Wang Honghai's movements seemed to be very slow in Meng Hailong's eyes, sitting on the sofa, Meng Hailong was unhurried, picked up a glass ashtray on the coffee table, looked at Wang Honghai's head and threw it out.

The ashtray made of glass weighed two catties, and after being thrown out by Meng Hailong, it smashed heavily on Wang Honghai's head.

was smashed by the ashtray like this, Wang Honghai only felt that the Venus in front of him was rising, and although the chair in his hand still smashed towards Meng Hailong, he only smashed the sofa, and Meng Hailong had already hid to the side.

When the chair fell down, Meng Hailong rushed up again, kicked Wang Honghai in the stomach, kicked the girl on her back, and fell to the ground, with blood on her forehead.

The few people who were playing mahjong with Wang Honghai just now, seeing this situation, they didn't talk about brotherly morality anymore, and just ran away.

Even Wang Honghai was beaten badly, they didn't want to be affected by the pond fish.

Taking two steps forward, Meng Hailong raised his foot and stepped on Wang Honghai's chest, and the guy suddenly felt that his breath was not smooth, and his chest was like a big stone that had weighed hundreds of catties.

Meng Hailong hated a wicked boss like Wang Honghai who bullied and dominated the market, if it weren't for the national law, he would want to kill this bastard directly.

"You kid is ruthless enough, but you have to remember that I remember this revenge today, unless you kill me, otherwise, I will definitely come to you for revenge in the future. Although Wang Honghai was trampled underfoot, he was not convinced at all, he was all mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, and it was difficult for him to protect himself, and he could still think of revenge, which was also a kind of courage.

"It's not going to kill you, but it should be fine to cripple you. Meng Hailong raised his foot as he spoke, and then stepped on it again.

However, this time he stepped on not Wang Honghai's chest, but one of his arms.


After the crisp voice sounded, it was Wang Honghai's howl like killing a pig.

"Hit, beat him. Xiao Kai covered his bleeding head and shouted in a weak voice, Wang Honghai's kick made him completely recognize this person, and he also wished that Wang Honghai would die.

"Village chief, this bastard has done a lot of bad things, I have evidence, you beat him to death, I will testify to you and guarantee that you will be fine. Xiao Kai continued, "He has killed people, I have a video of him killing people, you kill him, I will give you the video."

"If you really have evidence, keep it and hand it over to the police!" Meng Hailong is not so stupid, he is not a judge, and it is impossible to sentence a person to death casually.

"No, I've done some bad things for him, and the police will arrest me. Xiao Kai shook his head and said.

"You are still young, and now you know that you have a lot of prospects to reform and have a lot of prospects in the future, and I suggest that you turn yourself in, this is your only chance. Meng Hailong didn't plan to call the police to deal with it, after all, if Wang Honghai was just bullying the market, the police might not be able to file a case.

However, Xiao Kai said that Wang Honghai had killed people, if this is true, then the situation is different.

No matter what reason he killed someone, as long as he killed someone, it was a capital crime, and Meng Hailong didn't want to let go of this opportunity to punish evil and promote good.

"I have a friend who is a police officer, and if everything you say is true, I can talk to her and get some leniency for you, and you can think about it.

Meng Hailong said and tore off a piece of cloth from Xiao Kai's body and helped him bandage the wound on his head.

When he finished doing this, Xiao Kai finally made a decision, he took out his mobile phone, logged in to a cloud disk, and downloaded a three-minute video.

In the video, Wang Honghai was coaxing a woman to comply, the woman broke free and wanted to escape, but as a result, Wang Honghai picked up a brick and smashed it, but unexpectedly smashed the woman to death.

Seeing Xiao Kai betraying him, Wang Honghai was so angry that he scolded his mother, and threatened Xiao Kai, saying that he would destroy his whole family, and the end of this threat was that Meng Hailong abolished his other hand.

The severe pain made Wang Honghai unconscious.

After watching the three-minute video, Meng Hailong felt that this was ironclad evidence, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Hai's phone.

I heard that it was a homicide, and the bangs came quickly.

Meng Hailong told Liu Haiyi in detail about the situation, and told her to help Xiao Kai as much as possible, which made Xiao Kai almost kneel down for him with gratitude.

"Boy, behave well, you will change your life in the future, and come to Xiaolong Village to find me if you have nothing else to do. Before parting, Meng Hailong said this to Xiao Kai.

Wang Honghai went in, no one dared to move the things of his company, but Meng Hailong moved, called a few cars, and the cement was all transported away, as for the sand and gravel, it was pulled by the battlefield, although it was a little troublesome, but this thing was free, don't do it in vain.

