After Meng Hailong opened the box in his hand, Miao Xintian saw a small insect lying quietly inside, it was an almost transparent insect, although Miao Xintian had never seen such a bug, but, with her understanding of Gu poison, she felt that this insect must be very simple.

"Cousin, are you going to give this to me?" After a long time, Miao Xintian said this.

"No, no, no, I didn't plan to give this to your mother, I just planned to give it to you." Meng Hailong joked and said, "Take it, I know you like it, this thing stays by your side, I don't worry, and you can't say that I didn't give you a gift in the future." "

Thank you, cousin." Miao Xintian happily accepted the things, and then said, "By the way, cousin, didn't you say yesterday that you were going to find medicinal herbs?" How could he run to the city and rob Xiaoling, what the hell is going on?

"It's a long story, I'll tell you about it slowly when I have time in the future, and now I'm going to boil medicine for my grandmother and her old man, that's all." After saying that, Meng Hailong hurriedly turned around and left.

Some things, once the conversation is opened, it will definitely not be finished.

There were some things that Meng Hailong didn't want Miao Xintian to know too much, so he found an excuse to leave, and the fact was that he was indeed going to boil medicine for Mrs. Miao.

The medicine he wants to boil for Mrs. Miao is quite special, and it is not safe to hand it over to others to boil Meng Hailong.

It took more than an hour, and Meng Hailong sent 10,000 Chinese medicines to Mrs. Miao.

After drinking this bowl of Chinese medicine, within half an hour, Mrs. Miao called it magical.

Because, she can clearly feel that her body has recovered a lot, and the previous fatigue has almost been swept away after drinking this bowl of Chinese medicine.

"Hailong, my good grandson, my grandmother doesn't know how to thank you." As soon as Mrs. Miao put the bowl down, she said, "If it weren't for your help, my Miao family probably wouldn't have today, if it weren't for your treatment, I'm afraid that my old bones wouldn't have survived this year, you, you are the great fortune star of our Miao family."

"Grandma, if you say that, you will see the outside, I am your grandson, and the affairs of the family are my business, besides, grandma, you have also helped me a lot." Meng Hailong continued, "If it wasn't for your grandmother to help, Miao Juanjuan would not have survived until now.

"Speaking of that girl, my grandmother wants to ask, where is she now?" Are you pregnant with your baby? Why didn't you bring her with you? "

Juanjuan, she still has things to do, so I didn't bring her." Meng Hailong continued, "Grandma, I came to see you this time, and I can't stay here longer, hmm, I'll boil you medicine again tomorrow, and then I'll fly to the capital." "

Hailong, are you going to the capital for a meeting?" Mrs. Miao continued, "You see how tired you are as the village chief, you might as well stay with me, you see that life is easy for all of us."

"Although I'm a little busy, I still prefer to be my village head." Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Grandma, why don't you move to Xiaolong Village to live, I have beautiful mountains and rivers there, and I guarantee that it will not be worse than yours." "

Come on, the gold house and the silver house, it's better to have your own thatched house." Old Lady Miao smiled and said, "Hailong, don't get me wrong, I'm not disgusted with your place, I'm just used to it."

After chatting with Mrs. Miao for a while, Meng Hailong went to visit his parents again.

During this time, because he was too busy, he did go too far, and he didn't call his parents for most of the month, and now that he saw the above, Meng Hailong felt that he had to apologize to his parents for admitting his mistakes, and by the way, he also asked their opinions to see when they planned to go back to Xiaolong Village.

When they found their parents, the two of them were in the kitchen with lunch.

Seeing that they were busy, Meng Hailong rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to help, and the three of them chatted while cooking, and through chatting, Meng Hailong also roughly figured out what his parents meant.

In fact, they also wanted to go back to Xiaolong Village, but they didn't know when it would be when they wanted to come over again, so they planned to stay for a few more days, and they didn't go back until they were sure that Mrs. Miao was in good health.

Knowing what his parents thought, Meng Hailong also told them his plans.

Hearing that Meng Hailong was going to learn to fly a plane, Meng Jianguo said with a smile: "Boy, you have a lot of talent, my father has driven a motorcycle in his life, and you are going to fly a plane, okay, good, good."

During the day, Meng Hailong accompanied everyone in the mid-level villa, and when it was evening, he took out his mobile phone and called Miao Juanjuan, and after determining the date location, Meng Hailong hurried over.

The next morning, after separating from Miao Juanjuan, Meng Hailong returned to the villa in the middle of the mountain and continued to boil medicine for Mrs. Miao.

