The evidence of staying in the hotel was all burned, and Bingli had nothing to pack, as soon as a few changes of clothes were collected and the room was withdrawn, the two of them took a taxi to the Zhonghai villa area.

heard that Bingli was in distress and almost lost her life, Guo Xiaoai's family sweated for her.

Listening to Meng Hailong's narration, everyone could think that in that case, if Meng Hailong arrived a little later, Bingli would definitely not be saved.

"I really didn't expect Cheng Shuai to be so ruthless." Guo Xiaoqing sighed with emotion, "Barrister Bing, I'm really sorry, I caused you to be burdened, and I almost lost your life, I don't even know what to tell you."

"Don't say that, as a lawyer, what I do is within my bounds, and it's not that you hurt me, but that this person named Cheng Shuai has lost his conscience." Bingli shook her head and continued, "This person is ruthless, no matter what, I will send him to prison with my own hands."

"But we don't have any evidence anymore!" Guo Xiaoqing said with some disappointment, "Without evidence, let alone sending him to prison, even if you want to win this lawsuit, it is estimated that it will be difficult, right?"

"I'll talk to Yike, maybe he will have a way!" Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone as he spoke, and was about to call Yike, but before the phone could be dialed, Bingli stopped him.

After stopping Meng Hailong, Bingli said: "I remember that the information, I seem to have passed it on to the clouds, yes, I did pass it on to the clouds, quick, find me a computer."

"I'll get it right away." Guo Xiaoqing came to her senses as soon as she heard it, and after saying that, she ran back to her room as fast as she could, and brought a laptop.

The laptop quickly opened and was placed in front of Bingli.

After connecting to the wireless network, Bingli hurriedly logged in to her cloud account, and everyone smiled when they saw the information stored in the cloud disk.

Cheng Shuai thought that he could win the lawsuit by destroying the evidence collected by Bingli, but he didn't expect that Bingli had already transmitted all the evidence to the clouds.

After making sure that the evidence was still there, Bingli went back to her room to rest.

Although her injuries have improved a lot, she is still very weak physically, Meng Hailong planned to make her some food to replenish her body, so he made an excuse, saying that he was going to the market, but in fact, he just found a place where no one was, and then took out some meat and vegetables from the Lingyu space.

I walked around casually, carrying two large lobsters and a soft-shelled turtle, as well as a few delicious Chinese cabbages and some matsutake mushrooms.

You don't need to have a lot of dishes, as long as they are delicious.

For dinner, Meng Hailong still did it himself, Guo Xiaoai gave him a hand, a cabbage in soup, a steamed lobster, a fried matsutake mushroom, and a soft-shelled turtle soup.

In addition, Meng Hailong made another matsutake baked rice.

It seemed like a simple meal, but it made everyone almost unable to walk.

After eating, Meng Hailong took out a small bag of dragon tea, and made a pot of tea for everyone, everyone sat in the living room, drinking dragon tea, watching soap operas, this life is going to race over the gods.

In two days, Bingli had completely recovered.

After her body recovered, not only did the injury not leave any sequelae for Bingli, on the contrary, she felt that her body seemed to be better than before.

No one knows, it's because Meng Hailong helped her with the needle.

Although acupuncture can't really change a person's body, with the special airflow in Meng Hailong's body, the situation is very different.

In the past two days, Meng Hailong and they have lived very comfortably, but someone is happier than them, and this person is Cheng Shuai.

Cheng Shuai thought that Bingli was seriously injured, all the evidence was destroyed, and he won the next lawsuit that was going to be held, so these days, he has been having a very easy time.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the court session.

This morning, Cheng Shuai deliberately put on a set of handsome clothes, and his hair was also waxed, and he dressed himself up like his name, very handsome.

When the time for the trial was approaching, Meng Hailong and Bingli appeared at the door of the court belatedly.

The lawsuit was not a big one, so not many people came to observe, not even journalists.

Seeing Meng Hailong and them, Cheng Shuai walked over with a smile, took off his sunglasses, looked at Bingli with a very unbeaten expression, and said: "This beauty, I heard that you had a car accident, I really didn't expect that you were still alive." But it's a good thing that you're alive, after all, it would be a pity for a beautiful girl like you to die at such a young age. "

Humph!" Bing Li snorted coldly, and didn't talk nonsense to Cheng Shuai, anyway, as long as he walked into the court, his life would change.

From today onwards, he will face a prison sentence.

But Cheng Shuai didn't think so in his heart, he felt that all the evidence of Bingli had been burned, and he Cheng Shuai would definitely win this lawsuit.