Troubles can sometimes be turned into benefits, just like Wang Honghai.

It was originally a big trouble, but in the end it became a stepping stone for Meng Hailong to move forward, and with his stepping stone, Meng Hailong saved a lot of money in building roads.

The golden roses bloomed again, this time not just a few, but as many as ten acres of land, planted with all golden roses.

Of course, these roses are planned to be planted.

Meng Hailong is not stupid, he naturally will not plant all ten acres of land at once, in that case, when the roses are in full bloom, they will all bloom together, if they are not sold in time, it will be a pity to wither.

I have thought of this for a long time, so Meng Hailong planted it in batches.

Each batch is 500 plants, and the ten acres of land are divided into dozens of batches to plant, so that when the first batch of golden roses is sold, this land can be planted with the next batch of flower seedlings, and so on, the golden roses will continue to be provided to the market, and they can also ensure freshness.

The golden roses are in full bloom, and there is no one happier than Anne.

She was even happier than the villagers of Xiaolong Village, and when she received a call from Meng Hailong, she rushed over early in the morning, and when she saw the golden roses of the ten acres of land, Anne immediately had an urge to plunge into it.

Fortunately, she finally suppressed this impulse, otherwise the golden rose would have suffered.

The first batch of 500 roses were all collected, and nearly 50,000 yuan of banknotes entered the account of the Xiaolong Village collective.

This land belongs to the villagers, and the money is naturally everyone's when the flowers are sold.

Of course, this has to remove the part of the expenditure on buying seedlings.

In order to hide people's eyes, Meng Hailong must collect the money of this flower seedling, and besides, the money he collects is not cheap, thirty yuan for a flower seedling.

The reason why such an expensive fee is charged is because you don't want to arouse the suspicion of others.

When Anne transported the golden roses to her flower shop, there was already a long queue at the door of the flower shop, and the moment she received a call from Meng Hailong and learned that the golden roses were in full bloom, Anne had already posted such a message on her WeChat account.

People who had been looking forward to buying golden roses for a long time, as soon as they saw the news, they came to Nini Flower Shop to line up to buy them.

Especially some boys who are chasing girls, they regard the golden rose as their magic weapon, and are ready to use this flower to conquer the goddess in their hearts.

Seeing the golden roses on Anne's car, everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

In the sunlight, the golden roses emitted a golden glow, as dazzling as gold, and they were really beautiful, even more beautiful than those that I saw at the door of the Huahao Yueyuan Hotel that day.

"Miss Anne, I want ten golden roses.

"I'm sorry, but the number of golden roses is limited today, so each person can only buy one, and we ask for your understanding for the inconvenience caused. Anne was busy unloading the golden roses from the car and answering the crowd's questions.

"Isn't it, roses should also be purchased in limited quantities?"

"Beauty, you can't do this, I just have money, you can't limit how much I can buy."

"That's right, it's really not good, I'll pay double the price to buy more, this should be okay, right?"

"I'm sorry, this is our store's signature product, golden roses, the price of a flower is one hundred and ninety-nine, no bargaining, and no price increase will be arbitrary, each person can only buy one per day, if you feel that one is not enough, you can buy it again tomorrow." Anne replied with a smile, again causing dissatisfaction.

"Isn't it just some golden roses? It's as precious as a giant panda, and it's still a limited amount of purchases, but Lao Tzu doesn't buy it yet. In the middle of the group, a young man spoke.

Anne was not angry, she just took out her mobile phone casually, took a picture of the young man, and then said: "You are a man, I hope you don't regret what you said, from now on, as long as it is my Nini flower shop, guests like you are not welcome."

Anne's domineering made many people marvel in their hearts, this young exotic beauty actually has such a fierce side.

Of course, everyone thinks this is normal.

An exotic beauty, who came here alone and opened a flower shop, if she didn't have any skills, she was afraid that she would have been bullied nine streets long ago.

With the young man as an example for everyone, the people who were waiting in line to buy flowers did not say anything more, and obediently obeyed the command one by one, and according to Anne's wishes, the people who bought it were their turn to buy only a golden rose, and then left happily.

Although some people still feel that they can only buy one rose, they don't think that they will end up buying even one.

When it was a middle-aged man's turn to buy, although he didn't ask for more to buy, he asked a few more questions than others.

"Miss Anne, may I ask, where do you get these golden roses?"

"It's in Hai Duong City, where is the specific location, I'm sorry, I can't tell you because it's a trade secret. "

Anne is not stupid, if she tells everyone the address, won't it be equivalent to letting people go to steal business with her?

Although Meng Hailong agreed, the golden roses were only supplied to her exclusively, but if someone bothered him every day, things would not be easy to say.

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