"It's said that the meat and vegetables in your Xiaolong Village are very delicious, and I have never tried it!" Kang Xiaochen said, "If you have time another day, you must come to treat the village chief to you!" "

No need to change the day, you can do it now." Meng Hailong greeted with a smile, "Director Kang, let's go, go to my house, and I'll cook for you personally." "

Thank you, village chief!" Kang Xiaochen hurriedly said, "Not now, we are still at work, and if it spreads, it will not have a good impact."

"Today is Saturday, and it's supposed to be a public holiday, so it's okay. Meng Hailong pulled Kang Xiaochen and was about to go up the mountain, but Kang Xiaochen still insisted on his position.

Regardless of whether it is a public holiday or not, as long as they are still at their posts, they must abide by discipline and not lead badly.

Seeing that Kang Xiaochen had made up his mind, Meng Hailong didn't say anything more, and took out a jar of wine as a gift to them.

Meng Hailong was so warmly entertained, Kang Xiaochen couldn't refuse anymore, accepted the jar of wine, and left with the people from the health department.

"Village chief, you seem to be quite familiar with that leader!" Ye Haiyan walked over and said with some envy.

"Actually, I'm not familiar with it, it's just a general acquaintance. Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Tomorrow is the weekend, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau estimates that no one will go to work, wait for Monday, Monday morning, no matter how busy you are, you have to solve the problem of the certificate first, we can't make it difficult for the family!"

"Understand, I will personally handle this matter on Monday, the village elder, please rest assured." Ye Haiyan smiled and nodded.

After dinner, Meng Hailong took Liu Jinrui's hand and went for a walk.

With the development of Xiaolong Village, Meng Hailong is now getting busier and busier, in the past, when he was just a poor bastard, he could often come out at night to quietly date Liu Jinrui.

But now, he feels that he is lacking in skills, and the time he can spend with Liu Jinrui is becoming less and less, and Meng Hailong is actually starting to feel a little guilty in his heart.

But after all, it's all about life, and he can't help it.

When he didn't have money, working hard to earn money was his goal, but now that he has money and his career has developed, he has more things to do, because he must protect all this and let it develop according to normal laws.

Otherwise, he will be left with nothing.

Because, everything now has formed a chain, and if this chain is broken halfway, everything will be ruined.

And this is what Meng Hailong does not want to see.

"Rarity, you won't blame me, will you?" asked Meng Hailong suddenly.

"What am I complaining about you?" Liu Jinrui frowned and asked, "Brother Hailong, have you done something sorry for me outside again?"

"Uh, that's not true!" Meng Hailong hurriedly said, "I just think that I am spending less and less time with you now, and you will inevitably be a little unhappy in your heart!" "

Heh, I am still happy when you are not there, and I am happy to be alone." Liu Jinrui said this wrongly.

In fact, there is another woman who doesn't want her beloved to be able to be by her side more, but Liu Jinrui knows that Meng Hailong is really busy. Moreover, he is busy for their future to be better, which she can completely understand.

Being able to have such an understanding fiancée, Meng Hailong was very satisfied, and as soon as he reached out and hugged him, he took Liu Jinrui into his arms.

After the publicity on the day of the ginseng auction, the sales of soothing tea gradually improved.

After people tried it, they found that the soothing tea does have a good effect on the treatment of insomnia, so they continued to promote it in the circle of friends, one to ten, ten to hundred, one hundred to thousands, after countless forwards, the product of soothing tea unconsciously exploded the circle of friends, becoming the most popular health care product at the moment.

Because many people have experienced it first-hand and determined that the sleep aid effect of soothing tea is good, people have bought this product and used it to give it to their elderly parents, so that the elderly can have a better sleep.

The hot sale of soothing tea can make Yu Xin happy.

This product not only brought her good economic benefits, but also made her company famous in a short period of time.

When Yu Xin called Meng Hailong, she laughed non-stop from beginning to end, which made Meng Hailong despise her a little, a product sold well and made her happy like this, if she was given another product, maybe she would have cerebral congestion.

Yu Xin is happy for a reason.

At her age, she is divorced and single, in addition to taking care of the company, she also has to take care of Linlin, which is really not easy.

Coupled with the fact that Mrs. Xiong Group has been suppressing her company, Yu Xin is worried. If her company can't survive that day, what will happen to her future? If

she is just one person, then failure will fail, and this is not a big problem.

