After the phone was dialed out, it rang for a long time before it was connected, but although the phone was connected, there was silence on the other end, and it was not until Meng Hailong "heed" a few times that Zeng Qingxiang's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Village Chief, have you arrived in the capital?"

Hearing Zeng Qingxiang's voice, he didn't even have the slightest confidence, Meng Hailong was even more suspicious, there must be a hidden secret in this.

Sure enough, under questioning, Meng Hailong soon learned from Zeng Qingxiang's mouth that after he added Zeng Zeng's WeChat account, the reason why it was approved was actually Zeng Qingxiang's ghost.

Meng Hailong added Zeng Zeng's WeChat account At that time, Zeng Zeng happened to be in the bathroom, and her mobile phone happened to be on the sofa in the living room.

What's even more coincidental is that Zeng Qingxiang is sitting next to his mobile phone.

Seeing that the person who added Zeng Zeng as a friend was Meng Hailong, he picked up Zeng Zeng's mobile phone and secretly agreed to Meng Hailong's friend request.

Zeng Qingxiang knew that this matter would be exposed sooner or later, so when Meng Hailong raised questions, he didn't hide it, and simply told everything.

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Meng Hailong couldn't help but shake his head.

This time, he was scolded, all thanks to Zeng Qingxiang, and because of this, he said angrily on the phone: "Brother Zeng, I'm sorry, I can only help you get here in this matter."

"Village Chief, the matter is already halfway through, you can't quit at this time!" Hearing Meng Hailong say this, Zeng Qingxiang hurriedly said, "If you quit at this time, wouldn't everything you did before be wasted."

"It's okay, it's better to give up all your efforts than to die after doing your best." Meng Hailong continued, "Brother Zeng, I'm sorry, I've already decided, don't embarrass me anymore." Don't say I'm heartless, so let's do it, in the future, I'll provide you with a case of Forget Worry wine every month, which can be regarded as my reward for you.

"Alas! It seems that this is the only way to go. Zeng Qingxiang's tone was full of helplessness, Meng Hailong was unwilling to continue to help him with this, he couldn't put a knife on his neck, he had to do it.

Seeing Meng Hailong hang up the phone, Huang Xiaoling asked curiously, "Brother Hailong, is that woman your girlfriend?" "

What do you say?" Meng Hailong asked with a wry smile.

"I think so, it should be." Huang Xiaoling continued, "As the saying goes, love is so deep and hateful, if she wasn't your girlfriend, she shouldn't have scolded you so hard... Belch!

Before Huang Xiaoling finished speaking, she found that the direction of the car had deviated, only a little bit, and she drove the car into a ravine on the side of the road.

Fortunately, Meng Hailong helped her break the steering wheel in time, which did not lead to a tragedy.

"It's dangerous!" Huang Xiaoling said with some fear, "Brother Hailong, it's good that you are here, otherwise, I would definitely go into the ravine with the car."

"I don't even know how you got your driver's license." After Meng Hailong said this, he was a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, when he first learned to drive, didn't he almost drive Hu Sijia's car into the ravine?

Originally, it only took more than an hour to go to the airport, but it took Huang Xiaoling two hours before she finally sent Meng Hailong to the airport.

Although Huang Xiaoling delayed Meng Hailong for a lot of time, before getting out of the car, Meng Hailong still gave her a lot of gifts.

A bottle of potpourri perfume, a bottle of all-purpose eye drops, and slimming tea, Meng Hailong also gave her a box.

Huang Xiaoling may not need this thing, but it can make Huang Xiaoling have more face when she gives it to her friends.

It seems to be just some small gifts, but it makes Huang Xiaoling very happy.

Miao Xintian told her that as long as it was something taken out by her cousin, it must be a good thing, Huang Xiaoling did not doubt Miao Xintian's words at all, with so many treasures, she suddenly couldn't stop laughing.

"Remember to drive slower when you go back, safety first!" After telling Huang Xiaoling, Meng Hailong walked towards the airport.

The ticket was arranged for him by Zeng Qingxiang, and he didn't need to worry about these things.

Taking the plane, two hours later, Meng Hailong had already appeared in the capital, he had just walked out of the airport, and saw a familiar figure at a glance, this person was none other than Zhao Tianming, the captain of the wolf warrior army.

Seeing Zhao Tianming come to pick him up in person, Meng Hailong felt flattered.

However, this feeling only lasted for a few seconds, and Meng Hailong soon realized that Zhao Tianming came to pick him up in person, and he was afraid that there was some conspiracy in it.

