Recruiting security guards, this is just an excuse for Meng Hailong, the purpose is to make people mistakenly think that he is now short of security guards here.

The lack of security is an opportunity for thieves.

As soon as the news was released, few people came to apply, but some people were already ready to move.

If you can steal something worth hundreds of millions, you can wash your hands directly and live a happy life from now on, and you don't have to take risks stealing things again.

This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for those who are engaged in the thief industry, and the key depends on whether they have the ability and guts.

Night fell again, and Meng Hailong also hid in the spirit jade space again, waiting, waiting, waiting until two o'clock in the middle of the night, when he was drowsy, Meng Hailong finally waited for a man in black.

To be precise, this is not just a man in black, in fact, he is completely black, except for the row of snow-white teeth.

The person who came was actually an international friend, which made Meng Hailong feel a little surprised. But this is also normal, people abroad are also people, and they also have times when they are greedy.

The man who was as black as a charcoal quietly approached the house where the giant ginseng was placed, and was sure that this guy was here to steal the ginseng, Meng Hailong didn't grind, and directly knocked the person unconscious with a stick, dragged him to the cave, and let the hornets guard it, and he returned to the Lingyu space.

Although a thief was caught, the night was still peaceful.

Unable to wait for the thief, Meng Hailong suddenly found that one of the two pandas he brought back from Kumamoto was lying on the ground, as if he was sick.

The other panda circled around the panda lying on the ground, looking anxious.

There are only two pandas, and Meng Hailong attaches great importance to them, so after discovering the situation, Meng Hailong hurriedly came to the panda's side.

Without saying a word, he directly opened the perspective eye, and as soon as the perspective eye was opened, Meng Hailong was immediately happy, because he found that the panda was not sick, it was about to give birth.

In fact, this panda was already pregnant when it was still in the bear country, and after being sent into the spirit jade space by Meng Hailong, because they stayed on the golden land for a while, in addition to their own growth rate accelerated, the baby panda in their belly also accelerated their growth.

No, it's only a few days away, and it's going to be produced.

After about half an hour, the panda successfully gave birth to three cute red pandas, not only Meng Hailong, but also the two pandas were also very happy.

Meng Hailong arranged for the three newborn red pandas to live on the golden land, and the two giant pandas, Meng Hailong let them stay in the mountains, so that the red pandas can grow faster and the giant pandas will not age too early.

Meng Hailong was reminded of the fact that the panda gave birth to a baby panda, and he spent more than half an hour gathering all those animals.

The perspective eye opened, what animal was pregnant, Meng Hailong knew it just by looking at it.

All the pregnant animals were arranged by him to live on the golden land, and those animals that were not pregnant, Meng Hailong also gave them a death order, and the pregnancy process must be completed as soon as possible.

Seeing that there were a lot of these pregnant animals waiting to give birth, Meng Hailong was secretly happy in his heart, it seemed that he didn't need to wait too long for his plan to come true.

As soon as the animals were arranged, Meng Hailong saw another guy sneaking up to the mountain.

This time it was not an international friend who came, but a young man with a thief's eyebrows.

The young man was about sixteen or seventeen years old, Meng Hailong glanced at him, and felt that this guy couldn't have much money, so he didn't bother to catch him, ran to him, stretched out a hand directly, and shook it in front of this young man.

This hand that appeared out of thin air immediately frightened the young man into a fart, and he was afraid of alarming the people here, so he hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from screaming, and then there was a wild run, running down the hill, faster than a rabbit.

Seeing that young man was so frightened, Meng Hailong felt funny. At the same time, he was also secretly thinking in his heart that if he looked at anyone unhappy in the future, he would definitely be able to scare people stupid by using this trick directly.

After the young man, there were no more thieves.

The sky was slightly bright, and knowing that there could be no thieves coming, Meng Hailong came out of the spirit jade space and came to the cave.

The black man who was knocked unconscious by him last night had already woken up, but he couldn't leave, and he didn't think he would be alive after rushing out.

In fact, the black man had been trying since he woke up, and he found that he was fine if he didn't move, but if he tried to get out of the cave, the hornets would immediately attack him.

After many attempts, the blacks gave up the idea of rushing out, and instead waited for an opportunity, a time for the hornets to rest.

It's a pity that he didn't wait for the hornet colony to rest, so he waited for Meng Hailong.

Seeing that Meng Hailong easily walked in from the hornet's nest without being attacked by the hornet, the black man's face showed a shocked look.

