Although it is not yet time to pay dividends, Meng Hailong dares to guarantee that after this year, the villagers of Xiaolong Village will definitely not pay less than one million dividends per household, which is the most conservative guarantee.

Next, if everything goes well, the villagers will definitely get more than that.

Listening to Meng Hailong's words, not only Wu Xinwen was surprised, but Wu Qingming and his wife were also surprised.

The Meng Hailong they know doesn't brag, although they haven't met for many years, but human nature generally doesn't change.

Wu Xinwen did not doubt Meng Hailong's words, and Wu Qingming also did not doubt it.

"Hailong, when did Xiaolong Village develop so well?" Wu Xinwen asked curiously.

"This is just the beginning. Meng Hailong said with a smile, "If you come back, you will have the opportunity to witness the rise of Xiaolong Village." "

But our family's land has been sold!" Wu Xinwen regretted a little, in order to leave the village, they not only sold the land, but also sold the house, and now when they go back, they have nothing.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have land, just know how to farm. Meng Hailong smiled and said, "Do you remember that there is a small island in the middle of the river?" "

Remember, when we were children, we still wanted to swim over, and we almost drowned!" Wu Xinwen still remembers vividly, he left Xiaolong Village, but those precious memories will always remain in his mind.

"I'm going to plant some fruit trees on the island, and if you're interested, come back and help me, and I'll not necessarily get rich, but I promise you'll be better off than you're doing. Meng Hailong said seriously.

Because when the road was built, Meng Hailong had already negotiated with Liu Dahai that Xiaolong Village could pay to help them repair the road in Liujia Village, but Liujia Village would have to exchange for half an island in the middle of the river.

Liu Dahai agreed, and now, the road is also being repaired, but Meng Hailong has not been able to spare time, and he can't find manpower to develop the island.

If Wu Xinwen is willing to go back to help, this matter will naturally be the best.

"What can you do with farming?" Wu Xinxin's mother said again at this time, "Wu Xinwen, if you want to farm, then you can go by yourself, I won't let Xinxin follow you."

"Yes, how hard it is to farm, the sun and the wind and rain, Xinxin can't bear this kind of hardship. Wu Xinxin's father also hurriedly spoke.

Wu Xinwen's family believed Meng Hailong's words, but Wu Xinxin didn't believe it, including Wu Xinxin, they didn't believe that a farmer could have millions of dividends a year.

If it's really that good, whoever is still mixing in the city will all go back to the countryside to farm.

"Whether you believe it or not, Xinwen, if you come back and have an annual salary of 100,000, I can give you the money now. If Xinxin is also willing to come, the salary of the two of you a year is 200,000 yuan, which is not counting dividends, the performance is good, and the dividends at the end of the year are more than that.

As soon as Meng Hailong said this, everyone was stunned.

Wu Xinxin and his family didn't believe Meng Hailong's words yet, but as soon as Meng Hailong said that he could take out his 100,000 annual salary first, they believed it a little.

The annual salary is 100,000 yuan, which is placed in the city, which is the treatment of a white-collar worker.

But Meng Hailong just said that the dividend at the end of the year is more than that, if he is not bragging, then in the past year, everyone's income will be at least 200,000, which is far more than the treatment of urban white-collar workers.

"Xinxin, what do you think?" Wu Xinwen was moved, but his heart may not be moved, the key is to see what Wu Xinxin means.

Although Wu Xinxin was also a little moved, but when she thought of going to farm, she felt a little bottomless in her heart, and after thinking about it for a while, she said: "I haven't farmed, so I can't do anything if I go!" "It's

okay, you can accompany Xinwen, and you will still get your salary." Meng Hailong said with a smile, "You can discuss when you come over and give me a call."

"Are you really going to give them your salary first?" Wu Xinxin was embarrassed to ask, but her father had no taboos and asked their questions directly.

"Yes, I'll give them the money when they make a decision. Meng Hailong said seriously.

Until the end of dinner, Wu Xinwen and Wu Xinxin had not made a decision.

Of course, Meng Hailong was not in a hurry, this matter was the same as their marriage, and it needed to be considered.

After all, if they chose to go to Xiaolong Village, it would mean that they would have to let go of everything in front of them.

If they go to Xiaolong Village and everything goes well, then it's fine, but if they go to the recession, then their future road will become more difficult.

This does require careful deliberation before making a decision.

At night, Meng Hailong lived in Wu Xinwen's house, everyone fell asleep, Meng Hailong locked the door, and he entered the Lingyu space.

After entering, Meng Hailong found that the little tiger had woken up and was drinking the spiritual spring next to the spiritual well to quench his thirst.

