"Uncle Gang, what good ideas have you come up with again?" asked Rowling with a frown, she was also helpless about the cousin in front of her.

Because they are relatives, Luo Gang has to come to work with her, and Luo Lin can't refuse.

However, her cousin was too lazy to eat and not cook, and he tried his best to give her some bad ideas. Two days ago, Luo Gang watched the performance of a beautiful anchor on the computer, and gave Rowling advice to change the nature of the company to a live broadcast platform.

Although the live broadcast platform is very hot now, it is not so easy to transform a media company into a live broadcast platform.

First of all, you have to cultivate a large number of anchors, otherwise, the platform will be made, without anchors, you can't gather popularity, and everything will be in vain.

Luo Gang's suggestion was quickly rejected by Rowling, but I don't know what ideas Rowling's cousin will give her today.

His eyes flickered a few times, and Luo Gang said: "Girl, I heard the conversation you had with that person just now, as long as you are willing to listen to me, the 10 million is ours."

"Uncle Gang, that 10 million is a deposit, if the situation goes well, it will be returned to others." Rowling explained.

"What if things don't go well?" Luo Gang's face showed a wicked smile, and he continued, "According to his plan, there must be a lot of beasts in the shooting location, and we people will go over, if someone is injured a little, the money will not be ours." "

Uncle Gang, what do you want to do?" Rowling asked with a frown, not knowing why, she always had a feeling that her cousin was bad again.

"Find someone who is not afraid of death, send it to the tiger's mouth, and the 10 million will be in our hands. Luo Gang continued, "Under the overpass, on the side of the road, let's find a random person and let him live comfortably for two days, so as to ensure that he can do what we say."

"Uncle Gang, do you have a fever?" Rowling said with some surprise, "How can you think of this kind of thing that hurts nature and reason, and makes money and kills?" "

Girl, it's not easy to make money these days, if you don't use your brain, you will be poor for the rest of your life." Luo Gang continued, "Those people under the overpass, whether they have a meal or not, if you can give them two days to enjoy it, in exchange for their lives, to ensure that they have no opinion."

"Besides, if you can't do this, then leave it to me, and after you do it, you just have to give me half of the 10 million."

"Uncle Gang, I won't do this kind of thing, and I won't allow you to do it. Rowling said seriously, "Uncle Gang, if you come nonsense, I will be the first to call the police to arrest you."

Rowling's tone was a bit heavy, because she knew that if she didn't take it seriously, her cousin would really get her into big trouble.

When Luo Lin said this, Luo Gang was also a little unhappy in his heart, and said in his heart that this was a great opportunity to make money, why didn't Rowling listen to him.

Meng Hailong didn't hear the conversation between Rowling and Luo Gang, and after coming out of Miller Media, he drove directly to Jiang Xiangsheng's clothing store.

asked him to help design the clothes before, but so far, Jiang Xiangsheng has not given Meng Hailong a single answer, and he doesn't know how the progress is.

Walking into Jiang Xiangsheng's clothing store, Meng Hailong knew that the retro peasant clothes were still being designed.

Seeing Meng Hailong come in, he hurriedly took out a stack of drawings and asked Meng Hailong to help choose and see which one was more suitable.

It took more than ten minutes for Meng Hailong to pick out a more distinctive drawing from the pile of design drawings and tell Jiang Xiangsheng to make clothes according to this design drawing.

Jiang Xiangsheng saw that the one Meng Hailong chose was quite satisfactory, and the two hit it off, and the design of the retro peasant costume was determined.

After the style was determined, Meng Hailong asked: "Boss Jiang, how long will it take for this batch of clothes to be produced?"

"If it's fast, two days!" Jiang Xiangsheng said confidently, "If the village chief needs to be urgent, it's okay for one day, I'll let the workers work overtime for one night." "

There's no hurry, it's okay for two or three days. After

the matter of clothing was decided, Meng Hailong drove back to Xiaolong Village. Recently, there have been a lot of things, but the work in the village has fallen a lot.

The piece of land rented from Liujia Village, Liu Qiuhong and his son had already mobilized the villagers of Liujia Village to turn it over, and they were waiting for Meng Hailong's next instructions.

Before returning to Xiaolong Village, Meng Hailong stopped by Liu Qiuhong's house, gave him the seeds of golden roses, and told him how to sow them.

Sow seeds during the day, and at night, when no one was around, Meng Hailong quietly used the spiritual spring to give this piece of rain to the ground.

