Meng Hailong first asked the security guard to bring a small stove, light the fire, and put a small pot on it, the pot was filled with oil, and soon, the oil in the pot made a "zizi" sound, and as the sound disappeared, it proved that the oil had been boiled.

At this time, what kind of situation would it be if boiling oil was poured on a person's body, needless to say, just thinking about it can make people shudder.

Meng Hailong didn't plan to pour the boiling oil on the poisoner's body, but asked the security guard to help him rip off the guy's pants.

As a man, I believe that the most unacceptable thing is to lose the qualification to be a man.

The oil on the stove gradually smoked, and it could be seen that the temperature of the oil was getting higher and higher, and the eyes of the poisoner were full of horror as he watched the security guard pull his pants down.

He also heard what Meng Hailong said just now, and he wanted to use the boiling oil to waste the roots of his ancestry.

If he just beat him, scolded him, or even sent him to the police station, he wouldn't blink an eye, but what Meng Hailong was going to do now made him feel extremely frightened.

What frightened him even more was that Meng Hailong didn't even ask him anymore, if Meng Hailong still asked him, at least it proved that he might just be scaring him, but now, Meng Hailong seemed to be intent on cleaning him up.

Time flies like flowing water, and how the poisoner wishes that time could be suspended for him, but unfortunately, his wish cannot be fulfilled.

Seeing Meng Hailong pick up the small pot with boiling oil and walk towards him, the poisoner's stubborn heart finally collapsed.

"Brother, don't... Don't do it, I'll tell you everything you want to know, please don't do that!" a cold sweat broke out on the poisoner's forehead, he was really afraid, a fear from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing that Meng Hailong had no intention of stopping, the poisoner hurriedly said: "It was Mr. Zhang who asked me to do this, Mr. Zhang gave me 100,000 yuan, I can give you the money, please let me go!"

"Who is Mr. Zhang?" Meng Hailong asked in a cold voice.

Zhang Fei, general manager of Dinglong Hotel. "The poisoner did not dare to have the slightest concealment, and truthfully explained," Mr. Zhang said, under the influence of Huahao Yueyuan Hotel, the business of Dinglong Hotel plummeted, and now, the branch of Huahao Yueyuan is opened near Dinglong Hotel, if it is allowed to develop like this, Dinglong Hotel will face the risk of bankruptcy, so Mr. Zhang brought me to let me sneak into the kitchen of Huahao Yueyuan, and secretly poisoned me.

"Do you know what the consequences of doing this are?"

"I checked, a big pot of soup, only a bottle of paraquat, poisonous and not dead, at most it will make people diarrhea for a few days. The poisoner said truthfully.

"I recorded everything you said, and I hope you said the same when you got to the police station. After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, called Hu Sijia, and told her the progress of the situation, as for how to deal with this matter next, it was not his business.

Meng Hailong didn't expect that Zhang Fei could be so bad, when he first saw him, Meng Hailong felt that the person was a little arrogant, but he didn't expect that guy to do something to buy murder for the sake of business.


sighed in my heart, and then Meng Hailong walked to the restaurant, since he came, he had to eat a full meal before leaving.

Ji Yun, Annie, Liu Hai, Sun Xinxin and several of them came.

Seeing Meng Hailong, these four beauties came around, and Sun Xinxin was the first to speak, as soon as she came to Meng Hailong, she couldn't wait to say: "Brother Long, I heard that you are the village head, and the sisters are all taken care of by you, when will you give me a little care?"

The reunion just now made Sun Xinxin understand that Ji Yun has the only right to sell Fuyan in her hands, and Anne is not bad, the golden rose has been booked by her, as for Hu Sijia, needless to say, she was the first person to get benefits from Meng Hailong.

From this point of view, among several people, only Sun Xinxin, who is a teacher, and Liu Hai, who is a policeman, have not yet received benefits from Meng Hailong.

"Teacher Sun, when I run the school, the position of the principal will be left to you, is that okay?" Meng Hailong said seriously.

"What about me?" Before Sun Xinxin could speak, Liu Hai was anxious, "Village chief, are you going to give me a bureau chief when you run a police station?"

As soon as Liu Hai said this, everyone laughed.

The police station is not a school, so naturally it is not something that can be run if you want to, but a school is different, as long as you have money and qualifications, you can run it.

Meng Hailong said that he wanted to set up a school, in fact, it was also within his plan, but this goal was not achieved so quickly.

No matter what you do, you have to take it one step at a time, take it slowly, run too fast, and if you pull the egg, it will hurt the egg.

When he returned to the village, Meng Hailong purchased a batch of flower seeds by the way, and he wanted to see if the golden land could grow golden roses, and whether it could also turn other flowers into golden.

