Su Feifei is such a big beauty, it is naturally no problem to ask Meng Hailong to spend the night with her, but the problem is that if Su Feifei wakes up tomorrow and mistakenly thinks that he has done something to her, Meng Hailong will not be able to speak.

Because of this concern, Meng Hailong finally didn't dare to send her to the hotel.

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Hailong picked Sophie Fei into his car, and then drove to Hu Sijia's hotel.

Anyway, Hu Sijia is also single, so it shouldn't be a big problem to let Sophie Fei stay with her for one night.

Seeing Meng Hailong walking in with a beautiful woman, Hu Sijia's eyes widened, and she asked, "Village chief, are you coming to me to open a house?"

Meng Hailong continued: "She is the general manager of Haiyang Shipyard, Su Feifei, I drank too much when I had supper with me just now, I wanted to send her home, but she couldn't tell the address of her home, there was no way, I could only send her to you first." "

I thought you were red apricots out of the wall, village chief!" Hu Sijia said jokingly, and then she took Meng Hailong to her room.

Hu Sijia's room is different from her office, and the door of the office is usually not locked, so there will be something like last time.

But the room she lives in is absolutely safe, and Meng Hailong is relieved to leave Sophie Fei with her.

After dropping off Sophie, Meng Hailong left the hotel and drove back to Xiaolong Village.

He can not accompany Sophie, but there is one person he must accompany well, and this person is his fiancée, Liu Jinrui.

After the two of them warmed up in bed, Meng Hailong spoke, "Rarity, our financial situation has completely improved now, and my dad has woken up, I plan to do the same thing for us." "

What's the matter with us?" asked Liu Jinrui, pretending to be puzzled.

"Marriage!" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "I promised, ten miles of red makeup to marry you, let you sleep on Simmons covered with banknotes, and soon, all this will become a fact."

"I didn't want you to marry me with ten miles of red makeup!" Liu Jinrui continued, "You also made a promise to convince my father, I think, we just need to hold a simple wedding, set a few tables, and invite relatives and friends, without being so grand." "

Then how can it be done?" Meng Hailong shook his head and said, "Marriage is a big event, a person can only have one time in a lifetime, and if you don't do it grandly, then I'm sorry for you." Even if you agree, I won't be able to pass my own level.

"We really don't need to be so extravagant. Liu Jinrui said very seriously, "There is one more thing, that Miao Juanjuan, have you contacted her?"

"Not yet!" Meng Hailong shook his head and replied truthfully.

"Before we get in touch with her, let's put the wedding aside for the time being!" Liu Jinrui still had a very serious attitude, "Everyone is a woman, I can understand Miao Juanjuan's mood at the moment, anyway, I hope we can contact her, we need to plan ahead for the future." Although

Liu Jinrui knew that Meng Hailong had a relationship with Miao Juanjuan to save her, since there was that kind of relationship between them, things should be made clear.

It's not that Miao Juanjuan leaves, and the matter is settled.

Liu Jinrui didn't want to one day in the future, Miao Juanjuan suddenly came to Meng Hailong with a child, in case such a thing really happened, her face couldn't be hung up.

Therefore, before you really get married, there are some things that still need to be dealt with first.

Listening to Liu Jinrui's words, Meng Hailong felt a little bottomless in his heart, he didn't know what Liu Jinrui thought, and Miao Juanjuan didn't ask him to be responsible.

Besides, in this vast sea of people, it is not easy to find Miao Juanjuan. But since Liu Jinrui said so, the wedding can only be postponed.

When he had nothing to do, Meng Hailong remembered the large ginseng in the Lingyu space, which was a treasure worth hundreds of millions, and it was better to take it out for auction and exchange it for banknotes first.

Anyway, there is no shortage of such a large ginseng in the spiritual jade space. Over time, ginseng will only grow more and more, not less.

Meng Hailong had such an idea, and he happened to receive good news from Ye Haiyan and them, the food city, after working overtime these days to build, in another week, it can be officially put into use.

The construction of the food city is progressing so fast, which is also unexpected by Meng Hailong, but it is okay to do this, it just so happens that he wants to auction ginseng, and the date is set for a week later, that is, the day the food city opens, which can also drive the popularity of the food city.

In this auction of ginseng, Meng Hailong not only thought of helping Ye Haiyan and them drive the popularity of the food city, but also thought of Yu Xin's soothing tea.

The phone called Yu Xin, and after connecting, Meng Hailong said: "Sister Xin, you are ready to produce a batch of soothing tea within a week, well, the amount of each bottle is controlled at about 100 ml, I plan to give this batch of soothing tea as a gift on the day of the auction."

