"Golden roses, rejuvenating scar cream, and potpourri perfume, have you heard of these things?" Meng Hailong pretended to be mysterious and said, "Now that I want to chase girls, these kinds of things, they are indispensable!" "I know about golden roses, as for scar removal cream and potpourri perfume, I

haven't heard of these two things." Yi Ke said truthfully, "Brother, it's not that I'm reluctant, it's just that this golden rose can only be bought at Haiyang City, and the road is too far away!" "

Don't worry, I'm from Haiyang City, I can help with this." Meng Hailong lowered his voice and continued, "When I go back, I'll send you these things by courier immediately."

"Good brother, then I will thank you in advance. Yi Ke said happily, "In the future, if you can use my place, just ask, brother, I will spare no effort to help you complete." "

It's time to eat!" Meng Hailong and Yi Ke were chatting happily, and Yun Xue shouted over there. Together with Yunqing, she had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

The most attractive thing about this sumptuous dinner is undoubtedly the two big lobsters.

And these two big lobsters not only look attractive, they taste more fragrant, the meat of the lobster is called a fresh and sweet, and everyone nodded and praised it, saying that if there is a chance in the future, they will definitely buy two more such lobsters to eat.

Because there were a lot of things that happened today, everyone was very tired, so after dinner, Yike left with interest.

Xiao Jie pulled Meng Hailong and clamored to sleep with Meng Hailong, which made Meng Hailong completely speechless, he was not a beauty, why did Xiao Jie like to sleep with him? If he had a choice, Meng Hailong

would prefer to sleep with Yun Qing.

It's a pity that he can only think about such an idea in his heart, and it is still relatively difficult to realize.

Meng Hailong didn't sleep with Xiaojie in the end, because he always felt that it was not suitable.

But he couldn't sleep with Yun Qing, so he could only sleep on the sofa in the hall in the end.

The next morning, Yun Qing was able to get up, and as soon as he walked to the living room, he was blushed by a certain scene, like this situation of sleeping with a small umbrella, Yun Qing saw it for the first time.

Out of curiosity, she couldn't help but take a closer look.

But it was because she looked at it more that she finally made her heart a little hot. Yun Qing hurriedly walked into the bathroom, and after washing his face with cold water, his face was a little less hot.

"Bastard! pervert! shameless!" Yun Qing scolded Meng Hailong in his heart, and Meng Hailong, who was lying on the sofa, kept sneezing.

"Well deserved. Hearing Meng Hailong sneezing incessantly, Yun Qing felt proud in his heart again.

Meng Hailong pinched his hand and counted it, it has been three days since he came to Haibei, and it is time to go back. On the side of Xiaolong Village, there are still many things that he needs to deal with.

said goodbye to Yun Xue and the others, and asked them to go to Xiaolong Village to play when they were free, and then, Meng Hailong drove his windy road rage back to Xiaolong Village.

As for the tea trees that Yun Xue gave him, Meng Hailong definitely couldn't use his car to pull them back, Yun Xue told him that she would let her company's truck send Meng Hailong over later, Meng Hailong was not worried about this, drove his own car, and left first.

"Sister, what is the relationship between you and this person?" After Meng Hailong left, Yun Qing couldn't help but ask Yun Xue.

When Meng Hailong was there, although she was curious, she was embarrassed to ask this question in front of Meng Hailong, now that the people are gone, leaving the two sisters, naturally there is nothing to scruple about.

"The sea dragon is our Xiaojie's lifesaver, and he also saved Xiaojie twice. Yun Xue said unhurriedly, "Xiaoqing, other sisters don't dare to guarantee it, but the character of Hailong is absolutely nothing to say, if you have feelings for him, sister supports you and has to be brave to chase him." "

Sister, where do you want to go?" Yun Qing said with a red face, "Although he saved Xiaojie, there is no reason for me to make a personal promise, right? Sister, you are also single now..."

Yun Qing didn't dare to continue at this point, because she was worried that Yun Xue would be unhappy.

But in fact, Yun Xue was not unhappy, she grinned and said: "Xiaoqing, if my sister was a few years younger, maybe she would really have that kind of thought, but now, it's impossible."

Yun Qing pursed his lips and didn't say anything more.

But afterwards, she couldn't help but add Meng Hailong as a friend on WeChat.

Driving a road rage, Meng Hailong had just returned to the boundary of Haiyang City, and he received a call from Yu Xin.