Meng Hailong came in just to see this little guy, and by the way, to ask for its opinion, to see if it was going back to the place before.

If the little tiger wants to go back, then Meng Hailong has to send it back as soon as possible, otherwise, when he returns to Haiyang City, it will be a little troublesome to send the little tiger back.

Under inquiry, the little tiger actually said that he would not go back.

According to it, the place where they live is full of dangers, many places have traps set by hunters, and sometimes, they will meet hunters with shotguns, and when they are killed is a very unstable factor.

The little tiger has been injured and knows the danger there.

And in the Lingyu space, it felt a rare tranquility.

Not only is the climate here good, but the spiritual spring is also very delicious, the only fly in the ointment is that there is no food such as pheasants and hares.

Listening to the little tiger's words, Meng Hailong just smiled, as long as the little tiger was willing to follow him, then there was no need to worry about not having anything to eat.

The next day, Meng Hailong went to the market to buy a group of chickens, found a place where no one was, and directly threw all the chickens into the Lingyu space.

These chicks grow very quickly in the spirit jade space, and it won't be long before the little tiger can use them to fill their stomachs.

Of course, while raising chickens for the little tiger to eat, Meng Hailong also instilled some information in it, so that the little tiger could learn to be a vegetarian.

In the near future, it would be even better if Little Tiger could switch to a vegetarian diet.

After doing this, Meng Hailong inquired again, and learned that there were not many mines nearby, and they were all small mines, and if you wanted to go to the larger mines, you had to take a long-distance bus of hundreds of kilometers.

Meng Hailong thought about it carefully, he would have to go back tomorrow, and it was not suitable to go to a mine hundreds of kilometers away, so he simply went to a few small mines nearby.

Although the harvest is not big, this is not too important to Meng Hailong.

The spiritual well has changed, and the current spiritual spring is enough for him to use, and when he has time and more funds in the future, he will come to Nanyun again.

Meng Hailong had a guess that when the Lingjing absorbed enough jade and jade, there might be some more amazing changes, but what it would become would have to wait for him to verify.

In the evening, Wu Xinwen made an appointment with Wu Xinxin, Meng Hailong didn't want to be their light bulb, so naturally he didn't follow, but he didn't stay at home bored, but planned to go out for a walk.

Not long after he came out, Meng Hailong received a phone call, and the person who called made him feel a little surprised, it was actually Lan Xinyan.

"Brother Long, are you still in Nanyun?" Lan Xinyan's voice came from the other end of the phone, and her tone was a little wrong, and it could be heard from her voice that she was in a very low mood now.

"Yes. Meng Hailong replied without much thought.

"Send me the location and I'll come to you. Lan Xinyan just said this, and then she hung up the phone.

Before, Meng Hailong and Lan Xinyan not only left each other's phone numbers, but also added her WeChat ID, and after opening WeChat, Meng Hailong casually sent her a location.

Just a few minutes later, a red Ferrari roared over and stopped in front of Meng Hailong.

The window rolled down, and a small head stretched out, looking cute, it was none other than Lan Xinyan, but the person driving the car was Lan Xinyan.

Lan Xinyan stretched out her little head and beckoned to Meng Hailong, motioning for him to get into the car.

Meng Hailong didn't think much about it, walked over, opened the car door and sat in.

"Rich man!" Meng Hailong couldn't help but sigh after getting into the car.

After sighing, he looked here and touched there again.

Although he didn't know how much the car would cost, he knew that it was very rare to see this car in Hai Duong City, or even in the entire Haitian Province.

"Brother Long likes this car?" Lan Xinyan turned her head and asked Meng Hailong.

"I don't like it. Meng Hailong shook his head decisively and said, "This car is suitable for girls to drive, I am a man, and if you want to drive, you have to fly a plane." Needless

to say, Meng Hailong's words quickly attracted a roll of Lan Xinyan's eyes.

"Brother Long, can you do me a favor?" Lan Xinyan thought for a while and said, "I was bullied as soon as I came back, I want you to help me clean her up, you must help me." "

How do you want me to help you?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "We are good citizens, and we don't want to do illegal things." "

Rest assured, promise not to break the law. Hearing that Meng Hailong was willing to help, Lan Xinyan smiled, smiling very brightly, she continued, "I told her, I know a Chinese medicine doctor with very good medical skills, who can help her with needles to cure diseases, and when you see her, just use the needles to help me prick her hard."

"Little sister, you won't be the reincarnation of Mama Rong, right?" After listening to Lan Xinyan's words, Meng Hailong was puzzled, a beautiful girl like Lan Xinyan doesn't look like a bad person, but how can her stomach be full of bad water?

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