Being in the spirit jade space, hearing the old man's words, Meng Hailong really wanted to go forward directly to strangle him, but Liu Jinrui's current situation is not optimistic, if this old man is strangled to death, I am afraid that no one will be able to save her.

Because of this, Meng Hailong couldn't help but not make a move.

But he wouldn't wait like that, he opened his clairvoyant eye, and he quickly scanned the old man's whole body up and down.

Originally, Meng Hailong hoped to find some cheats related to witchcraft from the old man, and then find a way to remove witchcraft.

Unfortunately, after some searching, he didn't find anything at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Hailong made a decision, he had to take the initiative and couldn't wait any longer.

Since he already knew that the man who performed the witchcraft was the old man, he only had to subdue him.

Considering that this old man is a member of the Guwu Sect, his skills may not be bad, so to deal with him, Meng Hailong is ready to use a crossbow, he doesn't believe it, no matter how good this old man's skills are, he can still dodge the attack of the crossbow arrow in the dark.

When he brought the crossbow and was about to attack the old man, Meng Hailong's mind turned, but he suddenly felt that this did not seem to be the best method.

This old man used the people around him to threaten him, so why didn't

he give him a tooth for a tooth? Meng Hailong suddenly felt that if he caught the guy surnamed Jiang and used him to blackmail the old man, maybe there would be a good result.

Thinking so in his heart, Meng Hailong put down the crossbow in his hand, and quietly followed the guy surnamed Jiang, and when he walked out of the old man's sight, Meng Hailong took out a pipe and blew out several steel needles in a row at the guy surnamed Jiang.

The steel needle silently shot out from the spirit jade space, although the guy surnamed Jiang was from the Guwu Sect, but his ability was very ordinary.

By the time he sensed a hidden weapon shooting at him and was about to dodge, it was already too late.

Meng Hailong blew out a total of five steel needles, the guy surnamed Jiang only dodged the shot of two steel needles, and the other three steel needles pierced his body.

The steel needle was soaked in the juice of the tranquilizing grass, and its anesthetic effect naturally went without saying, and it only took less than five seconds for the guy surnamed Jiang to fall to the ground.

Seeing that the guy surnamed Jiang had been anesthetized, Meng Hailong walked out of the spirit jade space.

After Meng Hailong walked out of the Lingyu space, he took out a mountain opening knife, lifted the guy surnamed Jiang with one hand, and held the mountain opening knife with the other hand, and put it on the neck of the guy surnamed Jiang.

Carrying the guy surnamed Jiang, Meng Hailong walked quickly towards the old man.

When the guy surnamed Jiang fell headlong, the old man was actually aware of it, and he was about to rush over to see what happened to his apprentice, but halfway through, he saw Meng Hailong and his good apprentice who had been anesthetized.

"Old man, if you don't want to lose an apprentice, unravel the witchcraft on my fiancée immediately, or you will regret it. As soon as the two sides met, Meng Hailong stopped and said this to the old man.

"Boy, I still underestimate you!" the old man said unhurriedly, "My apprentice was followed by you, he hasn't found out yet, such a disciple is dispensable, if you want to threaten me with him, then I can tell you that your wishful thinking is wrong." "

You don't even care about your apprentice's life, right?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Don't think I won't kill him, I'll give you a minute, and after a minute, if you don't unlock the witchcraft on my fiancée, I'll kill him." "

Then I advise you not to wait!" said the old man indifferently, "do it, kill him quickly, don't waste time." After you kill him, we still have something to discuss. "

Old man, you are really ruthless!" Meng Hailong said with some surprise, "Since you don't care about his life, well, I will fulfill you."

After saying that, Meng Hailong's hand holding the knife was gently pulled, and a red mark immediately appeared on the neck of the guy surnamed Jiang, but it was cut by the sharp blade.

The most annoying thing in Meng Hailong's life is that someone threatens him with the people around him, and he has almost zero tolerance for this kind of person.

Killing the guy surnamed Jiang, Meng Hailong felt that this was not too much.

Since the other party is a person who practices martial arts, he should hoe the strong and help the weak, instead of relying on his own kung fu to bully others casually.

The guy surnamed Jiang has already violated the law, and such a person, letting him stay in the world will only be a scourge.