On the phone, Yu Xin told Meng Hailong that the research on the tranquilizer has achieved a lot of success, but there is a key problem, the tranquilizer contains the ingredients of sleeping pills, if they use the tranquilizer to make the tranquilizer tea, in case someone buys the tranquilizing tea, and then uses the tranquilizer tea to refine the hypnotic ingredients in the tranquilizer tea, what can be done? Knowing Yu Xin's worries, Meng Hailong

only thought for a moment and then said: " Sister Xin, this problem is easy to solve, just raise the price.

Meng Hailong's idea is to raise the price of tranquilizer tea to a suitable height, even if others can use tranquilizing tea to refine ingredients with sleeping pills, they will eventually lose money.

In this world, I believe that not many people will do things at a loss!

" Village Chief, although your idea is good, but the price has been raised, can the soothing tea we produce be sold?" Yu Xin asked with some concern.

Once a new product is produced, it will inevitably cost a sum of money, and if the soothing tea cannot be sold because of the high price after it is produced, it is a failed product. A failed product will be a disaster for a business.

"Sister Xin, if the soothing tea can play a calming role, I believe that even if the price is higher, it will be welcomed by people. "

Nowadays, people, especially the elderly, reach a certain age, and most of them will have insomnia at night, and there is no doubt that if soothing tea can help people fall asleep, it will definitely be a hot seller.

The two discussed it, and finally Yu Xin made a decision to tentatively produce a batch of soothing tea to see how it sold.

After the matter was decided, Yu Xin asked Meng Hailong to prepare the calming grass, and she would personally drive to Xiaolong Village to pick up the goods in two days.

agreed, and Meng Hailong hung up the phone.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Meng Hailong felt that the car trembled slightly, as if he had been hit, and looked at the reversing mirror, and sure enough, just when he changed lanes and was about to turn right, the car was crossing the dotted line in the middle of the two lanes, and a big rush behind him crashed into it.

"Get out of the car, get out of the car, come down and see how you drive?" The owner of Daben quickly jumped out of the car, walked under the window of Meng Hailong's car, and banged on the window vigorously.

Meng Hailong was very depressed in his heart, the car he drove was too windy, and he could meet porcelain touchers when he walked there.

When he first arrived in Haibei, a group of people used a dead dog to blackmail him for more than 6 million. Now, he has just returned from Haibei, and he has been targeted by the porcelain toucher, which is a tragedy.

That's right, this is the tragedy of driving a luxury car.

I haven't seen people touch porcelain and throw dead dogs under the van, there are more cars that change lanes indiscriminately, and I haven't seen anyone hit by Daben, but the unlucky one is Meng Hailong.

This can only illustrate a problem, usually, people who touch porcelain are choosing luxury cars to start, because they feel that the owners of luxury cars are rich, rich people are afraid of things, and people who are afraid of things are more like to be private, as long as they like private people, that is the object of their blackmail.

Meng Hailong can be sure that this is definitely not an ordinary traffic accident, because, when he didn't plan to change lanes just now, the Daben behind him was still a lot of distance from his car.

It was when he turned on the lights and was about to change lanes that the Daben accelerated and crashed into it.

Obviously, Meng Hailong was also very angry in his heart, if he was someone else, he would only be able to admit it, but Meng Hailong would not just let others slaughter him.

Because he knows that his weakness will only increase the momentum of the bad guys.

This time, you let him succeed, and next time he will come again, and besides, he will be more confident and arrogant.

Only by striking at them can this bad behavior be completely eliminated.

Meng Hailong didn't get out of the car, but drove the car forward for a distance, and then reversed in front of everyone.

Hanging up the reverse gear, Meng Hailong just clicked the accelerator pedal with his foot, and the road rage quickly retreated, and the tires as tall as a person quickly climbed onto Daben.

The weight of the road rage itself is not light, and as soon as he climbs like this, he crushes the porcelain Daben to deform. Of course, Daben didn't turn into a Transformer, he just turned into a discus.

"Yes, young man, you are my idol. A BMW drove over in the back, the window opened, and a middle-aged man gave Meng Hailong a thumbs up, and continued, "Young man, I have a dashcam installed in my car, which can prove that Daben deliberately hit you just now, don't be afraid of him, I'll be a witness for you." "

The owner of the BMW car has also suffered such a loss before, so he also hates this kind of porcelain touching behavior.

Now seeing Meng Hailong so powerful, he worships Meng Hailong in his heart.

Think about it, when he was blackmailed, he could only shrink his neck like a turtle and let others slaughter him, and now he feels ashamed when he thinks about it.

"Hey, big brother, the car has been crushed into a discus... Yes, you should come and take a trip!" "When he met such a tough person, the guy who drove the big bus was gone, he kept wiping his sweat while making a phone call, and the millions of cars turned into discus in an instant, and he didn't know how to explain to his boss.

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