"Defendant, be careful about your words and actions." The judge reminded him in time that the words Cheng Shuai just said were obviously threatening the witnesses.

"Judge, I don't know him, he slandered me, you can't believe his words!" Cheng Shuai turned his head to look at the judge and said excitedly.

"Is he telling the truth or slandering, we only look at the evidence, please be quiet, otherwise, you will have one more charge of obstructing justice." Again, the judge reminded, "Next, ask the witness to take the oath."

After hearing the judge's words, the second witness who was brought in raised his right hand and said loudly: "I, Wang Dayong, I swear that everything I will say next is true, and if I lie, I will be struck by thunder." "

Witness Wang Dayong, now please state your testimony." The judge said.

"A few days ago, Cheng Shuai found me and asked me to help him do something, sneak into the Zhuzhou Hotel, and burn some materials related to him. At that time, he promised that he would give me 10,000 yuan as a reward after the deed, but in fact, he only gave me 8,000. Wang Dayong continued, "Your Excellency, I can guarantee that everything I just said is true and valid.

"The evidence in this case is conclusive, the defendant Cheng Shuai, because of the black box operation, illegally embezzled other people's property, the amount involved was significant, and conspired to kill the lawyer hired by the client, and also directed social personnel to break into the house and steal, destroying the client's information, the circumstances are particularly serious, this court made the following trial, Cheng Shuai used the secret plan to operate, the amount of illegal embezzlement must be returned to the party Guo Xiaoqing, and five times the compensation. In addition, Cheng Shuai was sentenced to life imprisonment for depriving Cheng Shuai of his political rights for life because of the attempted murder, and the circumstances were particularly serious, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment for immediate execution.

After listening to the judge's verdict, Cheng Shuai appealed in court, but the judge still upheld the original verdict. It is Cheng Shuai's right to appeal, and the judge only needs to be fair and impartial.

The result of the judgment was enforced by the court, and the frozen account of Shuai Shuai Novel Network, as well as Cheng Shuai's own account, all the amount in it was transferred to Guo Xiaoqing's account.

However, because the amount of money involved was huge, the money was not enough to compensate Guo Xiaoqing, and the court auctioned Cheng Shuai's company and the house where he lived, which made up for the vacancy.

Cheng Shuai's family found a lawyer for him, and with the advice of the lawyer, they appealed to a higher people's court, but unfortunately, because the evidence provided by Bingli and them was very conclusive, the higher people's court finally upheld the original verdict and rejected Cheng Shuai's appeal.

Cheng Shuai, who thought he was wise, was ruined by himself in his life.

Squatting in prison, he regretted it incomparably, at the beginning, if it wasn't for his money obsession, taking a black-box operation, and privately swallowing Guo Xiaoqing's manuscript fee, then, Guo Xiaoqing's book was a big hit, and he could also make a lot of money.

is completely to blame for being like this, and no one else is to blame.

In contrast, Guo Xiaoqing not only got back her own manuscript fee, but also received five times the compensation, and her net worth suddenly changed from zero to tens of millions.

The wish of the millionaire woman, Guo Xiaoqing finally came true.

She was celebrating with everyone in the hotel drinking wine, but at this time, the uninvited guest appeared again.

The person who appeared in front of them this time was Zhou Zimo's father, Zhou Keshan.

Zhou Zimo's death was a great blow to Zhou Keshan, who was originally studying abroad, and when he got the news of Zhou Zimo's death, he hurried back.

After many investigations, Zhou Keshan suspected that Zhou Zimo's death was related to Meng Hailong, and when he heard that Meng Hailong and they were drinking in the hotel to celebrate, Zhou Keshan brought someone over.

Seeing Zhou Keshan, Guo Bingliang and Shao Hua, and even Guo Xiaoqing and Guo Xiaoai, they all frowned, because they all knew that this person must be a bad person.

Meng Hailong and Bingli looked relaxed.

Meng Hailong didn't panic, that's because he wasn't afraid of anyone. And Bingli's relaxed face was because she knew that no matter what happened, it had nothing to do with her.

Sitting here, she is now a bystander.

Besides, with her understanding of Meng Hailong, as long as this guy is here, Guo Xiaoai's family will definitely not have any trouble.

This is called the bystander clear, and the authorities are confused.

Zhou Keshan brought not many people, only four, all of them were tall foreigners, and when these people stood there, the muscles on their bodies could scare people to death.

Walking straight in front of Meng Hailong, Zhou Keshan stopped, he crossed his hands on his hips, and said coldly: "You are Meng Hailong, right?" "

Yes, I'm Meng Hailong, do you have something to do with me?"

