"Say, what are you trying to do hiding in the stairwell?" kicked the man down, and Meng Hailong asked again in English.

"No, I didn't do anything!" the man replied in a shudder, the only gun on his body was gone, and Meng Hailong was so powerful, he was not a fool, even if he had an attempt, he would not admit it.

"My patience is very limited, and I advise you, until I use some means against you, it will be too late for you to regret it. Meng Hailong said coldly, "I'll give you three minutes, and after three minutes, if you don't want to tell the truth, I naturally have a way to make you tell the truth."

After saying that, Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone and began to calculate the time.

Before the time of three minutes was up, the guy spoke first, and he told Meng Hailong that someone had paid him to assassinate him.

But when Meng Hailong asked again, he couldn't ask anything.

The man was a drug addict, not a professional killer, the gun was given to him by someone else, and the man told him that as long as he could complete the task, he would get a large sum of money.

As for who that person is, this guy can't tell clearly, only that he is a Xiba man.

Meng Hailong wondered a little in his heart, he had never been to Xiba, and it was only the first day he came here, why did someone want to buy a murder to kill him, and things were too weird.

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong felt that there was only one possibility, of course, whether things were as he thought remained to be investigated.

The gunman was let go by Meng Hailong.

Because Meng Hailong felt that there was no need for him to clean him up, this person did not complete the task and lost the gun, and the person who hired him would not let him go.

After resting for a night, the fatigue of running around was greatly reduced, and the next morning, Zhang Xiaoqiang led the team to train, but Meng Hailong still did not go to the training.

In this regard, although Guo Xiaoxin was a little worried, she still didn't say anything.

Although she doesn't spend much time with Meng Hailong, Guo Xiaoai has a feeling that she feels that Meng Hailong is not an unreliable person, and he doesn't go to training, except for the fact that he has some disagreements with Zhang Xiaoqiang, he must also have confidence in himself.

Time flies, and the number of athletes stationed in the Olympic Village is gradually increasing.

Soccer teams, diving teams, table tennis teams, gymnastics teams, volleyball teams, etc., all live in the Olympic Village.

On the day of the opening ceremony, all the athletes went to participate, but Meng Hailong was lying in the dormitory and did not want to come out.

In his opinion, going to the opening ceremony was simply torture. The air here is not so good, in that crowded place, all you breathe is the smell of other people's sweat, it is better to lie in bed and watch the live broadcast.

Meng Hailong was lying on the bed watching the live broadcast, when suddenly, someone broke in.

It was a black man with sinister eyebrows and rat eyes, and he knew at a glance that it was not a good thing. This person didn't find Meng Hailong, and after he broke in, he immediately looked for something valuable.

His eyes fell on the suitcase in the room, and the man was quick to do it, but he was about to open it when he knocked it down with a stick.

With a "bang", the man, who was as black as coals, tilted his body and lay on the ground.

Meng Hailong took the iron pipe in his hand back to the spirit jade space, took out a rope and tied him up, just waiting for Liu Dagen and them to come back, and then let them call the police to deal with it.

Anyway, what the thief wants to steal is their things, Meng Hailong just helps them catch the thief, keep their things from being stolen, and let him go to the police, Meng Hailong naturally won't do it.

Because, he doesn't want to make trouble for himself yet.

After tying up the thief, Meng Hailong was about to lie back on the bed and continue to watch the live broadcast, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a woman's scream, which came from upstairs.

Coincidentally, the athlete who lived upstairs happened to have a person who did not attend the opening ceremony, no, she was frightened by the thief who suddenly broke in.

Although the woman's screams startled the thief, he saw that there was only one person in the room, and he immediately became bold.

The thief took out a dagger from his body and walked towards the woman, babbling as he asked the woman to take out all the valuable things.

Afraid of being hurt, Fu Yuanyuan had no choice but to do so, and took out her mobile phone, earrings, watches, and her wallet and handed them over to the thief.

The thief took the things but didn't leave immediately, and said something again, which turned out to be Fu Yuanyuan undressing.

If the thief just wants money, Fu Yuanyuan will not hesitate, the money can be given to him, as long as he doesn't come to hurt her, after all, money is something outside the body, and if it's gone, it's gone.

But the thief asked her to take off her clothes, and Fu Yuanyuan wouldn't do it.

