Meng Bo's screams soon attracted some villagers, including his father, Meng Changqing.

After Meng Changqing arrived, he saw his son lying on the ground, his hands and feet were broken, and he immediately rushed over, pointed at Meng Hailong and asked angrily: "Village Chief, what do you mean by this?

He wanted to see if Meng Changqing would shield Meng Bo like this after learning that his son came to pry open the door of the village committee in the middle of the night.

"Bo, tell Dad, what are you doing?" Meng Changqing helped his son up and asked.

"Dad, I didn't do anything, as soon as I passed here, I was pulled in by the village chief and beaten violently, you see, even the stick was broken. Meng Bo cried and said, "Dad, folks, everyone wants to help me get justice

!" "What he said is not true!" Liu Jinrui knew that if this matter was not clear, it would bring Meng Hailong a lot of trouble, so after hearing Meng Bo lying, she hurriedly said, "It was not the village chief who pulled him in, it was he who secretly pried open the door and came in, and he happened to be caught by the village chief." The

two sides insisted on their own words, and the onlookers couldn't help but start talking.

This Meng Bo is also well-behaved on weekdays, and he shouldn't do this kind of thing of stealing chickens and dogs, but the village chief is also a fair and honest person, and he shouldn't beat Meng Bo for no reason, this thing is really elusive!

"Meng Bo, I'll only give you one chance, confess leniently, and resist strictly. Meng Hailong didn't speak, just to see how the villagers reacted, and now, the calmness of the villagers has satisfied him, and he is no longer silent, standing up and saying, "The last time the cabbage was stolen, everyone should also know that the village is equipped with surveillance, if you confess, it's fine, but if you continue to slander me, then I have to call the police."

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Meng Bo's eyes couldn't help but have a look of hesitation.

He was afraid, he knew that the last time Sun Laifu was caught stealing cabbage, it was because he was filmed by surveillance, if what Meng Hailong said was true, then the scene of him prying the door may have also been filmed, once the police were called, what was waiting for him was imprisonment.

Meng Bo didn't want to go to jail, because he knew that once he was in prison, his life would be completely finished.

Didn't he find a job and couldn't marry a wife after he came out of prison?

"Village Chief, if I tell the truth, won't you call the police?" Meng Bo suddenly asked.

"Then it depends on your performance, they are all from a village, and I will definitely cover what I can cover, but you have to honestly explain the situation clearly, and you must correct it if you know your mistakes. Meng Hailong's expression was serious, like a mentor.

Meng Bo despised Meng Hailong countless times in his heart, look at how great this girl is, if he would cover him, he wouldn't have broken his hands and feet with a heavy hand just now.

Meng Bo hesitated slightly, and then said: "I was wrong, village chief, I know it's wrong, I shouldn't have come to pry the door." "

Rabbit cub, did you really pry the door?" When Meng Changqing heard his son's words, he immediately became angry, in front of so many villagers, this face was lost.

The onlookers also sighed and sighed, and no one thought that Meng Bo, a person who usually guards himself, would do such an irrational thing.

When asked about the reason, Meng Changqing was even more angry.

It turned out that Meng Bo chatted online when he was okay at night, and someone in a group posted some small videos, and he couldn't help it after watching those small videos.

As soon as Meng Bo explained honestly, Meng Changqing couldn't help but give him a mouthful.

After beating Meng Bo in the mouth, Meng Changqing looked at Meng Hailong again, his face full of guilt, "Village chief, it's my old man's fault, it's my godson who has no way to let him do such a ridiculous thing, village chief, you should give me a face, this matter is over, okay?"

Meng Changqing was also afraid that Meng Hailong would call the police, after all, if this matter went to the police station, Meng Bo would inevitably be punished.

Once this young man leaves a criminal record, it will have a great impact on his future life.

Meng Hailong is not a person who does not care about human feelings, besides, he has already abolished Meng Bo's hands and feet, so there is no need to kill everyone.

I believe that after such a time, Meng Bo will also change his past mistakes and dare not do such a thing again.

After a little hesitation, Meng Hailong said: "Uncle, Meng Bo can take the initiative to admit his mistakes, which proves that his conscience is still there, and according to Uncle's wishes, give him a chance to change his past mistakes, but I will say the ugly things in front, and in the future, if he dares to do this kind of thing of stealing chickens and dogs, I will definitely not show mercy to his subordinates." "

Rabbit cub, why don't you hurry up and thank the village chief?" Meng Changqing looked at Meng Bo and scolded angrily.

