"Aren't you going to stay with me tonight, village chief?" said Jocelyn, smiling wickedly, "I've prepared a few beautiful women for you, and it would be a pity if you left like this." "

Come on, you!" Meng Hailong continued, "There are beautiful women, you don't keep them for yourself, I will still be my old nest, and those women who accompany me are more realistic."

"Well, since you insist on leaving, I'll send someone to send you back. Commander Bridge spoke.

"No need!" Meng Hailong shook his head and said, "I'll just go back by myself, if you send someone to send me back, I'm worried that your people won't be able to come back."

"In that case, then the village chief, you have to be careful on the road!" Qiao Celin thought for a moment and then said, "I have a car and a helicopter here, please feel free to choose what means of transportation you want."

"I don't need anything, I'll just walk back." Meng Hailong said this with a smile, and then he walked towards the door.

"Walking back?" said Jocelyn, frowning, "From here to the gold mines, the helicopter will fly for several minutes, and you won't have to walk back until dawn."

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll find a way to go back as soon as possible." By the time he finished speaking, Meng Hailong had already walked out of Qiao Celin's room and asked him not to see him off.

Hearing Meng Hailong say this, although Qiao Celin still had some doubts in his heart, he didn't say anything more, nor did he go to see Meng Hailong, but went back to his room and celebrated with Diana.

After Meng Hailong left Qiao Celin's palace, he walked to a remote place, he directly entered the Lingyu space, and through the Lingyu space, he quickly returned to the vicinity of the gold mine.

After coming back, seeing that everything was normal here, Meng Hailong was a little relieved.

There are a lot of things happening today, first those who drive motorcycles, then the guy with a cane, and then a group of bears themselves, all of these things happened today, Meng Hailong always feels that there is a pair of black hands behind the scenes.

But who could this pair of black hands be?

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong quickly thought of a possibility, and it is estimated that the only one who can control Xiong himself is the empire.

Except for the empire, Meng Hailong believes that there is no country that can command Xiong himself.

Thinking of this, Meng Hailong became even more hostile to the empire. When he participated in the Olympics before, the performance of the empire had already chilled him, and if he found out that this incident was really related to the empire, the next step would be to go to the empire.

"Village Chief, you're back!" Purple Pupil's voice sounded in his ears, and Meng Hailong woke up from his thoughts.

"It's so late, haven't you slept so much?" Meng Hailong stepped forward, gently hugged Zitong's waist, and said to her: "These days, I have worked hard for you. "

It's not hard!" said with a smile to the purple eyes, "Village Chief, as long as you can keep me with you, everything is worth it." "


The next day, after breakfast, Meng Hailong carried a hoe to the ground.

The nearby area is vacant, but it has never been developed, so it takes a lot of effort to turn over the land in order to grow vegetables.

Meng Hailong turned the ground here, Zitong and Guo Xiaoai were going to the gold mine to supervise, and as soon as they left, Meng Hailong released a few wild boars from the spirit jade space.

Releasing these wild boars, Meng Hailong naturally didn't want to eat wild boars, he just wanted these wild boars to help him turn over the land.

After the wild boar was released, it began to arch on the ground non-stop according to Meng Hailong's instructions.

Seeing that they were all working the ground, Meng Hailong also threw the hoe aside, with these wild boars to help, he naturally didn't need to do it himself.

The hoe was thrown on the ground, Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone again, found Yike's phone, and then dialed it.

After the phone went out, no one answered it for a long time, Meng Hailong knew that most of that guy was hey again, otherwise, it would be impossible not to answer the phone for so long.

I dialed it again and the call was connected.

After the phone was connected, Yi Ke's weak voice came from the other end: "Village chief, early in the morning, what are you looking for me?"

"Help me check some things." Looking at the mobile phone, Meng Hailong said what he meant, and made sure that Yike had understood what he meant, so he hung up the phone.

Putting away his mobile phone, Meng Hailong secretly thought in his heart that it was really a good thing to have such a friend as Yike.

This guy's hacking skills are too good, no matter what the problem is, as long as it can be used on the network, he can almost solve it.

For the whole morning, Meng Hailong had been watching the wild boar arch the ground.

At noon, seeing that Zitong and Guo Xiaoai were about to come back for dinner, Meng Hailong sent all those wild boars back to the Lingyu space.

At this time, the ground to be turned over has basically been turned over.

