slightly smaller than the holes of other dragon nests.

"It was originally the residence of a blue dragon, but in an adventure, he fell!" Elder Eugene looked at the entrance and said with a deep voice.

Elder Eugene's words surprised Abel because he always thought that dragons in the dragon family would rarely be dangerous.

"Do we have more dragons falling?" He asked.

"Before growing into a demigod, the fall of the dragon is inevitable, and we cannot let the dragon not go out to take risks, so that the dragon will not have the experience of growing up, and it will be impossible to achieve higher strength!" Elder Eugene said There was no direct answer, but Abel heard that the dragon fell more than he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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