"I've called the police, the police will be coming soon, I advise you to put your gun down, then you will at least have a way to live. Looking at the man with the gun, Meng Hailong said coldly.

"Do you think I still have a way to live?" the man with the gun shook his head and continued, "You have now cornered me, and without this child's kidney, I would not have survived, and uremia would have killed me."

"Uremia is not necessarily a terminal disease, and you should take proper measures to treat it, rather than at the cost of other people's health or even their lives. "

Hehe, it's useless to say anything now!" The man with the gun walked towards Meng Hailong step by step, "If it weren't for you, in five hours, I would be able to become a healthy person." It's you, it's because you ruined my plan that I lost the chance to be born again, so you must die.

As soon as the word "death" was spoken, the middle-aged man pulled the trigger hard, and with a "bang", the gun rang out, and the bullet shot at Meng Hailong's head.

At this moment, Meng Hailong hurriedly hid in the spirit jade space.

Before hiding in the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong could clearly feel that the bullet was almost grazing his head, almost killing him.

Fortunately, Meng Hailong had a clairvoyant eye, and relying on the clairvoyant eye and the spiritual jade space, he barely avoided this disaster.

In order to avoid making people suspicious of him, Meng Hailong hid in the spirit jade space and immediately came out of it, and the speed was quite fast.

In the eyes of outsiders, he just stood where he was all the time and never left.

After the gunshots rang out, the middle-aged man looked at Meng Hailong with surprised eyes, because just now, he saw with his own eyes that the bullet had pierced Meng Hailong's head.

However, looking at it now, Meng Hailong's head showed no signs of injury.

"It seems that your marksmanship is not very good!" Meng Hailong sneered, took a step forward, reached out and grabbed the wrist of the middle-aged man holding the gun, twisted it vigorously, only to hear a "click", and the middle-aged man immediately let out a miserable scream.

The gun in his hand also quickly fell to the ground.

Gently kicking the pistol to the side, Meng Hailong quickly punched the middle-aged man in the face a few more times, beating him to a blue nose and swollen face, and he was dizzy, and then he let go and let him fall to the ground.

Afraid that there were still other people hiding here, Meng Hailong carefully scanned it with his perspective eye again, until he was sure that there was no one else, he walked back to the operating table and untied the rope that tied Xiaojie's limbs.

After untying the rope, Meng Hailong hurriedly took out the silver needle and pierced it on Xiaojie's body.

Although he wasn't sure if he could eliminate the anesthetic in Xiao Jie's body with a silver needle, even if it didn't have any effect, it wouldn't cause harm to Xiao Jie's body, as long as it was possible, Meng Hailong felt that he still had to try.

Just when Meng Hailong was helping Xiaojie get a needle, the sound of a siren came from outside.

After the police arrived, they asked Yun Xue about the situation, and they took a loudspeaker and began to shout: "Listen, the people inside, you have been surrounded, hurry up and put down your weapons and come out and throw yourself!"

Hearing the shouts of the police outside, Meng Hailong couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, such an opening statement is really unchanged for a hundred years!

"The bad guys have been subdued by me, you can come in." Meng Hailong shouted at the door, and soon, several policemen with guns rushed in.

After the police rushed in, the gun in his hand was pointed at Meng Hailong, and he shouted indiscriminately: "Don't move, raise your hands." In

desperation, Meng Hailong had no choice but to cooperate.

Anyway, there were Yun Xue and Yun Qing outside to testify against him, and Meng Hailong was not worried that he would be regarded as a murderer because he couldn't speak clearly.

Seeing that the scene had been controlled, the police agreed to let Yun Xue and Yun Qing in.

After they came in, they saw Meng Hailong being arrested, so they hurriedly explained it to the police, and with their explanation, Meng Hailong was released.

"Hailong, how is Xiaojie?" asked Yun Xue anxiously.

"Sister Yun, don't worry, Xiaojie was just anesthetized by them. Meng Hailong comforted, "I have already injected Xiaojie, he should wake up soon, you don't have to worry too much."

"It's okay, it's okay. Yun Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Jie did wake up quickly, and this also made Meng Hailong a little proud, he didn't expect that the needle could actually remove the anesthetic in Xiao Jie's body.

It took a few minutes for Meng Hailong to pull out the silver needle that had been pierced on Xiao Jie's body just now.

And when Meng Hailong helped Xiaojie pull out the needle, the police were also doing their thing, and in the black clinic, everyone was handcuffed and sent to the hospital for treatment.

