Meng Hailong ignored the owner of the apartment, and after carrying Bingli upstairs, he opened the perspective eye, and under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong quickly found an empty room, without saying a word, opened the door of this room, and he walked in directly.

Seeing that Meng Hailong had already walked into this room with Bingli in his arms, the owner of the apartment suddenly became anxious, and he strode over, wanting to stop Meng Hailong, but it was too late.

After Meng Hailong walked in with Bingli in his arms, he closed the door with a "bang", he put Bingli on the bed as fast as he could, and then moved a table in the room to block the door.

He knew that if he discussed with the owner of the apartment, the boss would definitely not agree to let him treat Bingli here, but Bingli's current situation was very urgent, and Meng Hailong had no time to look for other places, so he could only cut it first.

It's a big deal, after Bingli is out of danger, just give the owner of this apartment some more compensation.

Meng Hailong thought so, but the owner of the apartment also had his thoughts, he was worried that Bingli would have an accident with him, and he wanted to open the door to stop Meng Hailong, but he found that the door had been blocked, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the door.

Worried about an accident, the owner of the apartment had the option to call the police.

Meng Hailong also heard him call the police, but at this time, he couldn't care so much, saving people was important, no matter what, he couldn't let Bingli have anything to do.

Untied Bingli's clothes and took out the silver needle, Meng Hailong began to help her with the needle treatment.

Bingli's injuries were due to a strong impact, both her internal organs and her skull, which were seriously damaged.

In such a situation, even if you are sent to the hospital, there is little hope that you can be rescued.

But with Meng Hailong, the situation is very different. Learning the set of acupuncture methods researched by Ye Lao, coupled with the special airflow in his body, as long as he helps Bingli apply needles, he can repair those damaged parts of Bingli's body as quickly as possible.

After the human organ is damaged, under normal circumstances, there will be a time limit, as long as the damaged organ can be repaired within this time period, then Bingli will not be in danger of life.

Meng Hailong is now grabbing this time.

The silver needle quickly pierced Bingli's body, and when he pricked the needle, the airflow in Meng Hailong's body was also completely mobilized by him, and every time he pricked a needle, Meng Hailong would transport some of that airflow into Bingli's body.

Under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong could also clearly see that with his needle, the damaged organs in Bingli's body were rapidly recovering.

Seeing the recovery of Bingli's body, Meng Hailong was also a little relieved.

According to the situation he saw now, as long as there were no accidents, Bingli would be safe.

Twenty minutes passed quickly, but when the siren whistled at the door of this apartment, Meng Hailong finally completed the entire needle application process.

Pulling out the silver needle from Bingli's body and buttoning her clothes, at this time, Meng Hailong was already tired and sweating profusely, and he was out of breath.

However, he was not able to lie down and rest, because he knew that the police would soon rush in, and then he would have to be questioned by the police and might even be detained.

But none of this matters, as long as Bingli is okay, no matter what the price is, it will be worth it.

Knowing that the police were coming up, Meng Hailong didn't want to clash with the police anymore, anyway, Bingli's situation was stable, so he took the initiative to go to the door and move the cabinet blocking the door of the house.

As soon as the cabinet was removed, several policemen had already come to the door and started knocking on the door and shouting.

Meng Hailong quickly opened the door, he opened the door so quickly, several policemen at the door were startled, and the first one hurriedly pulled out a gun and pointed it at Meng Hailong, and shouted: "Police, don't move."

"Officer, don't be so nervous, can you?" Meng Hailong said with a smiling face, "I'm not a bad person, you quickly put away the gun and be careful of misfire." Naturally

, the police would not listen to Meng Hailong's words, he continued to point a gun at Meng Hailong to prevent him from attacking the police, and said: "Someone called the police and said that you broke into this apartment with a seriously injured girl, you honestly, what happened?" "

Here's the thing, officer." Meng Hailong took two or three minutes to tell the policemen in front of him the ins and outs of the matter, and after he finished speaking, he added: "I broke into here because the matter was urgent, at such a critical juncture, if I have to stop to go through the housing registration or something, maybe people will not be able to save them."

"Where is the injured girl?" The police officer said, "We're going to check on her."

"She's inside, officer, please come in." Meng Hailong invited a few policemen into the room, and then opened his mouth to introduce, "The injured girl, her name is Bingli, she is a famous lawyer in our Huaxia, before the accident, she was preparing to help me fight a lawsuit, I initially suspect that the reason why Bingli had a car accident was because the other party intended to murder her, so I implore the police officer here to investigate this matter and not let go of any murderer."