Being yelled at by Lao Tzu like this, Meng Bo hurriedly said: "Thank you village chief, I promise that I will not do bad things in the future." "

Okay, it's okay, let's go back and rest!" Meng Hailong waved his hand, and the onlookers left one after another.

"Uncle, I'll go and ride the motorcycle, let's take him to the hospital!" Meng Hailong said, and then ran home.

drove a motorcycle, lifted Meng Bo to the back seat, and was supported by Meng Changqing, and went to the city hospital.

Helping to send Meng Bo to the hospital was not because Meng Hailong felt guilty, he was just doing what he was supposed to do.

Interrupting Meng Bo's hands and feet, Meng Hailong didn't feel any guilt.

Because he knew that if he hadn't come to Liu Jinrui just to find him, then after Meng Bo pried open the door, the person who was hurt would be Liu Jinrui.

Every time he thought of this, Meng Hailong was afraid for a while.

After returning from the city hospital, Meng Hailong naturally went to find Liu Jinrui as soon as possible.

After what happened just now, Liu Jinrui didn't feel sleepy at all, he wasn't even in the mood to read, he sat alone in the courtyard of the village committee and counted the stars in the sky, looking forward to Meng Hailong's return.

As soon as he saw Meng Hailong come back, Liu Jinrui threw himself into his arms, and the two hugged each other tightly.

"It's good that you're here, otherwise I don't know what would have happened. Liu Jinrui was also afraid for a while, she didn't think that she would be Meng Bo's opponent as a weak woman.

"Rarity, you'd better live with me!" Meng Hailong thought for a moment and said, "You live here alone, I still don't feel at ease after all

!" "Hmm!" Liu Jinrui thought for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

In the Lingyu space, the growth rate of the black soil is twice that of the outside world, and the growth rate of the golden land is twice that of the outside world Meng Hailong didn't know, he only knew that the rose seeds that were sown last night had all grown seedlings when he went to see them today.

At this rate, these seedlings can be transplanted tomorrow.

After waiting for a day, Meng Hailong deliberately rode out on a motorcycle, and he had to pretend, otherwise he would make some rose seedlings out of thin air, and he would not arouse the suspicion of others

! This acting was really troublesome!

Meng Hailong felt a little helpless in his heart, since he wanted to show the villagers, then he naturally couldn't go back too quickly, otherwise, people would also be suspicious when they saw him get the golden rose seedlings back not long after leaving the village.

Thinking that he hadn't gone to see Ye Haiyan and them for a while, Meng Hailong decided to take a look.

The business of the Sea Dragon Hotel has been very good recently, but it has also caused some trouble, such as now, the few tables in the store have all been occupied.

The reason why it is said to be occupied is because these people all got out of the same car, but they were separated, and each of them sat at a table.

With such an obvious behavior, Ye Haiyan and the others naturally saw that this group of people came to find fault on purpose. Unfortunately, they didn't have anything to do.

Not to mention that they are all college students and have no social experience, even if they have social experience, they are helpless in the face of those people.

Call the police, they didn't do anything illegal.

Let's drive people away, but people are really here to consume, a small stir-fry, a bottle of beer, how long people want to sit, it all depends on their mood.

"I can't do this business today!" Ye Haiyan shook her head and sighed.

At the beginning, a few of them opened this restaurant, and the original intention was indeed to help Meng Hailong, everyone knew that the situation at Meng Hailong's family was not good, and knew that he was going to grow vegetables and sell them for money, and after discussion, several people came up with such an idea.

But they never thought that they wanted to help Meng Hailong, but in the end, it turned out that Meng Hailong helped them.

Because of the Chinese cabbage provided by Meng Hailong, the guests of the hotel are stepping through the threshold every day, and they are also busy, because of this, Ye Haiyan's original intention has gradually changed.

Perhaps, going to college is not the best way out, and opening the Hailong Hotel all over the country has gradually become a new ideal for several of them.

However, before they could take a new step towards this new ideal, they had already suffered their first setback.

"Boss, let's have a cabbage in soup. A familiar voice suddenly came in, and Ye Haiyan and the others soon saw that their old squad leader was here.

"What are you doing?" Meng Hailong said jokingly after he walked in, "Is it because the business is too good to count the money and you are troubled?" "

It's good to have money, in the past two days, the daily turnover is five hundred yuan, and this money is not enough to even pay the rent!" He Jiayi couldn't help but complain, these days are really aggrieved, they are all about to become shrinking turtles.

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