"Miss Annie, I saw you say on TV that if this golden rose is dyed, you can guarantee that it will pay 100 for the fake, and this matter still counts, right?" the middle-aged man asked a second question.

"There is a saying in Huaxia that it is called the water that is spilled out when you say it, and since I said so, it naturally counts. Anne was slightly unhappy, but she was a guest, and if a guest had a question, she would usually answer it patiently.

After a slight pause, Anne added: "I can guarantee that the golden rose is absolutely naturally grown, and if anyone can come up with an authoritative statement to prove that the rose is dyed, I, Anne, am here to assure you that I will absolutely compensate to the end." "

Miss Anne, then I would like to ask, does your limited sale have anything to do with your decision to pay 100 for a fake one?" the middle-aged man continued, "Are you worried that some people will not be able to afford to pay for the flowers that have bought too many flowers and can prove that the flowers are dyed?"

If you're here to buy flowers, then, you've already bought them, you're ready to go, and there are still a lot of people waiting in line to buy them, so you can't waste everyone's time.

"yes, my girlfriend is still waiting for me, it's okay to go away."

"I've never seen anyone like this, if you suspect that the flowers are fake, you can not buy them, hurry up, Miss Anne is right, don't waste our time." The

middle-aged man was attacked by a group, and his old face was a little unbearable, so he had to leave angrily.

No one noticed that the middle-aged man had not gone far, so he took out his mobile phone and made a call, and when the call was connected, he said: "The flower grower is in Hai Duong City, but the specific location is there, and you have to check carefully to know."

"Send someone to follow Anne, and make sure you find a place to plant flowers." A voice came from the phone, and the middle-aged man nodded hurriedly.

Five hundred golden roses, although they are sold in limited quantities, are still sold out quickly, which shows that there are still many rich people in these years.

A flower costs one hundred and ninety-nine, but many people squeeze their heads and step through the threshold just to buy it.

Anne was very happy, although the flower shop she opened did not lose money, but after a year, it was not very good, and after having the golden rose, she believed that her career would go to the next level.


a car sped up and stopped in front of Nini's flower shop, the door opened, and a man and a woman jumped out of the car.

"Miss Annie, hello, I'm a reporter from Haiyang TV, Xiao Man, I want to do an interview with you about the golden roses, I don't know if you have time to cooperate

?" Anne glanced at the car at the door, there was indeed the word Haiyang TV on the body, there was no problem in thinking about it, so she said: "Yes, do you want to know about that aspect of the situation?"

Xiao Man made a gesture, and the male colleague next to him hurriedly set up the camera and started recording.

Seeing that his colleague was ready, Xiao Man tidied up his clothes and hair before he spoke: "Miss Annie, I have a few questions for you as to the golden roses, the first question, can Miss Annie tell us how you found the golden roses?"

I am a flower shop, indispensable to deal with flower farmers, golden roses are a flower farmer accidentally discovered and cultivated, as for the specific flower farmer, this is a trade secret, please don't ask, I won't give you an answer if you ask. "

Okay!" Xiao Man smiled bitterly, and the interview continued, "The second question, I want to ask Miss Anne, the price of a golden rose is sold for one hundred and ninety-nine, isn't Miss Anne worried that the Price Bureau will talk to you?"

It is not so easy to cultivate golden roses, and the cost required is not low, the price of my purchase is high, and the price of selling is naturally higher, I believe that the leadership of the price bureau is understandable. "

Okay, let's continue, this third question, I would like to ask Miss Anne, I heard that Miss Anne is selling the first batch of golden roses in limited quantities today, then, I think many people will be concerned, will these golden roses always be sold in limited quantities in the future?"

Anne continued, "Because golden roses are difficult to grow and produce low yields, I will always sell them in limited quantities when the market is in short supply.

"Okay, I'm done with my question, that's the end of today's interview, and we'll continue to follow up on the topic of golden roses. After Xiao Man said this, he gestured to the cameraman, and the camera was turned off.

"Miss Anne, my colleagues at the TV station have entrusted me to help them buy some golden roses to go back, I wonder if Miss Anne can make it easier for me?"

"I'm sorry, I can't break my own rules, and besides, today's flowers are all sold out, if you want, you can only buy them tomorrow." Anne said with a smile on her face.