Sure enough, after getting into Zhao Tianming's car, the two exchanged a few words, and Zhao Tianming said: "Little brother, I have been comrades-in-arms with Lao Zeng for many years, and his affairs are also my affairs, Lao Zeng's daughter has a quirk, and you also know this."

"I know." Meng Hailong nodded slightly, as soon as Zhao Tianming's words were said, he already knew what he was thinking, and I am afraid that this matter was arranged by Zeng Qingxiang again.

"If only you knew!" Zhao Tianming continued, "Lao Zeng only has such a daughter, if you can help, I hope you can help him as much as possible." "

Brother Zhao, in fact, I have tried my best." Meng Hailong didn't lie, he had indeed done his best, it wasn't that he didn't want to help, but that he couldn't help at all.

If Zeng Zeng was alive, then he could still try his best to treat her, but Zeng had a psychological problem, and he was not a psychiatrist, so he couldn't help her treat it at all.

"There is nothing difficult in the world, but I am afraid of those who have a heart." Zhao Tianming continued, "Little brother, I have a good way, since Lao Zeng values you so much, then, you can come to a bully and take a bow, and take care of Zeng Zeng's girl first, and we are slowly dredged up the rest of the things."

"It's not going to work." Meng Hailong's face was full of black lines at the moment, he didn't expect that in order to allow Zeng Zeng to return to normal, Zhao Tianming and Zeng Qingxiang would actually be able to come up with such a bad idea.

Let him go to the overlord and make a bow, so Meng Hailong won't do it! If he does that, if he doesn't get it right, one day he will be ruined.

The two chatted all the way, and Zhao Tianming kept giving Meng Hailong bad ideas, but none of the bad ideas he came up with were feasible.

Before you know it, the car has already driven into the base of the Wolf Warrior Army.

Zeng Zeng's matter is Zeng Qingxiang's family scandal, and this matter cannot be publicized, and because of this, after coming to the base, Zhao Tianming no longer mentioned this matter.

Find someone to arrange for Meng Hailong, and then, Zhao Tianming walked away and went to do his own thing.

After cleaning up and having nothing else to do, Meng Hailong simply lay down on the bed to rest. But as soon as he lay down, there was a soft shout from the door: "Everyone is training, what are you hiding here?"

Hearing this voice, Meng Hailong turned his head to look at the door, and soon, he saw a woman in a military uniform.

This woman is tall and has a beautiful face, and the only fly in the ointment is that there is no smile on her face, but an angry expression.

"Hello, I'm not hiding here, I'm lying here." Looking at the woman at the door, Meng Hailong said unhurriedly, "I just came here today, I don't know what rules are here, there are things that are not done well, beauty, you have to bear a lot."

"I'm not a beauty, don't call me a beauty, my name is Long Xiaoxiao." The woman standing at the door continued, "I don't care when you came, now, follow me to the training camp right away. "

Oh, okay." Meng Hailong agreed, and then, he got up from the bed, followed Long Xiaoxiao, and soon came to a training place.

After coming here, Meng Hailong finally knew that it turned out that this woman named Long Xiaoxiao was actually their instructor.

is so beautiful and so young, Long Xiaoxiao has already become an instructor of the wolf warrior army, which makes many men feel ashamed.

Even Meng Hailong had to admire her.

Here, these people are all called quasi-pilots, and the people who can participate in this training camp are not simple, because they are all elites selected from the troops from all over the country, except for Meng Hailong, of course, because he came in through the back door.

"To be a good pilot, first of all, you need to have a healthy body and have plenty of physical strength." Long Xiaoxiao tore open his throat and said loudly, "Today's training is very simple, you run a hundred laps along this training ground, and whoever finishes the run first can go back to the dormitory to rest first." "

No, a hundred laps, how long does it take?"

"Do you need such a lot of exercise? Isn't it easy to fly a plane? Why is this movement stronger than when we were in the army?

After listening to Long Xiaoxiao's words, a group of people were there talking in a low voice, originally, everyone still wanted to protest, but no one said the words of protest, and on the teaching field, one person had already begun to run.

The person who took the lead in running, he was none other than Meng Hailong.

Hearing Long Xiaoxiao say that whoever finishes running first can go back to rest first, Meng Hailong immediately started moving, he knew that since he came here, he had to obey the command of others, and if they asked him to run, then he would run.

The others saw that Meng Hailong had already run, even if they wanted to give their opinions, they were embarrassed to mention it, everyone secretly scolded Meng Hailong in their hearts for being a big idiot, but everyone didn't say anything, they could only follow Meng Hailong and run along the training ground.

This training ground is not big, but it is not small either, and it is not possible to run 100 laps along this training ground without two or three hours.

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