At night, as soon as the door was closed, Meng Hailong entered the Lingyu space.

Some of the flower seeds he bought were scattered on the golden earth, and of course, the most he sowed were the rose seeds, after all, it was a fact that golden roses could be grown here.

After finishing the work and reading the book for a while, Meng Hailong couldn't help but go to the village committee to find Liu Jinrui.

In order to avoid scaring Liu Jinrui, Meng Hailong did not appear directly in her room, but came to the door of her room first.

As soon as Meng Hailong walked out of the spirit jade space, he was alert to hear a small voice.

Although this voice was very subtle, in the ears of Meng Hailong, who had a keen sense of hearing, he could still hear it clearly, and it was clearly the sound of someone prying the door.

"Damn, is that bastard, how dare you do such a thing?" This discovery made Meng Hailong feel extremely angry in his heart, which is good that he came, in case he didn't come, he didn't know what Liu Jinrui would be bullied tonight.

Looking around, Meng Hailong saw a stick in the corner, so he walked over gently, took the stick in his hand, and just waited for the person outside to knock on the door and come in, and beat him.

After waiting for a long time, the person outside still didn't pry the door open, which made Meng Hailong have to despise him several times in his heart, at this level, he was actually embarrassed to come out and do bad things.

Bored waiting, Meng Hailong couldn't help but start to guess in his heart, who would be the person who dared to come to the village committee to pry the door?

Guessing and guessing, Meng Hailong saw who that person was, Meng Bo, Meng Changqing's son.

Meng Hailong never thought that Meng Bo was so bold, but since he dared to do bad things, Meng Hailong wouldn't care whose child he was.

This is an opportunity to set an example, and he must teach Meng Bo a hard lesson and let others know that the village committee is not a place where you can move casually.

More importantly, Meng Hailong also wants everyone to know that he doesn't want to beat his woman, otherwise, the end will be miserable.

With a stick in hand, Meng Hailong was about to rush up and beat Meng Bo, but he suddenly found that the door of the village committee was still locked, and Meng Bo had not pried the door open at all.

"Isn't it?" Meng Hailong hurriedly rubbed his eyes, a little doubtful that he had just hallucinated.

After rubbing his eyes, Meng Hailong took a closer look, but saw Meng Bo again, but this time he could see it clearly, Meng Bo was bending over, holding a wire in his hand and prieing the door.

"I can see through!" Meng Hailong was shocked, when he was unlucky, he could choke on drinking water, but when he was lucky, all good things came at him.

In order to confirm whether he could really see through, Meng Hailong hurriedly glanced at Liu Jinrui's room again, thinking about what Liu Jinrui was doing, and soon, through the wall, he clearly saw that Liu Jinrui was reading seriously.

"I'm rubbing, I can really see through!" Meng Hailong almost jumped up with excitement, he had perspective eyes, which was more exciting than understanding the language of animals!

After all, it was not the first time he had obtained a strange ability, although Meng Hailong was happy in his heart, he was not so forgetful, he cleaned up his excitement, and he continued to guard behind the gate of the village committee.

After waiting for an hour, my feet were numb, and Meng Bo pried open the door of the village committee.

Meng Hailong secretly admired Meng Bo's endurance in his heart, and at the same time, the stick in his hand had been raised high by him.

Meng Bo didn't expect that someone was hiding behind the door waiting for him, and after priing open the door, this guy crept in, and was about to lock the door again, but at this moment, a stick was slammed into his hand.


the stick didn't break, but the bone in one of Meng Bo's hands was broken, and before he could figure out what was going on, Meng Bo let out a terrible scream.

However, this is not the end, Meng Hailong waved his hand, and the stick swept over again, this stick hit Meng Bo's leg, and suddenly, one of his legs was also broken.

However, along with the broken one, there was also the stick in Meng Hailong's hand.

"What person?" Liu Jinrui, who was in the room, hurriedly ran out when he heard the movement, holding a pair of scissors in his hand to defend himself.

"Rarity, don't be afraid, it's just a thief, I've got it. Meng Hailong smiled at Liu Jinrui, kicked out, and kicked Meng Bo, who was kneeling on the ground and screaming, to the ground and rolled to the ground.

"Village chief, stop fighting, it's me!" Meng Bo couldn't stand it anymore, and when he saw that Meng Hailong was going to kick him, he had to beg for mercy.

"I know it's you, but it's you who I'm hitting. Meng Hailong didn't pay attention to him, since this guy dares to do bad things, he should think of the consequences, this time it's the village committee, and next time I don't know whose door he will prie, if you don't teach him a hard lesson, it's really not good.

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