"Whether that's the case or not, we'll have to wait until she wakes up to find out." The policeman continued, "Before the person wakes up, it is useless for you to say anything, and we will not casually file a case for investigation because of your one-sided words."

After saying this, the policeman took out his mobile phone and dialed the 120 emergency number, preparing to send Bingli to the hospital for treatment.

Although Meng Hailong had some opinions on this, he didn't want to clash with the police anymore, so he could only let them arrange it. However, Meng Hailong also made a request, before Bingli woke up, he had to guard her in case of accidents.

Bing Li's life was not in danger, and the owner of the apartment was also relieved.

Although there were still some blood stains left in the room, it was better than killing people anyway. Meng Hailong wanted to give him more compensation, but thinking that his alarm caused him to be in constant trouble, Meng Hailong didn't bother to compensate him anymore.

Anyway, he threw him a few hundred dollars before, which was enough to compensate the apartment owner for his loss.

After the ambulance came, Meng Hailong and Bingli took an ambulance to the hospital, and of course, the policemen also went with them.

When she arrived at the hospital, Bingli still hadn't woken up yet, and Meng Hailong took a closer look and found that nothing was wrong with her body, so she didn't worry too much.

After all, she had just been seriously injured, and although she had recovered a lot now, she still needed more rest.

Bingli was arranged to do a series of examinations in the hospital, and after confirming that there was no major problem, she was pushed into a ward for observation.

Worried that the bad guys would come to the hospital to attack, Meng Hailong stayed with her every step of the way, and the policeman who was also the leader.

They stayed by Bingli's side for hours, finally waiting for her to wake up.

As soon as Bingli woke up, the policeman hurriedly recorded a confession for her, and asked about it, and the policeman found that what Bingli said was basically the same as what Meng Hailong said, that is, the reason why Bingli was seriously injured could not have been caused by Meng Hailong.

And he forced his way into the apartment with her, also to save people.

Judging from this, Meng Hailong's approach is not wrong, it should not be the object of their investigation, and the next thing they should investigate is Bingli's car accident.

Whether the car accident was an accident or someone did it deliberately requires careful investigation to determine.

According to the clues provided by Bingli after waking up, the car accident she suffered is very likely to be deliberately done by someone.

Because, what hit her was a mud truck without a license plate, and after hitting her, the mud truck escaped.

After the police recorded a confession for Bingli, they left, saying that they had gone to investigate the case. As for the cost of Bingli's hospitalization, Meng Hailong is naturally responsible.

After Meng Hailong's treatment and a few more hours to recover, Bingli is now not only not life-threatening, but also much, much better.

Although it is not completely cured, it will not be too long before it is cured.

According to this situation, she can be discharged from the hospital, besides, the air in the hospital is not good, if you don't need treatment, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

After asking Bingli's opinion and determining that she didn't want to continue to be hospitalized, Meng Hailong found a doctor and insisted on going through the discharge procedures.

Then, they took a taxi and went back to the Zhuzhou Hotel first, planning to come here first to pack up their things, and then move to the villa to live.

When she came to the room of the Zhuzhou Hotel, Bingli was immediately depressed, because she found that the materials she had worked so hard to prepare had been burned to ashes, and they were burned directly in the room where she lived.

"Village Chief, I'm sorry!" Seeing the situation in front of her, Bingli almost cried, which was the worst situation she had encountered since she became a lawyer.

All the materials placed in the hotel were burned, and the notebook that he carried with him, because he was placed in the car, had also turned to ashes at this moment, and all the evidence disappeared.

Without this evidence, it will not be so easy to win this lawsuit.

Seeing that Bingli was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry, Meng Hailong gently hugged her shoulders and comforted: "Don't cry, don't be sad, what should come will always come, it doesn't matter if you win or lose the lawsuit, the most important thing is that you are okay, as long as you are okay, other things don't matter."

Being hugged by Meng Hailong like this, Bingli felt very secure, so she didn't break away. Not only did she not break away, Bing Li also gently leaned on Meng Hailong's shoulder.

I don't know why, leaning on Meng Hailong's shoulder, Bingli had a feeling, or maybe an illusion, she felt as if she had found a safe harbor.

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