Although he had some scruples in his heart, Meng Hailong also knew very well that if he let this guy surnamed Jiang leave easily today, then he would be even more passive.

Catch him, at least you can know from his mouth that the person who performed the witchcraft is hiding there, but if he lets him go, Meng Hailong will not know anything.

Because of this, Meng Hailong quickly made up his mind that no matter what the price was, today, he must leave this man surnamed Jiang behind.

Having made up his mind in his heart, Meng Hailong was already ready to do it.

But just before he could do it, the man surnamed Jiang spoke again, he still kept a smile on his face, and said unhurriedly: "Village chief, it is rumored that the person you love the most is your fiancée, I don't think you should joke with your fiancée's life, right?"

If I'm not mistaken, village chief, you must be thinking about arresting me and then torture me to find a way to cure your fiancée, although I am a little scared, but I still have to warn you that it is better not to do this. After

a slight pause, the man surnamed Jiang continued: "Village chief, you may not have found out, but I can tell you that as soon as you make a move, your beautiful fiancée will die immediately.

"Don't you just want the golden key? Yes, I'll give it to you, but you must first remove the witchcraft from my fiancée. Meng Hailong was very angry in his heart, and he wanted to kill all the people in Longmen, but before Liu Jinrui was out of danger, he had to swallow his anger first.

Once Liu Jinrui returns to normal, it will be the time for him to counterattack in a big way.

Hearing Meng Hailong's words, the man surnamed Jiang shook his head, and he quickly spoke again: "Village chief, don't treat me as a three-year-old child, only if you hand over the golden key, we will remove the witchcraft on your fiancée, otherwise, you will wait to collect her body." The

words "collect the corpse" came into Meng Hailong's ears, and he was instantly angry, but for the sake of Liu Jinrui, he had to continue to swallow his anger.

After thinking for a while, Meng Hailong spoke: "You also know that the person I love is my fiancée, if she has any three strengths and two shortcomings, I will destroy your entire Dragon Gate." What's more, I'll ruin the golden key.

As soon as these words were spoken, Meng Hailong saw that the face of the man surnamed Jiang changed slightly, so he continued: "What I care about most is my fiancée, and what you care about the most is obviously the golden key, I don't want my fiancée to have anything wrong, I think, you don't want the golden key to be destroyed."

"If you want to take a good golden key from me, and immediately remove the witchcraft from my fiancée, don't doubt it, I will only give you half a day, not twenty-four hours. Meng Hailong continued, "Before the sun goes down, if my fiancée still doesn't get better, you will never see that golden key again." "

Boy, you're kidding your fiancée's life. The man surnamed Jiang finally stopped smiling like he had just now, his face sank, and he said very dissatisfied: "If you still want your fiancée to live, hurry up and take out the golden key."

Threatened by this person, Meng Hailong did not panic, he sneered, bent down and picked up a stone from the ground.

The stone was held in Meng Hailong's hand, and when he pinched it hard, the stone was broken by him.

Doing this is not because Meng Hailong is idle, it is not that he has nowhere to vent, and it is not for showmanship, he just let the guy surnamed Jiang in front of him know that as long as he is willing to do it, he can crush the golden key.

Before, Meng Hailong had already learned from the mouth of the person who was captured by him that the golden key was quite important to Longmen, and because of this, Meng Hailong wanted to gamble, betting that they would not dare to poison Liu Jinrui.

If they poison Liu Jinrui, they will definitely not be able to get the golden key.

Meng Hailong's bet was right, and when he saw that he could crush a stone with one hand, the man surnamed Jiang showed a surprised expression on his face.

He never thought that in this world, there were hidden masters.

As a member of the Guwu Sect, the man surnamed Jiang knows better than others that it is not a simple matter to crush stones with his hands, even if he is barely able to do it.

After the performance, Meng Hailong patted the ashes on his hands and said, "You can go, before dark, if my fiancée hasn't improved, you don't have to ask me for the golden key, because it's useless for you to come."

After saying that, Meng Hailong turned around and left.