Based on his observation of Mrs. Miao, after giving her medicine again, Mrs. Miao's condition was basically normal.

In the future, although Mrs. Miao still needs to drink more Chinese medicine to regulate her body, the next medicine is not so difficult, and she can leave it to whoever you want.

Quietly took out enough medicinal materials from the fairy world and divided them according to the amount, Meng Hailong personally handed these medicinal materials to his mother.

Although anyone can leave the matter of boiling medicine to anyone, Meng Hailong still trusts his mother more. After all, the person who wanted to drink the medicine was his grandmother, and Meng Hailong was still more careful.

After everything was arranged, Meng Hailong said goodbye to everyone and prepared to take a plane to the capital.

Hearing that Meng Hailong was leaving, Huang Xiaoling hurriedly said, "Brother Hailong, you are going to the airport, I will send you there."

"Is there a charge?" Meng Hailong jokingly said, "I'm poor, if you want to charge me, then I won't take your car."

Listening to Meng Hailong's words, Huang Xiaoling couldn't help but roll her eyes, but she also knew that Meng Hailong was joking with her.

Soon, Huang Xiaoling spoke: "Brother Hailong, don't worry, I promise not to take your money, but it would be nice if you could give me a few more bottles of things like Fuyan." "

You girl!" Meng Hailong smiled bitterly and shook his head, although the distance from here to the airport is quite far, but if you take a taxi, it will be two hundred yuan at most, but Huang Xiaoling wants Meng Hailong to have a few bottles of rejuvenation when she opens her mouth, and I have to say that she still has a big heart.

In fact, the reason why Huang Xiaoling took the initiative to send Meng Hailong was because she didn't dare to leave alone.

She dared to drive over alone before, but it was also because she was a little numb after being frightened, and she only thought that she wanted to find someone to accompany her quickly, but her parents were on a business trip again, so Huang Xiaoling could only come to Miao Xintian.

Now she wants to leave, but thinking of the recent rumor, Huang Xiaoling was a little scared, she was very worried that she would meet monsters on the road, so when she heard that Meng Hailong was leaving, she hurriedly offered to take him to the airport.

Meng Hailong had actually guessed her thoughts, and after making a few jokes, he didn't say anything more, the two said goodbye to everyone, and then walked side by side towards the bottom of the mountain.

"Brother Hailong, you come and drive." After going down the mountain, Huang Xiaoling handed the car key to Meng Hailong, and said to him, "We may encounter monsters on the road, I am a novice, easy to get busy, your driving skills are very good, let you drive, I will have a greater sense of security." "

No, I don't have a driver's license, so I can't drive." Meng Hailong didn't pick up the key handed over by Huang Xiaoling, but went directly to the passenger seat, opened the car door and sat in.

When he can be relaxed, Meng Hailong will naturally not ask for hardship.

Although driving is an easy thing for him, it is even easier to sit. Sooner, taking advantage of this time, he still has some things to deal with.

Seeing that Meng Hailong had already gotten into the passenger seat, knowing that he was reluctant to drive, although Huang Xiaoling was a little unhappy in her heart, she didn't say anything more, so she had to pull the car door and sit in.

As soon as the car starts, it heads in the direction of the airport.

Meng Hailong didn't care whether Huang Xiaoling was driving steadily, after the car started, he took out his mobile phone, found Zeng Zeng's WeChat ID, and sent her a smile.

After this smile was issued, Meng Hailong regretted it, because, in less than a minute, after this smile was issued, he received a burst of indiscriminate voice attacks.

At first, Meng Hailong didn't know that he had ever wanted to scold him, and he was still surprised that she replied to the message so quickly.

However, when he clicked on the voice message, his face suddenly turned green.

The voice message sent by Zeng Zeng can be said to have scolded Meng Hailong bloody, and even Huang Xiaoling, who was driving next to her, couldn't help but turn her head and glance at Meng Hailong after hearing this voice message, and said in her heart how seriously this guy has to offend others before he can attract such a scolding.

Meng Hailong originally wanted to chat with Zeng Zeng and coax her to see if he could coax her to the capital, but now it seems that he didn't want to coax Zeng Zeng to the capital, but he wanted to say two normal words to her, it was impossible.

didn't want to be scolded anymore, and he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Huang Xiaoling, so Meng Hailong simply quit WeChat, and then he found Zeng Qingxiang's phone number and called him.

The more he thought about this matter, the more bizarre he felt, since Zeng Zeng had passed the verification of his friends, then, logically speaking, she shouldn't be angry with him like this.

Meng Hailong felt that there must be a hidden secret in this matter.

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