Xiong's largest airport in the country was suddenly hit by a terrorist attack, and terrorists detonated a bomb in the airport's departure hall, resulting in a serious accident.

The explosion not only caused many casualties, but also almost blew up the departure hall of the airport, but in such a serious accident, Kumamoto did not catch the terrorists on the spot.

Just as Xiong was concentrating his efforts on arresting the terrorists who caused this accident, another accident occurred.

This time, the place where the accident happened was not an airport, but a station.

The station chosen by the terrorists is also the largest station in Xiong Country, but after the terrorist attack at this station, the traffic in Xiong Country was almost completely paralyzed.

Of course, there is more to it than that, on land, terrorist attacks are frequent, and in the sea, accidents are also present.

A bear ship suddenly caught fire, which coincided with the wind at sea, so the fire quickly burned the entire ship.

If only one ship was burned, the loss would not be particularly large for Xiong Guoguo, but the problem was that after the ship caught fire, because the electrical system was destroyed by fire, the whole ship completely lost control, and finally crashed directly into the dock, causing the goods stacked on the dock to also catch fire.

What's even worse is that this wharf happened to store a large number of flammable and explosive materials, and as soon as it was burned, a more serious accident happened again.

The violent explosion shook the earth, destroying almost all buildings within a radius of several hundred meters.

The successive accidents have completely plunged Xiong Guoguo into a dire situation, and everyone is panicked, and everyone is very worried about whether the next accident will happen to them.

The whole country is in chaos, but no one knows who these terrorists are and where they come from.

When Xiong's country was in chaos, Meng Hailong had already used his special method to quietly appear on the territory of the empire.

The person who wanted to kill him was the president of the empire, so after coming to the empire, Meng Hailong didn't go there, and went directly to the presidential palace of the empire.

When Meng Hailong came to the Imperial Presidential Palace. Imperial President Babu happened to be talking to the Emperor Kumamoto on the phone, and when he heard about a series of incidents in Kumamoto's own country, Babu said: "It must be a good thing done by that village chief, you can think of a way, this village chief must be eliminated, otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

When Babu said these words, Meng Hailong was standing beside him, of course, he hadn't come out of the spirit jade space yet.

Knowing that Babu was deliberately sowing discord, Meng Hailong was very angry, and he didn't offend this guy much, but he actually opened his mouth and closed his mouth to get rid of him.

Since Babu wants him to die so much, well, today, Meng Hailong wants to see who got rid of whom first.

To get rid of Babu, this is too simple for Meng Hailong, as simple as a fart.

Being in the spirit jade space, as long as Meng Hailong stabbed Babu twice in the back, he would definitely be able to make him die, but Meng Hailong was not in a hurry to do so.

He could have lived a peaceful life, but when he was so disturbed by the Báb, he even had to fly from Siba to the Empire, which not only wasted his time, but also completely disrupted the rhythm of his life.

Since Babu disrupted the rhythm of his life, then, Meng Hailong would not let him have a good time.

Anyway, they were already here, and Meng Hailong decided that next, he would have a good time with Babu, knowing that he would play him until he was crippled.

No sooner had Báb finished his phone call than someone walked in with a pot of coffee.

As soon as the man approached, Meng Hailong came behind him and suddenly raised his foot and kicked him hard in the ass.

Suddenly kicked, the person delivering the coffee had an unstable center of gravity, and suddenly threw himself forward, and the pot of coffee in his hand, impartial, was poured on Babu.

Babu was so angry that he raised his foot and kicked at the coffee delivery man, and when he landed, he kicked the guy on his back and fell straight to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

The Báb kicked the man to the ground and scolded him again, before turning and going to the back room to change his clothes.

The person who was kicked felt very aggrieved, but he was the president, and he could be executed with an order, so even if he was wronged, this person could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

He swallowed this breath, but there was one thing he couldn't figure out, just now, there was obviously no one else behind him, but he seemed to have been kicked by someone, this thing was very weird, even if he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Although he couldn't figure it out, he quickly packed up and left.

Annoyed the president, if he didn't leave quickly, he was out of his mind.

When Babu was changing clothes, he didn't know that a pair of hands had already moved on his clothes, and after changing into a new set of clothes, it didn't take long for Babu to start to feel itchy all over his body, especially his private parts, which were itching terribly.

