"Eighty-one and a half million." Yu Xin opened her mouth to shout again, and after shouting, she didn't forget to glance at Morita, with a slight hint of provocation in her eyes.

Unlike the last time when the ginseng was auctioned, both Yu Xin and Morita were very serious this time, and it seemed that they both had a great interest in Ganoderma lucidum.

After Yu Xin shouted the price, Morita did not immediately increase the price.

He's waiting, waiting for someone else to bid. But he waited for a long time and no one made another bid, and in the end, he opened his mouth and shouted the price of 82 million.

After Morita shouted the price, except for Yu Xin, no one else stood up to compete with him.

Yu Xin very conservatively superimposed 200,000 on Morita's price, and the price was quietly stretched in the superposition again and again.

Ten minutes have passed, and the price of Ganoderma lucidum has been stretched to 98 million.

"One hundred million." Yu Xin gritted her teeth and reported this number, as if she was bound to get this Lingzhi.

"Okay, the price of Ganoderma lucidum is currently 100 million, is there anyone who wants to pay a higher price? If not, the reishi is owned by the lady. Meng Hailong opened his voice and shouted, "One hundred million once, one hundred million twice, one hundred million three..."

Morita also gritted his teeth and quoted this figure, and it was obvious that the price of Ganoderma lucidum had exceeded his expectations.

But there was no way, the temptation of Lingzhi was too great, and he had to grit his teeth and take it down.

Hearing Morita's offer, Yu Xin let out a long breath.

She finally did not disappoint Meng Hailong, and in the tug-of-war with Morita, she raised the price of Ganoderma lucidum to more than 100 million.

Although it is only more than 100 million, it will eventually break 100 million.

When Morita saw Yu Xin exhaling, he immediately understood that he had been cheated by this woman again, and he was angry in his heart, and he couldn't help glaring at Yu Xin with cruel eyes.

On the stage, Meng Hailong made a final decision, announced that Lingzhi belonged to Morita and invited him out.

Morita, who felt cheated, walked onto the stage under the strange gaze of everyone, squeezed out a not-so-good-looking smile on his face, shook hands with Meng Hailong, accepted his congratulations, and then, it was time to pay the money.

wrote a check, carried Ganoderma lucidum, and left under the strange gaze of everyone.

As soon as Morita walked Yu Xin, he walked to Meng Hailong's side, and said to Meng Hailong in a low voice: "I recently discovered that the Xiong Tai Group not only produces health care products in our country, but also secretly manufactures drugs, but unfortunately I don't have enough evidence now. "

Are you sure that Mrs. Xiong really produces drugs?" Meng Hailong frowned and asked, this matter can be big or small, if the Xiong Tai Group really produces drugs in China, then Meng Hailong will definitely not stand idly by.

"I can vouch for my personality." Yu Xin said seriously, "It's a pity that my people lost contact with me not long after they entered the Xiong Tai Group, otherwise, I should have been able to get the evidence."

Hearing Yu Xin say this, Meng Hailong couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Although he is not very familiar with Yu Xin, Yu Xin feels good about him, at least Meng Hailong feels that this is a person who can be trusted.

It was precisely because Meng Hailong had such feelings about Xin, so, after listening to Yu Xin's words, Meng Hailong quietly walked to Mo Chen's side, lowered his voice and said to him, "Don't you want Ganoderma lucidum?" Find a way to get it, but do what you can and don't take risks.

Mo Chen despised Meng Hailong again, saying that he would give them the Lingzhi, but in such a way, suddenly, Mo Chen felt that Meng Hailong was very despicable.

Seeing Mo Chen's face, Meng Hailong guessed what he was thinking, and in order to avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings, Meng Hailong had to open his mouth to explain a few words.

After listening to Meng Hailong's explanation, Mo Chen was not so angry.

Knowing that Mrs. Xiong Group produced drugs in China, Mo Chen was also very angry, took Mo Yu, said goodbye to Meng Hailong, and they left.

Before leaving, Meng Hailong repeatedly explained that they must do what they can, don't take risks, if the Ganoderma lucidum can be taken back, it is naturally the best, but if they can't get it back, forget it, he still has it here.

"Brother, mom helped you, this time we have to buy some water from you, you have to leave us some more!" Linlin came to Meng Hailong's side and said with a serious face.

"No problem, knowing that you will come, my brother has already prepared it for you." Meng Hailong touched Linlin's little head, smiled and said to her, "When you leave, you can pull as much as you can, and I promise that you will drink enough." "

Wow, I knew we should have driven a big truck, what a loss!" Linlin's face was full of regret.