"Zhou Zimo is my son, I heard that you are very smart, I think you should also know my intentions." Zhou Keshan continued, "Today I only want to ask you, is my son's death related to you?

"Uncle, aren't you talking nonsense?" Meng Hailong waved his hand and said, "Our Huaxia is a society governed by the rule of law, Zhou Zimo's death, if it is related to me, do you think I can still sit here?" It's not possible.

"It's better that it has nothing to do with you, or I'll make your death ugly." Zhou Keshan didn't say much, and after saying this, he took people away.

Zhou Keshan's arrival has obviously affected everyone's mood.

Especially Guo Xiaoqing, who was originally in a good mood, has now become very bad.

Seeing her like this, Meng Hailong said: "Xiaoqing, you don't have to be unhappy, this old guy just scares and scares us, he can't afford to set off any waves." "

The reason why Meng Hailong said this is because he has already made a decision.

As the saying goes, the first strike is the strongest, and the second strike suffers, after experiencing so many things, especially Bingli's injury, Meng Hailong is even more sure that this truth is right.

Since Zhou Keshan was already hostile to them, then Meng Hailong could no longer sit here and wait for them to make a move.

He wants to take the initiative and solve Zhou Keshan's trouble first, only in this way will everyone not be scared.

Accompanied everyone back to the villa, gave an order not to go there until he returned, and then he took a car and left.

When Meng Hailong came back again, it was already the next morning.

He bought some early and came back, and after everyone washed up, they gathered in the living room to drink soy milk and eat breakfast, and by the way, he turned on the TV and watched the morning news.

As soon as the TV was turned on, everyone was stunned.

Because everyone saw at the same time that the content of the morning news report turned out to be the tragic death of Zhou Keshan.

The news said that last night, in the early hours of the morning, a giant python suddenly broke into Zhou Keshan's house, and the giant python ate Zhou Keshan in one bite.

The giant python not only ate Zhou Keshan, but also destroyed his villa.

The foreign security guards, who looked very strong, were not eaten by the python, but they were all buried alive, and in the morning, when the fire brigade arrived to carry out the rescue, they found them dead.

"Retribution, this is retribution!" After reading the news, Shao Hua said with emotion, "Good is rewarded, evil is rewarded, it's not that it is not reported, but the time has not yet come." The Zhou family must have done too many bad things, and God sent that big python to clean them up. That

being said, Guo Xiaoai's young generation doesn't think so.

Zhou Keshan's incident seems to be a natural disaster, but they all feel that it must not be caused by a natural disaster.

As for the specific reason, they don't know, and they won't talk nonsense, but they just know each other.

After eating breakfast, Meng Hailong and Bingli together, they took a taxi to the traffic brigade, although Meng Hailong's driver's license was revoked, but his road rage was worth a lot of money, and he was detained in the traffic police brigade, and he still had to go to get the car back.

"Village chief, you don't even have a driver's license, it's useless to have a car back, anyway, I don't have a car now, otherwise, you might as well give me your road rage." On the way, Bingli joked, "It just so happens that I can also save a sum of money on the cost of buying a car."

"Yes, when the car comes back, you just have to drive away." Meng Hailong said briskly without thinking about it.

"Really?" Bing Lixiu frowned slightly, she was just joking, but she didn't expect Meng Hailong to take it seriously again.

Last time she joked with him, she really got the one million Meng Hailong gave her, and this time Meng Hailong really wanted to give her the car, Bingli was a little flattered for a while.

One million has already scared her, and that road rage, although it has been driven by Meng Hailong for a long time, is still worth a lot of money, even if it is calculated at the price after depreciation, it is worth at least three million.

Such a valuable thing, Meng Hailong actually said that he would send it, without even blinking his eyes, which couldn't help but make Bingli start to worry a little, this guy shouldn't have any thoughts about her, right?

I don't know why, as soon as I thought that Meng Hailong might have thoughts about her, Bingli's little heart beat faster, just like the feeling of first love.

Still thinking nonsense in his heart, Meng Hailong spoke again: "Barrister Bing, what I said, of course, is true, I will send it if I say it, anyway, I don't have a driver's license, and I won't take the driver's license test again, and I won't drive again in the future." Besides, there are still twenty cars in my village.

"You don't go to get a driver's license, and you don't drive when you go out, which is sometimes very inconvenient." Bingli continued, "You are still so young, I suggest that you take another driver's license."

"It's because I'm so young that I can't get a driver's license anymore!" Meng Hailong said very seriously, "To be a man, you must be self-motivated, as a village chief, I can't drive all the time, I want to improve myself." So, I decided, I'm going to learn how to fly a plane, and when I go out, I'm going to fly out. "

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