Lan Xinyan is naturally not the reincarnation of Mama Rong, the reason why she wants to teach that woman a hard lesson is just because she feels that she has been bullied.

Lan Xinyan's mother died early, until two years ago, when his father suddenly brought back a stepmother for her.

This stepmother is very young, just seven or eight years older than Lan Xinyan, but after this stepmother came, she has been using her mother's identity to manage Lan Xinyan, which makes Lan Xinyan very unhappy.

Even her father rarely manages her like this.

When she came back this time, the stepmother knew that Lan Xinyan's grades had dropped again, and she used chicken feathers as an arrow in front of her father, saying that she was useless, and she was scolded by her father, which made Lan Xinyan angry.

She was determined to find an opportunity to teach the woman a hard lesson.

After thinking about it, knowing that her stepmother often had headaches, Lan Xinyan thought of an idea, lying that she knew a miracle doctor and knew how to use acupuncture to treat people, plus when Meng Hailong helped the young man get needles on the plane before, Lan Xinyan secretly took a few photos.

As soon as this photo was put in front of her stepmother's eyes, she completely believed it.

No, Lan Xinyan's stepmother asked Lan Xinyan to invite the miracle doctor she said, Lan Xinyan's father is also very concerned about this matter, because the cause of that woman's illness has not been found, if the miracle doctor Lan Xinyan said can really cure her, it will be a rare good thing.

The first step of the plan was successful, and Lan Xinyan came to Meng Hailong, hoping that Meng Hailong could take this opportunity to help her take revenge and teach the woman a hard lesson.

"Little sister, have you ever thought that your stepmother is in charge of you, maybe it's also for your good!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "Your father is busy with business and has no time to take care of you, maybe it's for this reason that he found you this stepmother!" "

No matter what the reason, I just don't like to be controlled by her."

At this moment, Lan Xinyan looks rude again, but Meng Hailong doesn't blame her, a child who has lost his mother's love since he was a child, it is normal to be rude.

Ferrari drove all the way until it finally came to a stop in front of a villa.

"Brother Long, you helped me with this, and I will repay you in the future. Lan Xinyan said seriously, "You must stab her hard, preferably her face into a hornet's nest, then I will be the happiest."

Meng Hailong didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

Naturally, he won't do this kind of personal attack, but Lan Xinyan is doing this favor, but he wants to help, but the way will change slightly.

Seeing that Lan Xinyan had invited the divine doctor back, Lan Shicong and Yuan Yu hurriedly greeted her.

It's just that when both of them saw that Lan Xinyan was talking about how young the divine doctor was, both of them couldn't help but have some disappointed expressions on their faces.

"My dad Lan Shicong, my stepmom Yuan Yu. Lan Xinyan introduced Meng Hailong, and deliberately put the word "stepmother" a little heavier, as if she was afraid that others would not know that Yuan Yu was her stepmother.

Lan Shicong is a man in his forties, his body is slightly fat, and he naturally has a noble demeanor, Meng Hailong knows that this is a temperament that has been naturally formed in the circle of rich people for a long time.

Compared with Lan Shicong, Yuan Yu does look very young.

Judging from her appearance, she is also twenty-six or seven, she looks good, probably because she has never given birth to children, and her figure is also very good.

Such a woman, if she is taken out to participate in various banquets, she can indeed add a lot of face to Lan Shicong.

"Hello Mr. Lan, good Mrs. Lan. Meng Hailong and Lan Shicong said hello, and then followed them into the villa.

The disappointed expressions on the faces of Lan Shicong and his wife, Meng Hailong naturally saw it in his eyes.

After sitting down, he opened his perspective eyes and found that there was indeed no problem in Yuan Yu's head, but there were some problems with her cervical spine.

Under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong could clearly see that the slightly deformed cervical vertebrae compressed the cranial nerves, which was the main reason for Yuan Yu's frequent headaches.

He was just strange, such an obvious condition, the hospital didn't even find out, this hospital is too backward, right?

Meng Hailong naturally didn't know that his perspective eye was more accurate than some medical instruments.

Yuan Yu's situation, even if he went to the hospital for the most detailed examination, he couldn't see it clearly, but under his perspective eyes, he could really see it clearly.

Seeing the cause of Yuan Yu's illness clearly, Meng Hailong thought about it carefully, Yuan Yu's situation, if it is treated by acupuncture, it will definitely not achieve the best effect.

If you want to cure Yuan Yu's disease, you have to use the method of massage.

Only massage can restore her slightly deformed cervical spine to normal, and the cervical spine will return to normal, and it will not compress the cranial nerves, and Yuan Yu will naturally not have a headache.

At this moment, Meng Hailong had already put himself in the perspective of a doctor, and he had even forgotten what Lan Xinyan had told him.

