When Song Qingshu registered the thief, he made an excuse to take a photo of him, and then he sent the photo to Meng Hailong's mobile phone.

With this photo, Meng Hailong also quickly noticed the person of the Extreme Thief.

When he saw the thief walking towards the row of two-story small western-style buildings, Meng Hailong stepped forward to stop him and said to him, "Friend, I'm sorry, this is our residence, you can't get close." "

Oh!" the thieves didn't count, but craned their necks to take a look, and then he turned and walked up the hill.

Seeing him walking towards the mountain, Meng Hailong hurriedly reminded him, "Friend, there are tigers and jackals on the mountain, I advise you not to go up." "

Thank you for the reminder, but I'm not afraid of tigers, because my name is Wu Song. The Thief said with a smile, and then he continued his way up the hill.

Seeing that the Extreme Thief was so arrogant, Meng Hailong wanted to release the tiger and teach him a good lesson, but after thinking about it, he still didn't do it after all.

Since this person can be called an extreme thief, then his ability must be very strong, and besides, he just said that he is not afraid of tigers and jackals, Meng Hailong believed it.

Ordinary people may be frightened when they encounter tigers and jackals, but for some masters, it is nothing.

The reason why Meng Hailong dispelled the idea of releasing the tiger to teach the thief a lesson was that he was afraid that if he released the tiger, the tiger would be harmed or even killed.

Last time, he was killed by those bears and killed a blood wolf, and Meng Hailong is still distressed.

He didn't dare to release the tiger rashly, but Meng Hailong could order the hornet, and not long after the thief walked up the mountain, a group of wasps appeared in front of him.

Meng Hailong's guess was right, no matter how strong his ability was, it would be impossible for him to fly away and meet swarms of hornets, even if he was an extreme thief, he could only choose to flee.

Seeing the Extreme Thief descending the mountain and leaving, Meng Hailong went back to the room and took out his laptop, and was about to inquire about something related to the Extreme Thief, but at this moment, his mobile phone rang.

took out his mobile phone and found that the call was from Hu Sijia, so Meng Hailong answered it, but it was not Hu Sijia's voice on the other end of the phone, but a man's voice.

"If you don't want to see Hu Sijia die, take that information and go to the rooftop of the Huahao Yueyuan Hotel, I'll give you two hours, when the time comes, if you haven't come yet, I'll push her off the rooftop." Also, don't call the police, otherwise, you will bear the consequences. With

those words, the phone was cut off.

Meng Hailong was very angry in his heart, the other party asked him for information, and he immediately knew what this information meant, and it was not Li Maoshan's criminal information? The other party wanted Li Maoshan's criminal treatment, and Meng Hailong

naturally knew who kidnapped Hu Sijia.

Originally, he wanted to give the Li Maoshan brothers a chance to survive, but now it seems that there is no need for that.

Drove to Huahao Yueyuan Hotel as fast as possible, parked the car, and Meng Hailong came directly to Hu Sijia's bedroom.

He didn't go directly to the rooftop, because he felt that Hu Sijia was still in the hands of the other party, and if he went directly to the rooftop like this, it would be difficult to save Hu Sijia from the other party's hands.

The only way is to use the spirit jade space to rescue Hu Sijia first, as long as Hu Sijia is out of danger, and then he has to clean up those people, it will become much easier.

After entering Hu Sijia's bedroom and closing the door, Meng Hailong came directly to the rooftop through the spirit jade space.

After coming to the rooftop, Meng Hailong saw that Li Maoshan and Li Maosheng were also here, Li Maosheng was better, and his injuries had almost recovered, but Li Maoshan was different, he still had a lot of straps wrapped around him, and he looked sick.

Looking at the time, Li Maosheng said to the two people beside him: "It's almost time, that kid should be almost there, you go over there and hide, he will appear in a while, just beat him to death, after the deed is completed, each of you can get one million." "

Thank you, Mr. Li. After listening to Li Maosheng's words, the two men both looked excited, one million is enough for them to squander for a while.

"Maosheng..." Li Maoshan shouted in a deep voice, and Li Maosheng hurriedly walked over.

"Brother, what do you think?" Walking up to Li Maoshan's side, Li Maosheng hurriedly asked.

"Maosheng, although this woman is beautiful, but she knows too many things, and keeping it is a bane after all, you can play as much as you want, but she can't stay, after playing enough, remember to clean it up." Li Maoshan said lightly.

The woman he is talking about is naturally Hu Sijia.

