The woman who made Meng Hailong suspicious of her, she was a young woman of about twenty years old, with a height of one meter six.

Judging by her appearance, the young woman had a good look.

Her face is delicate and flawless, her figure is good, and standing in the crowd, although she is not the kind that attracts everyone's attention, she can also attract the attention of most men.

The young woman's long hair was dyed red, and she was wearing a red dress, revealing her snow-white slender calves, which made people think a little about it.

Looking closely at her feet, the shoes she wears are also red, which is very popular.

At this moment, this young woman with red hair and red clothes, all over her body, was walking slowly in the direction of the commissary.

Meng Hailong didn't know what her idea was, but he felt that this young woman was definitely more than just thinking of buying things at the commissary.

Of course, this is just Meng Hailong's suspicion of her.

Although the other party has a steel needle hidden on her body, this does not prove that she is a killer, even if it can prove that she is a killer, before she does it, Meng Hailong can't be sure that she is here to kill him.

Because just now, when Meng Hailong passed by her, she had every chance to do it, but she didn't take any action, which made Meng Hailong a little confused.

Meng Hailong didn't follow too closely, because he saw that after the woman in red approached the commissary, she stopped, stood in place, and quietly watched something.

It was a long time before she took another step towards the commissary.

"Red beans." Purple Pupil was in the commissary, and when she saw the woman in red, the look of surprise on her face only flashed, and she quickly regained her composure.

That's because she knows that what should come will come after all.

This woman in red called Hongdou is also the killer of Skynet. Moreover, the relationship between this person and Purple Pupil is extraordinary.

The red bean and the purple pupil were absorbed by Skynet at the same time.

They were brutally trained together, they had done many tasks together, and they even crawled out of the pile of dead people together.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are friends of life and death.

Looking at the purple pupils, Hongdou's eyes were a little moist, and after a while, she spoke: "Sister, they say that you betrayed the organization, is this true?" "

Red Bean, I'm sorry!" Zitong sighed and said, "This is the path that my sister chooses by herself, my sister will not embarrass you, my sister will follow you." Zitong

knew very well in her heart that the arrival of red beans must be arranged by the organization.

The high-level of Skynet knew that her relationship with Hongdou was extraordinary, so they let Hongdou kill her, and the high-level knew Zitong too well.

They know that Purple Pupil will definitely not embarrass Red Bean, and she will never kill Red Bean, so letting Red Bean kill Purple Pupil is the best choice.

"Sister, tell me, why did you do this?" Hongdou cried, although she didn't cry out loud, but her tears were already like beads with broken threads, falling down one by one.

"Red Bean, don't cry!" Zitong reached out and wiped the tears on Hongdou's face, and said to her with a smile, "Sister is really tired of the life of walking on the tip of the knife, this is my sister's choice, no matter what the result is, my sister will not regret it."

"They told me to kill you." Red Bean said honestly.

"Sister knows." The expression on Zitong's face didn't change much, she smiled and said, "It's not suitable for hands-on here, sister will go with you."

After speaking, Zitong pulled the red bean and walked towards the mountain.

Hongdou didn't say anything more, just let the purple pupil pull, at this moment, her mood was extremely complicated, because what was in front of her now was the most important fork in her life.

Whichever path she chooses, it will affect her for the rest of her life.

Killing Purple Pupil will give her the trust of the organization and a good bonus, but she will also lose a good sister because of it.

If Red Bean chooses another path, then, like Purple Pupil, she has betrayed the organization, and from now on, she will also become a member of the organization's hunt and kill order.

Before they knew it, the two had already walked halfway up the mountain.

Purple Pupil stopped, looked at the red bean silently, and said with a smile: "Let my sister take a good look at you a few more times, after watching these few glances, our sisters can only see each other in the next life."

Listening to Zi Tong's words, Red Bean's tears flowed down again.

"Alright, you can do it!" After saying this, Zitong closed her eyes and looked like she was waiting to die. said that she wouldn't embarrass the red bean, then, she will definitely not let the red bean be embarrassed.

Even when he faced Meng Hailong, Zitong couldn't see death as he did now.

"Purple pupils! Red beans! An

abrupt voice came, and Zitong immediately opened her eyes, and then, she and Hongdou saw a familiar figure at the same time, the Divine Arrow.

Shen Jian has been living in a cave these days to recuperate, and he was so bored that he wanted to come out to breathe, but he didn't expect that he would meet an old acquaintance while walking.

"Why are you here?" Purple Hitomi asked curiously.