"Mr. Lan, I basically understand Mrs. Lan's situation, and it should be noted that when I help Mrs. Lan treat, it needs to be done alone, Mr. Lan shouldn't have an opinion on this, right?"

Lan Shicong glanced at Yuan Yu, and then asked: "Xiaoyan said that your medical skills are very good, but I want to know, you have to treat my wife without even looking at it, can I trust you?"

Meng Hailong continued, "You can choose to be suspicious, but I can assure you that Mrs. Lan's situation will definitely improve after I help her treat her."

"Yes, Dad, I have seen Brother Long's medical skills with my own eyes, a person who keeps vomiting blood, just after being pierced by him with some silver needles, just this hand, you can't doubt him." Lan Xinyan saw the suspicion in her father's heart, and hurriedly said, "Brother Long is traveling to Nanyun, if he leaves, it will be difficult for Dad to invite Brother Long over again." "

Or let him try it!" Yuan Yu looked at Lan Shicong and said, "In my case, the brain hospital can't do anything about it, so it can only be a dead horse as a live horse doctor." "

You decide!" Lan Shicong nodded, then looked at Meng Hailong again, and said again: "Little brother, there won't be any risk in this, right?"

"There will be no risk, but it is necessary to suffer a little." Meng Hailong said honestly.

Hearing Meng Hailong's words, Lan Xinyan was secretly happy in her heart, she knew that Meng Hailong was going to help her take revenge.

Later, you can hear Yuan Yu's screams, and I feel excited when I think about it.

Lan Shicong's side, when he heard Meng Hailong say that there would be no danger, he was relieved, and as for Meng Hailong's request to get along with Yuan Yu alone, he naturally had nothing to worry about.

This is in his family, and he still doesn't believe that Meng Hailong can be bold enough to do evil in his family.

When the matter was decided, Meng Hailong followed Yuan Yu to her room, and Lan Xinyan wanted to follow in, but was stopped by Meng Hailong.

There was no way, Lan Xinyan could only pout to express her dissatisfaction, and then obediently returned to the living room and sat down.

Walking into Yuan Yu's room, which was also her and Lan Shicong's room, Meng Hailong easily locked the door, he didn't want someone to come in when he was doing something.

"Mrs. Lan, in your case, the lesion is not on the head, but on your cervical vertebrae, and the treatment I have formulated for you is not to use acupuncture treatment, but to treat it with massage, if it's no problem, you can take off your shirt!"

Okay!" Yuan Yu only hesitated slightly, then did as Meng Hailong said, and then lay on the bed as Meng Hailong instructed.

Afraid that Yuan Yu would think his hands were dirty, Meng Hailong deliberately went to wash his hands, and then began to help Yuan Yu with massage treatment.

The perspective eye opened, and the position of the pinch was very accurate, and Meng Hailong's strength was a little heavy, and every movement made Yuan Yu let out a painful snort.

In the living room outside, hearing Yuan Yu's painful snort, Lan Xinyan couldn't mention how happy she was.

However, Lan Shicong's heart couldn't help but be a little worried, and said in his heart, Meng Hailong, this kid wouldn't be messing around, right?

Meng Hailong was naturally not messing around, on the contrary, he was very serious about helping Yuan Yu treat.

While helping Yuan Yu do massage, Meng Hailong said: "Mrs. Lan, there is something I want to ask you, it is related to the harmony of your family, so I hope you can answer me truthfully." "

It's about the harmony of our family?" Yuan Yu frowned slightly, and she asked puzzledly, "What do you want to ask

?" "Did you deliberately bully Lan Xinyan

?" "How is this possible?" Yuan Yu said without thinking about it, " Actually, I have been in love with Shi Cong for many years, but I was worried that Xiao Yan would not welcome me, so we kept it a secret from her, until the last two years, Shi Cong found that Xiao Yan was becoming more and more disobedient, and he was also getting busier and busier because of the company's affairs, worried that Xiao Yan would learn badly, Shi Cong brought me back, hoping that I could take care of Xiao Yan.

"If you're telling the truth, then there must be some misunderstanding between you. Meng Hailong continued, "Xiaoyan is a very good girl, but her prejudice against you is not small, to be honest, I hope you are telling the truth, if you lie to me and hurt Xiaoyan, I think, it will not be good for you." "

It's Xiao Yan who asked you to pretend to be a miracle doctor, right?" Yuan Yu suddenly asked.

"No, I'm here to help you heal, but in addition to healing, I hope I can help Xiaoyan, if what you just said is true, then, I think, you must also hope to eliminate Xiaoyan's hostility towards you. "

This is something I've ever dreamed of!" Yuan Yu said truthfully.

"Well, from now on, you have to do what I say, and it won't be long before Xiaoyan's hostility towards you will be completely eliminated. Meng Hailong told Yuan Yu about his plan, and after listening to his words, Yuan Yu also nodded again and again.

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