However, she has an old man to support and a daughter to cultivate, and she can't afford to lose.

It is precisely because of the huge pressure that one day, when these pressures are completely gone, Yu Xin feels happy, which is a matter of course.

ended the call with Yu Xin, Meng Hailong was just about to put his mobile phone in his pocket, but at this time he received a call from Gao Qiang.

On the phone, Gao Qiang told Meng Hailong that he had prepared all the stone tablets according to his instructions, and asked Meng Hailong what arrangements he needed.

Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "Arrange a car and send the stone tablet to Xiaolong Village." After

receiving Meng Hailong's instructions, Gao Qiang naturally did not delay the time, and immediately arranged this matter, and now, he has regarded Meng Hailong as his reborn parents.

Without Meng Hailong, Gao Qiang may still be running errands to lead people, it can be said that without Meng Hailong, there would be no current Gao Qiang.

Therefore, he must know how to be grateful.

All the work was carried out in a tense and orderly manner, and Meng Hailong quietly released some animals on the mountain, and even the baby elephant was released by him twice.

Basically, every animal in the Lingyu space will appear on the mountain.

And Xiao Yutong is now running up the mountain more and more frequently, and new animals appear every day, which makes her feel very surprised.

When she got up in the morning, the first thing she did was to run to the mountains to see if there were any new animals.

In his busy schedule, Meng Hailong took time out of his schedule and finally wrote down the process of shooting a promotional video. The process he wrote was actually quite simple, with not many lines, just to show that the animal would come first.

When this thing was delivered to Rowling, it immediately frightened her.

"Village Chief, are you writing a fairy tale?" Rowling

became more and more frightened the more she watched, and when she started to look at it, she saw something like a poisonous snake and scorpion, and her scalp was already a little numb, but when she saw that the tiger, lion, elephant, and even the panda came out, Rowling couldn't help it anymore and hurriedly asked.

Not to mention where these beasts came from, it is simply impossible for people to cooperate with these beasts and make

a promotional video!" "Manager Luo, you can think of it as a fairy tale, but I can guarantee that when we shoot this promotional video, your company will be more famous than Aiwen's company." Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." "

The question is, can we make such an unusual promotional video?" Rowling continued, "Village Chief, you are full of murderous predators, even if Xiao Yutong is an animal trainer, can she ensure the safety of our team?"

"It must be!" Meng Hailong said without thinking about it, If you still can't trust me, I can also take out a sum of money to bet on your company first, and then return the money to me after the promotional video is filmed.

"It seems that this is the only way to go!" said Rowling with some helplessness.

If it was without signing an agreement, Rowling would definitely not want to take over the business, because it was too risky, not only for her to take risks, but for the whole team to follow her to take risks.

If it's really not dangerous, then forget it. But in case there is an accident during the filming process, if you don't get it right, it will be a matter of total annihilation.

After watching Meng Hailong's plan, although Rowling was reluctant to make this promotional video, she had already signed an agreement with Meng Hailong and received his deposit.

Rowling doesn't have that much money to compensate now, so she can only bite the bullet and hope that everything will be as Meng Hailong said, and there will be no danger.

After some discussion, Meng Hailong wrote a check for 10 million to Rowling, of course, the money was not the cost of filming the promotional video, but to protect Rowling's personal safety.

The two parties signed an agreement again, if Rowling's people were attacked by beasts during the filming of the promotional video, then the money would be used as compensation to Rowling's company.

And if everything goes well during the filming process and the people on Rowling's side are safe, then after the filming is over, the money will have to be returned to Meng Hailong.

When Meng Hailong and Rowling were discussing this matter, Rowling's cousin Luo Gang was also present.

This Luo Gang is a man in his forties, a lot older, but he has always been a single dog, living a life where one person feeds the whole family and is not hungry, and because of this, he has developed the habit of eating and being lazy.

Recently, because he was idle in his hometown and had nothing to do, he learned that Rowling had opened a company, so Luo Gang came uninvited and took the initiative to ask to be a cleaner in Miller Media.

Just now, he was pretending to clean up in Rowling's office, but he actually wanted to hear what kind of business the niece was talking about.

Seeing Meng Hailong take out 10 million as a deposit, as soon as he left, Luo Gang hurriedly walked to Luo Lin's side, and said to Luo Lin in a low voice: "Girl, our chance to make a fortune has finally come." "

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