Eventually, these people will be severely punished by the law.

When the police carried the men out, the surrounding neighbors applauded.

In fact, everyone knows that there are some illegal acts in this black clinic, but because everyone has no evidence and is afraid of retaliation, no one has dared to report them.

Nowadays, seeing the people in the black clinic being taken away by the police, everyone naturally thinks that this is a very happy thing.

As victims, Yunxue and they were inevitably taken to the police station.

Meng Hailong was naturally no exception, and they were taken to the police station for interrogation for nearly two hours before they were able to leave.

As soon as a few people left the police station, Yun Qing's phone rang.

took out his mobile phone and saw that the call was from Yike, although Yunqing was extremely reluctant, but thinking that people had helped them a lot, this call could not be answered.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yi Ke's voice came from the other end: "Xiao Qing, you are all safe, is it convenient to eat together at night?"

Yun Qing thought for a while, and finally nodded, and said, "I cook at my sister's house at night, come over!"

Needless to say, Yun Qing hung up the phone directly, because she knew that as long as Yi Ke wanted to find her, she didn't need her to tell her address, and he would definitely be able to find her.

"Xiaoqing, your attitude has to change. Yun Xue said with some dissatisfaction, "Anyway, Yike has helped us a lot today, if it weren't for his help, Xiaojie wouldn't know what to do with those bad guys." So, even if you don't like people, you should thank them. "

Sister, you don't know him, you don't know, if my attitude towards him is a little better, he will mistakenly think that I am giving him a chance to pursue me. Yun Qing pouted and said, "I was chased by him before, and I don't want to have a second time."

"Actually, this easy guest should be pretty good. Yun Xue continued, "When he comes in the evening, I will check for you, if the character is good, you can give him a chance!"

"Sister..." Yun Qing was speechless for a while.

On the way back, a few people went to the market by the way and bought a lot of things, during which Meng Hailong secretly found a place where no one was around, and took out two big lobsters from the Lingyu space.

The big lobsters raised in the spiritual well are much bigger than the big lobsters raised in the fish pond, each of them is more than five catties, and this one startled Yun Xue.

Under questioning, Meng Hailong had no choice but to make up a random reason, saying that he bought it from a vendor outside the market.

Yun Xue was unrelenting, pestering Meng Hailong to lead the way to the vendor, because she also wanted to be able to buy such a big lobster in the future.

took Yun Xue around, and finally, Meng Hailong pointed at random, pointed to an empty place and said to Yun Xue: "Sister Yun, the vendor was here just now, he may have left."

Although Yun Xue felt sorry for the vendor, she didn't bother too much, and bought some other vegetables, so everyone left the market and returned to Yun Xue's home.

They had just returned home when Eke arrived.

Being able to have dinner with Yunqing is Yike's lifelong pursuit, so he came very quickly.

It's hard to imagine that Yi Ke is actually a fat man, his height is only about one meter and six, and he is shorter than Yun Qing, weighing nearly two hundred catties, making his whole person look obese.

The white and pure skin proves that he is a real otaku.

"Mr. Yi, thank you so much for today's incident, if it weren't for your help, our little Jie would be in danger. Seeing Yike, Yun Xue said a few words politely.

Yi Ke hurriedly said: "Sister, you are too polite, this is what I should do."

Yun Qing next to him kept rolling his eyes, what was he supposed to do, making her and him seem to have that kind of relationship.

"What is this brother's name?" Yi Ke quickly turned his head to look at Meng Hailong and asked.

"My surname is Meng, and my name is Hailong. Meng Hailong lowered his voice and said to Yi Ke, "It's all my credit that you can come here to eat, how about it, should you show it to me?"

As he spoke, Yi Ke took out a bottle of red wine from the bag he was carrying, and said with a smile, "Eighty-two Lafite, worth thirty-six thousand eight

, how about it, righteous enough, right?" "It's okay!" Meng Hailong nodded and said, "How many bottles of such red wine did you bring?"

"Uh, brother, this is '82 Lafite, it's good to get one, how many more bottles do you want?" Yi Ke frowned and said, " I brought this bottle from abroad, and I have never been willing to drink it. "

How do you tell me to say hello?" Meng Hailong sighed and said, "There is a saying, if you are reluctant to let a child trap a wolf, if you want to chase Yunqing, just take this bottle of red wine, it's a little cold

?" "Brother, then you say, what else should I bring?" Yi Ke looked at Meng Hailong with sincere eyes, he really needs a teacher in terms of chasing girls.

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