Fortunately, at this time, he was not attending any important meeting, otherwise, in front of so many people, if he scratched it with his hands, it would not be so decent.

With no one else around, Babu scratched the itch boldly.

It stands to reason that the itch will get better as soon as he scratches it, but Babu soon discovers that it is better for him not to scratch, and the more he scratches, the more itchy he feels, and in the end, scratching through his pants has no effect, and he can only put his hand into his pants and continue to scratch.

The more he scratched, the more he scratched, and Babu soon realized that something was wrong.

He rushed into the bathroom, turned on the hot water, took off his clothes, and then soaked himself in the hot water of the bathtub.

What Babu never expected was that when he first came into contact with the hot water, he still felt quite comfortable, but as time passed, the itching that penetrated his heart and lungs immediately attacked the nerves in his brain.

Uncomfortable! It was very uncomfortable!

In Babu's heart, he even had the idea that life was worse than death. The itching on his body was already starting to make him feel unbearable.

"Help...", Babu climbed out of the bathtub in a panic, and without bothering to get dressed, he rushed out of the bathroom, picked up his phone, and called the hospital as fast as he could, asking for an ambulance.

The suddenness of what happened was so strange that Babu had already thought of a possibility.

He was secretly guessing in his heart that the reason why such a thing happened to him was probably inseparable from the village chief, because, if the itching on his body was not an accident, but man-made, then, in this world, except for the village chief, no one could do such a mysterious thing.

Guessing in his heart that this matter was done by the village chief, after making the phone call, Babu continued to scratch the itch and said: "Village chief, I know you are here, you come out, what is there to talk to us face-to-face, don't play this trick behind your back, okay?" Babu

wanted to talk to Meng Hailong, but Meng Hailong didn't pay attention to him at all.

Meng Hailong is not stupid, if he comes out, he will be in big trouble, not because he is afraid of trouble, but because he doesn't want to cause chaos to the country.

The empire has been looking for an opportunity to bully Huaxia, but they don't have a good excuse, if Meng Hailong comes out like this, the empire will attack Huaxia under the pretext that he is a native of Huaxia and intends to murder the president of the empire.

Meng Hailong is not worried that Huaxia will not be able to defeat the empire, he just doesn't want to provoke wars between countries, because once a war breaks out, it will only be the common people who will suffer.

He is now in the Lingyu space, as long as he doesn't come out, Babu can't do anything about him.

Although he actually wanted to come out and humiliate Babu in person, for the sake of the overall situation, Meng Hailong still didn't do it.

He would not have harmed many ordinary people for the sake of his momentary pleasure.

The president personally called an ambulance, and the ambulance naturally came very quickly, but when the ambulance drove into the presidential palace, the driver suddenly found that the ambulance did not know what was going on, and the brakes actually failed.

There was a loud "bang", and the ambulance crashed directly into a wall, not to mention that the car was destroyed, and the people in the car fainted due to the violent collision.

Babu was in the presidential palace, and when he heard the sound of an ambulance, he just put on a bathrobe for himself, and then ran out, seeing that the ambulance was only a few dozen meters away from him, but he saw the scene of the ambulance crashing with his own eyes.

He thought he could be helped by a doctor, but now that hope had been completely lost, Babu scolded with his head in his hands, and then he ran back as fast as he could.

This ambulance had an accident, and he had to call a new one, otherwise the itching on his body would surely torture him to death.

Babu ran very fast, without noticing at all, and at his feet, a stick quietly appeared, and when he was caught off guard, Babu was trampled by this stick, and then, he threw himself forward, and fell directly into the mud of a dog, and he could not get up for a long time.

Leaning on the recliner in the Lingyu space, seeing Babu's pitiful appearance, Meng Hailong planned to let him rest for a while, of course, Meng Hailong didn't plan to let him go like this.

The best is yet to come!

He said that he would play Babu to the point of being disabled, and Meng Hailong would definitely do it, because only by playing him with a crippled man would the Babu not come again and affect his happy life in the future.

After falling, it took Babu a great deal of effort to get back up, and when he looked back at the place he had just passed, and saw that there was nothing there, his suspicion was all the more certain.

However, even if he had already guessed the truth of the matter, there was nothing he could do but be angry and panicked in his heart.

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