"I said that the village chief's eldest brother threw me here, do you believe it?" Shenjian smiled bitterly and said, "Oh, this world is really small, we used to be colleagues of Skynet, and now, we have all betrayed Skynet, but we are still colleagues, hehe!"

"I didn't betray Skynet." Red Bean suddenly spoke.

Hearing her words, Shenjian was shocked, he only knew that Zi Tong had betrayed Skynet, and he had followed the village chief, and just when he saw Red Bean with Purple Pupil, he mistakenly thought that Red Bean had also betrayed Skynet.

But now it seems that things are not like that.

"Oops!" Shenjian secretly thought in his heart, since Hongdou did not betray Skynet, then, her arrival was probably to kill him.

In the past, when he was not injured, it was not so easy for Hongdou to kill him. But now, his injuries are not healed, and he has no crossbow in his hand, if Hongdou wants to kill him, the arrow feels that he will definitely die.

Shen Jian had a bad premonition in his heart, and Purple Pupil also faintly had some worries.

She now knows that the Divine Arrow is Meng Hailong's person, and with her understanding of Meng Hailong, if Hongdou kills the Divine Arrow, Meng Hailong will definitely not give up.

At that time, the red bean will not end well.

"Look at what scares you." Red Bean suddenly snorted and laughed, laughing happily, "Although I haven't betrayed the organization yet, it's also very fast."

"Red Bean, what do you mean by that?" Purple Hitomi looked at the red bean with some surprise.

"Sister, do you think I might kill you?" Hongdou continued, "I still remember that mission three years ago, if my sister hadn't pulled me, I wouldn't be standing here now.

Without waiting for Zi Tong to speak, Hongdou continued: "I have already decided, from now on, I will follow my sister, and I will go there where my sister goes, what Skynet, let it hell with it!"

"Red Bean, you have to think clearly!" Zi Tong said very seriously, "Once you choose this path, it means that you will be hunted down by the organization for the rest of your life until you die, aren't you afraid?"

"My sister is not afraid, and I am not afraid of the magic arrow, so what else do I have to be afraid of?" Hongdou said quickly, "Besides, what's the danger, sister, won't you cover me?"

Purple Hitomi's brows furrowed, she really hoped that Red Bean could follow her, but she didn't want to see Red Bean's name included in the hunt order.

It's a real headache.

Next to him, the magic arrow let out a sigh of relief, and this life was finally saved.

"Purple Pupil, she wants to stay, then let her stay!" A faint voice suddenly came, and Meng Hailong said as he walked: "Whether it is you, the Divine Arrow, or her, as long as you stay by my side, I will try my best to ensure your safety." "


Meng Hailong's words had just finished when a steel needle shot at him.

Under the perspective eye, Hongdou's small action naturally couldn't escape Meng Hailong's eyes, he just turned to the side slightly, and the steel needle flew past him.

And Meng Hailong finally saw clearly, the steel needle hidden in the red bean was blown out with a pipe.

A sneak attack was unsuccessful, Hongdou continued to blow with a pipe, and one steel needle after another shot towards Meng Hailong, all of which were dodged by him.

This stunt of the red bean, if it is used in assassination, it is absolutely invincible.

However, on the bright side, it is a little difficult for her to use steel needles to kill. After all, the steel needle is blown out, and although there should be some assistive mechanism in that tube, the speed of the shot steel needle is still not fast enough.

In particular, Meng Hailong also has perspective eyes, and he can see the trajectory of the steel needle very clearly, so he is even more afraid of the steel needles shot by the red bean.

"Red Bean, are you convinced?" Seeing Hongdou stop, Purple Pupil smiled and said to her, "The village chief's skills are more than that, at least, my sister has no chance of winning in front of him."

"Not only is there no chance of winning, it's just that he is going to be killed in seconds!" Shen Jian quickly answered, when he had a crossbow in his hand, he was abused into a dog by Meng Hailong, not to mention the ability of red beans.

"Red beans, huh?" As Meng Hailong approached, he spoke, "Your steel needle didn't pose a threat to me, and that's because of its slow speed and short range. However, if you modify this pipe a little, the result will be very different. The

reason why Meng Hailong said this was because he had just studied the tube in Hongdou's hand with a see-through eye, and found that some of the small mechanisms in it were not very perfect, and if they could be remodeled, the help would inevitably increase greatly.

Listening to Meng Hailong's words, Hongdou said with some curiosity: "Having said so much, I just want to ask, do you know how this pipe is going to be transformed?" "

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