The two cucumbers that Meng Hailong took out were grown in the Lingyu space, and after the irrigation of the Lingquan, they naturally had a different taste, and they tasted crisp and sweet, and they were extremely delicious.

At the beginning, Meng Hailong suddenly handed her a cucumber, Guo Xiaoai didn't understand what Meng Hailong's intention was, and when she saw Meng Hailong biting the cucumber, as if eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, she realized that the cucumber taken out of this product was for her to eat.

Cucumber Guo Xiaoai has not eaten it, but she has never seen anyone eat cucumber as a delicacy.

But looking at Meng Hailong's satisfied look, it didn't look like he was pretending, Guo Xiaoai was immediately curious, brought the cucumber Meng Hailong handed her to her mouth, and took a tentative bite.


The cucumber is crispy, Guo Xiaoai has never eaten it, bite into his mouth, chew it gently, his mouth is full of sweet juice, and there is a faint melon fragrance.

Just after taking such a bite, Guo Xiaoai's brows suddenly relaxed, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

Swallowing the cucumber in his mouth, Guo Xiaoai opened his mouth and asked, "Village Chief, where did you buy this cucumber, why is it so delicious?"

"This is a specialty of our Xiaolong Village, of course it is delicious." Meng Hailong smiled proudly, looking like he had known this for a long time.

"Your Xiaolong Village is really a magical place, the mineral water produced is delicious, and the cucumbers grown are so delicious, next time if I have the opportunity, I really have to go to your Xiaolong Village to live for a few days and taste these magical things in your village. "

I welcome you on behalf of Xiaolong Village!" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Xiao Ai Beauty, I don't care if others come, if you come, you can live for a lifetime, eat, drink and sleep, and I guarantee that you don't have to spend a penny."

"It's like I'm going to take care of you. Guo Xiaoai rolled her eyes and said this angrily, and then she put the cucumber in her mouth and bit it again.

While eating cucumbers, Guo Xiaoai kept praising them, and after eating a cucumber, she stretched out her hand to Meng Hailong again, and said unsatisfactorily: "Village chief, do you have any cucumbers, give me another one." "

Well, it's gone!" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "If you're really greedy, let the plane fly back to Xiaolong Village, and make sure you have enough to eat." "

Aren't you talking nonsense?" Guo Xiaoai pursed her lips, and then ignored Meng Hailong after speaking, she was too tired yesterday, she slept late and got up early, she would be sleepy when she was full, she had to sleep for a while, otherwise, she would not have the energy to do things when she got to Xiba.

Seeing that Guo Xiaoai was asleep, Meng Hailong didn't bother her.

He can't sleep anyway, he slept for so long yesterday, if he can still fall asleep, then he is not a human, but a pig.

Looking around, everyone was closing their eyes to recuperate, and Meng Hailong quietly took out a book from the spirit jade space and watched it quietly.

Since his father woke up and fully recovered, Meng Hailong has hardly read medical books, it's not that he is lazy, it's just that with the development of all walks of life, he has more and more things to do, and he can't spare time at all.

Now that he has time, he takes out a medical book and charges himself more.

After reading a thick book, the plane also slowly landed at the capital airport in Xiba. Everyone got off the plane with their luggage.

Meng Hailong and Guo Xiaoai sat together, as a man, he naturally had to exert the great spirit of caring for women and help Guo Xiaoai carry the box, which became Meng Hailong's business.

Of course, this kind of thing as a coolie is not something that anyone can do if they want to, and Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't know how much he envies Meng Hailong.

But what's the use of envy, Guo Xiaoai's mind is now all on Meng Hailong, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows very well that if he walks over, he will inevitably attract Guo Xiaoai's eyes.

Because of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang can only keep this account in his heart, and when he has a chance in the future, he will find Meng Hailong to calculate it together.

After getting off the plane, people transferred to buses and headed to the Olympic Village.

After more than 20 hours of locomotive fatigue, I thought that after arriving at the Olympic Village, everyone would be able to rest, and there was a very dilapidated facility in the Olympic Village, and it could even be said that this was an unfinished project.

The exposed wires, the lights that can't be turned on, the wash basin without water, and the bathroom that can't be seen from the doors and windows, all of these things made everyone feel extremely surprised.

"Xiao Ai Beauty, are you sure this is really an Olympic Village, not a slum?" Meng Hailong asked with a frown, this situation was really unexpected.

"Hmm!" Guo Xiaoai nodded solemnly, explained a few words to everyone, and asked everyone to find a place to sit down and rest first, and then she walked outside.