"Okay, so is someone as greedy as you are?" Yu Xin pulled Linlin to her side, and then said again, "Village Chief, next time you still have something like ginseng lingzhi, can you sell me some in private?"

Without waiting for Meng Hailong to speak, Yu Xin hurriedly added: "In terms of price, I won't treat the village chief badly, just follow Morita's price!" "

Yu Xin's company has been hit by the Xiong Tai Group, and the recent situation is getting worse and worse, and in the short term, if the company fails to develop new products, I am afraid that it will be completely defeated by the Xiong Tai Group.

If you can get something like giant ginseng, or super reishi, and then make it into a health supplement, maybe you can turn the situation around.

"Sister Xin, I'll tell you the truth, I still have some ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum. However, at this time, if I sell these things to you in private, I am afraid that it will cause you some trouble. Meng Hailong continued, "The giant ginseng that Mrs. Xiong Group bought from me was stolen, I believe Sister Xin also knows about this matter, if your company takes out a giant ginseng at this time, what will Mrs. Xiong Group think?" "

Yu Xin is a smart person, as soon as Meng Hailong said it, she understood the powerful relationship.

Although she is not afraid of being suspected, the power of the Xiong Tai Group is too great for a woman to deal with.

Seeing Yu Xin's hesitation, Meng Hailong continued: "Sister Xin, although ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum are good, but the cost is also high, I have a good herb here, if it is matched properly, it can also make a shocking product." "

What herb?" Yu Xin asked curiously.

"Tranquilizer." Meng Hailong explained, "After my experiments, the tranquilizer has the effect of calming the nerves and helping them sleep, but if the amount is too much, it will become a drug and can fascinate people. Personally, I think that if you can adjust the optimal ratio and use soothing herbs to make soothing tea, it will be a good health supplement. "

That's a good suggestion, but I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing, let alone seen it." Yu Xin thought about it for a long time, but she just couldn't think of what the Tranquility Grass was.

"Sister Xin, when you leave, I'll bring you some, you take it back to study, if you think my suggestion is feasible, we will discuss the specific situation at that time."

After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the mountain, this kind of thing is only available in the Lingyu space, since he plans to bring some back to Yu Xin, then, Meng Hailong has to make a show, pretending to go up the mountain to find the calming grass.

Walking to a place where there was no one, with a thought, Meng Hailong entered the Lingyu space.

After digging some calming grass, Meng Hailong came out immediately.

Although the auction of Ganoderma lucidum has ended, the people who came to Xiaolong Village did not leave immediately.

Because it's a Sunday, most people are on vacation, and although there is not much fun in Xiaolong Village, everything here is deeply appealing.

The shrimp fishing farm finally had a business, and the two middle-aged people paid the money and fished for lobsters there, which made Meng Yuanqiao and Meng Fa very happy.

After guarding for so long, they finally waited for the first wave of guests, and more importantly, the money was 10,000 yuan as soon as it was collected, which was cool!

And after the auction, the most lively place in Xiaolong Village is the food stall that Ye Haiyan and their temporary set up.

Although the environment of this makeshift food stall is a little poor, the food here is definitely the best in the world.

Vegetables and fruits are all freshly picked and fried from the ground, if you want to eat lobster, you can also go to the fish pond to buy it for direct processing, and the food stalls only charge a little processing fee, which makes many guests praise them.

With the soothing grass, Meng Hailong went directly to Yu Xin after coming down from the mountain.

Meng Hailong prepared as much as ten catties of tranquilizing grass for Yu Xin, after all, people are going to use it as a study, only give a little bit, I am afraid that before the research can be found, the tranquilizing herb will be used up.

The moment he handed over the tranquilizer grass to Yu Xin, Meng Hailong said to her very seriously: "Sister Xin, you have to take care of these tranquilizers, if they fall into the hands of bad people, it will not be a gospel, but a disaster."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Yu Xin smiled, took the soothing grass, and after putting it in the car, she took Linlin to the food stall to eat.

Meng Hailong didn't accompany them because he had other things to do.

There are more people who came today, Meng Hailong didn't dare to be careless, almost everyone who approached him, he would scan people with a perspective eye.

During this time, although the killer of Skynet did not appear, Meng Hailong always had a feeling that things could not pass like this.

In particular, Skynet also lost a lot of killers to him.

Even ace masters such as Purple Pupil and Divine Arrow are planted here, and the high-level of Skynet will definitely not be reconciled, even if it is not for those two tasks, the high-level of Skynet will definitely not let him go!

And just now, when he passed by a woman, under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong found that she had some steel needles hidden on her body, presumably this woman's path must not be simple.

Although she didn't do it directly just now, Meng Hailong was still not at ease and decided to meet her.

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