It's useless to talk too much to this guy, although he is very worried that Liu Jinrui's life will be in danger, but he has to make the guy surnamed Jiang even more worried.

After walking a few steps, the voice of the man surnamed Jiang came from behind him: "Boy, you'd better think about it again, otherwise, you will regret it."

"In my dictionary, I have never regretted these two words. Meng Hailongtou didn't reply, and after throwing down this sentence, he quickened his pace and walked towards the mountain.

seems to be in a hurry to go home, but in fact, Meng Hailong has his plans.

Rushing back home, he wanted to enter the Lingyu space from his own house, but Meng Hailong thought about it, there was still Zhao Qingqing in the house, and it was nothing to enter the Lingyu space in front of Liu Jinrui, but it would be bad to enter the Lingyu space in front of Zhao Qingqing.

Because of this, after returning to the mountain, Meng Hailong did not return to his own home, but came to Zhao Qingqing's house.

Zhao Qingqing's door was not locked, and when he gently pushed the door open, Meng Hailong quietly walked in. After entering the door, as soon as the door was closed, Meng Hailong suddenly disappeared.

Of course, he didn't really disappear, but entered the spirit jade space.

After entering the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong was just a thought, and he reappeared in the place where he had talked to the guy surnamed Jiang before.

Coming here again, the man surnamed Jiang has disappeared.

However, to find him, this is not a difficult task for Meng Hailong. Although the person surnamed Jiang was an ancient martial artist, in front of so many tourists, he still didn't dare to show some special skills directly.

When leaving, the guy surnamed Jiang slowly walked out of Xiaolong Village like an ordinary person.

After walking out of Xiaolong Village, the guy surnamed Jiang did not take the big road, but chose to walk on the small road, and after turning into a small road, his walking speed gradually accelerated.

In the end, when he walked to a place where no one was, this guy simply performed light skills and hurried towards a hidden place.

Standing in the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong didn't feel nervous at all.

Although he doesn't know how to do light work, he won't lose it, even if the guy surnamed Jiang is good, his speed can't compare to Meng Hailong.

In the Lingyu space, he only needed to move his thoughts to instantly move from one place to another, and light work was nothing to him at all.

After the guy surnamed Jiang performed light skills, he ran more than ten miles in one go.

Meng Hailong followed him closely, and eventually, they came to the top of a not very high mountain, where Meng Hailong finally met the man who could perform witchcraft.

It was an old man with gray hair.

The old man was wearing a Taoist robe, and when he was blown by the wind, it gave people a taste of Dao bone fairy wind.

The man surnamed Jiang performed light skills, like a leaf, and landed lightly beside the old man, and said, "Master, I'm sorry, I couldn't complete the task you gave me, please punish me." "

Is there any accident?" The expression on the old man's face did not change much, looking at the man surnamed Jiang, he said unhurriedly, "Apprentice, you don't have to blame yourself too much, that village chief is not simple, this can't be blamed on you, don't worry, as long as the golden key is still there, it will return to us sooner or later." "

Yes, master. After hesitating for a moment, the man surnamed Jiang continued: "Master, it's not that I want to destroy my own prestige and increase the morale of others, but, that kid is indeed very unusual, if I don't look away, his strength should be equal to mine, if I fight alone, I don't have much certainty of getting the golden key from him." "

Don't worry! Don't worry!" said the old man slowly, "as long as the golden key is really there, we don't need to be in a hurry, and we don't need to fight him alone." That boy's fiancée has fallen under our witchcraft, and it won't be long before he obediently hands over the golden key. "

But... Master, when I talked to him just now, that kid's attitude was very tough, saying that before dark, if he didn't see his fiancée's condition improving, he would destroy the golden key..."


Master, what are you going to do?" asked the man surnamed Jiang with a curious expression.

"You didn't want you to learn witchcraft before, but now you regret it, right?" the old man continued, "Witchcraft is a strange magic, and if you fall for it, if you want him to live, he will live, and if you want him to die, he will die."

"Doesn't that kid just want to see his fiancée's situation improve? The old man continued, "As a teacher, we only need to do a little trick, and when we have the golden key, we will make him look good." "

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