"Auction?" Yu Xin became interested again when she heard this, and asked busily, "Village Chief, what treasure do you have to auction?" "

Ginseng, it's still the giant ginseng that was so big last time." Meng Hailong didn't hide it, and said honestly, "Sister Xin, it's up to you whether the giant ginseng can be sold at a better price this time." "

Okay, let's watch my performance then!" Yu Xin nodded and said, "Village Chief, how many quantities do you plan to produce this batch of soothing tea to be given?"

"One hundred milliliters, it should be almost the same as making 10,000 bottles

!" "Ten thousand bottles?" Yu Xin said in surprise, "Village Chief, such a large number of deliveries, if it doesn't work, then we will lose a lot!"

Sister Xin, there is a saying that you can't bear the wolf if you can't bear the child, don't feel distressed, believe me, you will be rewarded for your efforts.

"Well, I'll trust you again, and hopefully this time it will work. Yu Xin hung up the phone after speaking, and I was afraid that the production of gifts would go.

Meng Hailong was not idle, took out his laptop, and released the news on major forums, announcing to the world that next Sunday, he would take out a giant ginseng for auction again.

As soon as the news spread, it immediately became the hottest topic at the moment, and even some people from overseas were attracted by the giant ginseng that was about to appear.

When Meng Hailong took out the giant ginseng for the first time, because many people didn't believe that there would be such a huge ginseng in this world, but with the experience of the last time, when Meng Hailong released the news again, people didn't have the slightest doubt.

In order to attract attention, Meng Hailong thought of another idea, he asked people to order some clothes, ready to make a special scenery on the day of the auction.

Of course, his idea is still secret for the time being, and even everyone in Xiaolong Village, including Liu Jinrui, doesn't know what kind of plan Meng Hailong has.

On the day the news was released, Meng Hailong summoned everyone to a meeting.

Of course, he didn't gather everyone in Xiaolong Village, but Purple Pupil, Red Bean, Male One, Female One, these people.

Summoning them to a meeting, naturally, is for the sake of the giant ginseng thing.

On the previous two occasions, whether Meng Hailong took out giant ginseng or super Lingzhi, he could attract many thieves.

In the case that the price of giant ginseng and super lingzhi is still unknown, there are so many thieves who come to Xiaolong Village to take care of them, Meng Hailong feels that now everyone knows that giant ginseng and super lingzhi are treasures worth 100 million, and there will definitely be more people who come to Xiaolong Village to take care of them.

Because of this, Meng Hailong had to make some preparations in advance. The people who were about to come, but all of them sent him money, as the master, he had to prepare a welcome ceremony for them!

According to Meng Hailong's arrangement, the magic arrow and the sword mark each led five people to guard the village, and the safety of the villagers depended on them.

Hongdou and Zitong are responsible for protecting the safety of Meng Jianguo and his wife, while Zhao Qingqing and Xiao Yutong are handed over to the female one.

After this period of investigation, Meng Hailong was also relatively satisfied with the performance of the female first, and it was precisely because of this that he would rest assured that he would give them the task of protecting Zhao Qingqing and Xiao Yutong.

When night fell, after dinner, everyone took their own responsibilities, and Meng Hailong also hid in the spirit jade space.

Guarding the giant ginseng and catching the thief, he decided that it would be better for him to go out himself.

It's not because Meng Hailong can't trust them with purple pupils, he just thinks that catching thieves is a very interesting thing, anyway, he is idle, so let's take it as entertainment.

Meng Hailong wanted to catch a few thieves and loot a little money by the way, but unfortunately, he waited for a full night, not to mention a thief, even Mao didn't see a single one.

This situation made Meng Hailong feel very puzzled, and he secretly thought in his heart, could it be that the thief hasn't received the wind yet?

This seems unlikely! The

news was sent to the Internet, and the speed of transmission was very fast, and even Yun Xue, who was far away in Haibei, she called to inquire, and there was no reason why the thief would not receive the wind.

Meng Hailong thought about it and felt that the thieves should not be sure to steal the ginseng from him, so they didn't come to take care of it.

But if the thief doesn't take care of him, Meng Hailong's income will be reduced a lot, which is not the result he wants.

Others are desperately trying to guard against thieves, but Meng Hailong is now trying to think about how to attract thieves over?

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong felt that he should release another message, that is, to expedite the recruitment of security guards, and explain that the security guards were recruited to protect the giant ginseng.

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