As long as he wins this lawsuit, his bank account and the company's bank account can be unfrozen, and at that time, he will still be the multimillionaire.

When the court opened, Cheng Shuai took the lead in walking in, looking at his arrogant appearance, Meng Hailong really wanted to rush up and beat him up.

However, this impulsive idea was finally suppressed by him.

Cheng Shuai would soon get the punishment he deserved, and Meng Hailong felt that he didn't need to do it at this time.

If he really does it, Cheng Shuai will have an excuse to postpone the court day!

The trial soon began, and the two parties submitted their respective materials, and then Bingli made a statement of accusation. Listening to Bing Li recount his crimes word by word, Cheng Shuai's face gradually changed.

He originally thought that Bingli's evidence had been burned, but he thought that Bingli had now found these evidences again, which was too difficult for Cheng Shuai to accept.

"Your Excellency, Cheng Shuai's crimes are not only these, he not only illegally embezzled other people's property, but also spent money to buy the evidence in my hands with the intent to murder and destroy when I had the evidence and was about to accuse him. If it hadn't been for the village chief's timely arrival, the judge and I would have been separated by now. Bingli listed Cheng Shuai's crimes word by word, and today, she will avenge herself with her own hands, send Cheng Shuai to prison, and let him fall into the abyss from which she will never recover.

"Your Excellency, she is talking nonsense, I didn't buy a murderer to murder her at all, let alone try to destroy the evidence in her hands, if I really bought a murderer to murder her, then she can't be here now, and she won't have so much evidence in her hands." Cheng Shuai excitedly argued.

"Your Excellency, the evidence I collected before has indeed been destroyed, and all the evidence I have now comes from the cloud." Bingli continued, "Recently, because I found that my computer often crashes, and I was worried that the data would be lost, I stored all the evidence backup in the cloud, although the computer was burned, and the evidence in the hotel was also burned, but the information stored in the cloud will not be lost as long as the account is still there.

Without giving Cheng Shuai a chance to speak, Bing Li continued: "Your Excellency, regarding the matter of Cheng Shuai's murder with the intention of murder, I still have a witness to testify in court, please approve it." "

Witnesses." As soon as the judge struck the hammer, the guard at the door opened the door of the courthouse and invited in the witnesses that Bingli had said.

Seeing the witness Bingli said, Cheng Shuai was dumbfounded.

He is most familiar with this person, that is, the mud truck driver, Cheng Shuai never dreamed that this driver would testify against him in court.

But he already knew that with the driver's testimony, he was probably going to be finished.

After the mud truck driver walked into the courtroom, he first swore an oath to ensure that everything he said in court was true.

Then, he continued: "That day, Cheng Shuai found me and said that he gave me 50,000 yuan and asked me to drive a mud truck to hit a BMW. At that time, when I heard that there was a lot of money, I agreed to him in a fool's heart, and I made a mistake because of it, hoping that the judge would see that I would take the initiative to confess and punish me lightly in the future.

"Your Excellency, don't listen to his nonsense, I don't know this man, let alone meet him, he must have been found by them to frame me." Cheng Shuai said excitedly, after speaking, he turned his head to look at the mud truck driver, and said viciously: "Who the are you, why are you framing me, do you know, you are a bloody squirt."

"Cheng Shuai, you just admit it!" The mud truck driver continued, "The police found me, I have confessed, the police told me, as long as you confess, you can be light, don't struggle, make mistakes, have the courage to bear them."

"I bear your sister, I have no grievances with you, why do you want to frame me?" Cheng Shuai lost his temper without any image, but in fact, his heart was about to collapse.

"Your Excellency, I still have a second-person witness to prove that Cheng Shuai bribed someone else to sneak into my room and burned the evidence I worked so hard to collect, please ask Your Excellency Judge to approve the second-person witness to testify in court." Bingli said word by word.

"Pass on the second witness." The judge announced loudly.

This second witness was the person who was bought by Cheng Shuai, sneaked into the hotel room, and burned down Bingli to collect those evidence.

This person was caught by Meng Hailong.

He just found the security guard of the hotel and asked the security guard to provide the surveillance video of the hotel, and easily found out this person.

In the face of sufficient evidence, this guy had no choice but to agree to testify against Cheng Shuai in court, and only in this way could he get Bingli's forgiveness and get a lenient sentence from the police.

"Bastard, you want to slander me too, don't you?" Seeing this witness walk in, without waiting for him to speak, Cheng Shuai threatened viciously, "If you dare to slander me today, when I go out, you will definitely ruin your family." "

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