In the course of this day, Nini Flower Shop can be said to have really broken the threshold.

Although the golden roses were sold out early in the morning, from the afternoon to the evening, there were always people who came to the door to inquire, which made Annette feel distressed, she knew that she should have prepared more flowers, how much business would have to be run!

The phone call to Meng Hailong, Anne complained a few times, but Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Don't worry, hang their appetite, the effect will be better!"

Although she said that, Anne was still very anxious.

Early the next morning, she drove to Xiaolong Village, but at the moment she set off, a car quietly followed her.

It stands to reason that the next batch of roses will need to be put on the market every three or days, but Anne was in a hurry and had to come and see, Meng Hailong really couldn't resist her, so she had to come.

"How about it? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Meng Hailong took Anne to the rose garden and said to her with a smile, "It will be at least three days before this batch of roses blooms, and it's useless for you to be anxious, besides, the price of golden roses is high, if we don't create an extremely out-of-stock phenomenon, can we detonate a rush to buy in a short period of time?"

Brother Long, how did I find out that you have become black since you became the village chief

?" "Is there one?" Meng Hailong deliberately looked at his hands, and then said with a smile: "Basking in the sun every day, it seems to be really dark." Anne

left, although with a little regret, but in her heart, more of an expectation, if there is a rush to buy golden roses, what will it look like?

Not long after Anne left, Xiaolong Village welcomed a merchant.

This is a real businessman, because the purpose of his coming here is actually to invest, an investment of 100 million.

In China, let alone a small village, even in a county, or even a city, an investment of 100 million yuan can attract the attention of leaders.

The businessman who came was called Jiang Zhiyun, and after meeting with Meng Hailong, he said a few polite words, and he expressed his intention to come and prepare to take out 100 million funds to build a flower cultivation base in Xiaolong Village, of course, what he wants to cultivate is the golden roses that Meng Hailong is planting now.

"Boss Jiang, I'm sorry!" Meng Hailong pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Our Xiaolong Village is just a small village, the land is sparse and the population is small, I am afraid that such a big plan of yours will not be able to be implemented here!" "

It's okay, the road is coming out step by step." Jiang Zhiyun smiled and said, "If there is not enough land, we can develop slowly, and it is better if the population is small, so that everyone can get rid of poverty and become rich faster."

"The key is that the land in the village is the cultivated land of the villagers, although I am the village head, I can't use the cultivated land of the villagers, that is the lifeblood of everyone, and I hope Boss Jiang can understand." Meng Hailong rejected Jiang Zhiyun very tactfully, in Xiaolong Village, he had his own blueprint, so naturally he would not let Jiang Zhiyun intervene.

"Otherwise, village chief, you gather the villagers, and I'll say a few words to them. Jiang Zhiyun thought for a while and said.

Regarding the matter of the flower cultivation base, Jiang Zhiyun will not give up so easily.

Since the day the golden rose was born, Jiang Zhiyun has taken a fancy to this market, used various means, and finally found it indirectly through Anne.

Now that the place has been found and the flower farmers have seen it, Jiang Zhiyun has absolute confidence to firmly grasp the project in his hands.

Seeing that Jiang Zhiyun did not hit the south wall and did not die, Meng Hailong was helpless, so he had to agree.

Of course, Meng Hailong will not let everything go too smoothly, and he still has to fight for the interests of the villagers.

After thinking about it, he said, "Boss Jiang, I can gather the villagers, but now that everyone is working, I'm afraid it's a little inappropriate, why don't you come back at night."

"It's okay, you just let everyone put down their work, and today's salary is mine." Jiang Zhiyun said very generously.

"Since Boss Jiang has said so, then I'll go on the radio now. Meng Hailong smiled, with Jiang Zhiyun's words, his goal was achieved.

There is a stereo installed in the ground, and as long as Meng Hailong goes home and picks up the microphone to shout a few words, the whole village can hear his words.

"Folks, everyone listen to me a few words, there is a big boss in our village, the big boss is sympathetic to the people, wants to chat with everyone, and is afraid of delaying everyone's work, so the big boss said, everyone is paid 500 a day by him, and today everyone just put down the work in their hands and accompany the big boss well. Meng Hailong continued, "If you are willing to chat with this big boss, now gather at the village committee!"

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