"Even buy karma!" the

black man chirped crookedly, but Meng Hailong ignored him, and when he finished speaking, Meng Hailong spoke: ", do you want to die here, or do you want to get out of here and continue to live your life? If you want to die here, then you can assume that I didn't speak." But if you want to get out of yourself, you have to give your money.

After Meng Hailong finished speaking, the black man chirped again, Meng Hailong also went to college, although he couldn't understand Kumamoto's dialect, but the black man spoke English, he could still understand it.

The black man actually told Meng Hailong that he didn't want to die here, but he wouldn't give the money to Meng Hailong either.

Hearing him say this, Meng Hailong became angry, he knew that if he didn't teach this black man a lesson, he would definitely not know the height of the sky.

Walking over in two steps, Meng Hailong stopped talking nonsense, and directly punched and hit.

But what he didn't expect was that the black man's body was as strong as a cow, and he hit it hard, not only did he not hurt the black man, but on the contrary, Meng Hailong felt that his fist was like hitting an iron plate, and it hurt slightly.

With a shake of his hand, an iron pipe slipped down Meng Hailong's sleeve and fell right into his hand.

Holding the iron pipe, Meng Hailong no longer had to worry about his hand hurting, and lifting the iron pipe towards the black man was a slamming slam.

Seeing this, the black man just said "even buy karma" in his mouth, and then he had to dodge.

As long as you are a person with brains, you know that if you use a flesh and blood body to resist an iron pipe, the final result is only to be beaten and bruised.

The black man tried his best to dodge, but unfortunately, the space in the cave was limited, and the speed of Meng Hailong's attack was fast, so he couldn't completely avoid it.

The iron pipe smashed on him, and no matter how strong his ability to resist beating, he could not withstand it, and after being beaten several times in succession, the black man raised his hand and surrendered.

It's a pity that it was useless for him to surrender.

Meng Hailong gave him a chance, but he didn't want it, and now, if he surrendered, Meng Hailong naturally couldn't accept it.

The iron pipe was raised, and he was beaten at the black man again, and Meng Hailong's idea was to beat him down first.

This kind of person, if you don't give him some cruelty, he will not accept you. But if you are ruthless, he will become more docile than a goat.

Sure enough, after being beaten by Meng Hailong, the black man nodded obediently and promised to transfer all his money to Meng Hailong's account.

The laptop was laid out, and the blacks began to transfer money.

Seeing the millions of earnings coming in, Meng Hailong agreed to let him leave.

It's just a thief, not a big traitor, Meng Hailong doesn't feel the need to kill him, if he sees a thief and kills him, I don't know how many people will die in this world.

After letting go of the black man, Meng Hailong received a call from Song Qingshu.

After the news of recruiting security guards was released, Song Qingshu became the head of recruitment, but all those who came to apply for jobs went to him to register.

called Meng Hailong because Song Qingshu recognized a person, an extreme thief.

The Extreme Thief, as the name suggests, is a thief who challenges the limit, and Song Qingshu feels that the arrival of the Extreme Thief must be because he regards stealing giant ginseng as a challenge to the limit.

"Village chief, this thief is very powerful, and it is rumored that he has never missed it, even if it is something from the presidential palace of a certain country, he can also steal it smoothly, and he has not left any evidence. Song Qingshu said with some concern, "The Extreme Thief pretended to come to sign up for the job, he must have come to step on it, Village Chief, should we take him down directly?"

"No!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "Since this person is an Extreme Thief, then I am very interested in seeing what he is capable of." "

Although the giant ginseng is priceless, there are many in the spirit jade space, so Meng Hailong is not worried that the giant ginseng will really be stolen.

If that extreme thief really had the ability to steal the giant ginseng from him, then Meng Hailong would not only not be angry, but would also be impressed by him.

The extreme thief mentioned by Song Qingshu is actually a young man of twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with a height of one meter and seven meters, a flat head, and smart eyes.

He was wearing a set of sportswear, and on the whole, he was a very ordinary young man.

If he hadn't seen a photo of an extreme thief somewhere before, Song Qingshu would never have known that such a person was actually an extreme thief.

After registering with Song Qingshu, the extreme thief did not leave in a hurry, but walked around Xiaolong Village, and finally, he went to the mountain to take a look.

Because Meng Hailong had explained, he didn't need to pay attention to him, so even if he knew that the extreme thief was memorizing the route, Song Qingshu just pretended not to know.

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