Historically, this is the worst Olympic Village that Guo Xiaoai has ever seen, with the worst environment and facilities, and she needs to figure out whether the entire Olympic Village is like this, or if only the place where they live is so poor.

If it is the former, then she can still bear it, after all, everyone is like this, which proves that Huaxia's team is not discriminated against.

But if it is the latter, and Xiba deliberately arranges such a place for the Huaxia team, then the nature of the matter is different.

After some inquiry, Guo Xiaoai soon found out that in fact, Xiba did not deliberately arrange a place with a poor environment for the Huaxia team, and the entire Olympic Village was all the same.

A certain country is even more exaggerated, the place they are assigned to, there is no electricity or water, and even the bathroom emits a burst of stench, and the athletes come and can't stay in such an environment at all, and they all gather in an open place to protest the inaction of Xiba's side.

After finding out the situation, Guo Xiaoai hurriedly went back and arranged for everyone to start repairing the facilities in the room.

Since this is the case in the entire Olympic Village, it is not a matter of time or a half to wait for the Xiba side to send people to repair it, but it is better to do it yourself and repair those facilities, so that everyone can have a place to rest.

It took a few hours for everyone to finally fix the facilities in each room, and by this time, everyone was already tired and sweating.

Seeing that everyone was working hard, Guo Xiaoai hurriedly said: "Everyone take a break, I'll invite everyone to have a good meal later, and reward you."

As soon as Guo Xiaoai said this, the people who had no spirit immediately cheered, in a foreign country, the goddess invited to dinner, although it was a group dispatch, but everyone was still very excited, only one person was not happy, and he was Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Eating with the goddess, this should have been his patent, but because of the appearance of Meng Hailong, things will develop in the opposite direction.

When everyone went to eat, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't go with everyone under the pretext of having a good rest.

Guo Xiaoai didn't say much about his performance, just like him, he would only spread negative energy, and love would not come.

Just when people were eating Xiba barbecue and drinking flavored juice, Zhang Xiaoqiang also contacted some people through some connections and started his plan.

Knowing that everyone was tired of locomotives, Guo Xiaoai asked everyone to take a good rest, adjust their biological clocks, and adapt to the discomfort caused by the time difference as soon as possible, so as not to affect the normal performance of the game.

Everyone went back to the room to rest, but Meng Hailong quietly walked to the stairwell.

Under the perspective eye, he had already noticed that there was an extra gunman in the stairwell. The reason why he is said to be a gunslinger is because he carries a pistol.

Meng Hailong didn't know how this person got into the Olympic Village, but since he got in, it was definitely not simple.

Especially since he still has a gun on him, Meng Hailong doesn't think that he came here to protect everyone's safety, as for what purpose he is hiding here, he can only wait until the interrogation is over.

The perspective eye was always open, and when Meng Hailong walked into the stairwell, the man hadn't noticed him yet.

It seemed that the man was in a state of half-sleep, a bit like a drug addict.

If he rushed over like this, Meng Hailong was not sure to solve the man before he could shoot, but in order to avoid making too much noise, Meng Hailong decided to anesthetize him first.

So he took out the tube, put it to his mouth, and blew on the man.

A steel needle was blown out by Meng Hailong and shot at the man at an extremely fast speed, and it was only at this time that he was a little sober.

But he was only awake for a second or two, and soon, he was completely anesthetized by the tranquilizer.

Seeing that this person had been completely anesthetized, Meng Hailong did not hesitate, and walked towards him quickly, and at the same time, a pair of gloves were already on his hands.

Walking up to the man, Meng Hailong stretched out his hand and pulled him up, and then he ran down the stairs to the top of the building.

The roof of the building should be a good place for interrogation, Meng Hailong thought in his heart.

dragged the man to the top of the building, Meng Hailong threw him on the ground, took out a small bottle from his body, and poured some medicinal powder into the man's mouth.

These powders are the latest research of Meng Hailong, and they are made with a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, which have the anesthetic effect of relieving the tranquilizing herb.

Of course, whether the effect is good or not, Meng Hailong doesn't know for the time being, because this is the first time he has used this medicinal powder on people.

The powder was poured into the man's mouth, and after waiting for a minute, Meng Hailong saw that he gradually woke up.

After the man woke up, he first rubbed his eyes, and when he saw the person standing in front of him clearly, he immediately reached out and touched the gun on his body.

It's a pity that this touch, he touched it empty.

This is not surprising, the gun he hid on his body had already been confiscated by Meng Hailong and thrown into the spirit jade space.

Unable to touch the gun, the man seemed to realize something, and wanted to leave after getting up from the ground, but as soon as he got up, Meng Hailong kicked at him and directly kicked him to the ground again.

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