When he was done, Meng Hailong entered the Lingyu space and wanted to go home to sleep, but when he returned to the mountain, he accidentally found that two men with guns were sneakily touching the mountain.

"Thief?" Seeing these two people, Meng Hailong's brows furrowed slightly, there are no treasures on this mountain, could it be that they are here to poach?

Thinking that these two people are likely to be here to poach, Meng Hailong also quietly followed.

Holding a stick in his hand, he walked behind these two people, and without saying a word, Meng Hailong took the stick and knocked it down on their heads.

One per person, fair enough.

After knocking the two guys unconscious and collecting their guns, Meng Hailong took out a rope and tied them to the tree, and then he brought a basin of water and splashed it on the faces of the two to wake them up.

The two guys were splashed in the face with a basin of water and woke up immediately.

When they opened their eyes, they were shocked to find that they were being tied to a tree.

Seeing that they woke up, Meng Hailong didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Say, in the middle of the night, you guys are sneaking around, what are you doing on my mountain?"

"Didn't do anything." One of them was the first to answer.

"What about you?" Meng Hailong walked up to the other person and asked, "Don't you want to do anything either?"

The man shook his head vigorously, and said that they could only tell what they were going to do on the mountain, but they couldn't say it.

Besides, didn't they get knocked out by someone without doing anything? As long as they didn't admit it, I believe that Meng Hailong wouldn't be able to do anything to them.

"Since you don't want to tell the truth, well, wait a minute and don't regret it. After saying this, Meng Hailong didn't bother to pay attention to them, walked to a stone next to him and sat down, waiting to watch a good show.

In the woods, several pairs of blood-red eyes were approaching, and soon, several blood wolves appeared in the sight of the two men.

"Blood wolf, it's blood wolf, quick... Let go of us..."

"Big brother, uncle, hurry up... Please hurry up and untie the ropes, or the blood wolves will eat us.

"Don't climb relatives, I'm not your eldest brother, let alone your uncle, if you want to live, you can explain the purpose of your going up the mountain first." Meng Hailong said unhurriedly.

"You untie the ropes from us first, and when those blood wolves are gone, we will tell you what you want to know. "

The blood wolf will come to you soon, if you waste any more time, it will be too late!" Meng Hailong was still sitting on the stone, and he also crossed Erlang's legs, looking extremely relaxed.

However, the two guys who were tied to the tree were already so scared that they peed their pants.

They don't know how ferocious the blood wolf is, let alone a group, even if it is a horse, it can tear the two of them into pieces.

"We heard that there are wild animals on this mountain, and we are here to try our luck. "In a life-or-death situation, these two guys finally told the truth.

They knew that wild animals were very valuable, and when they heard that there were many wild animals on this mountain, they specially bought two tranquilizer guns through special channels, planning to try their luck on the mountain, and if they could catch a tiger, it would be developed.

It's a pity that before the tiger saw it, they had already been caught by Meng Hailong.

"The tiger dares to catch it, your courage is really big enough!" Meng Hailong looked at these two people coldly, if he didn't teach them a lesson, he was afraid that there would be people who would want to try their luck in the mountains in the future.

Because of this, Meng Hailong decided to let them dry here for one night first, let the fierce beasts on the mountain come to comfort them, and then notify the police tomorrow to lock up these two guys.

After making up his mind, Meng Hailong stopped paying attention to them, took off their socks, gagged their mouths, and made sure that their screams would not disturb people to rest, and Meng Hailong went down the mountain and went home.

Pity these two guys, their mouths are gagged, they are called every day, the earth is not spiritual, and they don't know what to do.

One night, in addition to the blood wolf, tigers, lions, cheetahs, and even some poisonous snakes came to take care of them, but fortunately, after these poisonous snakes and beasts came, they did not attack them except to scare them and and pee on them.

But even so, it scared them into complete incontinence.

When Meng Hailong came here the next morning, the two of them were already on the verge of collapse, and they were obviously frightened last night.

Seeing them like this, it was no longer possible to escape, so Meng Hailong took out a mountain knife and cut the rope that bound them.

Then, he took out his mobile phone again and dialed Liu Hai's number.

After the phone was connected, Meng Hailong briefly explained the situation here, and Liu Hai felt that this was not a big deal, so he casually sent someone over and took away the two poachers who were trying to hunt rare animals.

Although the person was taken away, Meng Hailong's mood was still a little complicated.

The two poachers had been caught by chance, and if he hadn't bumpered with them, perhaps the wild animals on the mountain would have been killed by them!

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