At this moment, Hu Sijia was lying on the ground on the rooftop, not knowing whether he was drugged and unconscious, or was knocked unconscious by those people.

In the Lingyu space, seeing Hu Sijia, Meng Hailong hurriedly opened the perspective eye, checked her whole body, and found that she was just knocked unconscious, and there was nothing wrong with her body, so he was relieved.

Meng Hailong listened to the conversation between the Li Maoshan brothers just now, and knew that they wanted to murder him and Hu Sijia, so Meng Hailong would no longer be merciful to them.

took out a steel needle soaked in tranquilizer grass and quietly pricked the two thugs, and soon, the two people were anesthetized and fell to the ground respectively, unconscious.

This sudden scene startled the Li Maoshan brothers, and they felt that the situation was a little bad, so Li Maosheng took out a dagger from his body and walked towards Hu Sijia quickly.

Li Maosheng wanted to control Hu Sijia in order to use her to threaten Meng Hailong, but after he took a few steps, he felt that someone had kicked him in the stomach, and the whole person flew back backwards, knocking Li Maoshan, who was seriously injured, to the ground.

The two brothers were lying on the ground, screaming in their mouths, especially Li Maoshan, whose ribs were broken, and they had not yet recovered.

But soon, their screams stopped abruptly. Because they all saw at the same time, one foot appeared out of thin air, yes, out of thin air.

Both of them were frightened by the foot that appeared out of thin air, and even, they forgot the pain on their bodies, and just looked at the foot that appeared out of thin air in a daze.

Fortunately, soon, the owner of this foot also appeared out of thin air.

As soon as this person appeared, Li Maoshan and the others were immediately frightened, because they saw that this person who appeared out of thin air was Meng Hailong.

Being able to appear out of thin air, they already regarded Meng Hailong as a ghost.

Anyway, it's either a ghost or a god, and it can't be a human being, because it's impossible for a human to do that.

It was precisely because they regarded Meng Hailong as a ghost and god that they were scared enough. If you offend people, there is still room for negotiation, but if you offend the ghosts and gods, I am afraid that you will not be saved!

Walking out of the Lingyu space and looking at Li Maoshan and Li Maosheng who were trembling, Meng Hailong said in a cold voice without the slightest emotion: "Heaven has a way, if you don't go, there is no door to hell, you have to break through." If you want to die, then you can't blame me. "

Dada... Big brother, I'm sorry, we know it's wrong, please don't kill us, as long as you're willing to let us go, you can do whatever you want us to do.

"Yes, yes, we can burn money for you, burn a lot of money, well, women, luxury cars, villas, these will all be there, as long as you can spare us..."

"The contract of the hotel is no problem, you can ask for money, we will give it all to you, and you can just let us go." Li Maosheng didn't think about it and said, "100 million, I'll write you a check now, and we can give you 100 million." "

One hundred million?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Is one hundred million all your money?"

"Almost all the deposits in our bank!" Li Maosheng replied, "Big brother, to be honest, 100 million is already a lot.

"As I said, I want all your money, and if you're not sure how much money you have in your bank account, let me help you figure it out. With that

, Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone and called Yike, asking him to help inquire about the private accounts of Li Maoshan and Li Maosheng.

At the same time, Meng Hailong did not forget to ask Yike to check the account of Hi-Tech Group.

Soon, Yike sent a short message to Meng Hailong, which clearly stated the balance of the private account of the Li Maoshan brothers, as well as the balance of the corporate account of the Hi-Tech Group.

After reading the short message sent by Yike, Meng Hailong smiled happily.

Li Maoshan's two brothers don't look very good, but they have a lot of money, and the private accounts of the two people, plus the company's accounts, have a total of more than 800 million.

And this money will soon change hands, and Meng Hailong will take care of it for them.

The contract of the hotel was signed by Li Maoshan first, and then, Meng Hailong took out a laptop out of thin air in front of them, which immediately scared the Li Maoshan brothers.

According to the information provided by Yike, Meng Hailong first asked Li Maoshan to transfer money, and as soon as the amount of money was said, the guy said with a sad face: "Big brother, I don't have so much money, you asked me to transfer so much money to you, isn't this my life?"

As he spoke, Meng Hailong's hand grabbed out of thin air, and he grabbed a mountain-opening knife from the Lingyu space, and raised this mountain-opening knife high, Meng Hailong slashed at Li Maoshan's head without even thinking about it.

Anyway, in front of these two people, he walked out of the spirit jade space, and he didn't plan to leave them alive.

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