When he killed the guy surnamed Jiang, Meng Hailong had been observing the actions of the old man standing opposite, and he was a little surprised to find that the old man had no reaction to the death of the guy surnamed Jiang, as if this person had nothing to do with him.

The old man stood still, his face as calm as a mirror.

When the guy surnamed Jiang fell to the ground and was completely silent, the old man said: "Okay, you also killed the person, and then, we should talk about serious things."

"We really need to get down to business!" Meng Hailong threw aside the mountain knife in his hand, because he felt that it was far from enough to deal with the old man in front of him, with a mountain opening knife.

After a slight pause, Meng Hailong continued: "If you want to get the golden key from me, remove the witchcraft on my fiancée now, listen, it's now, right away."

"It's not impossible for me to undo the witchcraft on your fiancée, but you have to take out the golden key first. The old man continued, "As long as you hand over the golden key, I can guarantee that you will never hurt your fiancée." "

Fart!" As soon as the old man's words were finished, Meng Hailong said angrily, "I don't know who said it just now, when I get the golden key, it will make me look good, old man, don't treat me as a three-year-old child."

As soon as Meng Hailong said this, the old man's face couldn't help but change slightly.

With his ability, if someone approached just now, he should have known, but he didn't find Meng Hailong just now, which means that Meng Hailong's strength should be even stronger than him.

The old man didn't know that the reason why Meng Hailong was able to hear what he said was not because his strength was stronger than him, he was just hiding in the spirit jade space, and the old man couldn't feel his existence.

"Since you have heard what I just said, I will say it again now, and if you give me the golden key, I will remove the witchcraft from your fiancée. The old man said solemnly, "I will never regret what I say."

"If I believe you, old man, the sow will be able to climb the tree." Meng Hailong shook his head and said, "Since you don't want to do what I say, then I have to figure it out myself."

After saying that, Meng Hailong had already taken action.

As the saying goes, the first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers, Meng Hailong didn't want to suffer, so he chose to take the initiative.

As soon as he made a move, Meng Hailong used a crossbow.

As soon as his mind moved, a crossbow had already appeared in his hand, opened the perspective eye, aimed at the old man, and Meng Hailong shot decisively.

Crossbow arrows were shot one after another, but such an attack did not pose much of a threat to the old man.

The old man's feet were in a strange footwork, and his body was like a leaf swaying in the wind, and with great ease, he avoided the shot of the crossbow arrow altogether.

Seeing that the crossbow arrow posed no threat to the old man, Meng Hailong threw it away, threw the crossbow back into the spirit jade space, and took out two pistols.

As soon as the pistol was taken out, Meng Hailong decisively pulled the trigger, and the bullets shot out of the muzzle one after another.

When he shot, in order to avoid killing the old man, Meng Hailong deliberately did not aim at the vital points on his body, but in this way, it became easier for the old man to dodge the attack of the bullet.

While dodging Meng Hailong's attack, the old man looked at Meng Hailong with surprised eyes.

When he saw Meng Hailong take out a crossbow and a pistol out of thin air, he had already guessed in his heart that there must be some kind of treasure on the body of this product.

Being in the ancient martial arts sect, the old man naturally had more knowledge than ordinary people, and he remembered that he had read in a book that there was a thing called a storage ring.

A storage ring is a very magical thing, because it is a separate space.

A person who has a storage ring can take out an object from the storage ring at will with just one thought, and can also easily put an item in it.

Everything that Meng Hailong is showing now is like having a storage ring.

Because of this, a look of greed gradually began to appear in the old man's eyes. If Meng Hailong really had a storage ring on his body, this thing would be more valuable than the golden key.

At this moment, the old man had already made up his mind, today, no matter what, he must take down Meng Hailong.

The old man made up his mind to take down Meng Hailong, why didn't Meng Hailong want to take him?

Since he had already shown his hole cards, Meng Hailong would never let this old man run away, and he chose to show his hole cards, and this decision was also correct.

After all, this old man's skills are too good, if it weren't for the help of the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong felt that he would be killed by the old man in a few clicks.

With the help of the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong could dodge the bullets, but the old man in front of him, although he did not have the spirit jade space, he could easily dodge the bullets, which made Meng Hailong feel very helpless.

Neither the crossbow nor the pistol could deal with the old man, so Meng Hailong decided to release the lightning bird as soon as he turned his heart on the sidelines.

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