As soon as Zitong and Guo Xiaoai came back, they saw that the ground next to the house had been turned over, and both of them involuntarily gave Meng Hailong a thumbs up.

Purple Pupil couldn't help but speak:

"The village chief is the village chief, and the speed of turning the ground is faster than that of a cow, which is amazing!" "Purple Pupil, are you praising me, or are you sarcastic about me?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "I'm a human, how can you compare me to a cow?" "I'm just saying that you are fast at turning the ground!" Purple Pupil pouted and said, "It's you

who sit down and think of yourself as a cow." "

Okay, you two, stop flirting, my stomach is about to be hungry, hurry up and start eating!" Guo Xiaoai urged a little anxiously.

Halfway through lunch, Meng Hailong's mobile phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that the call was from Yi Ke, so he hurriedly connected it, and asked, "How is it, have you found out what I want to know?"

"Found it!" Yi Ke said quickly on the other end of the phone: "Village Chief, your guess is correct, Xiong himself went to Xiba to find your trouble, this is indeed the idea given to them by the empire."

After a morning of follow-up investigation, Yike successfully hacked into some secret systems of the empire and Kumamoto, and from these secret systems, he found several emails between the president of the empire and Kumamoto the Great.

One of the emails was sent by the Imperial President to Kumamoto the Great, in which the Imperial President informed Kumamoto that Meng Hailong had arrived in Xiba, and that the Imperial side had intercepted an important message, and that in the evening, King Xiba had made an appointment with Meng Hailong, which was a great opportunity.

After listening to Yi Ke's words, a fierce look flashed on Meng Hailong's face. He didn't plan to bully the empire, but the president of the empire had to get along with him, and he didn't come to be rude, at this moment, Meng Hailong had already made up his mind that it was time to go to the empire.

Seeing Meng Hailong's gloomy face, as soon as he hung up the phone, Guo Xiaoai hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" "Is something wrong?"

"It's just a little thing!" Meng Hailong grinned and said, "In the past two days, I may have to leave for a while, but don't worry, I will be back soon."

"Village chief, are you going to the empire?" Zi Tong suddenly asked, her hearing was more sensitive than Guo Xiaoai's, just now, when Meng Hailong and Yi Ke were talking on the phone, Guo Xiaoai didn't hear the content of their conversation clearly, but Zi Tong heard some.

It is precisely because of this that she asked such a sentence.

"Go to the Empire?" Hearing Zitong's words, before Meng Hailong could answer, Guo Xiaoai preemptively said: "What are you going to do in the Empire, Village Chief?" I heard that it's very chaotic over there, it's not a very important thing, Village Chief, you better not go!".

"People live in this world, there are only two choices, either to be bullied or to bully others, I don't want to be bullied, so I choose to bully others. Meng Hailong said unhurriedly, "I and the president of the empire can be said to be innocent, but that bastard instructed Kumamoto to assassinate me, if I swallow this breath, they will think I am a bully."

"Only by teaching them a lesson will they be able to live in peace." Meng Hailong continued, "I don't want anyone to know about my trip to the empire, so you have to help me keep it secret, can you do it?" "

Village Chief, don't worry, with your words, even if someone puts a knife on my neck, I will definitely not leak half a word." Purple Pupil said without thinking about it.

"Me too!" Guo Xiaoai also said.

"Well, that's fine!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and then said, "I'll plant a vegetable in the afternoon, and then set off in the evening, what should you do, don't worry about me." When this is done, I will naturally come back.

As Meng Hailong said, after lunch, Guo Xiaoai and Zitong went to the gold mine together, and Meng Hailong took some vegetable seeds to the morning to turn over the land.

Seeing that there was no one around, his mind moved, and he gave this piece of spiritual spring rain.

After the rain, Meng Hailong began to sow seeds, because he was originally a farmer, so it was also handy to be busy with such things as growing vegetables, and after a while, he was done with things.

Because he didn't want others to know about going to the empire, Meng Hailong set the time of departure in the evening.

There was still a period of time before it got dark, and during this time, Meng Hailong accompanied Zitong and Guo Xiaoai for a while, until he finished dinner, leaving the lightning bird here to protect Guo Xiaoai and them, Meng Hailong set off and left, secretly heading towards the empire.

Just when Meng Hailong set off for the empire, Xiong's own country, a good show had already begun to be staged...

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