Staring at the thief, Fu Yuanyuan gritted his teeth and said, "I gave you all the money and things, you better not go too far, otherwise, you will have nothing."

Fu Yuanyuan is ready to fight this thief desperately, as long as the other party dares to mess around, she will resist to the end regardless of everything.

The thief didn't take Fu Yuanyuan's words to heart, he said something in his mouth, and then he held the dagger and threw himself at Fu Yuanyuan.


After the thief fell, Fu Yuanyuan saw that there was already one more person in the room, a young man, and most importantly, an oriental man.

Although he didn't know this man, when he saw an oriental man here, Fu Yuanyuan felt that he had met a hometown and an old acquaintance.

"Are you alright?" the young man asked.

"Thank you for your help, I'm fine. Fu Yuanyuan smiled and asked, "Which team are you, why didn't you go to the opening ceremony?"

"There are too many people, I can't squeeze in." The young man smiled and said, "What about you, why didn't

you go?" "I wanted to participate, but I was a little unwell and couldn't go!" Fu Yuanyuan continued: "You haven't told me that you are from that team!"

"This... Is it important?" said the young man with a smile, "You just need to know that we are all descendants of Huaxia, and everything else is a floating cloud."

"What should I call you, can I say this?"

"My name is Meng Hailong, and everyone who knows me basically calls me the village chief." Meng Hailong smiled and said, "You can call me Brother Long, or you can call me the village chief." "

Village chief?" Fu Yuanyuan frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly said: "I remember, you are the village chief who has been very popular recently, you are the basketball team, right?"

"Uh, you know this!" Meng Hailong was a little depressed, when did he become popular, it seems that he didn't!"

Haha, the village chief is the village chief, and he really lives up to his reputation, he knocked the thief out with one punch, I admire you so much... Hiss!" Fu Yuanyuan was laughing, but suddenly he was holding his stomach and gasping for cold air, looking very painful.

Seeing her like this, and thinking of the discomfort she said before, Meng Hailong immediately knew that this girl was probably coming to the eldest aunt.

"It hurts, isn't it?" Knowing what Fu Yuanyuan's situation was, Meng Hailong said: "In your case, massage can effectively alleviate the pain, if you accept it, I can help you."

Meng Hailong said as he found a rope and tied up the thief who had been knocked unconscious by him.

He was still busy, and Fu Yuanyuan said, "You didn't lie to me, did you? Warp, hiss... Why haven't I

heard of it?"You haven't heard of it, it's because you haven't been exposed to it. Meng Hailong continued, "It is certain that massage can alleviate pain, but if it is to be completely cured, it needs traditional Chinese medicine to regulate.

Without waiting for Fu Yuanyuan to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "During the Olympic Games, for the sake of insurance, it is better not to take medicine, even if it is traditional Chinese medicine, there is a certain risk, in case the sampling test is unqualified, several years of hard work will be in vain."

"Therefore, I suggest that you choose a massage, reduce the pain first, and then use traditional Chinese medicine to cure your disease after the competition." "

How do I feel that you are not a basketball player, but more like a doctor!" Fu Yuanyuan endured the pain and continued, "I have seen many doctors for this disease, and they all said that it is impossible to cure it, because I am a swimmer, no matter whether it is hot or cold, I have to soak in water, the doctor said that it is common to get sick, and I want to be cured, unless I don't swim anymore."

"To be honest, I'm not a basketball player, let alone a doctor, I'm just a village chief, and I'm the best at raising pigs and growing vegetables, but I occasionally see people, do you know how I learned my medical skills?

Meng Hailong spent a few minutes telling Fu Yuanyuan how he learned medical skills, and after listening to his words, Fu Yuanyuan was a little more moved in his heart, and at the same time a little more suspicious.

Although Fu Yuanyuan was a little suspicious of Meng Hailong's medical skills, but her stomach was really hurting now, and she wanted to die of pain, so she simply decided to let go and treat the dead horse as a live horse doctor, anyway, even if the massage didn't work, it was impossible to kill her.

Fu Yuanyuan decided to receive a massage, so Meng Hailong asked her to lie down on the bed, while he stood on the side of the bed, put his hand on Fu Yuanyuan's abdomen, and gently massaged through his clothes.

At the beginning of the massage, Fu Yuanyuan didn't feel anything, but after two or three minutes, she was surprised to find that the pain in her lower abdomen was gradually reducing, which made her surprised and made her very happy.

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